AI and Neural Network Algorithms: Comparison
Please note this is a comparison between Version 1 by 熙 魏 and Version 3 by Rita Xu.

Al increases the potential of Micro-Electro-Mechanical System biosensors and opens up new opportunities for automation, consumer electronics, industrial manufacturing, defense, medical equipment, etc. Micro-Electro-Mechanical System microcantilever biosensors are currently making their way into the daily lives and playing a significant role in the advancement of social technology. Micro-Electro-Mechanical System biosensors with microcantilever structures have a num- ber of benefits over conventional biosensors, including small size, high sensitivity, mass production, simple arraying, integration, etc. These advantages have made them one of the development avenues for high-sensitivity sensors. The next generation of sensors will exhibit an intelligent development trajectory and aid people in interacting with other objects in a variety of scenario applications as a result of the active development of artificial intelligence (AI) and neural networks. A neural algorithm application in Micro-Electro-Mechanical System microcantilever biosensors is anticipated through the associated application of the principal com-ponent analysis approach. Researchers investigation has more scientific study value, because there are currently no favorable reports on the market regarding the use of AI with Micro-Electro-Mechanical System microcantilever sensors.


  • microcantilever
  • AI
  • neural network
  • biosensors

1. Introduction

1. 引言

人工智能越来越多地用于与人类和计算机连接和互动。用户可以通过此交互式系统获得更加身临其境的体验,该系统包含未来传感器的功能。它可用于各种应用场景,包括娱乐、医疗康复、运动训练模拟等(如图 1 所示)[9]。
图 1.未来生物传感器的发展趋势。

第2章 AI在生物感测器中的应用研究现状



Suh发布了用于物联网应用的完全集成的便携式多气体传感器模块[10]。对于物联网 (IoT) 应用,如多气体传感器读取和数据分析、模拟/数字信号处理、加热器控制和无线通信,Suh 提供便携式气体传感模块和超紧凑型 MEMS 气体传感器设备。微处理器算法的简化原理图如图2所示。(ESP32).当系统最初上电时,AFE电路元件会经历多次初始化,并产生斜坡电压以使加热器功率达到其目标水平(VDAC)。微处理器可以通过修改加热器控制算法的VDAC来计算功率并保持所需的功率,方法是跟踪通过加热器(Iheat)的电流。Rf应该自动选择,以便实时读取电压。不要让 TIA 输出电压饱和 (Vout)。当电压几乎为零伏时,选择较低的RF。选择 2.1 V 作为 RF 更改的上限。
图 2.在 ESP32 微处理器上编程的算法示意图。第一个过程产生斜坡电压以初始化AFE中的电路组件,并将每个加热功率设置为目标值(VDAC)。通过监控 Iheat 并随后更换 VDAC,加热器控制将加热功率保持在所需的水平。为了防止TIA输出饱和,Rsens读出控制会自动选择合适的Rf。
图 3.通过Wi-Fi从多个传感器传输原始数据进行数据传输。(a) 通过连接到互联网的Wi-Fi接入点传输数据。在这种情况下,传感器数据记录在Google电子表格文件中,并显示为图表。(b) 通过BLE将数据传输到实时创建传感器数据图形的Android应用程序。

2.2. 声音检测场

语音识别是人与智能设备之间双向通信的最人性化界面;然而,基于人工智能(AI)和物联网(IoT)的语音用户界面(VUI)和生物识别系统也引起了很多关注。在声音检测方面,Han等人提出了一个利用机器学习辅助方法进行说话人识别的平台,如图4所示。测试数据由40个人组成,使用的机器学习说话人识别算法基于高斯混合模型(GMM)。其中有 2800 个训练数据。他们断言,使用来自多通道输出的最敏感和第二敏感的数据,机器学习中的高斯混合模型(GMM)与参考MEMS麦克风相比,扬声器识别率为97.5%,误差降低了75%[11]。
图 4.使用机器学习辅助方法识别说话人平台。(a) 利用通用的TIDIGITS数据集和GMM算法进行发言者测试和培训(20名男子和20名女发言者,每个发言者77次发言,总共3080份语音数据)。90% 的 TIDIGITS 数据集用于训练目的,10% 用于测试目的。(b) 来自40个人的2800个训练数据的训练STFT特征显示在t-SNE图中。t-SNE图形将相似对象的高维数据集成到与概率分布相关的低维空间中。(c) 如果发现第12位发言者,则使用多数投票方法在整个框架中测试说话人识别机制。

Sensor technology is evolving as a result of advances in science technology and the popularization of information technology. Sensor development has gone through three generations thus far. Structural sensors make up the initial generation of sensors. By utilizing the pertinent sensor system variables, this kind of sensor can convert the signal and detect changes in the signal. A solid-state sensor is the second kind of sensor and is made of semiconductors, electrolytes, and magnetic components. In the 1970s, this kind of sensor started to evolve. This generation of sensors, which currently account for about 75% of the sensor industry, are often characterized by low cost, high accuracy, and outstanding performance. The smart sensor that this research primarily introduces is the third-generation sensor. Miniaturization and intelligence are currently the two major requirements for sensor systems due to the growth of the Internet and the improvement in human demands. Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) are integrated at the nanoscale and microscale. As a result, MEMS sensors differ from conventional sensors in that they are miniaturized, integrated with microelectronics, and manufactured in parallel with great precision. The potential use of MEMS and nanotechnology in the sensing sector is typically thought of due to their lower size, simpler integration into systems, better portability, and mobility.

图 5.语音用户界面平台应用前景示意图。通过响应扬声器声音的振动,灵活的压电声学传感器将话语转换为电多信号,从而可以提供用于预处理的数字化数据。一旦使用基于机器学习的模型训练数据,就会从语音中收集语言信息。此过程将有助于将触摸操作设备过渡到声音操作设备。



2. Research State of AI Applications in Biosensors


Artificial intelligence has advanced quickly and is currently a popular field of study in technology. It uses densely connected networks to process information in a manner that mimics how the human brain processes information. It is capable of self-learning, parallel processing, and powerful information storage. The fields of application for artificial intelligence are growing as the field’s theory and technology mature. People are already able to see how artificial intelligence and MEMS sensors work together.Include Gas Sensing Fiel, Sound Detection Field, Body Sensor Field and Wearable Sensing Field etc.


3. Research Status of MEMS Microcantilever Biosensors

根据Tiago M.的说法,服装必须包含图6中描述的基本子系统,才能成为未来智能服装互联网的一部分。无线技术或导电织物都可以用于子系统通信[16]。第一种选择通常在技术方面花费更多,并且使用更多的能源,但它消除了制造导电纱线并将其掺入智能服装的需要。新型导电织物和印花电子产品将有可能将传感器大规模无缝集成到纺织品中[1718]。

Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems, sometimes known as MEMS, are electronic mechanical systems. It is a microelectromechanical system that incorporates interface circuits, signal processing and control circuits, microsensors, and microactuators. The microcantilever biosensor operates on the theory that, when the material being tested adheres to or remains on its surface, the mass of the microcantilever changes, which causes the microresonant cantilever’s frequency to change. The quality of the test object can be determined by measuring the size of the frequency offset.

Figure 6. General architecture of IoT smart clothing system.

The benefits of the miniaturization, integration, intelligence, low cost, and mass production of MEMS microcantilever biosensors have made them popular in a variety of industries, including wireless communication 32, biomedicine 33, military defense 34, consumer electronics 35, and many more. It may be claimed that MEMS microcantilever biosensors, to a certain extent, represent the future development of sensor technology, because these advantages are consistent with the path of future sensor development.

The architecture consists of the following main components:

4. The Application Prospect of Neural Network in MEMS Microcantilever Biosensor

  • Communication gateway, exchanging information with smart clothing in order to send information to cloud server or blockchain via internet or intranet [19].
  • Cloud servers that collect and store data and provide certain remote services for smart clothing and remote users.
  • A blockchain. It is not essential to the basic functions of the smart clothing system.

A type of sensor with significant current development potential is the MEMS micro- cantilever biosensor. Due to its benefits in miniaturization, integration, intelligence, low cost, and mass production, it has been extensively employed in wireless communication, biomedicine, military defense, consumer electronics, and other disciplines. It is now pos- sible to use high tech in microcantilever biosensors and spur their development in the present world, where computer science and technology are advancing one after the other.

Additionally, the Internet of Things (IoT) and wearable technology, in conjunction with device-to-device communication (D2D) [20], virtual/augmented reality (VR/AR) [21,22], cyber-physical systems (CPS) [23], artificial intelligence (AI) [24], and smart textiles [25], as well as other developments in 5G communication networks, can enhance human-to-human and human-to-machine connections and interactions.

Neural networks have advanced significantly in models, learning techniques, and ap plications in recent years. Due to its traits of self-adaptation, generalization, nonlin- ear mapping, and extremely parallel processing, it has been widely used in the field of smart sensors. The application increases the sensor’s intelligence and raises its level of intelligence.

2.4. Body Sensor Field

5. Application of Principal Component Analysis in Biosensors

Body sensors have drawn a lot of interest from scientists lately because of their useful uses in the area of smart medicine. Body sensors are now widely used in a variety of real-world settings, including entertainment, security, health, and healthcare. The ability of body sensors to protect and enhance people’s healthy lifestyles is a significant benefit of employing them to monitor individuals. Body sensor-based human motion detection yields insightful information about a person’s functioning and way of life. Figure 7 illustrates Uddin’s proposed body sensor-based behavior identification system, in which a person wears various body sensors on various body areas, including the wrist, ankle, and chest. Sensor data is acquired via wireless media and saved to a computer. The basic flow of the system is shown in Figure 8, which has two basic steps: training and testing [26].

The principal component analysis (PCA) has been employed for a long time as a fault neural network. It uses a vast network of extensive connections of a significant number of detection technique to extract pertinent data from multivariate sensors. The PCA has been neurons for information processing and simulates the information processing function of used to analyze multivariate data for a number of multivariate data analysis technolo-the human brain. It offers powerful parallel processing, information storage, and self-gies, including sensor process monitoring, quality control, and problem diagnosis.

Figure 7. A schematic device of a human activity prediction system based on human sensors.

6. Conclusions

图 8.所提出的基于人体传感器的身体活动识别系统的基本流程。

Future sensors and microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) will play an increasingly significant part in the daily lives as people enter the new era of intelligence and experience the rapid growth of technology. As a result, MEMS sensor systems integrate neural networks and artificial intelligence (AI), and the following iteration of sensors will have a distinct development trajectory. This essay explores the possibility of fusing MEMS microcantilever biosensors with neural algorithms, as well as the specific case of fusing AI with MEMS biosensors. As a sensor type with several benefits, including portability, affordability, and high sensitivity, its integration with the Internet should go beyond the use of neural networks and instead help people interact with other objects in a variety of scenario applications.

作者还采用了一种有前途的深度学习方法,称为深度递归神经网络(RNN),该方法基于序列数据。对用于评估时间序列应用中节律事件的递归神经网络(RNN)的研究兴趣正在增加。与目前使用的其他深度学习技术相比,它可以提供更强的辨别力。因此,使用基于人类传感器的RNN训练和识别各种活动[27,28293031]。 下表用于显示应用于不同类型生物传感器的AI的比较,如表1所示。
表 1.AI的比较适用于不同类型的生物传感器。
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