Singularity avoidance = enormous Potential Energy = Higgs mechanism = mass link
5. Orbit, Inertia, ZPE & Potential Barrier
5.1. Potential Barrier
We indicate a potential barrier around gravitational singularities. This barrier is due to the deformation of the gravitational space-time curvature by a massive object. At least a difference in level where the Potential Energy is felt around the mass object. Without Kinetic Energy, the inertia of the object (or particle) allows it to slide along the potential barrier that defines the path of the orbit around an even more massive object (geodesic and potential [39]). In other words, the deformation of the space-time curvature due to an average object is felt at the level of the heights of the energies, and creates a barrier arounfd it Figure 10.
5.2. The Zero Point Energy
The ZPE (Zero Point Energy) represents the initial perturbation of the particle at rest. At the quantum level this means that when the particle is at rest at the bottom of the harmonic potential well, the particle undergoes an oscillating disturbance. In cosmology this disturbance represents the inertial movement as an object orbiting around the gravitational singularity/massive object. In other words, the initial quantum disturbance of the Zero Point Energy corresponds to the cosmological movement of the object/particle located in the false vacuum in orbit around the gravitational singularity [40]. Deformation also occurs for massive objects like stars.
6. Vacuum Metastability
6.1. Vacuum Metastability
Vacuum metastability is determined by the amount of Kinetic Energy applied to the particle to trace its potential field in relation to the total energy density of the universe. If the Kinetic Energy of the particle is sufficient within the range of the energy condition allows to pass over the potential barrier, then singularity avoidance occurs; But during an attenuation of the kinetics of the particle or even a total stop of the inertia, that will cause by its amount of lower energy its fall towards the singularity and will reach the true vacuum and corresponds to the total collapse of the universe. However the vacuum metastability is under review [41].
Figure 11. Potential of the vacuum metastability and the Higgs potential/field [42].
6.2. Tunnel Effect
In other words, the inertial disturbance of the ZPE of the particle makes it possible to remain in the false vacuum by inertia, until a fictitious drop in this energy slows it down and then causes it to fall through a virtual slit to reach the another/middle/true/ vacuum.
Figure 12. Tunnel Effect and virtual slit.
6.3. Bifurcation & Energy Dissociation
The energy applied to the particle which is at the bottom of the potential well in its state of true vacuum, should then be able to rise in higher energy levels through the anharmonicity of inflation. After acquiring enough energy and at the end of this inflation anharmonicity curve, energy dissociation [43][44][45]occurs and allows the energy of the particle to pass into the upper level of the well to trace its harmonicity, until the anharmonic meeting to represent the atom. [46][47][48][49][50] This cycle can then be applied without limit and rise from well to well in higher levels by the principle of energy dissociation Figure 13.
Figure 13. Bifurcation & Energy Dissociation by upper Potential Well & Internuclear Distance & Morse Potential & Ionic Bond.
7. Second Interpretation of Singularity Avoidance
It should be understood that in the event of a attempt to stop followed by slowing down of the kinetics of the particle due to the high potential barrier, the particle will then tend to pass through by the tunnel effect, instead of the singularity avoidance by the Higgs field and finds itself at the level of the black hole event horizon. This being said, this does not mean that the particle will finally reach true vacuum because the minimum kinetic/inertia was then send to the particle in order to be able to take the contuinity of its journey through the event horizon. This contrary scenario of the Kinetic Energy sent or subjected to the particle in order to be able to eject it again into the upper harmonic well of our vacuum, represent the singularity avoidance by the mechanism of Hawking radiation toward the upper harmonic energy well of our vacuum. This second Interpretation is to be considered as a singularity avoidance at the black hole event horizon (Figure 15) instead of the singularity avoidance over it by the Higgs field.
Figure 15. Singularity avoidance at the black hole event horizon by quantum tunneling and Hawking radiation.
8. Graviton & Potential Energy
In Figure 16 and according to the units of Planck, the number and the quantity of gravitons put end to end (point to point) along the vector of gravity G, then gives the total of the energy of gravitational potential. Each increment/decrement of the graviton, is obtained by adding or subtracting a linear total of energy quanta. The graviton/quanta can be represented by the size of the particle. It becomes easy to take into account the number of gravitons accumulated over the length of a ray noted in nm where this ray is parallel to the length of the vector G in order to be able to have a relationship between the number of gravitons in relation to the Potential Energy [52][53].
Figure 16. Relationship between number of gravitons in relation to the Potential Energy.
9. Asymmetry Matter Antimatter
Most important is the role and the why of antimatter. As we can see the gravitational oscillator looks like a balanced perpetual motion without mechanical constraints. It is precisely on this side of the balance without mechanical constraint of the oscillation, that it makes that between Kinetic Energy and gravitation (Potential Energy) that the role of the antimatter becomes important. This allows the particle to simply bounce (due to deceleration from depletion of the particle's Kinetic Energy) to turn around using Potential Energy. There is therefore no impact of the particle that occurs in its cycle of oscillation. The Dirac Sea is a perfect representation of what the electron becomes in the depths of energy. Dirac predicts antimatter and the positron [54]. We must therefore imply an anti-inflation followed by its anti-universe [55][56]. This therefore explains why we do not find the expected antimatter in the matter side of the universe, because antimatter is indeed found on the anti-universe side. In conclusion during a high energy collision, the annihilation of the pairs of particles make detect thanks to the gamma photon the presence of antimatter through the space-time.
10. Symmetry Breaking CP & Arrow of Time T
We understand that the symmetry breaking is located at x=0 at the level of the gravitational singularity. There is therefore a link between the Higgs potential and the symmetry breaking at x=0. If the charge and the parity CP are inter-changed following a linear movement of the particle either from bottom to top, then the arrow of time is perpendicular and flows for example from left to right. Still based on the oscillation of the particle itself, its presence distribution through its momentum and its position according to x (displacement) is asymmetrically arranged between matter and antimatter [57]. Indeed the particle cannot be on matter and antimatter at the same time.
Figure 17. Asymmetry between leptons and antileptons, and leptogenesis.
11. Scalar & Vector Interpretation of the Particle
11.1. Invariant Transformation
Invariant transformation between vector and scalar interpretation of the mass-energy equivalence of the particle through the oscillator. The scalar interpretation of the particle represents the entropy of a very high frequency oscillation of it by its density occurring through the principle of mass-energy equivalence. But during a weak or almost non-existent oscillation, the particle is then represented by a vectorial position during its movement. For example, a point mass object in the space-time reference frame is then represented by an orbital state vector during its movement around a star (conventional interpretation). But in the same proportion the particle in its dizzying oscillation can only be detected and measured by its energy density, and depending on the type of anharmonic oscillation its flow of entropy of the particle can be represented by an point mass object through a static value by a scalar value Figure 18.
In conclusion, this leads to moving a scalar value of the same density vectorially. The goal being the invariance of mass-energy bound by the particle.
Figure 18. Anharmonic oscillation & probability of the Particle by scalar densiy.
Scalar representation of the energy according to the position of the particle Figure 19:
Figure 19. Scalar representation of the energy according to the position of the particle.
Figure 20.
11.2. Cosmic Inflation & Stress Energy Tensor
In an inverse configuration when the particle is at rest gives a description of the first step of inflation directly related to Einstein's Stress Energy Tensor or by the Klein-Gordon equation version of the energy-momentum as soon as an enormous momentum of the particle takes on a scalar definition through a flux. The flux represents the maximum amount of movement (momentum flux) through mass-energy equivalence (energy flux) during the start of inflation until its energy dissociation. Following the anharmonic inflation in space-time is therefore represented by the internuclear distance levels up to energy dissociation.
12. Path of the Particle, Quantum Fluctuation & Dark Matter
Based on the functioning of the mechanism of the anharmonic oscillator, involves during the movement of the particle, to make it go through different physical stages due to its high speed of displacement between matter and antimatter. We can also talk about the particle's energy flow to express the different cosmological or quantum states observed (Kasimir effect, etc.) [58][59]. The path of the particle is therefore linear and forms round trips. The path of the particle is therefore radiative. When the particle reaches a sufficient speed, a transformation into mass energy by the equivalence principle occurs. A small trace of this energy is found in vacuum and represents quantum vacuum energy. The successive addition of vacuum energy gives dark matter. In other words, the convergence of the energy flow (quantum fluctuation) of the quantum vacuum, in a more restricted space, close to the singularity, then in turn becomes dark matter [60][61][62][63]. At its opposite and the opposite of the singularity, there is matter expressed by quantum chromodynamics. Dark matter and quantum vacuum energy/quantum fluctuation is produced with the condition of the particle moving at very high speeds. Indeed the low frequency of oscillation of the particle through the oscillator, allows a vectorial interpretation as a point particle, while the high frequency of the particle through the principle of mass-energy of equivalence disappears from its shape punctual and is interpreted by a scalar density. Here in Figure 21 is an example of the absolute path taken by the particle.
Here in Figure 22 is a simple potential well of energy to explain dark matter and quantum vacuum and quantum chromodynamics in relation to the oscillation of the particle:
Figure 22. Explain dark matter and quantum vacuum and quantum chromodynamics in relation to the potential well of the simple harmonic oscillator (SHO).
13. Dark Energy
Dark energy corresponds to the increase in the size of the potential well. In the gravitational oscillator, the incrementation of the particle, that is to say a height of radiation greater than the previous height in the potential well, is produced by additional energy called dark energy; And which makes the particle advance further and further from its gravitational source. The example of a galaxy, where inside does not know an expansion of size in relation to its super massive black hole, uses a constant amount of Kinetic Energy in relation to gravity (Potential Energy). The increase in this Kinetic Energy that we have seen so far, then becomes dark energy, while it is only a amount of energy greater than the previous energy impulse. In other words, to move the particle further and further away from the singularity (i.e. big-bang) with the gravitational oscillator, more energy is needed. This extra amount of energy is dark energy [64][65][66].
14. Quantum Superposition
Schrödinger's Cat is a thought experiment that illustrates the result of the quantum superposition paradox. If the particle is on A, then it cannot be on B. But at very high frequencies the particle has almost a 50% chance of being on A and B at the same time, hence the superposition state. If you were to randomly choose a position between A and B, then you would either have the particle in the hand (alive) or no particle in the hand, hence the cat experiment. In prediction, the quantum superposition states is at least straddling matter and antimatter before being detected on the matter side [67][68][69].
Figure 23. Combination of quantum superposition states.
15. Quantum ChromoDynamics
15.1. Coupling Constant & Asymptotic Freedom
Quantum ChromoDynamics (QCD) would only be a duplication of the particle itself. It describes the mechanics of the quark superposition transition. In other words, quantum chromodynamics is the alternation of the particle itself to form the different combinations of quarks. QCD is the oscillation of the field which interferes with the particle in its convergence of the position towards its point of oringne 0 [27] and relating to the coupling constant (gauge coupling parameter). On the other hand during the material divergence due to the corelation of the particle on the surface of the energy sea, separating the quarks (which is only e.g. the alternating oscillation of the particle between 0 and 1 and 2 Figure 24) acts on the contrary of the coupling constant on asymptotic freedom [70][71][72][73][74][75]. It becomes obvious to make the link between entropy and plsma oscillation [76][77][78][79][80][81].
Figure 24. Quantum ChromoDynamics and coupling constant and asymptotic freedom.
15.2. Gluon & Quark
The gluon makes it possible to maintain the coherence of the quark in relation to the asymptotic freedom. But we can also understand that the gluon is more important and in terms of connection during the variation of the coupling constant towards its convergence at the level of the confinement of the quarks [82][83]. Here we understand through quantum chromodynamics, which represents correlated matter, that the general interaction field of quarks in its form of confinement, shapes objects as we perceive them (entropy [84][85]). In other words, the general field of the universe guides the quarks by forming the different atoms through the harmonic oscillator. This field is responsible for where the particle is located in the universe.
Figure 25.
16. Particle Radiation & Boson
The implication of radiation is simply due to the fact that the particle in its oscillation is linear. The direction of the work of the particle is along the vector of gravity, namely parallel to it. With the example of the lepton/baryon the gravitational oscillator has two types of radiation. First there is the vertical radiation, called fermionic, i.e. the normal oscillation of the particle from bottom to top and from top to bottom; And there is the horizontal radiation, or bosonic radiation which is not the oscillator. For the fermionic radiation and with the example of the lepton Figure 26 we have a movement of the particle from bottom to top in the oscillator which makes it possible to transport an electric charge to the surface of the sea of energy. In the opposite direction, either from top to bottom the particle goes down again in neutrino, or with a neutral charge. IOW this model, there is the link between Kinetic Energy and electric charge, and the neutrino follows the gravity (Potential Energy). Bosonic radiation, in its analogous interpretation, emits a kind of electric arc that occurs horizontally.
Figure 26. Fermionic radiation and Bosonic radiation.
16.1. Stimulated Emission & Boson Emission
Stimulated emission and photon emission in relation to the oscillation of the electron between its positions in orbitals in specific energy levels of the atom Figure 27.
Figure 27. Stimulated emission and photon emission in relation to its orbitals.
17. Atom & Quantum Atom
The quantum atom is basically composed of quantum leap of the particle between matter and anti-matter. These jumps correspond to the Bottom-up oscillation and have an almost instantaneous value. They can for example be of the order of a few million or a few billion jumps in a nanosecond. The Pauli exclusion is always respected because there is only one particle present per atom created by a reiteration of its position in different and unique states.
The atomic model described in Figure 28 represents the synopsis of the logical sequence of the oscillation mechanism of the particle through to the anharmonic characteristic. Its oscillation is located between matter and antimatter, where between two its acceleration would then be almost instantaneous by singularity avoidance. We can see by the anharmonic oscillator the classic version of the internuclear distance followed by the morse potential to be able to give the energy wanted to the particle.
In Figure 29 the neutrino represents the particle without electric charge and is electrically neutral. The neutrino has a direct relationship with that of Potential Energy [86]. On the contrary, when the particle is emitted by Kinetic Energy, the latter carries an electric charge.
Figure 29. The linear characteristic of the displacement of the particle in its oscillation makes it possible to easily represent a radiative form of the atom followed by the spin of the particle on the surface of the sea of energy.
The dosage of the Kinetic Energy through the anharmonic oscillator with the internuclear distance makes it possible to deliver the amount of energy necessary in term of electron-volt.
Figure 30. Atom produced by the amount of kinetic energy applied to the particle according to the morse potentials (characteristic due to the anharmonicity).
Reiteration in series of neutron N and proton P to be able to define the mathematical simulation of the pure quantum atom. The pure quantum atom is non-isotropic. It corresponds to the two choices which is that of the neutron N or the proton P. The reiteration in a series of Neutrons N followed by Protons P (same number of N as of P) is a pure atom.
Thanks to the principle of reiteration, and if you had the choice between neutron and proton, the probability of finding an N neutron followed by a P proton like NP or NPN in the atomic nuclei is substantial. Which brings us, and in relation to the atomic signature, to the conclusion of a composition rich in Deuterium, Tritium and Helium 4-5-6 (Figure 31, Figure 32, Figure 33).
Figure 31. Deuterium Atom and reiteration of NP in series.
Figure 32. Tritium Atom and reiteration of NPN in series.
Figure 33. Helium Atom and reiteration of NP NPN in series.
Each line in Figure 31, Figure 32, Figure 33 with the "atom signature" represents the path of the particle to the singularity by neutrinos as it descends, and responsible for the electrical charges generated as it ascends. The line spacing corresponds to the "atomic signature" as a function of the energy delivered by the particle. The smaller the energy in electron volts, the larger the line spacing. The absence of lines indicates that there are no particles in the field to be studied.
18. Example Structures & Conclusion
18.1. Example Structures
In conclusion and by the linear radiation of the particle due to its oscillation, can build a structure by reiteration of its position and this in several places Figure 34. Indeed the alternation at very high frequency of the particle between its point of origin 0 and the constitutive structure, makes it possible to be able to create any object. Favoring the ironing of the particle on precise positions to the detriment of other positions makes it possible to be able to create more or less heavy objects Figure 35.
Figure 34. Reiteration by oscillation of the particle in its position in several places.
Figure 35. Example structure of the oscillation of the single particle. The field that guides the particle is responsible for the elements known.
Figure 36. Anharmonic Oscillator and the evolution of the universe.
18.2. Simulation by Programming
Here is the example of a small JavaScript program [87] where its interest is to be able to put the evidence of a duplication of a particle in several places. Its operation is as follows: oscillating or alternating at the speed of light a 5mm particle from position A to position B spaced 10cm apart, would beseen as two visible points as a fixed and static appearance. The most important thing is to be able to mark a certain stop on each position of A and B, and to travel between them almost instantaneously.
18.3. Virtual Particles
Virtual particles are very well studied in Quantum Field Theory. Here [88] is the synoptis and the interpretation in image of what is a production of virtual particles. Indeed we can see there an extrapolation from the particle to the antiparticle as naturally as an an-harmonic oscillation [89].
18.4. Conclusion
The constitution of the physical laws as well as the result of this chaos of the universe until us suggests that it was premeditated.
The name of the main theory described in this paper is called Kartazion. Kartazion model of quantum physics and cosmological according to Arnaud Andrieu.