Mining activity has increased due to worldwide demand, which rises as the world’s population grows. This mineral extraction causes a significant waste generation, such as tailings and slags
[1]. Mining production comes from all over the world. China, Australia, India, Brazil, South Africa, Russia, Canada, and Chile, are some countries with significant mining production
[2]. Concerning Chile, the South American country sustains a crucial part of its economy in mining activity, mainly in the commercialization of copper obtained from the north of the country. However, with the increase in exploitation, ore grades are getting progressively lower, so mining operations have increased the amount of processed material. Hence, new concentrator plants and the expansion of the existing ones have increased the generation of tailings, which consists of a residue product of the flotation of sulfide minerals
[3]. This has turned into a focus of ecological concern, given the delicate global environmental context, incentivizing many efforts to valorize this residue
The valorization of tailings includes the utilization of the mineral matrix, as it contains mainly silica, and the recovery of residual metals, containing metals such as iron, copper, titanium, and many others
[5]. Depending on the ore and the process used to treat it, it is possible to recover valuable elements from mine tailings. For example, copper sulfide ores are treated by flotation to recover copper, so the produced tailings contain mainly silicon oxide and a variety of metals
[6]. In this regard, tailings may contain minerals such as quartz, orthoclase, magnetite, hematite, pyrite, and chalcopyrite, among others. Additionally, the total iron grade may be around 19%, due to their origin in the north of Chile
[7][8]. In addition, given that tailings have already been mined and crushed, the treatment costs are considerably lower than primary ores, turning tailings into an economic raw material
[5]. Therefore, studies have been made to use tailings as a construction material such as cement and to recover valuable elements such as iron through magnetic concentration and copper through bioleaching
[7][9][10]. This reprocessing of mine tailings by different technologies is being explored to make mining operations more sustainable
[11]. Acid leaching is widely used in mineral extraction and the recycling of valuable metals
[12]. Sulfuric acid is the best-known and most conventionally used leaching agent; however, some studies recommend hydrochloric acid since the presence of chloride ions is advantageous for copper extraction
[9][13][14]. In addition, many studies are focused on copper recovery from slags. Dimitrijević et al. worked with hydrochloric acid concentration below 2 M and combined it with hydrogen peroxide on copper slag samples
[15]. Chen et al. performed a similar study using, also with copper slag, an 11 M concentration of hydrochloric acid at temperatures above 80 °C
CIn th
ileane present research
es hav, we carried out the characterization of an iron-rich tailing and the extraction of metals through leaching
[16]. We focused on some interesting elements such as copper, aluminum, calcium and magnesium.
TIf the
y obtained t tailing is submitted to acid treatment, e.g., with hydrochloric acid (HCl), a liquid solution and an insoluble solid will be generated. Both phases (liquid and solid) represent an opportunity to produce valuable secondary species [16][17].
2. Collection and Characterization of the Tailing Sample
The tailing sample
was obtained from a tailing dam placed in the north of Chile
. Specific (Figure 1a
lly,). tThe sample
(Figure 1b) was taken from the wall of the tailing dam using the trial pits technique. The
n, thi
r results showed that 80%s sample passed through a homogenization method considering rolling and quartering to obtain a representative sample. Subsequently, sieving was performed to analyze the size distribution and it was compared with a Laser Diffraction analysis. In addition, SEM-EDX and XRD analyses were performed to determine the tailing composition. Elements were determined with an AAS analysis.
Figure 1. (a) Copper tailing dam in Vallenar, Chile [18], and (b) the tailing sample obtained.
3. Leaching Procedure
The initial tailing sample was leached using a HCl solution. To
f the perform the leaching, 1 g sample
is approximately below an ASTM 60 meshs were weighed and deposited in round-bottom flasks, each of them with 250 mL of the prepared acid solution (3 M, 6 M, 9 M or 12 M). The mixture was stirred with a magnetic stirrer at 550 rpm under a controlled temperature, coupling the flask with a laboratory condenser tube. After the leaching time, the solution was vacuum filtered using a porous glass filter. The filtered liquid solution and the insoluble solid left in the filter were reserved for later analysis. This procedure was repeated changing the acid concentration, the reaction time, and the reaction temperature as shown in Figure 2,
where corres“C” is the acid concentration, “t” is time, and “T” is temperature. In addition, all combinations shown in Figure 2 were p
nding to 250 µm, meaning that the rmed twice. The dissolution times were 6 h, 16 h, and 62 h, a long enough time. The temperatures were 25 °C (considered as room temperature), 50 °C, 60 °C, and 70 °C. After finishing the experiments, the total iron, copper, aluminum, calcium, and magnesium concentrations in the filtered acid solution were determined by AAS. The insoluble solids were dried, at 65 °C, for 24 h to be analyzed with SEM-EDX and XRD.
Figure 2. Proposed method for acid dissolution.
4. Results
4.1. Tailing Sample Characterization
The particle size
P80 was 221 ± 23 µm accordi
stribution is fineng to the granulometric analysis by sieving, and 216 ± 0.652 µm according to the Laser Diffraction analysis, meaning that 80% of the sample is approximately below an ASTM 60 mesh, corresponding to 250 µm (Figure 3). The
morphology and general composit
ion of the tailing
pasample were identified by SEM-EDX, as seen in Figure 4. At 100×, the tailing particles are irregular, and the composition is based on silicates and iron oxides. The
XRD analysis, shown in Figure 5, was applied to the tailing sample, revealing that the composition was mainly quartz
(SiO2), magnetite
(Fe3O4), orthoclase
(KAlSi3O8), and albite
(NaAlSi3O8), confirming the SEM-EDX analysis. Th
eyrough AAS, it was determined that the tailing contains a total iron grade of 19%
Figure 3. Granulometry of the tailing sample using (a) sieving and (b) Laser Diffraction.
Figure 4. (a) SEM image and (b) EDX mapping of the tailing sample at 100× magnification.
Figure 5. XRD diffractogram of the tailing sample.
4.2. Acid Solution Characterization
The acid solutions obtained through leaching and posterior filtration were analyzed by AAS, giving the concentrations of total Fe, Cu,
wAl, Ca, and Mg. Th
ich is a hige combinations of acid concentration (C), time (t), and temperature (T) for each experiment, along with their results, are shown in Table 1. Th
e concentration
of iron. Thes for each element of interest were calculated as the average between the doubled experiments. Therefore, the standard error was calculated.
Table 1. Average concentration and standard error associated of the elements obtained.
1 This combination was tripled.
4.3. Insoluble Solid Characterization
SEM-EDX analysis, it was fo
cused on someund that the solid samples had an irregular morphology composed mainly of silica with presence of several elements. Figure 6 shows one of the in
soluble solids obt
eresting eleained from a solution leached with HCl 9 M, at 25 °C, for 16 h. The grains are irregularly shaped and the elements
such aare mostly homogeneously distributed in the sample. Table 2 s
hows copper, aluminum, calcium the elemental composition of the tailing sample and the insoluble solid sample obtained under the conditions of HCl 9 M, 25 °C, and 16 h of leaching, by EDX. Results show the weight percent of each element found. Figure 7 shows the XRD of the sa
mple obtain
d magnesied at 9 M, at 25 °C, for 16 h. The main phases in the sample are orthoclase (KAlSi3O8), qu
artz (SiO2), and albite (NaAlSi3O8), m
atching the SEM-EDX analysis.
They found that ifIn the same analysis, it is possible to observe peaks corresponding to other unidentified crystalline species marked with black circles. For further comparison between the tailing
is submisample and the insoluble solid, an X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) analysis was performed on both samples. The results are shown in Table 3.