Microinjection Moulding of Polymeric Micro Devices: A Review: Comparison
Please note this is a comparison between Version 1 by Honggang Zhang and Version 2 by Lindsay Dong.

Microinjection moulding has been widely used to mass-produce miniature polymeric devices and/or surface micro/nano structures, such as microneedles for drug delivery [1] and microfluidic devices for diagnostics [2,3]. The base of a microneedle patch is usually a millimetre with a single needle of several hundred micrometres in size, while the tip radius is smaller than 5 µm; such examples also include micro gears, micro-optical connectors, and micro liquid dispensers. These products have an overall weight of the patch of several milligrams or below. The other typical polymeric micro products would be micro/nano scale features on a large substrate, e.g., microfluidic chips. Microfluidic chips usually have tens to hundreds of micron channels for liquid manipulation. Such micro parts and micro/nano scale features are characterised by their very small dimensions and high surface-to-volume ratios.

  • microinjection moulding
  • polymer devices
  • micro/nano structures

1. Microinjection Moulding

When the development of microinjection moulding started in the late 1980s, no appropriate machine technology was available. Only modified commercial units with hydraulic drive function and a clamping force of usually 25–50t could be used to replicate micro features with high aspect ratios by injection moulding [1][9]. Using a conventional injection moulding machine to produce micro parts is challenging. From the perspective of processing, decreasing cavity size poses challenges for filling a cavity, especially when cavity dimensions decrease to the micro and nanometre scale. Firstly, due to the decrease in the size of components, the volume of a moulded part decreases to several cubic millimetres, which requires precise metering of a small amount of polymer and fast injection. Conventional hydraulic injection moulding machines have an injection velocity of 200 mm/s. A fully electrical-driven injection moulding machine can achieve more than 600 mm/s injection velocity. A milligram part requires the precise metering capability to accumulate polymer melts less than several milligrams in one shot. The injection screw/plunger has to be scaled down to several millimetres with the precise motion of several micrometres. Some industrial microinjection moulding trials to produce micro parts with conventional injection moulding machines highlighted problems, such as process consistency, long cycle time and waste of material, residence problem (degradation) due to excess material remaining idle in the barrel. Secondly, because of the small stroke of the injection screw/plunger, an injection unit for a microinjection moulding process must respond extremely fast to reach the required injection pressure/velocity. Thirdly, consistency is of paramount importance for microinjection mounding. Micro moulded parts require extremely demanding tolerances, such as for some optical components, up to ±3 µm. A consistent process must ensure proper and repeatable replication of micro/nano features as well as maintaining tolerance. Fourthly, extreme process conditions modify the microstructure and properties of polymers. Additionally, for replicating micro/nano surface features, the combination of all process parameters should make sure that the macro part has no defects, such as short shot, thermal degradation, flash, and at the same time, ensure that micro/nano features can be replicated with high quality and high consistency. Moreover, a specially designed ejection system is required to demould parts smaller than several millimetres in scale, e.g., suction demoulding, air ejection, etc. Progress in variotherm moulding systems has been made in recent years with various heating methods for microinjection moulding applications, such as electrical resistive heating, induction heating, and infrared radiation [2][10].

1.1. Equipment Development

Table 1

 lists some commercially available microinjection moulding machines and their characteristics.

Table 1. List of microinjection moulding machines commercially available and their characteristics [3][12].
Manufacturer Model Clamp




3) Injection



(Screw or Plunger)

Speed (mm s

(Fridingen, Germany)
Sesame Nanomolder 13.6 0.082 3500 10 mm plunger 1200

(Taichung, Japan)
SM-5EJ 50 1 2450 14 mm screw 800

(Barcelona, Spain)
Microsystem 50 56 1.1 2500 14 mm screw 760

(New Taipei, Japan)
AU3 30 3.1   14 mm screw  

(Lyon, France)
Babyplast 6/10 62.5 4 2650 10 mm plunger  

(Warwick, UK)
TR05EH 49 4.5 1970 14 mm screw 300

(Nancy, France)
High Force 5 50 4.5 1600 20 mm screw  

(Exton, PA, United States)
12/AM 129 4.5 2450 12 mm screw  

(Troy, MI, United States)
EC5-01.A 50 6 2000 14 mm screw 150

(Yamanashi, Japan)
Roboshot S2000-I 5A 50 6 2000 14 mm screw 300

(Suwanee, GA, United States)
SE7M 69 6.2 1960 14 mm screw 300

(Batavia, NY, United States)
Si-B 17 A 147 6.2 2452 14 mm screw  

(America North

12/90 HSE 90 7 1728 16 mm screw 100

(New Taipei, Japan)
EP5 Real Mini 49 8 1960 16 mm screw 250

(Michigan, United States)
NP7 69 10 2270 16 mm screw 180

12.1.1. Single-Step System

A single-step system is a downscaled technology of a standard injection moulding machine that combines the plasticizing screw and injection piston together. A single-step system reduces the dimensions of the injection unit by reducing the size of the barrel and screw to ensure precise metering and to limit degradation, as illustrated in Figure 1a5a. High-speed injection and plasticization of standard polymer pellets require a sufficient screw channel depth and sufficient screw strength. As a result, the diameter of an injection screw cannot be smaller than 14 mm in diameter in order to maintain screw life and plasticization efficiency [4][5][13,14]. Smaller diameter injection screws can struggle to maintain injection pressure and feed polymer pellets. The typical single-step system commercial microinjection machine is the Fanuc Roboshot s2000i 15B (Yamanashi, Japan). Compared with other microinjection moulding machines, a single-step system has a larger melt cushion and cold material slug, a long flow length, and difficulties in controlling very small shot weights, for example, 1 mg (1 mg shot weight needs ~0.0056 mm stroke on a 14 mm screw).
Figure 15. Microinjection moulding system: (a) one-step system [6][15], (b) two-step system (Arburg new microinjection module) [6][7][15,16], and (c) three-step system (Microsystem50) [8][9][17,18].

2.1.2. Two-Step System

A two-step system has a separate plasticizing screw and injection piston. One uses a plunger and hot cylinder, and the other uses a screw and a barrel. If the plunger is only a few millimetres in diameter (3–8 mm), it provides more precise control of the amount of material for the same displacement, compared with a larger screw of a single-step system, as indicated in Figure 15b. It still has a large melt cushion, cold slug, and long flow length.

2.1.3. Three-Step System

A three-step system possesses a split plasticising screw, a metering piston, and an injection piston, as shown in Figure 15c. One uses a plunger and hot cylinder for plasticizing, and the other two use a screw and a barrel for metering and injection. Because of the smaller diameter of the piston for metering and injection, precise control metering and direct injection can be realized without long flow lengths. The benefits of this configuration include a very small melt cushion, no cold material slug, and a very short flow length. The typical three-step microinjection moulding machine is Battenfeld’s Microsystem 50. However, to address cleaning difficulties, Battenfeld’s new generation Micropower 5–15t series modified the design of the metering unit (pressure sensor) and removed the shutoff valve. It also integrated optimal solutions for implementing cleanroom applications.

2.2. Process-Rheology and Crystallisation and Morphology of Micro Products

2.2.1. Rheology of Polymer Material at Micro Scale

Rheology means flow and deformation [10][19]. Understanding polymer melt rheology at the micro/nano scale is important for quality control, process design, and simulation of micro/nano features [11][20]. It was evidenced that liquids such as water, silicon oil, alcohol, and polymer solutions flowing in microchannels with characteristic dimensions of tens of micrometres had a viscosity of 50–80% close to the channel, where the viscosity was higher than that of the bulk fluid [12][21]. The higher viscosity increase was attributed to collective molecular motion effects or to the immobility of the layer of molecules in contact with the solid surface [13][22]. Generally, techniques such as rotational, capillary, or slit flows are used to obtain accurate measurements at a series of set strain rates and temperatures [14][23].  Additionally, viscous fluids adhere to attain the velocity of the boundary during flow. However, a relative velocity exists at the contact line between the fluid and solid boundary during flow: this is the so-called “wall slip” [15][30]. Slips of polymer melts are explained by flow-induced chain detachment/desorption and chain disentanglement. The various experimental methods of determining wall slip velocity can be found [16]in an excellent review [31]. In microinjection moulding, polymer melts are subject to very high shear stresses, which can easily exceed the critical shear stress. Since a cavity is reduced to the micro scale, the effect of wall slip would be more significant than the conventional injection moulding.

2.2.2. Crystallisation and Morphology Development

Morphology is the study of form and structure. Polymer morphology is the study of order within macromolecular solids. The thermomechanical history experienced by polymer materials in their processing imparts to its microstructure (crystallinity, morphology, orientation, and residual stress, etc.), as shown in Figure 28. It is evident that the three transport phenomena (flow, heat transfer, and crystallisation kinetics) are involved in structure formation during processing [17][34]. Flow causes macroscopic heat and momentum transport. Meanwhile, it also influences crystallisation kinetics by controlling stress, strain, and strain rates. This microstructure will ultimately determine the product properties (mechanical, optical, and barrier, etc.). As a result, characterisation of multiscale microstructure and prediction of microstructure at micro, nano, and/or molecular scales are important aspects of polymer processing research. Microinjection moulding refers to miniaturized parts or micro/nano scale features. In this process, the material will experience a very high shear rate, injection pressure, and thermal gradients. These extreme process conditions will create a special morphology. This section will review prior work on characterising morphology evolution for both micro parts and micro features and final properties.
Figure 28. Components of a polymer processing system.

2.3. Tooling

Tooling is critical for microinjection moulding. Let us take the microfluidic device as an example. Microfluidic devices are composed of a large substrate, which is the size of a typical credit card (85.60 × 53.98 mm) or a microscope slide (75 × 25 mm) and contains a large fluid inlet and outlet chambers of millimetre-scale, as well as microchannels of tens to hundreds of micrometres in which various fluids are transported and manipulated. Specific features (e.g., micropillar arrays, submicron features) are integrated into the channels for cell separation or for modifying surface properties, etc. The general tolerance is an order of magnitude smaller than the dimensions of the various features, ranging from micron to submicron levels. For mass production of a commercial microfluidic chip, tooling technologies combining multi-scale features are required at a reasonable cost, because the quality and performance of the replicated microchip are mainly dependent on the quality of the corresponding micro structured mould. Hybrid tooling, having multi-scale features, can be realized by several manufacturing processes.  Table 2 compares a variety of techniques for manufacturing micro moulds or inserts.
Table 2. Comparison of micro moulds and inserts manufacturing techniques [18].
 Comparison of micro moulds and inserts manufacturing techniques [86].
Technology Minimum Feature Size (µm) Surface Roughness (µm) Aspect Ratio Material Manufacturing Cost ($) Other Applications
Micro milling 25–100 0.2–5 10 Brass, COC, Steel 500~1000 Microstructures and micro-texturing in MEMS devices, micro-fuel cells, microfluidic chips, EDM electrodes, and optics, etc.
Micro electro discharge machining 10–25 0.05–1 50–100 Conductive material ~3000 Inkjet nozzles of printers, cooling holes of turbine blades, and honeycomb structures, etc.
Micro laser machining 1–5 0.4–1 <50 Any ~3000 Photonics, surface plasma resonance, optoelectronics, bio-sensing, micro/nanofluidic, etc.
Micro electrochemical machining 10 0.02 NA Conductive material NA Turbine blades, shaving heads, artillery projectiles, and surgical implants, etc.
X-ray lithography 0.5 0.02 100 Photoresist >10,000 Diffractive and refractive optics, spectrometer, X-ray grating interferometry, and mask, etc.
Ultraviolet lithography 0.7–1.5 NA 22 Photoresist 1000
Deep reactive ion etching 2 NA 10-20 Silicon 1000~3000 MEMS devices, memory circuits, mask, and flexible electronics, etc.
Focused ion beam lithography 0.1 NA 3 Any 1000~5000 Semiconductor devices, integrated circuits, bio-sensing, and nano-optics, etc.
Electroforming 0.3 0.1 <10 Conductive material 1000~3000 CDs, DVDs, Blu-ray discs, metal mesh, micro-optics, microfluidics, and microelectronics, etc.

For mass production, especially injection moulding, stainless steel can resist wear or other forms of surface or structural degradation over several thousands of moulding cycles, and is a good tool candidate from the perspective of wear and tool life [19][20][21][87,88,89]. Direct machining using micro-manufacturing methods, such as micro milling and micro electro-discharge machining, takes a very long time to machine macro features. Combining conventional machining with micromachining could reduce the total machining time, but it would generate more roughness and burrs.

2.4. Replication of High Aspect Ratio and Submicron Scale Features

Separation and mixing of fluids are common operations in chemical and biological assays. When scaling down to microfluidics, these operations are usually achieved by micropillar arrays. Figure 3 24 shows an electrochromatography pattern, formed by imprinting a COC substrate using a silicon master. The aspect ratio of the individual pattern and spacing are 1.5 and 2.5 [22][102]. Changing the surface energy by patterning the surface with high aspect ratio features has also been widely used to functionalize the polymer surface for cell or bacteria culture. However, high aspect ratio features are inclined to solidify before the cavity is fully filled. This is similar to the frozen layer problem in thin wall injection moulding. Because of limits in machine capability and material processability, the injection speed and pressure that are required over such a short cooling time are difficult to achieve in practice. When polymer melt is injected into a cavity with various thickness features, it tends to fill thicker and less resistant areas. Free-standing pillar arrays are typical features on a thick substrate. Consequently, flow hesitates at the entrance of micro features until a much thicker substrate is fully filled. The resulting hesitation time is longer than the critical cooling time of micro features, and the polymer tends to solidify at the stagnated point. /media/item_content/202210/6350f0ccde3c8micromachines-13-01530-g024.png Figure 3. Electrochromatography microchip: (a) inlet and the separation column on silicon imprint master (5.1 µm in height) and (b) imprinted features on COC substrate [22].

3. Application of Microinjection Moulded Polymeric Devices

3.1. Drug Delivery

Microneedles (MNs) are comprised of many micro-projections with a wide range of geometrical designs, including different sizes in height generally from 25 µm to 2000 µm, and different shapes (solid, hollow, sharp, or flat). The MNs biological-membranes medical device has demonstrated the potential applications in drug and gene delivery by creating more molecular transportation pathways at the micro scale or even nano scale, such as the delivery of DNA into the cell [23][106]. The primary working principle of MNs is to penetrate the skin and directly puncture into the viable epidermis, preventing the touching of nerves and blood vessels. Therefore, the leading benefit of utilising MNs is to achieve pain-free delivery of drugs and offer better manoeuvrability of drug delivery [24][107]. Devoted to next-generation therapeutics, a great number of medical companies and academic communities are actively participating in the research and development of MNs.

3.2. Medical Implants

The development of engineering technologies significantly promotes the advancement of biomedical devices, especially in the field of medical implants. Main implants cover artificial organs/joints, heart valves, biosensors, stents, and scaffolds for tissue engineering [25][113]. The physicochemical properties of implantable materials have a great effect on the service life and practicability of implants, wherever in vitro and in vivo. Importantly, the materials of implants require sufficient mechanical strength, biocompatibility, biodegradability, and enabled cell adhesion and proliferation, etc., depending on the specific applications [26][114]. Advanced application of implants has extended the boundary of existing materials properties and accelerated the development of new sequence-specific materials. Among these, polymeric implants present a long-acting effect on guaranteeing patient compliance and targeting effect. For example, the PLGA/PLA has better controllability on the initial burst and release efficiency of methotrexate and the expanding and degradation of the implants [27][115].

3.3. Microfluidic Devices

Microfluidics is growing into a huge marker potential to many advanced applications that bridge multidisciplinary fields intersecting chemistry, physics, biology, medicine, and engineering technologies [28][29][30][31][121,122,123,124]. Microfluidic devices can be used to perform many detections and analyses such as cell separation, mixing, reaction, molecular detection, drug synthesis, and other bio-aspects. Such a microfluidic device is a so-called lab-on-a-chip that is a highly integrated system consisting of transport zones, mixing and separating zones, reaction and detection zones, and storage and waste zones [32][125]. Available materials for manufacturing microfluidic devices can be glass, silicon, and polymers, depending on specific manufacturing technology and applications. Currently, biomedical enterprises have motivated the rapid development of polymer microfluidic devices, benefiting from their characteristics of large-volume production capacity, low cost, good optical transparency, broad material selection range, accurate repeatability, and extraordinary biocompatibility [33][126]. Microinjection moulding is a commonly used technology for the mass production of polymeric microfluidic devices in a high-efficiency, cost-effective, high-precision manner [29][122]. These advantages are vitally important for biomedical chip applications, the majority of which are for molecular diagnostics and in which chips should be used as disposable devices for preventing any cross-infection.

3.4. Functional Micro/Nano Structured Surfaces

Functional micro/nano structured surfaces can be defined as the production of the device with micro/nano scale features on its surface. The main applications of those micro/nano structured surfaces include hydrophobic/hydrophilic surfaces, self-cleaning surfaces, antibacterial surfaces, bioinspired antireflective surfaces, and cell culture surfaces, etc [34][128]. Microinjection moulding has been a principal technique in achieving the mass production of polymeric devices with micro/nano features. Xie et al. [35][129] successfully microinjection moulded the functional nano structure of the cicada wing onto polystyrene (PS) surfaces, where the PS surfaces showed a water contact angle of 143° and reflectance of ~4%, indicating an outstanding hydrophobicity and antireflectivity.

3.5. Micro Optics

Polymeric optical components present many excellent advantages over glass optics in aspects of weight, manufacturability of complex surface forms, and ease of integration with other optical systems. The main applications of polymeric optics include imaging, illumination, and concentration, depending on the complexity of surface forms which could be conventional plane surfaces, spherical/aspheric surfaces, and freeform surfaces, as shown in Figure 30. Offering high-precision replication and mass-production capacities, microinjection moulding has been identified as the most efficient manufacturing technology for polymeric optics with complex geometrical features. However, high-performance polymeric optics pose harsher requirements to the microinjection moulding process relevant to the form accuracy, residual stress, and transparency control of the polymer. There are a great number of studies done in recent years on microinjection moulding of polymeric optics. The research content mainly focuses on form accuracy, residual stress, and imaging quality.
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