Microencapsulation of Fish Oil and Natural Extracts: Comparison
Please note this is a comparison between Version 2 by Jessie Wu and Version 3 by Jessie Wu.

Microencapsulation technology arose in the 1950s from the development of dye capsules to be incorporated into paper. MCurrently, microencapsulation can be defined as a set of technologies aiming to protect sensitive compounds from the external environment and further control their release. For that, the labile compounds, constituting what is known as the core, are entrapped by being surrounded by a shell material (the wall). Microencapsulation has been mainly applied in the pharmaceutical industry, followed in decreasing order by food, cosmetic, textile, biomedical, agricultural and electronic sectors. The recent developments in the microencapsulation of fish oil and natural antioxidant compounds are described. 

  • fish oil
  • microencapsulation
  • homogenization
  • antioxidant extracts
  • wall materials
  • quality evaluation
  • food enrichment

1. Constituents of Emulsions/Solutions for Microencapsulation

Before microencapsulation, a stable emulsion/solution must be prepared, and its constituents strongly influence the quality of obtained microcapsules. Figure 1 depicts the extent of use of different polymers for microencapsulation of fish oil (Figure 1A) and antioxidants (Figure 1B), with three main different types: saccharides, which were the most frequently used, followed by animal and vegetable proteins. The extent of use of saccharides has been higher for microencapsulated antioxidants in comparison to fish oil microencapsulations (77.8 vs. 52.6%, respectively), while animal proteins have a higher degree of use for fish oil than for antioxidant microencapsulation (34.2% vs. 11.1%), and both types of microcapsules showed a similar extent of use of vegetable proteins (13.16% and 11.11, respectively). Whey protein (isolate (WPI) or concentrate (WPC)) and maltodextrin have been predominantly used in most recent studies on fish oil microcapsules. In the case of antioxidant microcapsules, maltodextrin is the most preferred wall material, but others, as Arabic gum, chitosan, pectin, WPI, inulin and zein, are also remarkable. In addition, distinguishing between plant (including most saccharides and vegetable proteins) and animal-based materials (animal proteins, chitosan, gelatin and collagen), a higher percentage of plant-based materials (in more than 65% of the reviewed papers) in comparison to animal-based ones is noted in both fish oil and antioxidant microencapsulation.
Figure 1. Extent of use of saccharides (blue), vegetable proteins (grey) and animal proteins (orange) as wall material for microencapsulation of fish oil (A) and natural antioxidants (B).
The extensive use of whey protein is related to its excellent surface activity and ability to stabilize oil in water (O/W) emulsions [1]. The most common presentations are WPI, WPC and hydrolysates (WPH). In addition, whey protein coproducts, such as the retentate of the final microfiltration step in the production of WPI (Procream) that mainly comprises dairy lipids and aggregated proteins, have been tested for reutilization and valorization as low-cost emulsifiers in microencapsulation [2]. Maltodextrin has a high solubility in water and can act as a filler matrix to form stable emulsions. Moreover, it has been reported as good protection from oxidation [3]. The use of these polymers is so well established that the current trend is to use them as a control for benchmarking other less-tested materials, alone or in combination, and only a few studies have specifically focused on them. This is the case of some authors [2] who blended Procream with intact or hydrolyzed WPC to improve the microencapsulation efficiency and the oxidative stability of fish oil microcapsules or used WPI conjugated with xylooligosaccharides to encapsulate lycopene, thus enhancing the emulsification performance, the antioxidant capacity, and parameters [4]. Other researchers [5] combined maltodextrin and WPI to microencapsulate fish oil, finding a high oxidative stability of the obtained powders that was attributed to the antioxidant effect of WPI.
Table 1 summarizes the most recent investigations focused on the evaluation of the emulsion constituents for fish oil microencapsulation. Besides the mixtures of whey protein and/or maltodextrin with other wall materials, the evaluation of different polymers of cellulose, inulin, fish protein isolate, chitosan and soy protein isolate has received interest in the most recent studies. García-Moreno et al. [6] showed the potential of different carbohydrates (pullulan and dextran or glucose syrup) and WPC mixtures for the nanoencapsulation of fish oil. In the same way, Charles et al. [7] demonstrated that arrowroot starch, maltodextrin and WPI combinations successfully encapsulated tuna fish oil, and Damerau et al. [8] prepared emulsions of fish oil with WPC and rice proteins as wall materials, obtaining a high stability that was ascribed to the WPC. Jamshidi et al. [9] allowed the stabilization of water in oil in water (W1/O/W2) double emulsions containing fish protein hydrolysate within a complex of WPC and inulin to produce fish oil microencapsulates. Özyurtet al. [10] also tested the use of fish protein isolate in combination with maltodextrin to encapsulate fish oil, finding better quality characteristics in comparison to the sodium caseinate and maltodextrin mixture. Ogrodowska et al. [11] compared different coating materials (maltodextrin, WPC, sunflower and rice proteins and guar gum) for encapsulating fish oil, obtaining the best overall properties when using rice proteins. In addition, the combination of WPC and rice proteins reduced the fishy and rancid odor and flavor of the powder. Chang et al. [12][13] tested the encapsulation of fish oil using different β-lactoglobulin fibril variants from WPI (β-lactoglobulin fibrils and thiol-modified β-lactoglobulin fibrils), chitosan and maltodextrin. These authors demonstrated that combinations of chitosan (a great emulsion stabilizer) and β-lactoglobulin (with high emulsification properties), which are oppositely charged, improve the microencapsulation efficiency. Encina et al. [14] microencapsulated fish oil with hydroxypropylcellulose, due to its solubility in both water and organic solvents, using lecithin as an emulsifier. Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose acetate succinate, which is water-insoluble, was tested by Loughrill er al. [15] to obtain compatible fish oil microcapsules with aqueous-based food products. Encina et al. [16] synthetized hydroxypropyl-inulin by etherification to increase the solubility in water and organic solvents and obtain a novel encapsulating agent for fish oil. Rios-Mera et al. [17] developed fish oil microcapsules with inulin, soy protein isolate and transglutaminase, the enzymatic cross-linking being crucial to improve the retention of fish oil under stress conditions. It is also worth mentioning the use of konjac glucomannan (favorable water solubility and absorption, emulsification and film-forming properties, besides potential health benefits, such as reducing and delaying glucose absorption, inhibiting the synthesis of fatty acids and controlling obesity) [18], alginates (which in addition to enhancing satiety, have the ability to form a gel that preserves the bioaccessibility of the core material, controlling the release of essential fatty acids in specific areas of the gastrointestinal tract) [19], acacia gum (it has emulsifying and film-forming properties and can act as surface-active substance, and once dried, it constitutes a matrix that prevents contact with oxygen) [20], silica (to form a highly organized three-dimensional hybrid matrix nanostructure that enhances bioaccessibility of medium and long chain length triglycerides) [21], carrageenan (a water-holding, gelling, stabilizing, thickening and emulsifying agent) [22] and zein (a prolamine isolated from maize with hydrophobicity, biocompatibility and film-forming properties) [23] as encapsulation materials in recent studies on fish oil microcapsules. Moreover, some recent publications have also been devoted to improving the oxidation stability of fish oil microcapsules by means of including antioxidants together with the wall material or in the core. Thus, Vishnu et al. [24] applied vanillic acid grafted chitosan for the microencapsulation of sardine oil, obtaining promising results. Yeşilsu and Özyurt [25] evaluated the addition of rosemary, thyme and laurel extracts to a previously formed emulsion of anchovy oil with lactose and sodium caseinate, the highest oxidative stability being found in microcapsules with incorporated rosemary and laurel. In the study of Solomando et al. [26], fish oil was mixed with lycopene and microencapsulated by using lecithin and maltodextrin. These authors reported a significant decrease in lipid oxidation markers as the lycopene content increased.
Comparing the obtained results among the different studies might be quite imprecise due to the influence of the encapsulation and analytical procedures. In addition, the quality parameters evaluated are not the same in all reviewed publications. However, in general, the suggested polymers have achieved successful microencapsulation of fish oil with reasonable oxidation stability.
In most recent studies on natural antioxidant microencapsulation (Table 2), the core material is predominantly constituted by an extract from the leaves, seeds or peels of vegetables (green jelly, red chicory, red cabbage, bay, tomato, sea buckthorn, Securigera securidaca, Japanese quince, Moringa stenopetala, Sida rhombifolia), fruits (olive, cocona, camu-camu, cranberry, pomegranate, araza, mulberry, grape, jabuticaba) or plants (green tea) or even from microorganisms (microalgae). The encapsulation of extracts from rice, oat bran and pepper flour, lycopene, curcumin, propolis, resveratrol, thymol and carvacrol has also been recently addressed. As for the wall material, in several works maltodextrin is blended with different polymers, namely hydrolyzed collagen [27], sodium caseinate and dried glucose syrup [28], Arabic gum [29][30], peel pectin powders [31], cashew gum and Tween 40 [32] and inulin [33]. In others, maltodextrin is benchmarked against oligofructose [34], Arabic gum [35] or inulin [33][35]. In addition, the dextrose equivalent (DE) value of maltodextrin (a measurement of its proportion of reducing sugars) has also been investigated (DE 10-13 vs. DE 17-20) [29]. The different maltodextrin blends reached suitable microencapsulation and protection of antioxidant compounds. Moreover, in the comparison studies, maltodextrin was found to be the best polymer for obtaining high-quality microcapsules. Nevertheless, the use of Arabic gum mixed with maltodextrin (1:1 w/w) for encapsulating carotenoids with linseed oil as a carrier resulted in considerable degradation during spray drying and during the gastric phase of simulated digestion [30]. The use of zein has also been tested for antioxidant encapsulation. Zein is a corn-derived insoluble protein, only soluble in an aqueous solution of >60% ethanol, capable of encapsulating hydrophobic compounds with low water solubility [36]. Thus, it has been successfully used for the encapsulation of an aqueous extract of green jelly leaf [36], sea buckthorn leaves [37] and thymol [38]. Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose [36], glycosylated WPI [4], alginates [39], soy protein isolate [40], starch [41] gelatin [37] and sucrose [42] have also been individually investigated as encapsulating materials. In addition, different combinations of these wall materials have been explored to encapsulate antioxidants, i.e., alginate, pectin, WPI and sodium caseinate [39]; soy protein isolate with soy soluble polysaccharides and maltodextrin [40]; poly(D,L-lactide-co-glycolide), ethylcellulose and polycaprolactone [5]; gelatin–acacia gum [43]; chitosan–carboxymethylcellulose [43]; chitosan, sodium alginate and Arabic gum [44]; carrageenan, lupin protein isolate and chitosan [45]; and WPI and acacia gum [46]. In general, the microencapsulation and protection of the antioxidants have been successfully achieved in these investigations.
Thus, for both fish oil and antioxidant microencapsulation, the current trend seems to be the comparison and/or combination of more-tested wall materials, mainly maltodextrin and whey proteins, with less-tested ones, most of them being from plants.
Table 2.
Evaluated effect, related to the solution constituents, the procedure and the food enrichment, in recent studies for the development of natural antioxidant microcapsules.


  1. Encina, C.; Vergara, C.; Giménez, B.; Oyarzún-Ampuero, F.; Robert, P. Conventional Spray-Drying and Future Trends for the Microencapsulation of Fish Oil. Trends Food Sci. Technol. 2016, 56, 46–60.
  2. Hinnenkamp, C.; Reineccius, G.; Ismail, B.P. Efficient Encapsulation of Fish Oil: Capitalizing on the Unique Inherent Characteristics of Whey Cream and Hydrolyzed Whey Protein. J. Dairy Sci. 2021, 104, 6472–6486.
  3. Rubilar, M.; Morales, E.; Contreras, K.; Ceballos, C.; Acevedo, F.; Villarroel, M.; Shene, C. Development of a Soup Powder Enriched with Microencapsulated Linseed Oil as a Source of Omega-3 Fatty Acids. Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. 2012, 114, 423–433.
  4. Sakulnarmrat, C.; Cao, D.; Ji, S.; Lin, W.; Zhang, X.; Muhoza, B. Whey Protein Isolate Conjugated with Xylo-Oligosaccharides via Maillard Reaction: Characterization, Antioxidant Capacity, and Application for Lycopene Microencapsulation. LWT 2020, 118, 108837.
  5. Paulo, F.; Paula, V.; Estevinho, L.M.; Santos, L. Propolis Microencapsulation by Double Emulsion Solvent Evaporation Approach: Comparison of Different Polymeric Matrices and Extract to Polymer Ratio. Food Bioprod. Process. 2021, 127, 408–425.
  6. García-Moreno, P.J.; Pelayo, A.; Yu, S.; Busolo, M.; Lagaron, J.M.; Chronakis, I.S.; Jacobsen, C. Physicochemical Characterization and Oxidative Stability of Fish Oil-Loaded Electrosprayed Capsules: Combined Use of Whey Protein and Carbohydrates as Wall Materials. J. Food Eng. 2018, 231, 42–53.
  7. Charles, A.L.; Abdillah, A.A.; Saraswati, Y.R.; Sridhar, K.; Balderamos, C.; Masithah, E.D.; Alamsjah, M.A. Characterization of Freeze-Dried Microencapsulation Tuna Fish Oil with Arrowroot Starch and Maltodextrin. Food Hydrocoll. 2021, 112, 106281.
  8. Damerau, A.; Ogrodowska, D.; Banaszczyk, P.; Dajnowiec, F.; Tańska, M.; Linderborg, K.M. Baltic Herring (Clupea harengus membras) Oil Encapsulation by Spray Drying Using a Rice and Whey Protein Blend as a Coating Material. J. Food Eng. 2022, 314, 110769.
  9. Jamshidi, A.; Antequera, T.; Solomando, J.C.; Perez-Palacios, T. Microencapsulation of Oil and Protein Hydrolysate from Fish within a High-Pressure Homogenized Double Emulsion. J. Food Sci. Technol. 2020, 57, 60–69.
  10. Özyurt, G.; Durmuş, M.; Uçar, Y.; Özoğul, Y. The Potential Use of Recovered Fish Protein as Wall Material for Microencapsulated Anchovy Oil. LWT 2020, 129, 109554.
  11. Ogrodowska, D.; Laaksonen, O.; Tańska, M.; Konopka, I.; Linderborg, K.M. Pumpkin Oil Addition and Encapsulation Process as Methods to Improve Oxidative Stability of Fish Oil. LWT 2020, 124, 109142.
  12. Chang, H.W.; Tan, T.B.; Tan, P.Y.; Abas, F.; Lai, O.M.; Wang, Y.; Wang, Y.; Nehdi, I.A.; Tan, C.P. Microencapsulation of Fish Oil Using Thiol-Modified β-Lactoglobulin Fibrils/Chitosan Complex: A Study on the Storage Stability and in Vitro Release. Food Hydrocoll. 2018, 80, 186–194.
  13. Chang, H.W.; Tan, T.B.; Tan, P.Y.; Nehdi, I.A.; Sbihi, H.M.; Tan, C.P. Microencapsulation of Fish Oil-in-Water Emulsion Using Thiol-Modified β-Lactoglobulin Fibrils-Chitosan Complex. J. Food Eng. 2020, 264, 109680.
  14. Encina, C.; Márquez-Ruiz, G.; Holgado, F.; Giménez, B.; Vergara, C.; Robert, P. Effect of Spray-Drying with Organic Solvents on the Encapsulation, Release and Stability of Fish Oil. Food Chem. 2018, 263, 283–291.
  15. Loughrill, E.; Thompson, S.; Owusu-Ware, S.; Snowden, M.J.; Douroumis, D.; Zand, N. Controlled Release of Microencapsulated Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) by Spray–Drying Processing. Food Chem. 2019, 286, 368–375.
  16. Encina, C.; Giménez, B.; Márquez-Ruiz, G.; Holgado, F.; Vergara, C.; Romero-Hasler, P.; Soto-Bustamante, E.; Robert, P. Hydroxypropyl-Inulin as a Novel Encapsulating Agent of Fish Oil by Conventional and Water-Free Spray Drying. Food Hydrocoll. 2021, 113, 106518.
  17. Rios-Mera, J.D.; Saldaña, E.; Ramírez, Y.; Auquiñivín, E.A.; Alvim, I.D.; Contreras-Castillo, C.J. Encapsulation Optimization and PH- and Temperature-Stability of the Complex Coacervation between Soy Protein Isolate and Inulin Entrapping Fish Oil. LWT 2019, 116, 108555.
  18. Cui, T.; Chen, C.; Jia, A.; Li, D.; Shi, Y.; Zhang, M.; Bai, X.; Liu, X.; Liu, C. Characterization and Human Microfold Cell Assay of Fish Oil Microcapsules: Effect of Spray Drying and Freeze-Drying Using Konjac Glucomannan (KGM)-Soybean Protein Isolate (SPI) as Wall Materials. J. Funct. Foods 2021, 83, 104542.
  19. Bannikova, A.; Evteev, A.; Pankin, K.; Evdokimov, I.; Kasapis, S. Microencapsulation of Fish Oil with Alginate: In-Vitro Evaluation and Controlled Release. LWT 2018, 90, 310–315.
  20. Fadini, A.L.; Alvim, I.D.; Ribeiro, I.P.; Ruzene, L.G.; da Silva, L.B.; Queiroz, M.B.; de Oliveira Miguel, A.M.R.; Chaves, F.C.M.; Rodrigues, R.A.F. Innovative Strategy Based on Combined Microencapsulation Technologies for Food Application and the Influence of Wall Material Composition. LWT 2018, 91, 345–352.
  21. Joyce, P.; Gustafsson, H.; Prestidge, C.A. Enhancing the Lipase-Mediated Bioaccessibility of Omega-3 Fatty Acids by Microencapsulation of Fish Oil Droplets within Porous Silica Particles. J. Funct. Foods 2018, 47, 491–502.
  22. Bakry, A.M.; Huang, J.; Zhai, Y.; Huang, Q. Myofibrillar Protein with κ- or λ-Carrageenans as Novel Shell Materials for Microencapsulation of Tuna Oil through Complex Coacervation. Food Hydrocoll. 2019, 96, 43–53.
  23. Busolo, M.A.; Torres-Giner, S.; Prieto, C.; Lagaron, J.M. Electrospraying Assisted by Pressurized Gas as an Innovative High-Throughput Process for the Microencapsulation and Stabilization of Docosahexaenoic Acid-Enriched Fish Oil in Zein Prolamine. Inn. Food Sci. Emerg. Technol. 2019, 51, 12–19.
  24. Vishnu, K.V.; Chatterjee, N.S.; Ajeeshkumar, K.K.; Lekshmi, R.G.K.; Tejpal, C.S.; Mathew, S.; Ravishankar, C.N. Microencapsulation of Sardine Oil: Application of Vanillic Acid Grafted Chitosan as a Bio-Functional Wall Material. Carbohydr. Polym. 2017, 174, 540–548.
  25. Yeşilsu, A.F.; Özyurt, G. Oxidative Stability of Microencapsulated Fish Oil with Rosemary, Thyme and Laurel Extracts: A Kinetic Assessment. J. Food Eng. 2019, 240, 171–182.
  26. Solomando, J.C.; Antequera, T.; González-Mohíno, A.; Perez-Palacios, T. Fish Oil/Lycopene Microcapsules as a Source of Eicosapentaenoic and Docosahexaenoic Acids: A Case Study on Spreads. J. Sci. Food Agric. 2020, 100, 10188.
  27. Vargas-Muñoz, D.P.; de Oliveira, L.A.N.; da Silva, L.C.; Godoy, H.T.; Kurozawa, L.E. Storage Stability of 5-Caffeoylquinic Acid in Powdered Cocona Pulp Microencapsulated with Hydrolyzed Collagen and Maltodextrin Blend. Food Res. Int. 2020, 137, 109652.
  28. Consoli, L.; Hubinger, M.D.; Dragosavac, M.M. Encapsulation of Resveratrol Using Maillard Conjugates and Membrane Emulsification. Food Res. Int. 2020, 137, 109359.
  29. Zhang, J.; Zhang, C.; Chen, X.; Quek, S.Y. Effect of Spray Drying on Phenolic Compounds of Cranberry Juice and Their Stability during Storage. J. Food Eng. 2020, 269, 109744.
  30. Szabo, K.; Emőke Teleky, B.; Ranga, F.; Simon, E.; Lelia Pop, O.; Babalau-Fuss, V.; Kapsalis, N.; Cristian Vodnar, D. Bioaccessibility of Microencapsulated Carotenoids, Recovered from Tomato Processing Industrial by-Products, Using in Vitro Digestion Model. LWT 2021, 152, 112285.
  31. Yang, B.; Kealey, K.; Chen, J.; Solval, K.M. Developing Microencapsulated Powders Containing Polyphenols and Pectin Extracted from Georgia-Grown Pomegranate Peels. LWT 2022, 154, 112644.
  32. Rodrigues Silva, F.M.; Ribeiro da Silva, L.M.; Gomes Duarte, A.S.; da Silva Monteiro, C.E.; Campos, A.R.; Rodrigues Holanda, D.K.; Silva de Lima, A.C.; Bruno de Sousa Sabino, L.; Wilane de Figueiredo, R. Microencapsulation of Green Tea Extract (Camellia sinensis var assamica) to Increase the Bioaccessibility of Bioactive Compounds and Gastroprotective Effects. Food Biosci. 2021, 42, 101190.
  33. Turkiewicz, I.P.; Wojdyło, A.; Tkacz, K.; Lech, K.; Michalska-Ciechanowska, A.; Nowicka, P. The Influence of Different Carrier Agents and Drying Techniques on Physical and Chemical Characterization of Japanese Quince (Chaenomeles japonica) Microencapsulation Powder. Food Chem. 2020, 323, 126830.
  34. De Abreu Figueiredo, J.; de Paula Silva, C.R.; Oliveira, M.F.S.; Norcino, L.B.; Campelo, P.H.; Botrel, D.A.; Borges, S.V. Microencapsulation by Spray Chilling in the Food Industry: Opportunities, Challenges, and Innovations. Trends Food Sci. Technol. 2021, 120, 274–287.
  35. Iturri, M.S.; Calado, C.M.B.; Prentice, C. Microparticles of Eugenia Stipitata Pulp Obtained by Spray-Drying Guided by DSC: An Analysis of Bioactivity and in Vitro Gastrointestinal Digestion. Food Chem. 2021, 334, 127557.
  36. Wong, J.J.L.; Wong, A.I.C.; Xu, Y.; Yuliarti, O. Zein as a Water Insoluble Excipient for Spray Dry Encapsulation of Hydrophilic Bioactives. J. Food Eng. 2020, 283, 110054.
  37. Lyu, X.; Wang, X.; Wang, Q.; Ma, X.; Chen, S.; Xiao, J. Encapsulation of Sea Buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) Leaf Extract via an Electrohydrodynamic Method. Food Chem. 2021, 365, 130481.
  38. Maciel, M.V.D.O.B.; da Rosa, C.G.; da Rosa Almeida, A.; Nunes, M.R.; Noronha, C.M.; Jummes, B.; Martelli, S.M.; Bertoldi, F.C.; Barreto, P.L.M. Thymol Loaded Zein Microparticles Obtained by Spray-Drying: Physical-Chemical Characterization. Biocatal. Agric. Biotechnol. 2021, 37, 102177.
  39. Flamminii, F.; di Mattia, C.D.; Nardella, M.; Chiarini, M.; Valbonetti, L.; Neri, L.; Difonzo, G.; Pittia, P. Structuring Alginate Beads with Different Biopolymers for the Development of Functional Ingredients Loaded with Olive Leaves Phenolic Extract. Food Hydrocoll. 2020, 108, 105849.
  40. Chen, F.P.; Liu, L.L.; Tang, C.H. Spray-Drying Microencapsulation of Curcumin Nanocomplexes with Soy Protein Isolate: Encapsulation, Water Dispersion, Bioaccessibility and Bioactivities of Curcumin. Food Hydrocoll. 2020, 105, 105821.
  41. Zanoni, F.; Primiterra, M.; Angeli, N.; Zoccatelli, G. Microencapsulation by Spray-Drying of Polyphenols Extracted from Red Chicory and Red Cabbage: Effects on Stability and Color Properties. Food Chem. 2020, 307, 125535.
  42. Behnamnik, A.; Vazifedoost, M.; Didar, Z.; Hajirostamloo, B. Evaluation of Physicochemical, Structural, and Antioxidant Properties of Microencapsulated Seed Extract from Securigera Securidaca by Co-Crystallization Method during Storage Time. Biocatal. Agric. Biotechnol. 2021, 35, 102090.
  43. Kanha, N.; Surawang, S.; Pitchakarn, P.; Laokuldilok, T. Microencapsulation of Copigmented Anthocyanins Using Double Emulsion Followed by Complex Coacervation: Preparation, Characterization and Stability. LWT 2020, 133, 110154.
  44. Chaumun, M.; Goëlo, V.; Ribeiro, A.M.; Rocha, F.; Estevinho, B.N. In Vitro Evaluation of Microparticles with Laurus nobilis L. Extract Prepared by Spray-Drying for Application in Food and Pharmaceutical Products. Food Bioprod. Process. 2020, 122, 124–135.
  45. Morales, E.; Burgos-Díaz, C.; Zúñiga, R.N.; Jorkowski, J.; Quilaqueo, M.; Rubilar, M. Influence of O/W Emulsion Interfacial Ionic Membranes on the Encapsulation Efficiency and Storage Stability of Powder Microencapsulated Astaxanthin. Food Bioprod. Process. 2021, 126, 143–154.
  46. Gheonea (Dima), I.; Aprodu, I.; Cîrciumaru, A.; Râpeanu, G.; Bahrim, G.E.; Stănciuc, N. Microencapsulation of Lycopene from Tomatoes Peels by Complex Coacervation and Freeze-Drying: Evidences on Phytochemical Profile, Stability and Food Applications. J. Food Eng. 2020, 288, 110166.
  47. Solomando, J.C.; Antequera, T.; Ruiz-Carrascal, J.; Perez-Palacios, T. Improvement of Encapsulation and Stability of EPA and DHA from Monolayered and Multilayered Emulsions by High-Pressure Homogenization. J. Food Process. Preserv. 2020, 44, 14290.
  48. Linke, A.; Weiss, J.; Kohlus, R. Impact of the Oil Load on the Oxidation of Microencapsulated Oil Powders. Food Chem. 2021, 341, 128153.
  49. Di Giorgio, L.; Salgado, P.R.; Mauri, A.N. Encapsulation of Fish Oil in Soybean Protein Particles by Emulsification and Spray Drying. Food Hydrocoll. 2019, 87, 891–901.
  50. Hamed, S.F.; Hashim, A.F.; Abdel Hamid, H.A.; Abd-Elsalam, K.A.; Golonka, I.; Musiał, W.; El-Sherbiny, I.M. Edible Alginate/Chitosan-Based Nanocomposite Microspheres as Delivery Vehicles of Omega-3 Rich Oils. Carbohydr. Polym. 2020, 239, 116201.
  51. Foo, S.C.; Khong, N.M.H.; Yusoff, F.M. Physicochemical, Microstructure and Antioxidant Properties of Microalgae-Derived Fucoxanthin Rich Microcapsules. Algal Res. 2020, 51, 102061.
  52. Rios-Mera, J.D.; Saldaña, E.; Patinho, I.; Selani, M.M.; Contreras-Castillo, C.J. Enrichment of NaCl-Reduced Burger with Long-Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids: Effects on Physicochemical, Technological, Nutritional, and Sensory Characteristics. Meat Sci. 2021, 177, 108497.
  53. Solomando, J.C.; Antequera, T.; Martín, A.; Perez-Palacios, T. Effect of omega-3 microcapsules addition on the profile of volatile compounds in enriched dry-cured and cooked sausages. Foods 2020, 9, 1663.
  54. Solomando, J.C.; Antequera, T.; Pérez-Palacios, T. Study on Fish Oil Microcapsules as Neat and Added to Meat Model Systems: Enrichment and Bioaccesibility of EPA and DHA. LWT 2020, 120, 108946.
  55. Solomando, J.C.; Antequera, T.; Martín, A.; Perez-Palacios, T. Fish oil microcapsules as omega-3 enrichment strategy in volatile compounds of meat products during storage and cooking. Foods 2021, 18, 745.
  56. Solomando, J.C.; Antequera, T.; Ventanas, S.; Perez-Palacios, T. Sensory Profile and Consumer Perception of Meat Products Enriched with EPA and DHA Using Fish Oil Microcapsules. Int. J. Food Sci. Technol. 2021, 56, 2926–2937.
  57. Solomando, J.C.; Antequera, T.; Perez-Palacios, T. Lipid Digestion Products in Meat Derivatives Enriched with Fish Oil Microcapsules. J. Funct. Foods 2020, 68, 103916.
  58. Sakulnarmrat, K.; Wongsrikaew, D.; Konczak, I. Microencapsulation of Red Cabbage Anthocyanin-Rich Extract by Drum Drying Technique. LWT 2021, 137, 110473.
  59. Dadi, D.W.; Emire, S.A.; Hagos, A.D.; Eun, J.B. Physical and Functional Properties, Digestibility, and Storage Stability of Spray- and Freeze-Dried Microencapsulated Bioactive Products from Moringa Stenopetala Leaves Extract. Ind. Crops Prod. 2020, 156, 112891.
  60. Bannikova, A.; Zyainitdinov, D.; Evteev, A.; Drevko, Y.; Evdokimov, I. Microencapsulation of Polyphenols and Xylooligosaccharides from Oat Bran in Whey Protein-Maltodextrin Complex Coacervates: In-Vitro Evaluation and Controlled Release. Bioact. Carbohydr. Diet Fibre 2020, 23, 100236.
  61. Tolun, A.; Artik, N.; Altintas, Z. Effect of Different Microencapsulating Materials and Relative Humidities on Storage Stability of Microencapsulated Grape Pomace Extract. Food Chem. 2020, 302, 125347.
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