The Concept of Local Wisdom-Based Corporate Social Responsibility: Comparison
Please note this is a comparison between Version 2 by Conner Chen and Version 1 by Astrid Rudyanto.

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) refers to actions taken by companies through socially responsible behaviour toward society, with a focus on economic, social, and environmental concerns. Local wisdom is needed to make corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities benefit local communities.

  • corporate social responsibility
  • local wisdom

1. Introduction

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) refers to actions taken by companies through socially responsible behaviour toward society, with a focus on economic, social, and environmental concerns. Such activities are intended to benefit the community around a company, with the aim that they will later benefit the company itself. For the activities to provide benefits for the community, the CSR must be based on local wisdom [1]. Hadi [2] states that companies need to be sensitive to the systemic adoption of various cultures (local wisdom) in developing CSR strategies.
However, in reality most companies in Indonesia view CSR as a charitable activity, making profits their top priority, without paying attention to the real needs of the surrounding community [3,4][3][4]. This is because companies do not know how to correctly implement local wisdom-based CSR. To effectively do this, they need to understand the concept and emulate successful examples of local wisdom-based CSR implementation that other companies have demonstrated.
The research objective is to formulate the concept of local wisdom-based CSR and provide an overview of related activities that companies in Indonesia have conducted. The formulation of the concept and depiction of such activities could assist companies in undertaking such activities themselves. They will also complement their understanding of the concept of local wisdom-based CSR, so that they will be able to understand and apply it.
Previous researchers have identified how local wisdom has been applied in various CSR activities and the concepts of local wisdom-based CSR. The concepts of local wisdom-based CSR from previous studies are presented in Table 1Table 1 shows that local wisdom-based CSR is conceptualized by comparing secondary data with primary data (i.e., observation, interview, focus group discussion, and questionnaires to local communities). 
Table 1.
Concepts of local wisdom-based CSR in previous studies.


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