Lorenzo Iorio: Comparison
Please note this is a comparison between Version 4 by Amina Yu and Version 3 by Amina Yu.
  • general relativity
  • gravitation
  • astronomy
  • astrophysics
  • celestial mechanics
  • satellite dynamics

1. Brief Introduction 

Lorenzo Iorio was born in Bari, Italy, in 1971.

He received his precollege and college education there, obtaining a degree in physics from the University of Bari in 1997. In 2002, he earned the Ph.D. Degree in physics from the Department of Physics "Michelangelo Merlin", the University of Bari, where he also completed his postdoctoral studies. He is currently qualified at the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (M.I.U.R.) both as an Associate Professor and Full Professor for Astronomy, Astrophysics, and Earth and Planetary Physics, and for Theoretical Physics of the Fundamental Interactions, respectively.

2. Research Interest

His research activity is currently in the field of gravitational physics, in particular, experimental/observational tests of general relativity and modified models of gravity in several astronomical and astrophysical scenarios, and their theoretical interpretation. So far, he has published more than 230 articles in peer-reviewed journals. According to the SAO/NASA ADS database, his h-index is, at present, 41, with over 3800 citations (self-citations excluded). Some papers of him attracted the attention of certain international scientific magazines. So far, he has received more than 35 requests by foreign students of international academic institutions as supervisor of their Ph.D. and/or post-Doc research activity.

He has acted as a referee for several international research institutions like the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the European Space Agency (ESA), the Swiss National Science Foundation, the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), the National Research Foundation (NRF), South Africa, the former Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council (PPARC), the National Center for Science and Technology Evaluation (NCSTE) of Kazakhstan, and the Czech Science Foundation (GACR). He received an invitation on behalf of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences to submit nominations for the Crafoord Prize 2006. He is currently a Fellow of some professional societies like the Royal Astronomical Society (RAS) and the International Astronomical Union (IAU). He received a grant of the Young Researchers Project 2001 by the University of Bari in 2001. He was the recipient of an award by the Italian Physical Society (SIF) in 2003 for his scientific activity, and he received the Scholarship Luigi Volta for the Study of Astronomy from the Centre for Scientific Culture Alessandro Volta in 2006. Elsevier awarded him two New Astronomy Top Cited Author Awards in 2010.  The Editors of the journal New Astronomy, published by Elsevier, selected him as one of the most valuable reviewers for the years 2013 and 2014. In February 2015, the VIA-Academy included him in the Top Italian Scientists (TIS) ranking. He is currently serving as Editor-in-Chief of the journal Universe, and Associate Editor of the journals Galaxies and Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences.

3. Principal Researches

Violation of the CP symmetry in B mesons, Wehe and his colleagues investigated possible strategies to reduce the experimental uncertainty on the angle α of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix in B meson systems.

Phenomenology of general relativistic gravitoelectromagnetismIn the weak-field and slow-motion approximation, the field equations of the Einstein's General Theory of Relativity get linearized, thus closely resembling the Maxwellian linear equations of electromagnetism. As a result, many interesting effects on the motion of test bodies and electromagnetic waves occur. WeHe and his colleagues analyzed tests of some general relativistic gravitoelectromagnetic orbital effects in the gravitational field of the Earth with artificial satellites, in the Solar System (Moon, Sun-planets, Sun-spacecraft, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter), in some extrasolar planetary systems, and in the Galactic centre. According to some researchers, Earth's artificial satellites may be used to test some exotic models of modified gravity as well; this proposal was investigated in. Also the impact of General Relativity on unbound, hyperbolic orbits was analyzed in the framework of the so-called flyby anomaly. Gravitomagnetism has connections with gravitational waves as well; they were elucidated in.

Some methodological issues about testing General Relativity Several tests of General Relativity are often performed in an “opportunistic” way by exploiting spacecraft-based missions originally designed for different purposes.

Gravitational and non-gravitational satellite orbital perturbations in space-based tests of general relativity, Wehe and his colleagues investigated in detail many classical orbital perturbations of gravitational and non-gravitational origin because they are of crucial importance in realistically assessing the error budget in many ongoing or proposed satellite-based tests of general relativity like, e.g., LARES.

Tests of the equivalence principle in space-based scenarios, Wehe and his colleagues studied the possibility of testing the weak equivalence principle with some existing or proposed Earth's artificial satellites without any mechanism of compensation of the non-gravitational orbital perturbations. The equivalence principle was used also to constrain some orbital parameters of the planetary system hosted by the pulsar PSR B1257+12. Complete orbital effects due to a violation of the strong equivalence principle in an external field were investigated as well.

Earth-based tests of general relativistic gravitoelectromagnetism, Wehe and his colleagues studied the possibility of performing some laboratory-scale terrestrial experiments to test some predictions of the linearized approximation of General Relativity.

Derivation of new gravito magnetic effects, Wehe and his colleagues derived, in the weak-field and slow-motion approximation, some new gravitomagnetic spin-orbit effects affecting the path of bodies moving in the field of rotating masses and investigated the possibility of detecting them in space-based scenarios. Gravitomagnetic effects arising from possible Lorentz violations around static bodied were investigated as well.

Study of some approximated solutions of the Einstein's field equations, Wehe and his colleagues analytically worked out the geodesic equations of an approximated solution of the Einstein's field equations in which the rotational effects are larger than the mass ones in order to investigate its physical plausibility.

Multidimensional braneworld models of gravity, Wehe and his colleagues analytically derived some weak-field effects of certain multidimensional braneworld models of gravity recently proposed, and investigated the possibility of putting them to the test with Earth's artificial satellites, Solar System's planetary motions, and binary pulsar's dynamics.

Phenomenology of Dark Matter and the cosmological constant in the Solar System. The latest determinations of the extra-precessions of the perihelia ϖ of some Solar System's planets allowed us to tackle the problem of the influence of the Dark Matter distribution and of the cosmological constant in the Solar System. The effect that a potential accumulation of non-annihilating Dark Matter on the Sun may have had on the Solar System&#s; evolution was investigated as well. Inhomogeneous cosmological models, like the Lemaître-Tolman-Bondi solution, have recently received attention in view of their potential ability to explain the Universe's acceleration without resorting to Dark Energy. Their local effects on the dynamics of some Solar System's objects were investigated to phenomenologically put constraints on some key parameters of the LTB models.

Solar System phenomenology of local effects of cosmological originUsing the most recent upper bounds on the anomalous perihelion precessions of some planets of the Solar System, phenomenological constraints on local, Coriolis-type rotational effects of cosmological origin were posed. Possible local orbital effects of the order of H caused by the expansion of the Universe have been examined as well.

Constraints on Varying Speed of Light (VSL) theories and on spatial variations of fundamental coupling constantsWe, he and his colleagues used the latest observational determinations of the extra-precessions of the perihelia ϖ of some planets of the Solar System to put constraints on the time variation of the speed of light in the context of some recently proposed VSL theories. The orbital effects of putative spatial variations of the fine structure constant for the major bodies of the Solar System were investigated as well. Solar System's orbital dynamics was used to rule out a possible temporal variation of the Newtonian constant of gravitation G which could account for the observed discrepancy among its measurements performed over the years in Earth-based laboratories with various techniques.

Phenomenology of other long-range modified models of gravity, Wehe and his colleagues used the latest observational determinations of the extra-precessions of the perihelia ϖ of some planets of the Solar System to put constraints on several long-range modified models of gravity recently put forth to address the Dark Energy and Dark Matter puzzles. Also the Hořava-Lifshitz gravity, which involves a breaking of the Lorentz spacetime symmetry at a certain level, was investigated from a phenomenological point of view by constraining it from Solar System's and extrasolar planetary motions.

Galactic dynamics in modified models of gravity and Dark MatterThe motion of the Sun throughout the Milky Way in the past 4.5 Gyr was studied according to different models of Dark Matter, MOdified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) and MOdified Gravity (MOG). Also the motions of the Magellanic Clouds in the Milky Way's field were studied within such three models. The motion of the Sun in the Galactic field backward in time was investigated as well to tentatively put preliminary anthropic constraints on the Cosmological Constant Λ.

Test particle motion around a mass-varying primaryThe orbital effects of the time variation of the gravitational parameter µ=GM of a central mass on the motion of a test particle around it were investigated and applied to the future evolution of the Solar System. The case in which a non-isotropic mass variation occurs for the orbiting particle was studied as well.

Unexplained perihelion precession of Saturn and other possible astrometric anomalies in the Solar SystemIn 2008, it seemed that an anomalous secular precession of the perihelion of Saturn had been determined by analyzing some years of radio-technical data from the Cassini spacecraft with some versions of the EPM and INPOP ephemerides in use at that time. Its possible origin in terms of standard or exotic gravitational physics was investigated in obtaining negative answers. Another astrometric anomaly detected in the last decade by analyzing long LLR data records covering about 39 years consists of an anomalous increase of the eccentricity of the orbit of the Moon. Possible explanations in terms of standard and non-standard laws of gravitation were examined. Some possible explanations for the so-called flyby anomaly, consisting in an unexplained change in the radial velocity experienced by certain spacecraft at some of their Earth flybys. An overview of the possible anomalies of gravitational origin in the Solar System was offered.

The Kuiper Belt, the Oort cloud and putative distant planet(s)By using the estimated extra-precessions of the perihelia ϖ of the inner planets of the Solar System and simple ring models wehe and his colleagues constrained the mass of the Kuiper Belt Objects and compared ourthe result with other estimates obtained with different, non-dynamical techniques [1, 2]. WeHe and his colleagues also investigated the impact of neglecting the Kuiper Belt Objects in some spacecraft-based high-precision tests of post-Newtonian gravity recently proposed [3]. The perihelia of the inner planets were also used to put dynamical constraints on a hypothetical distant body of planetary/stellar size which allowed to rule out some scenarios proposed in the literature. The ranging data of the spacecraft Cassini, which orbited Saturn since 2004 to 2017, were used to study the effect of some hypothetical planetary scenarios (Planet Nine or Telisto and Pianet Eleven or Taraktor) on the Earth-Saturn range. The ongoing New Horizons mission to the Pluto system could also be used to put tighter constraints on such a putative object. The orbital dynamics of objects in the Oort cloud was studied in the framework of MOND by taking into account the impact of the External FIeld Effect (EFE). The possibility that an astronomical object of planetary-stellar mass may come close the Earth in a time span of a few years moving along an unbound, hyperbolic orbit was studied as well.

The Pioneer anomaly If the Pioneer anomaly-an almost constant and uniform acceleration directed towards the Sun of about 1 nm/s² detected in the data of both the Pioneer 10 and 11 spacecraft approximately in the range 20-70 AU-was of gravitational origin, it should fulfil the equivalence principle. Thus, the same acceleration should act also on the major natural bodies of the Solar System orbiting in the spatial regions in which the Pioneer anomaly manifested itself in its presently known form. WeHe and his colleagues focussed ourthe investigations on such an aspect.

Some foundational aspects of Special and General Relativity, Wehe and his colleagues investigated the twin paradox by analytically working out the time delay Δτ in both the Special and General Theories of Relativity. While the non-accelerated observer was described with the former one, the latter one was used to describe the point of view of linearly and rotationally accelerated observers. An historical overview of General Theory of Relativity in its centennial year was offered.

Study of bulk properties of some astronomical and compact astrophysical objects, and black holesWe, he and his colleagues looked for deviations from the third Kepler's law to investigate some bulk properties, like the quadrupole mass moment Q, of compact astrophysical objects in binary systems getting also information on some of their orbital parameters. The same approach was used also to determine the dynamical tidal deformation parameter k in the eclipsing binary system V621 Cen, and for studying the orbital effects induced by the huge centrifugal distortion of the star Regulus on the motion of its companion. The long-term time variations of the transit duration of the extrasolar transiting planet WASP-33b were investigated in order to detect some relevant physical parameters of its hosting star; its orbital precessions were investigated. The post-Keplerian corrections to the otherwise degenerate orbital periods of a test particle orbiting a spinning oblate primary were analytically calculated along with the perspectives of measuring them with exoplanets. A general investigation of the effects caused by the centrifugal oblateness of the host star on some typical observables of transitting exoplanets was conducted as well. The impact of several dynamical effects, connected with the physical properties of the supermassive black hole hosted in the Galactic centre, on the radial velocity of the star S2 was investigated both analytically and numerically.

Post-Newtonian effects in binary pulsar systemsWe, he and his colleagues investigated the possibility of using the 1/c² post-Newtonian gravitoelectric correction to the secular precession of the mean anomaly as further post-Keplerian parameter in binary systems hosting at least one neutron star acting as a pulsar. It was also studied the state-of-the-art of the possibility of detecting the 1/c² post-Newtonian spin-orbit periastron secular precession (analogous to the Lense-Thirring gravitomagnetic precession of the pericentre of a test body) in the recently discovered double pulsar binary system; this would allow to measure the pulsar's moment of inertia gaining important information about its bulk properties. The double pulsar system was used also to put constraints on some modified models of gravity by inspecting possible deviations from the third Kepler's law. The periastron precession of the double pulsar was calculated to the second post-Newtonian order as well. Some features of the orbital configuration of the planetary system hosted by the pulsar PSR B1257+12 were studied. It was also used to put phenomenological constraints on possible accretion of non-annihilating Dark Matter onto the pulsar itself. The post-Newtonian perturbations on the orbital part of the pulsar timing delay were studied in [9]. It was investigated the possibility of measuring the general relativistic quadrupolar effects on the orbital motion of a pulsar having an oblate main sequence star as a companion.

Constraints on PPN paramters from Solar System's orbital motions. Recent advances in Solar System's planetary orbit determination allowed to preliminary infer tighter bounds on some PPN parameters such as α1, α2, α3, and ξ.

Gravitational waves The orbital effects induced on a gravitationally bound two-body system by a traveling gravitational wave with frequency much smaller than the orbital one were calculated. The connection between gravitomagnetism and gravitational waves was reviewed.

Pseudonyms in physicsThe case of the pseudonyms used by I. Ciufolini on arXiv to anonymously criticize some competitors was treated.

The Faint Young Sun Paradox and modified models of gravity The Faint Young Sun Paradox (FYSP) consists of the fact that, according to consolidated models of the Sun's evolution history, the energy output of ourthe star during the Archean, from 3.8 to 2.5 Gyr ago, would have been too low to keep liquid water on the Earth's surface. Instead, there are compelling and independent pieces of evidence that, actually, ourthe planet was mostly covered by liquid water oceans, hosting also forms of life, during that eon. A modified model of gravity with non-minimal coupling may have, in principle, the potential capability of solving the FYSP. Such a possibility was investigated.

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