Rural Development of River Tourism Resources: Comparison
Please note this is a comparison between Version 1 by Hsiao Hsien Lin and Version 2 by Beatrix Zheng.

Rivers have abundant freshwater resources, their general drainage areas are extensive, and alluvial plains are fertile, nourishing and enriching the ecology. Human beings have rich experience and a long history of using the advantages and foundation of river water resources to develop fishing, animal husbandry, farming, and other industries to maintain their needs, build settlements, develop cities, and create a safe and sustainable living and living environment. It can be seen that safe and stable water resources will help improve the development of human beings and villages.

  • river improvement
  • environmental management
  • different stakeholders
  • consuming behavior
  • rural sustainability

1. Introduction

The Yangtze River is the third largest river in the world, with a total length of 6300 km. The terrain is high in the west and low in the east, forming three ladders. The trunk spans 11 provinces in China, and the tributaries cover 19 provinces [1][6]. However, due to the subtropical monsoon climate in the Yangtze River Basin, the annual rainfall is abundant during the rainy season. The upstream development is not properly developed, resulting in serious water and soil loss, siltation in waterways, and increasing riverbeds [2][3][7,8]. Under climate change, the frequency of extreme rainfall is greatly increased so that the rainfall is severe, the water channel is curved, the terrain around the river channel is undulating, and the water level between the high tide and the river channel can be up to 10 m or more; all these impact on the human and ecological environment [4][5][6][9,10,11]. After 16 years of planning, the local government has built and improved the Three Gorges Dam water conservancy project [7][12]. The dam has a water source area with a total length of 193 km [8][13], a maximum water storage capacity of 39.3 billion cubic meters, and a power generation of 100 billion kegs [9][14]. The dam is a multi-functional reservoir water source area with the benefits of flood control, flood resistance, power generation, transportation, irrigation, shipping, tourism, and water source scheduling [8][9][13,14], providing diverse and rich leisure and tourism resources, and providing development and utilization of surrounding villages [10][15]. The surrounding villages have invested various funds and constructions and used the existing cultural, natural environment, and ecological resources to develop leisure and tourism activities such as historical sites, culture, river cruises, ferries, fishing, and river fish festivals [10][15].
The main purpose of constructing the Three Gorges Dam is to solve the flooding [7][12] and create safe village living and living conditions. However, people are more looking forward to developing leisure or tourism activities, promoting local development, and improving the quality of life and health [10][11][12][13][15,16,17,18]. Although development decisions can improve local predicaments [14][19], they can also assist in developing leisure and tourism activities and promote local development [15][20]. Scholars believe that public construction or tourism development decisions interfere with the village economy, society, environment, and natural environment [13][14][15][16][17][18,19,20,21,22]. In terms of economy, it can improve industrial construction, livelihood price, and village development [16][21]. However, in terms of society, village construction, industrial human resources, and public security management will be challenged [14][17][19,22]. In terms of environment, the current village environment and public health management may be disturbed by development [13][18]. In terms of the natural environment, the existing natural ecology and environmental appearance will be destroyed due to decision-making and development [18][19][23,24]. With the impact of the epidemic, the current situation of the village environment and sanitation maintenance is easily disturbed [14][19]. As a result, the effectiveness of decision-making and management will decline, environmental risks will increase, people’s physical and mental health will be threatened, and the willingness to live or travel will be affected [13][14][18,19].
With the rise of tourism-related industries and the improvement of public construction, the current situation of tourism development in local villages has gradually improved and has been favored by the public [8][9][10][13,14,15]. According to statistics, the population of the surrounding villages has grown to 35.8137 million people, and it can attract about 72.23 million tourists every year, creating business opportunities of USD 9.2669 billion [12][17]. It can be seen that the benefits of the construction of the Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River will be of great help in improving the development of surrounding villages. However, decision-making often changes due to various factors, the expected goals and actual promotion results often have positive and negative effects [16][20][21,25], and its changes take time to verify [14][19]. Scholars believe that the true appearance of decision-making development results can be known through tourists’ travel experiences [15][21][22][20,26,27]. Using the personal experience and feelings of residents can provide the real results of changes in the development status of the village and the surrounding natural environment [14][23][19,28]. Although both strategies use existing resources to meet individual life or travel needs, can improve individual physical and mental health status, can induce people’s willingness to travel again [24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36], and can even generate the idea of buying lands or houses, residents and tourists still have different needs and experiences [16][21]. Therefore, some scholars suggest that if thwe researchers want to understand the influence of the current development of villages and natural ecology, the researchers shwe should focus on whether the expectations of residents and tourists can be met. Therefore, the perspectives of different stakeholders are analyzed in this manuscript, and the researchers cwe can obtain answers from the perspectives of residents and tourists [14][15][16][17][21][22][23][32][33][34][35][19,20,21,22,26,27,28,37,38,39,40].
Furthermore, whether the government creates a safe living atmosphere and a healthy leisure environment and achieves people’s expectations is not an issue that can be interpreted purely from the perspective of decision makers [16][24][21,29], nor can it simply listen to the opinions of tourists [25][30], rely on the number of tourists, or be measured by the total amount of consumption [26][31]. Although the decision is to improve the local plight, creating a safe living atmosphere and a healthy leisure environment is the goal [16][27][21,32]. The ultimate goal of local promotion of leisure, tourism facilities, and industrial activities is to obtain the recognition of tourists so that they can continue to travel and consume, thus bringing business opportunities [28][29][33,34]. When the development is on track, it can improve the living standards of residents, build a safe leisure environment and living atmosphere, enhance the willingness to live, increase the manpower for industrial development [28][30][33,35], and finally achieve the goal of sustainable urban development [31][36]. Therefore, if thwe researchers obtain residents’ opinions from multiple considerations, refer to tourists’ suggestions, and then analyze from the different perspectives of the two parties [14][17][28][35][19,22,33,40], thwe researchers may obtain more realistic answers.
Finally, thwe researchers hhave read the relevant literature on water resources, rivers, and reservoirs in recent years and found many current research topics on rivers, water resources, fresh water, dams, and water source areas. However, most of the topics discussed are tourism development and impacts [14][17][18][19][20][19,22,23,24,25], freshwater intake sources and strategies [36][41], water quality and monitoring [37][42], carbon emissions [38][43], hydrology [39][44], water pollution [40][45], and marine and freshwater ecosystems [41][46]. In addition, the current research topics focusing on the Yangtze River only focus on air pollution [42][47], water pollution [43][48], energy utilization rate [44][49], urban land development and utilization rate [45][50], cruise tourism development [46][51], and residents’ environmental literacy and decision-making participation [47][52]. Most of them are simply discussed from a single perspective, such as that of residents and tourists [46][47][48][51,52,53], but there is no hybrid research method, and most are based on the perspective of consumer willingness to buy property, revisit, or the two perspectives combined to discuss together. There are still gaps in the research topics related to consumer behaviors such as dams, villages, natural ecology and environment, and human habitation and tourism. Therefore, we believe that we can take the Three Gorges Dam of the Yangtze River as a case, use various research methods to obtain multi-faceted information, summarize the research information through the processes of classification, induction, and ranking, and cross-compare the information [54,55,56]. Then, the significance of the research information can be discussed by the multivariate inspection analysis method; the influence of the river dam facilities on the surrounding villages, the natural environment, and the current ecological development can be analyzed; and more in-depth answers can be obtained [57,58,59].

2. Physical and Mental Health

Physical and mental health refers to an individual’s physical, psychological, and social aspects of reaching a state of well-being [49][50][60,61]. It presents the actual situation of individual perception through self-assessment tests [51][62], and it can be an analytical method of self-perceived assessment [52][63]. The higher the health risk, the greater the influence on individual behavioral decisions [53][64].
Investigating individuals’ physical and mental health through personal feelings can show the impact of the current environment on people [54][65]. Some scholars believe that it can usually be divided into three levels: spirit, psychology, and attitude [53][54][55][56][64,65,66,67]. It can be used to explain anxiety, ability, enthusiasm, headache, insomnia, abdominal pain, abnormal diet, stomach pain, and thoughts of death [57][58][68,69], with other feelings waiting to be confirmed. Moreover, studies have confirmed that individuals with different identities have different opinions on their physical and mental health. Their physical and mental health quality will affect their consumption intentions and follow-up judgments [18][53][23,64].
Therefore, thwe researchers believe that if theywe want to understand a person’s physical and mental health, theywe should evaluate it from three levels: psychology, spirit, and attitude. Then, theywe can learn about the public’s feelings about personal physical and mental health in terms of headache, abdominal pain, anxiety, ability, enthusiasm, insomnia, stomach pain, abnormal diet, and thoughts of death.

3. Willingness to Consume

Willingness refers to the inner intention generated from individual psychology [49][60], and behavior transforms into actual external action when the intention appears [59][70]. The actual consumption behavior can be predicted by the willingness to consume [59][70]. It can also be assessed through the degree of involvement in purchasing a certain commodity or engaging in specific consumption behavior, whether the current consumption behavior or action meets personal life needs and expected goals [60][71]. A strong willingness to consume will increase the degree of involvement in consumer behavior [61][72]. When individuals have sufficient trust in the activities or commodities they are about to participate in, it will enhance consumers’ willingness or behavior to consume [61][62][72,73]. It can be seen that the willingness to consume can reflect people’s intentions to participate in activities or purchase goods, thereby anticipating the decision-making process and evaluating the degree of involvement, trust, and demand for actual actions.
Some scholars believe that living and tourism are consumption intentions and behaviors [63][64][74,75]. Consumption willingness can be assessed in terms of continuous consumption, recommending relatives and friends to consume, and sharing experiences [63][74]. Consumption behavior, part of which is recommending relatives and friends to consume together, can be measured to determine consumption [64][75]. It is confirmed that there are differences in the views of different stakeholders. The quality of the decision-making effect will likely affect the people’s willingness to go to the local area for leisure and tourism activities. The level of willingness to consume affects the degree of involvement in actual consumption behavior [14][15][16][17][18][49][59][60][61][62][63][64][19,20,21,22,23,60,70,71,72,73,74,75].
Therefore, if thwe researchers want to understand people’s feelings about decision-making effectiveness, theywe should start with people’s perception of life and travel willingness to discuss topics in continuous consumption, sharing experiences, and introducing relatives and friends to consume. The researchers cWe can know people’s confidence and recognition of the effectiveness of decision-making.

4. Cognition of Decision-Making Development

Decision-making refers to a plan formed by an individual or an organization to achieve a certain goal or solve a certain problem [16][21]. Decision development is accomplished through experience, learning, thinking, analysis, and judgment, and is carried out according to information, design, planning, and execution [21][26]. When people start to promote decision-making, after people experience, analyze, and judge in person, they will judge and evaluate the decision-making, which is decision-making cognition [17][18][21][22,23,26]. The decision-making mainly aims to improve the local predicament and promote local development [18][23], biological coexistence, and the sustainable development of resources.. Therefore, if thwe researchers can capture the opinions of the public after their personal experience and analyze the effectiveness of urban and natural ecological development, the researchers we will obtain more appropriate information.

4.1. Economic Development

Economic development refers to the interaction process between people and resources and is individuals’ consumption behavior and phenomena. It can also refer to urban development in general [65][76]. Economic development refers to when human beings have obtained basic survival needs after collecting natural resources. The remaining resources are exchanged for commodities to meet the needs of the masses and achieve the goal of sustainable development of resource diversification [66][77]. However, due to the increase in population, the gradual scarcity of natural resources, and the impact of natural disasters over time, local economic development will still experience a crisis [18][23]. Although the government expects to improve the local development dilemma by making decisions [16][21], the development will have positive and negative effects due to uncertain factors [14][15][16][17][18][19,20,21,22,23]. Therefore, analyzing the current economic development situation, it is helpful to improve the problem and achieve the goal of sustainable development [13][14][18,19].
Some scholars believe that discussions from the perspectives of industrial construction, the price of people’s livelihoods, the overall development quality of villages [13][18], and people’s personal experiences can reflect the real answer to the current state of economic development [14][19]. Some studies have pointed out that the views of different stakeholders are different, and the decision-making results impact the village’s current economic development, thus affecting the willingness to consume [17][18][22,23].
Therefore, thwe researchers believe that if theywe want to know the effectiveness of economic development, theywe should start with issues such as industrial construction, the price of people’s livelihoods, and the overall development quality of villages, and analyze based on people’s personal experience and opinions. The researchers We may then know the degree of the impact of decision-making on urban economic development.

4.2. Social Development

Society refers to people’s common living habits, customs, and culture [67][78]. It can be derived by gathering the same ethnic group or common culture, beliefs, and living habits [28][67][33,78]. Social development refers to the consciousness, behavior, interaction mode, or phenomenon that maintains unique characteristics of education, culture, living habits, and other characteristics in a city, region, or country after forming human settlements [68][79]. However, the unique culture will disappear with different levels of education, cross-ethnic and regional cultural exchanges, and population decline [27][32]. In addition, existing facilities will become old with time [68][79], and local social and cultural development will be challenged by factors such as natural disasters and man-made destruction [14][19]; there will still be positive and negative influences on decision-making development due to uncertain factors [14][15][16][17][18][19,20,21,22,23]. Therefore, by analyzing the current situation and predicament of social and cultural development, it is helpful to construct a safe and comfortable living and tourism environment [17][18][22,23].
Some scholars believe that discussing the aspects of community building, public security, and industrial human development [13][18] and considering people’s personal experiences can reflect the real answer to the current situation of social development [14][19]. Some studies have pointed out that the views of different rights stakeholders are different, and the decision-making results have an impact on the social and cultural development of the village, thus affecting the willingness to consume [17][18][22,23].
Therefore, if thwe researchers want to know the effect of social and cultural development, theywe can start with issues such as community building, public security, and industrial human development and analyze them based on people’s personal experiences and opinions. The researchers We may then know the degree of the impact of decision-making on urban social development.

4.3. Environmental Development

In a broad sense, the environment refers to the space required by every piece of land, air, water resources, and various ecologies and species on the Earth [69][80]. The social environment is the space in which human beings live after artificial improvement or establishment [70][81]; the natural ecological environment is the material, ecology, and space that have not been artificially changed [71][82]. When humans use the surrounding artificially improved or natural space, ecology, and environment to absorb their resources, a consciousness, behavior, interaction mode, or phenomenon that basically satisfies human development and maintains ecological balance [72][83] is the development of society and the natural environment. However, society and the natural environment are easily destroyed due to natural disasters, diseases, or man-made development, resulting in unbalanced development [68][69][70][71][72][79,80,81,82,83]. Although the government expects to improve the local development dilemma by making decisions [24][28][29,33], the outcome of that decision-making will still lead to positive and negative changes due to uncertain factors [14][15][16][17][18][19,20,21,22,23]. Therefore, by analyzing the development status of urban society and the natural ecological environment, it is helpful to formulate a sustainable development environment [18][25][23,30].
Some scholars believe that the social environment can be considered from the overall village environment, public health, and other aspects [18][28][23,33]. The natural environment can be discussed regarding water resources, soil, ecology, forest land, and human destruction [14][19]. Through people’s personal experiences, it can reflect the real answer to the development status of society and the natural environment [13][14][18,19]. Some studies have pointed out that the views of different stakeholders are different, and the decision-making results have an impact on the development of society and the natural environment, thus affecting the willingness to consume [14][17][18][19,22,23].
Therefore, thwe researchers believe that if theywe want to know the development effect of society and the natural environment, society should focus on the overall environment of the village and the development of public health. The natural environment should be cut from water resources, soil, ecology, forest land, and human destruction. Moreover, based on the personal experience and opinions of the people, theywe may know the degree of influence of the development of the urban society and the natural ecological environment.
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