Evolution of ENCFC in China: Comparison
Please note this is a comparison between Version 2 by Chang Xu and Version 1 by Chang Xu.

生态非商业林认证(Since the implementation of Ecological Noncommercial Forest Certification (ENCFC)自在中国实施以来,取得了一定的生态、社会和经济效果。在这项研究中,我们回顾了国内外文献,以研究由中国政府领导和执行的ENCFC在中国的发展。) in China, it has achieved certain ecological, social and economic results. In this study, we reviewed domestic and foreign literature to study the development of ENCFC in China, which is led and implemented by the Chinese government.

  • ecological non-commercial forest
  • forest certification
  • forest ecological compensation
  • China

1. Germination Stage

This stage is characterized by forestry that focuses on providing wood to meet social and economic development needs, but with a corresponding classification in the form of classified forestry management. In 1956, China began to build nature reserves and protect the trees within them, and the idea of classified forest management was first proposed. Subsequently, the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China for State Forest Managers, issued in 1958, proposed that forest resources should be divided into five forest species according to their role in the national economy: (1) timber forests, used for the supply of wood and bamboo for production and living; (2) special economic forests, used to collect tree fruits and seeds and develop other products needed for economic development; (3) shelterbelt forests, including soil and water conservation forests, windbreak and sand fixation forests, field protection forests, road protection forests, and green forests; (4) fuelwood forests, used for firewood and charcoal burning; and (5) forests with other special functions, including ancient and famous trees, scientific research forests, and national defense forests. Thus, a preliminary version of forest classification management was developed; however, due to the rigid demand of timber harvesting for national construction, wood development and utilization were the main forest resources during this time. The government did not conduct formal certification and classified management of forests during this stage [39].

2. Formation Stage

In this stage, the forestry classification management system was gradually established. In 1984, the Forest Law of the People’s Republic of China was passed by the Standing Committee of the Sixth National People’s Congress, officially dividing China’s forests into the five aforementioned types and restricting felling in some shelterbelts and special-use forests [40]. This marked the initial formation of China’s forestry classification management system.
Due to excessive timber harvesting, China’s ecological and environmental problems have become increasingly serious. Scholars have actively been exploring the development of China’s forestry. Yong [41] put forward the division of labor in forestry. Yong [41] emphasized that “dominant utilization of multiple forest functions” divided forestry into commercial forests, compatibility forests, and ecological non-commercial forests. This played an extremely important and positive role in promoting the classified management of China’s forestry.
In 1995, the former Commission for Restructuring and the Ministry of Forestry issued the General Outline for the Reform of Forestry Economic System, which suggested that forests should be divided into ecological non-commercial forests and commercial forests. Economic forests, timber forests, and fuel forests were classified as commercial forests, while special-use forests and shelterbelt forests were classified as ecological non-commercial forests. Subsequently, the Notice on Carrying out the Pilot Work of the Reform of Classified Forestry Management required the implementation of pilot work for defining the forest classification division of ecological non-commercial and commercial forests, which were concretely implemented into hilltop plots. However, there is no clear document on the construction management method and investment compensation policy of ecological non-commercial forests that matches classified forestry management.
After the significant floods in 1998, it became urgent for China to improve its ecological environment. The Chinese government successively launched various major forest ecological protection construction projects. When the Forest Law was amended in 1998, it further stipulated that commercial forests and ecological non-commercial forests should adopt different cutting and circulation systems and proposed that the central government should set up a compensation fund for the management and protection of ecological non-commercial forests. Clearly, however, the ecological non-commercial forest demarcation is the basis for the implementation of forestry classified management. Therefore, the implementation of the national forest classification regionalization work notice highlights the classifying forest demarcation. In addition, the National Bureau of Forestry and Grassland legally affirmed the use of forestry classified management practices for forestry classification management and mature space.

3. Pilot Stage

In this stage, the Chinese government formulated relatively detailed certification measures for ecological non-commercial forests. The Regulations on the Implementation of the Forest Law (2000) stipulate that the landowners of ecological non-commercial forests have the right to receive compensation for ecological benefits. To address the forestry department and Ministry of Finance’s compensation fund sources, repeated consultations were held, and finances were extracted from government-managed funds, charge reservoir beneficiaries, forest parks, and other ecological non-commercial forest compensation mechanisms, and arranged according to the budget compensation scheme [12].
2001年11月,中国启动了ENCFC补贴基金并开始试点。(2001年实施森林生态效益补助基金试点省份面积为:浙江省63.3万公顷,湖南200万公顷,福建86万公顷,河北126.7万公顷,新疆100万公顷,山东53.3万公顷,安徽80万公顷,黑龙江191.4万公顷,江西126.7万公顷,广西233.3万公顷, 辽宁140万公顷) 中央政府在浙江、福建、山东、黑龙江等11个省投资10亿元,面积约1300万公顷,促进生态效益;补贴标准为每公顷75元。ENCFC补贴基金试点的启动标志着中国森林资源有偿使用进入了一个新的阶段,结束了生态非商业性森林资源的免费使用[12]。

4. 高级阶段

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