Associative Classification Method: Comparison
Please note this is a comparison between Version 1 by Branko Kavsek and Version 2 by Beatrix Zheng.

Machine learning techniques are ever prevalent as datasets continue to grow daily. Associative classification (AC), which combines classification and association rule mining algorithms, plays an important role in understanding big datasets that generate a large number of rules. Clustering, on the other hand, can contribute by reducing the rule space to produce compact models. 

  • frequent itemset
  • class association rules
  • associative classification
  • agglomerative clustering

1. Introduction

The demand for collecting and storing substantial amounts of data is growing exponentially in every field. Extracting crucial knowledge and mining association rules from these datasets is becoming a challenge [1] due to the large amount of rules generated, causing combinatorial and coding complexity. Reducing the number of rules by pruning (selecting only useful rules) or clustering can be a good solution to tackle the aforementioned problem and play an important role in building an accurate and compact classifier (model).
Mining association rules (AR) [2] and classification rules [3][4][5][6][7][8][3,4,5,6,7,8] enable users to extract all hidden regularities from the learning dataset, which can later be used to build compact and accurate models. Another important field of data mining is associative classification (AC), which integrates association and classification rule mining fields [9]. Research studies [10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17] demonstrate that associative classification algorithms achieve better performance than “traditional” rule-based classification models on accuracy and the number of rules included in the classifier.
Clustering algorithms [18][19][20][21][18,19,20,21] group similar rules together, considering only representative rules for each cluster helps to construct compact models, especially in the case of large and dense datasets. There are two main types of clustering: partitional and hierarchical. In the case of partitional clustering [22][23][22,23], rules are grouped into disjointed clusters. In the case of hierarchical clustering [24], rules are grouped based on a nested sequence of partitions. Combining clustering and association rule mining methods [25][26][25,26] enables users to analyze accurately, explore, and identify hidden patterns in the dataset, and build compact classification models.

2. The Associative Classification Field

The “APRIORI” algorithm is executed first to create CARs in the CBA approach, which employs the vertical mining method. Then, to generate predictive rules, the algorithm applies greedy pruning based on database coverage. CBA uses a different rule-selection procedure than thwe researchers do—the rule that can classify at least one training example; that is, if the body and class labels of the candidate rule match those of the training examples, the body and class labels are chosen for the classifier. Because the researcherswe attempted to decrease the size of the classifier, the researchers we utilized clustering first and then chose the representative rule for each cluster.
The Simple Associative Classifier (SA) developed a relatively simple classification model (SA) based on association rules. A simple associative classifier was presented by selecting a resealable number of class association rules for each class. The algorithm finds all the rules in the dataset and sorts them based on support and confidence measures. Then, the strong CARs are grouped according to class label, and finally, the user-specified (intended number of CARs) number of CARs for each class is extracted to build a simple associative classifier.
In J&B method, a thorough search of the entire example space yielded a descriptive and accurate classifier (J&B). To be more specific, CARs are first produced using the APRIORI method. The strong class association rules are then chosen based on how well they contribute to enhancing the overall coverage of the learning set. In the rule selection process, J&B has a halting condition based on the coverage of the training dataset. If it satisfies the user-defined threshold (intended dataset’s coverage), it stops the rule-selection process and forms the final classifier.
The algorithm described in thereis paper extends the researchers'our previous work [27][28][30,31]. In [27][30], the CMAC algorithm was introduced; it first generates the CARs by employing the APRIORI algorithm; secondly, the algorithm uses a direct distance metric in the clustering phase of CARs; finally, the cluster centroid approach is applied to select the representative CAR for each cluster, while in [28][31] CMAC is compared to two similar algorithms, one (DDC) using the same direct distance metric for clustering and covering approach in the representative CAR selection phase; the other algorithm (CDC) using combined (direct and indirect) distance metric with the same covering approach to select the representative CAR. This rpapesearchr presents a similar approach using a combined distance metric (three different metrics are proposed by considering the contribution of direct and indirect measures) in the CAR clustering phase after the CARs are found by using the APRIORI algorithm, and the cluster centroid approach is used to select the representative CAR for each cluster.
Plasse et al. [29][32] discovered hidden regularities between binary attributes in large datasets. The authors used similar techniques as in theour research here: clustering and association rule mining to reduce the number of Ars produced, but the proposed algorithm was totally different. Since there were 3000 attributes in the dataset, their main goal was to cluster (by using the hierarchical clustering algorithm) the attributes to reveal interesting relations between binary attributes and to further reduce the future space. Using the APRIORI algorithm, strong meaningful ARs were generated in the clustered dataset, which can be used for further classification purposes.
In [30][33], the authors developed a new algorithm based on strong class association rules, which obtained 100% confidence. They directly produced CARs with higher confidence to build a compact and accurate model. A vertical data format [31][34] was utilized to generate the rule items associated with their intersection IDs. The support and confidence values of the CARs were computed based on the intersection technique. Once the potential CAR is found for the classifier, the associated transaction will be discarded by using a set difference to eliminate generating redundant CARs. This is a nice related work that differs from the ouresearchers' method in the rule selection stage. More precisely, any clustering technique was used in the rule extraction phase of the proposed model.
The distance-based clustering approach [32][35] aims to cluster the association rules generated from numeric attributes. They followed the same process to cluster and select the representative rule for each cluster as in the ouresearchers' algorithm. The steps are similar, but the methods used in each step are different. (1) They used the “APRIORI” algorithm to find the association rules from the dataset with numeric attributes; (2) since they are working with numeric attributes, the Euclidean distance metric is used to find similarities between association rules; (3) a representative rule is selected based on coverage, which measures the degree of a certain rule to cover all others.
In [33][36], researchers proposed a new similarity measure based on the association rule for clustering gene data. They first introduced a feature extraction approach based on statistical impurity measures, such as the Gini Index and Max Minority, and they selected the top 100–400 genes based on that approach. Associative dependencies between genes are then analyzed, and weights to the genes are assigned according to their frequency of occurrences in the rules. Finally, a weighted Jaccard and vector cosine similarity functions are presented to compute the similarity between the generated rules, and the produced similarity measures are applied later to cluster the rules by utilizing the hierarchical clustering algorithm. In this approach, some steps are similar to the ouresearchers' method, but different techniques are used in those steps.
In [34][37], researchers proposed a novel distance metric to measure the similarity of association rules. The main goal of the research was to mine clusters with association rules. They first generated the association rules by using the “APRIORI” algorithm, one of the most-used algorithms. They introduced an “Hamming” distance function (based on coverage probabilities) to cluster (a hierarchical clustering algorithm is used) the rules. The key difference between the ouresearchers' method and the proposed method is that this researchstudy aimed to produce a compact and accurate associative classifier, while its main goal was to measure the quality of the clustering.
In [35][38], the authors focused on detecting unexpected association rules from transactional datasets. They proposed a method for generating unexpected patterns based on beliefs automatically derived from the data. They clustered the association rules by integrating a density-based clustering algorithm. Features are represented as vectors captured by semantic and lexical relationships between patterns. The clustering phase considers such logical relationships as similarities or distances between association rules. The idea is slightly similar to ours, but used a different clustering technique and cluster association rules, not class association rules.
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