Cyberbullying and Mental Health among University Students: Comparison
Please note this is a comparison between Version 2 by Rita Xu and Version 1 by Sayed Ibrahim Ali.

Bullying is an aggressive behavior that is intentionally and repeatedly directed at individuals who have less power than the attacker does. Bullying may take many forms, including physical, verbal, and social bullying. In its physical form, bullying includes hitting, pushing, spitting, and other physical acts. Bullying in the oral form includes mocking, name-calling, and threatening. In its social form, it consists of spreading rumors (slander), exclusion from peer groups, and other forms. When dealing with perpetrators, these three forms of bullying most commonly occur face to face.

  • cyberbullying
  • mental health
  • University students
  • Saudi Arabia

1. Introduction

Both cyberbullying and cyber victimization research have grown in popularity in recent years in various countries. Traditional forms of bullying, such as school bullying and school victimization, are still prevalent among children. The phenomenon of cyberbullying has gained scientists’ attention because it is a new form of bullying in the digital era. Individuals can now use new media to intimidate others [3][1]. Bullying has also grown as information and communications technology has advanced [3,4][1][2]. This situation makes sense, because indirect intimidation is considered the safest and most convenient approach, compared to traditional bullying. Bullying victims can be easily intimidated without their names being revealed [5][3]. Even the perpetrators can use digital media to quickly publicize intimidation acts to the general public. Cyberbullying has a more dangerous effect than traditional bullying; it can even encourage victims to respond reactively to accidents and deaths. This type of cyberbullying often happens in the educational setting, particularly among students [3][1].
Cyberbullying refers to humiliation, threats, sexual harassment, or social exclusion using information and communication technology [6][4]. For example, posting pictures or embarrassing comments about someone, or posing as someone dangerous. Cyberbullies attack victims by sending demeaning or threatening messages, and delivering images using websites, instant messages, blogs, chat rooms, cell phones, e-mails, and personal online profiles [7,8][5][6]. As such, it can be understood that cyberbullying is different from traditional bullying. This situation creates new challenges for educators involved in the learning process in schools and colleges. Teachers must recognize changes in student behavior in the digital age. Additionally, teachers are faced with the challenge of keeping students safe in school both in physical space and in virtual space, which has become a hazardous environment. Until now, there has been no regulation and supervision of security in the virtual room.
Many studies have investigated the prevalence of cyberbullying and cyber victimization, the relationship of cyberbullying with other antecedent factors (such as personal and contextual factors), motives for participation in cyberbullying actions, and the practice of effective cyberbullying prevention and intervention [9][7]. In addition, bullying often occurs in an educational setting, and it is extremely disruptive to the learning environment. Teachers are concerned about the impact of cyberbullying, which has the potential to cause serious issues at school. Teachers realize that they are unable to oversee students’ use of information and communication technologies on a one-on-one basis [10][8]. Students can bully without their names being revealed. Anyone, at any time, may view bullying content that is publicized by the perpetrators. Traditional bullying can have a more severe impact on mental health and academic issues than cyberbullying. In certain countries, fatalities such as suicide have occurred [3][1].
Victims of cyberbullying frequently suffer issues related to social skills and peer relations. Although information and communication technologies serve as a means of communication between users, students with offline relationship problems are more likely to be victims of cyberbullying [9][7]. This means that students need to be taught outstanding social skills at school/college. Thus, teachers need to understand the phenomenon of cyberbullying that occurs in the school environment. This includes how cyberbullying can occur, the impact that it has on students, and how preventive measures can be taken. Teachers may utilize this information to influence student behavior at universities. It also allows teachers to develop curricula and learning strategies to help students improve their social skills, both offline and online. This literature review study aiims to discuss the definition of cyberbullying, its causes and impacts, and protective factors [11][9].
Cyberbullying is associated with the expansion of the internet. The phenomenon is growing in Italy and other European and non-European countries. Cyberbullying causes psychopathological symptoms of anxiety, sadness, and social phobia in young people, which can lead to extreme acts, including suicide [12][10]. The pressure, the experience of isolation, and the weaknesses that result from cyberbullying have an additional effect on the victim’s family and their own circle of relatives. Cyberbullying is a form of bullying that takes place online, is generally anonymous, and attempts to harm and make fun of victims [13][11]. There are numerous types of cyberbullying, and each leads to particular responses and results. Even so, few types of research have centered on young adults’ perceptions regarding cyberbullying. Teenagers regularly interact in competitive behavior, even by avoiding emotions and responses associated with victimization. According to several studies, the positive connection between exposure to violent video games and aggressive conduct among university students is moderated by the trait of anger. [14,15][12][13].
The technological ecosystems for adolescents and young adults have been altered, in the twenty-first century, by a dramatic shift in the technological environment. There are more mental health hazards associated with technological innovation. This research presents a narrative assessment of current cyber dangers confronting adolescents and young adults [16][14]. Not only that, but it also highlights the risks and consequences of cyberbullying, media platforms, cyber interpersonal violence, abuse of women, cybersex, online harassment, online dating, cyberstalking, and phishing scams, with a focus on raising awareness and encouraging assertive initiatives to solve these societal problems as the digital era evolves [17][15].

2. Cyberbullying and Mental Health

Victims of cyberbullying use alcohol and narcotics more often than other students in schools, and are more likely to be absent from school (United Nations Children’s Fund) [24][16]. In addition, they are more likely to perform poorly and have problems with self-esteem and health [25][17]. When it comes to cyberbullying, adolescents usually hesitate to confide in adults. Cyberbullying presents with the same symptoms as a post-traumatic stress disorder, and suicide can result from these symptoms [26][18]. Harassment and cyberbullying are frequently linked to anxiety and depression. [27][19].

3. The Psychological Effects of Cyberbullying

Cyberbullying has the potential to harm the victim’s mental health. Victims experience increased levels of anger, helplessness, unhappiness, and fright [28][20]. The most significant emotional and non-physical results of cyberbullying include anger, helplessness, grief, and anxiety. Students who experience cyber victimization can develop symptoms of depression [29][21]. However, traditional bullying has a stronger link to depressive symptoms, as compared to cyberbullying [30][22]. Other research has revealed that victims of cyberbullying suffer from increased levels of depression than victims of traditional bullying [31][23]. In addition, cyberbullying has a stronger link to anxiety symptoms than traditional bullying [32][24]. When students do not know who is intimidating them, the negative impacts intensify, leaving victims feeling helpless and afraid. This is highly understandable, given that cyberbullying is often carried out anonymously by perpetrators [33][25]. In comparison to those instances when the victim knows who is committing the cyberbullying, anonymity generates heightened feelings of disordered anxiety: that is, in instances when the victim is unaware of the perpetrator’s identity. The anonymity factor can make the victim feel less secure, resulting in a more pronounced power imbalance in cyber victimization than in traditional victimization [32][24].

4. Reactive Behavior

Cyberbullying victims may exhibit reactive behaviors, such as suicide attempts. This condition occurs due to ongoing depression, which eventually leads to the formation of suicidal ideation and attempts [34][26]. Several studies have found that cyberbullying has more severe consequences than traditional bullying. Cyberbullying has a greater incidence of depression, drug use, self-injury, suicidal ideation, and suicide attempts, compared to traditional bullying [35][27]. The researcher states that involvement in cyberbullying, whether as a bully or a victim, functions as a predictor for symptoms of depression and thoughts of suicide, in a way that traditional forms of intimidation (physical, verbal, relational) do not [35][27]. Victims attempt suicide, and cyberbullying has been shown to have a direct influence on suicide attempts [35][27]. Young individuals who experience traditional bullying or cyberbullying, either as perpetrators or victims, have greater rates of suicidal thoughts and are more likely to attempt suicide than those who have not experienced any form of aggression from their peers [36][28].

5. Difficulties in Social and Academic Development

Another problem caused by cyberbullying is the inability to make friends [37][29]. Cyberbullying enables victims and attackers to avoid facing social communications and building connections, which can have harmful emotional implications. [37][29]. Furthermore, perpetrators of cyberbullying have lower levels of conscience [37][29]. Additionally, cyberbullying can also obstruct students’ academic development [37][29]. Feelings of pressure and shame discourage students from focusing on educational activities. Victims find it challenging to develop their academic, social, and emotional capacities [37][29].

6. The Role of the School Environment

Cyberbullying must receive serious attention from school stakeholders and must be addressed by teachers, parents, and peers [38][30]. Various protective strategies may be implemented to avoid cyberbullying, and education is an important component of cyberbullying prevention and response. Educators must devise innovative techniques to engage young people in meaningful discussions regarding the use of accessible technology. In this context, they can create lessons that teach students to express their opinions appropriately on social media [39][31]. An encouraging school environment plays a vital role in reducing the occurrence of cyberbullying [40][32]. Previous studies have revealed that a positive school climate [3,37][1][29] and school safety [3][1] can protect children from the victimization and oppression of cyberbullying [41][33].

7. The Role of the Family

Cyberbullying victims frequently have the lowest level of family support [42][34]. Parents can assist in anti-cyberbullying interventions by providing: (a) emotional and practical support for students, (b) knowledge of ICT safety, and (c) a structured environment, characterized by warm involvement and control of behavior, combined with discussions of and participation in children’s online lives, to promote critical thinking, respect, and finally autonomy [5][3]. Some types of social support can protect against cyberbullying. Specifically, perceived social support from the family and teacher reduces the likelihood of depression and anxiety symptoms, and a higher level of social support from the family increases the probability of a greater level of subjective well-being among children who are victims of cyberbullying [43][35].

8. The Role of Peers

A positive community can protect children from cyberbullying. Information and communications technology may be used as a medium for communication between users [6][4]. However, students who have offline relationship problems are more likely to become victims of cyberbullying [9][7]. Therefore, the role of positive interaction and peer support is vital to reducing the incidence of cyberbullying [43][35]. Previous studies revealed that positive peer influence and peer support are linked to decreased cyber victimization [3][1]. Furthermore, choosing a positive community is a significant factor in reducing the occurrence of cyberbullying.


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