Technologies for Localisation in Autonomous Railway Maintenance Systems: Comparison
Please note this is a comparison between Version 2 by Jason Zhu and Version 1 by Masoumeh Rahimi.

Smart maintenance is essential to achieveing a safe and reliable railway, but traditional 11 maintenance deployment is costly and heavily human-involved. A low-Ineffective job execution or 12 failure in preventive maintenance can lead to railway service disruption and unsafe operations. The 13 deployment of robotic and autonomous systems was proposed to conduct these maintenance tasks 14 with higher accuracy and reliability. TIn order for these systems, for being to be capable of detecting rail flaws along 15 millions of mileages, necessitate to they must register their location with higher accuracy. A prerequisite of an 16 autonomous vehicle is own positional awareness with the highest degree of accuracy. This paper 17 first reviews the importance and demands of preventive maintenance in railway network and the 18 related techniques. Further, the investigation about the strategies, techniques, architecture, and ref-19 erences used by different systems to resolve the location along the railway network is conducted. 20 Then, the on-board based and infrastructure-based sensing are discussed for the advantages and 21 applicability, respectively. Finally, the uncertainties which contribute to vehicle’its possessing a high degree of accuracy in terms of its position error and 22 influence on positioning accuracy and reliability, are analysed with corresponding technique solu-23 tions. This study therefore provides an overall direction for further autonomous track-based system 24 design and methods developing to deal with the challenges faced in the railway networkal awareness.

  • localisation
  • sensor fusion
  • railway maintenance
  • autonomous systems
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