Autonomous Underwater Vehicles: Comparison
Please note this is a comparison between Version 3 by Peter Tang and Version 2 by Peter Tang.

Development of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV's) has permitted the automatization of many tasks originally achieved with manned vehicles in underwater environments. Teams of AUV's designed to work within a common mission are opening the possibilities for new and more complex applications. In underwater environments, communication, localization, and navigation of AUV's are considered challenges due to the impossibility of relying on radio communications and global positioning systems. For a long time, acoustic systems have been the main approach for solving these challenges. However, they present their own shortcomings, which are more relevant for AUV's teams. As a result, researchers have explored different alternatives. To summarize and analyze these alternatives, a review of the literature is presented in this paper. Finally, a summary of collaborative AUV's teams and missions is also included, with the aim of analyzing their applicability, advantages, and limitations.

  • Autonomous Underwater Vehicle(s)
  • Collaborative AUV’s
  • underwater localization
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