State Within a State: Comparison
Please note this is a comparison between Version 2 by Jason Zhu and Version 1 by Jason Zhu.

User:RMCD bot/subject notice A state within a state or a deep state is a political situation in a country when an internal organ, such as the armed forces or public authorities (intelligence agencies, police, secret police, administrative agencies, and branches of government bureaucracy), does not respond to the civilian political leadership. Although the state within a state can be conspiratorial in nature, the deep state can also take the form of entrenched unelected career civil servants acting in a non-conspiratorial manner, to further their own interests (e.g. continuity of the state as distinct from the administration, job security, enhanced power and authority, pursuit of ideological goals and objectives, and the general growth of their agency) and in opposition to the policies of elected officials, by obstructing, resisting, and subverting the policies, conditions and directives of elected officials. The term, like many in politics, derives from the Greek language (κράτος εν κράτει, kratos en kratei, later adopted into Latin as imperium in imperio or status in statu). Sometimes the term refers to state companies that, though formally under the command of the government, act 'de facto' like private corporations. Sometimes the term refers to companies that, though formally private, act de facto like "states within a state". Political debate surrounding the separation of church and state previously revolved around the perception that if left unchecked the Church might turn into a kind of State within a State, an illegitimate outgrowth of the State's natural civil power. In the field of political science, this pop culture concept is studied within the literature on the state. Current literature on the state generally traces a lineage to Bringing the State Back In (1985) and remains an active body of scholarly research to this day. Within this literature, the state is understood as both venue (a set of rules under which others act and interact) as well as actor (with its own agenda). An example of a non-conspiratorial version of the 'state as actor' from the empirical scholarly literature would be "doing truth to power" (as a play on speaking truth to power, which is what journalists often aspire to do) as studied by Todd La Porte. Under this dual understanding, the conspiratorial version of the deep state concept would be one version of the 'state as actor' while the non-conspiratorial version would be another version of the 'state as venue.' The fundamental takeaway from the scholarly literature on the dual nature of the state is that the 'state as actor' (deep state) is a characteristic of all states which can have both good and bad effects and should not be seen as bad by default.

  • pop culture
  • church and state
  • civil servants

1. Cases

1.1. Soviet Union and pPost-Soviet Russia

The Soviet secret police have been frequently described by historians as a "state within a state". According to Yevgenia Albats, most KGB leaders, including Lavrenty Beria, Yuri Andropov, and Vladimir Kryuchkov, always competed for power with the Communist Party and manipulated communist leaders.[1]

According to Abdurakhman Avtorkhanov, "It is not true that the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party is a supreme power. The Political Bureau is only a shadow of the real supreme power that stands behind the chair of every Bureau member ... The real power thinks, acts and dictates for all of us. The name of the power is NKVD—MVD—MGB. The Stalin regime is based not on the Soviets, Party ideals, the power of the Political Bureau or Stalin's personality, but on the organization and the techniques of the Soviet political police where Stalin plays the role of the first policeman."[2] However, he also noted that "To say that NKVD is ‘a state within the state’ means to belittle the importance of the NKVD because this question allows two forces – a normal state and a supernormal NKVD – whereas the only force is Chekism".

According to Ion Mihai Pacepa in 2006, "In the Soviet Union, the KGB was a state within a state. Now former KGB officers are running the state. They have custody of the country's 6,000 nuclear weapons, entrusted to the KGB in the 1950s, and they now also manage the strategic oil industry renationalized by Putin. The KGB successor, rechristened FSB, still has the right to electronically monitor the population, control political groups, search homes and businesses, infiltrate the federal government, create its own front enterprises, investigate cases, and run its own prison system. The Soviet Union had one KGB officer for every 428 citizens. Putin's Russia has one FSB-ist for every 297 citizens.[3]

1.1.1. Chechnya

According to Julia Ioffe, under Ramzan Kadyrov, Chechnya has become a state within a state.[4]

1.2. United Kingdom

The Civil Service has been called a 'deep state' by senior politicians in the United Kingdom. Tony Blair said of the Civil Service, "You cannot underestimate how much they believe it’s their job to actually run the country and to resist the changes put forward by people they dismiss as ‘here today, gone tomorrow’ politicians. They genuinely see themselves as the true guardians of the national interest, and think that their job is simply to wear you down and wait you out."[5] The efforts of the Civil Service to frustrate elected politicians is the subject of the popular satiric BBC TV comedy, Yes Minister.

1.3. United States

  • The alleged deep state in the United States is composed of the FBI, CIA, government bureaucracies, and Media in the United States

1.4. Venezuela

The Cartel of the Suns, a group of high-ranking officials within the Bolivarian Government of Venezuela, has been described as "a series of often competing networks buried deep within the Chavista regime". Following the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela, the Bolivarian government initially embezzled until there were no more funds to embezzle, which required them to turn to drug trafficking. President Hugo Chávez made partnerships with the Colombian leftist militia Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and his successor Nicolás Maduro continued the process, promoting officials to high-ranking positions after they were accused of drug trafficking.[6]

1.5. Other aAlleged cCases

1.5.1. Africa

  • Algeria's Department of Intelligence and Security
  • Cameroon's Cameroon Development Corporation
  • Egypt's Supreme Council of the Armed Forces

1.5.2. Central and South America

  • Brazil 's Army between the 1940s and 1980s
  • Mexico's Institutional Revolutionary Party which dominated politics in Mexico for much of the 20th Century
  • British Guiana's Booker-McConnell
  • Guatemala's United Fruit Company
  • Honduras's United Fruit Company
  • PDVSA in Venezuela

1.5.3. Germany

  • Weimar Republic's Reichswehr
  • Nazi Germany's Schutzstaffel
  • Nazi Germany's Wehrmacht

1.5.4. Turkey and the Ottoman Empire

  • Ottoman Empire's Committee of Union and Progress
  • Ottoman Empire's Janissaries
  • Ottoman Empire's Karakol society
  • Ottoman Empire's Young Turks
  • Deep state in Turkey – Ergenekon, Counter-Guerrilla, Grey Wolves

1.6. Other places

  • Imperial Japan's Army and the Kwantung Army
  • Iran's IRGC
  • Iran's SAVAK
  • Italy's Propaganda Due[7]
  • Jordan's PLO
  • Lebanon's PLO
  • Pakistan 's Intelligence Community ISI, FIA, and/or IB[8][9]
  • United Kingdom 's City of London Corporation[10]


  1. Yevgenia Albats and Catherine A. Fitzpatrick. The State Within a State: The KGB and Its Hold on Russia--Past, Present, and Future. 1994. ISBN:0-374-52738-5.
  2. The Chechen Times №17, 30.08.2003. Translated from "Technology of Power", 1991, chapter 34 Russian text
  3. Symposium: When an Evil Empire Returns, interview with Ion Mihai Pacepa, R. James Woolsey, Jr., Yuri Yarim-Agaev, and Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney,, June 23, 2006.
  4. Julia Ioffe (24 July 2015). "Putin Is Down With Polygamy". Foreign Policy. Retrieved 28 January 2016. 
  5. Khan, Shehab (6 February 2018). "David Cameron's former director of strategy says Tony Blair warned him about a ‘deep state’ conspiracy". The Independent. 
  6. Venezuela: A Mafia State?. Medellin, Colombia: InSight Crime. 2018. pp. 3-84. 
  7. "BBC ON THIS DAY - 26 - 1981: Italy in crisis as cabinet resigns". Retrieved 9 April 2017. 
  8. Who Controls Pakistan's Powerful ISI?, Radio Free Europe, August 14, 2008
  9. "Pakistan's shadowy secret service, the ISI". BBC News. 3 May 2011. 
  10. "The City: A state within a state". Retrieved 9 April 2017. 
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