The Interaction between Urban and Rural Areas: Comparison
Please note this is a comparison between Version 3 by Sirius Huang and Version 2 by Carmen Delgado-Viñas.

The relationships and interactions between rural and urban spaces have long been of interest to territorial sciences. However, approaches to these issues have evolved in line with the changing characteristics of the two types of territories, reflecting new relationships and structures. 

  • urban sprawl
  • rural–urban integration
  • countryside urbanisation
  • deagrarianisation
  • land use

1. Introduction

Any study of rurban-ruralal–urban relations and interactions requires the fundamental assumption that some spaces can be classified as “urban” and others as “rural”. WhileAlthough this is indeed true, urban and rural areas do not constitute two separate territories that can be neededconsidered in isolation. On the contrary, they are suretrongly interrelated in many ways, and their connections must be investigated, theoretically and empirically, in terms of identity, causality, and effects. Terms likesuch as  rural  vs.  urban  and  rthe countral y vs.  the city  are commonly used to identify the main types of geographical spaces, both in academic circles and colloquial circlesly. Defining them, in both cases frequently, impli, usually involves a simplifying conceptual approach to address interdependent and complementary realities, focusing on the main characteristicsfeatures of their interconnections; hence, the numerous and continuousing attempts to derive an almost impossible conceptual delimitation that, until recently, and especially in the case of rural spaces, frequentusually lacked exhaustivs completeness and precisionaccuracy [ 1 , 2 ][1][2].

2. Interaction between Rural and Urban Spaces: Updating of the Theoretical Framework

The terms "rural" and "urban"” and “urban” refer to spatial realities that have often been interpreted as opposed, or even antagonistic and divergent [ 10 [3][4], 11 ], from a dichotomous binary perspective based on alterity withto the urban environment. This approach not only represents a simplification in various aspects, but also expresses a non-existent homogeneity of rural and urban spaces, as if there were only one model of each category.
S The spatial reality is much more complex than the prabovevious notion. FurthermoreMoreover, this issue of complexity is increasing, and a fullcomplete understanding of the need forquestion would require multiple interdisciplinary analyses. This is especially trueparticularly so today, when hybrid spatial environments [[5] 12 ] and numerous multifunctional rural landscapes [ 13 ] are betaking configuredshape [6]. Although the most intense interactions are taking place in rural spaces that have becomen integrated into functional urban and peri-urban areas, rural spaces that are more distant or less well connected towith urban ones are also experiencing the impact of cities, albeit indirectly; for example, as the drop in falling levels of population levels caused by rural-urban migration [[7]. As 14 ].
Rregardings the first aspect, many rural areas are now witnessing the birth of a differentiatedstinct spatial reality. The term “new rurality” [[8][9][10][11] 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 ] refers to the reconstructed forms of organizsation and the functional transformations that are being observed in spaces that previously had a rural identity and that are now evolving towards a different category of rural space. [ 19 , 20 ][12][13]. Although the meanings assigned to this term by different theorists do not always coincide, in particular, there are significant conceptual differences between European [ 21 ][14] and Latin American [authors 22 ] authors., 23 , 24 , 25 , 26 , 27 , 28 ][15][16][17][18][19][20][21], it is generally accepted that the essential features of this “new rurality” consist of a greatern increased mobility of people and merchandisegoods, the diversification of economic activities and a modification of the use of the land. soil land use [ 29 , 30 ][22][23]. A major socioeconomic transformation that has taken place in many areas is that of “deagrarianizsation” [ 31 [24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31], 32 , 33 , 34 , 35 , 36 , 37or , 38], that is, the reduction in the importance of agriculturalrarian activities, in terms of employed population and income, and the correspondingly greater weight of non-agriculturalarian forms of employment. The degrarizoccupation. Deagrarianisation leads to a progressive loss of traditional ways of life, souch that agriculturalarian activity ceases to constitute the economic base and the main hallmark of rurality. It is a process that responds to the new productive and territorial logics of the globalizsed economy and that hahas been associated with deruralizsation [ 39[32] ] from a perspective based on the premise—tquite questionable in our opinion—that the rural environment can be fully identified with agricultural activity. As far aconcerns Spain is concerned, deagrarianizsation [[33][34][35] 40 , 41 , 42] has been cited among the structural causes of the rural exodus, with specialarticular reference to the modernizsation of agriculturalrarian activity [ 43 ][36]. For this reason, it is often svieen as a wed as an effect that is generalized effect sed and not exclusive to urbanizsed rural areas. Another significant change, as a generally rule complementary to the previous onabove, is the shift in patterns of employment and economic activity towards the services sector, together with the acquisition of a subsidiary residential function with the construction of second homes for the urban population [ 44 , 45 , 46 ][37][38][39]. The historical interaction between rural and urban spaces has been constantly evolvingvolved incessantly, profoundly transforming the relationships between the countryside and the city [[40] 47 ] and blurring the boundaries between urban and rural environments. HowNevertheless, significant differences persistremain, and few authors question the existence of a rural-urban gap. Furthermoredivide. Moreover, scholars have observed the gradual consolidation of fissures between different types of rural spaces [ 48 [41][42][43], 49 , 50 ], although thesey may be maskconcealed by the regular occupational mobility of a large part of the rural population [ 51 , 52 ][44][45]. It is almost universally reacognizknowledged that the main driver of these changes is 'rural urbanization'sation”. This process has multipleany consequences, including the physical modification of the territory and changes in its socioeconomic structures [ 53 , 54 , 55 ][46][47][48]. This urbanizsation is functional, morphological, landscape-based and cultural, and occursit takes place not only in areas bordering or with easreadily accessible to large cities, but also in more remote areasterritories and those bordering medium-sized and even small cities [ 56 [49][50][51], 57 , 58which ] , thus configuringe micropolitan areas [ 59 ][52]. The fact that urbanizsation processes are the main factor triggering the territorial mutations that have occurred in many contemporary societies [ 60 , 61 , 62[53][54][55] ] explains the primacy of the urban-centric approachstandpoint that has been adopted in most studies. about of rural areas, both past and past. present [ 63 , 64 ][56][57]. Thus, it is very widely accepted that the revitalizsation of rural spaces goes throughtakes place via logics according to which they are modified physically and socially modified. These logics also have an , moreover, impact on the strategies used to obtain the economies of urban agglomeration, such as spatial externalities, from which some rural areas also benefit [65[58][59][60][61][62][63]. ,In 66 , 67 , 68 , 69 , 70 ]. Cconvetrselyast, other spaces, typicgenerally those in peripheral and marginal locations, may suffer from the adverse effects of refluxfrom backwash, a process associated with the core-entre–periphery paradigm [ 71 , 72 , 73 , 74 , 75 , 76 , 77 , 78 , 79 , 80 , 81 ][64][65][66][67][68][69][70][71][72][73][74]. The urban-centric notion is also related to numerous concepts and words that have been coined to define the changing relationships between rural and urban settingenvironments: “suburbanizsation” [ 82 [75][76], 83 ], “peri-urbanizsation” [ 84 [77][78], 85 ], “rurbanizsation” [ 86 [79][80][81], 87 , 88 ], “exurbanizsation” [ 89 ][82], “rural urbanity” [ 90 ][83], “rural gentrification” [ 91 , 92 [84][85][86], 93 ], “urban countryside”, “infiltration of the city into the countryside” [ 94][87], etc. FurIn addithermoreion, some of these terms are closely related to a process that has been calltermed “counter-urbanizsation” [ 95 , 96 , 97 , 98 ][88][89][90][91]. The proliferation of recent studies that addressing these concepts highlights their conceptual interest and underlines the presence of a renewed dialogue between rural and urban geographies. Another relevant consideration is the territorial concept of a sprawltown [ 99 [92][93][94], 100 , 101 ], also identified as “ città diffusa, campagna urbanizzata [ 102 , 103 , 104 , 105 [95][96][97][98][99][100][101][102][103], 106 , 107 , 108 , 109 , 110 ], characterized by the absence of vertical territorial hierarchies from the centrer to the periphery, which are replaced by horizontal connections betweenamong population centerres and by the dispersion of functions [ 111 , 112 ][104][105]. It is now widely accepted that the foldrmer elements of differentiation between urban and rural contexts are no longerhave ceased to be operational and that alternative approaches to spatial realities are required. One of thesesuch approaches involves the functional integration of the two types of geographical spaces, whose hallmarkssigns of identity, such as agricultural activities, are weakening but have not completentirely disappeared [ 113 ][106]. One resoulttcome of these changes is the creation of multifunctional spaces and hybrid landscapes [ 114 [107][108][109], 115 , 116 ], ambiguous spaces in which urban and rural fecharaturecteristics fade or even disappear as clearly legible spatial units within the landscape [ 117, 118 , 119 ][110][111][112]. Recent studies onf these issuesquestions have adopted a more fully integrated perspective of geographic space, movgoing beyond the dichotomous viewstandpoint, which many believe reflects an anachronistic static perspective [ 120 , 121 , 122 , 123 , 124 , 125 , 126 , 127 , 128 , 129 , 130 , 131 , 132 ][113][114][115][116][117][118][119][120][121][122][123][124][125]. Geographical space has long been viewed and analyzsed as a continuum, containing a gradual transition from urban to rural and vice versa, without noticeremarkable territorial discontinuities [ 133 ][126]. However, this interpretation has been quchallestionnged by some authors [[127] 134 ] and updated and reformulated by others [ 135 , 136 , 137 ][128][129][130]. HowNevertheless, for most experts, the concept of a spatial continuum is accepted as a gradient of urban levels of urbanity/rurality levels[131] [ 138 ] or as cyclical phases of urbanizsation [ 139 ][132]. Some authors even deny the usefulness of the traditional terminology for different types of spaces (suburban, peri-urban and rururban), affirclaiming that what has been configured is a new model of a detachthe disassociated city that is post-industrial or even post-urban [ 140 , 141 [133][134][135][136][137][138], 142 , 143 , 144 , 145 ], which should be undviewerstood as an integrated joined-up mosaic of urban elements within a territorial matrix [[139] 146 ] as athe result of a “metastatic metropoliticizanisation” [ 147 , 148 , 149 ][140][141][142]. The question of how rural and areas and zoning inre interrelated has attracted increasgrowing interest since the late 20end of the twentieth century [ 150 ][143], withand increasing snumbers of studies inhave been undertaken in this regard, influencing socio-economic and land-use planning policies. for rural areas and leading to the adoption of new paradigmatic and methodological approaches. This new standpoint of view could might be seen as a "rejuvenation" of rural geographic studies, based on a scientific and epistemological renewal achieved through dialogue and debate betweenamong rural and urban researchers seeking to improvenhance our understanding of developments in this area[ 151][144]. Although the contemporary approach to rural geography maintains some classical criteria, it also reveals new perspectives and itakes increasingly interested in the diverse practices and representations of the rural environment and its inhabitants [ 152 , 153 , 154 ][145][146][147]. This evolving research focus first became apparent in the United States and Europe [ 155 , 156 , 157 , 158 , 159 , 160 , 161 , 162 , 163 , 164 , 165 , 166 , 167 , 168 , 169[148][149][150][151][152][153][154][155][156][157][158][159][160][161][162][163][164] , 170 , 171 ] and then later in Latin America [ 172 , 173 [165][166][167][168][169][170][171][172], 174 , 175 , 176 ,177 , 178 , 179 ], and it is currently becoming accepted in Asia, especially in China [ 180 , 181 , 182 , 183 ][173][174][175][176]. In the latter country, afterollowing the accelerated urbanizsation of the countryside under the model of state capitalism applied in China since the end of thlate 1970s [ 184 ][177], dramathereic changes have been drastic changestaken place in land use, with a large-scale conversion offrom agrarian to urban practices. This development has attracted the attention of numerous researchers from different areas of knowledge, including geography, economics, and e and the environmental sciences [ 185 , 186 , 187, 188 , 189 , 190 ][178][179][180][181][182][183]. Numerous recent studies have analyzsed and interpreted the functional territories [[184] 191 ] resulting from rural-urban integration or hybridizsation [[185][186][187][188] 192 , 193 , 194 , 195 ] in the so-carealled termed the “rural-urban fringe”, understooviewed as a space with its own unique characteristics character[189][190]. [ 196 , 197 ]. This entity has also been described as the “rural-urbanban-rural interface” and as being composed of urbanizsed rural areas, intermediate territories, intermediate-between territories (TiBs), the territories of a new modernity [[191][192] 198 , 199 ] or “hybrid geographies”. Most studies onf these issuesquestions have focused on the territorial transformations derivedarising from economic and technical changes (degrarizagrarianisation and outsourcingtertiarisation, in particular) in the distribution of services and production centerres, in physical and virtual accessibility and, especially, in mobility [ 200 ][193]. On the other hand, some recent analyzses of rurality and urbanity [ 201 ,[194][195] 202 ] continue to address quantifiable data such as population size [ 203 , 204 , 205 , 206 [196][197][198][199][200], 207 ], population density and/or distances between settlements of different categories [203, 204, 205, 206, 207] 208 , 209 ][201][202]. However, these indicators are relatively ineffective as a means of describing rurality [ 210 [203][204][205], 211even ,the 212], including multivariate ones that incorporateing not only population density but also factors such as demographic dynamics, mobility patterns, migrations, and distances to major service centerres [ 213 , 214 , 215 , 216 , 217 ][206][207][208][209][210]. Very few analyzses have also used geographic information techniques for territorial measurement [ 218 , 219 ][211][212]. It has been observed that the effects of the urbanizsation of rural spaces mustshould be considered according to the specific conditions of both the rural and the urban spaces in which the process takes place [ 220 ][213]. The reasontionale for this is that the dynamics of urbanizsation do not occur in the same way or with the same intensity in all territories. In recent times, both the variety and the complexity of rural spaces have intensified; some are evolveing dynamically, while others are characterizsed by stagnation and decline.


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