Administrators and Students on E-Learning: Comparison
Please note this is a comparison between Version 1 by Esen Sucuoğlu and Version 2 by Rita Xu.

The quest for better education and knowledge acquisition has triggered the introduction, acceptance and incorporation of e-learning into Nigerian learning. The introduction of the concept of e-learning to Nigerian learning can be dated back to the 1980s, when reputable Nigerians enrolled in several universities in London. In addition, the introduction of e-learning to a premier university in Nigeria, rooted in the college of Ibadan, led to greater interest, causing locals to seek extramural work and other studies at Oxford University.

  • e-learning
  • administrators
  • proper implementations

1. Introduction

Education is an investment that needs to be made by every nation and all people aspiring for rapid and robust growth in their economic, social and even political aspects of the nation’s needs, in order for them to attain the height and level of productivity they need [1]. In recent times, the quest for more advanced security and a more positively impacted educational system, capable of providing solutions to learning and teaching environments, has been a problem in the field of education. Several countries have sourced means to resolve this issue but with little or no achievement made in the past [2].
Schools across the globe have been shut down amidst the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, which originated from Wuhan, China, thus causing the authorities of the world to initiate lockdown as an emergency measure to manage the spread of COVID-19, including the closure of schools [3]. This development has brought about the acquirement and implementation of e-learning in most universities [4]. The cost of obtaining required instruments has allowed the continuation of learning and teaching and has also allowed for advancement from normal face-to-face learning patterns, with excellent results and grades [5]. The success of e-learning in the COVID-19 era has had to deal with the satisfaction that e-learning has brought to the end users and with the system that e-learning has to offer [6][7][6,7].
The Nigerian educational system has observed this, and it has arranged for the implementation and proper administration of e-learning [8].
E-learning is relevant for any country that seeks positive impacts in the educational sector and hence is widely used in this sector, yielding adequate and appropriate benefits [9].
Administration and administrators in schools and in educational spheres deal with different social processes that allow the people or administrators to identify, maintain, control and stimulate both formal and informal human resources within a given and well-organized system, such as schools [10][11][10,11]. The administration of good e-learning is entrusted into the hands of people at different apex positions in the educational sector, which spawn from the teachers, head of departments, deans and council members who make sure that the administration and implementation of e-learning are achieved along with the desired results [12].
In other to be a good teacher or administrator who is able to impact a learner’s interest, an individual needs to possess some attributes and unique features which involve the internet and multimedia in order to effectively pass the information they want to give to timid students. These resources are readily available but require proper utilization for optimal output [13][14][13,14]. The implementation of e-learning across different academic levels, from the primary, secondary and tertiary institutions, is accompanied by several gaps which need to be addressed, and these gaps require the attention of both new and old schools for proper administration to be achieved [12]. The Nigerian educational system is advancing in its quest for well-organized and standard educational service delivery to help students make use of the resources which are readily available to them, hence the need for good administration and implementation of e-learning facilities in most academic spheres [15]. This administration and implementation require the principal and concerned members (the Head of Departments, Deans of Faculties and the council members of the universities) to come together and adopt the latest internet, technological, multimedia and other relevant tools that make learning possible and that allow the desired aim to be achieved. [16], highlighted e-learning to be a learning procedure that deals with the learning and use of computers. This is a result of the age of greater advances in the learning and education sector. E-learning entails the process of creating an enabling environment for students or their employers to be effectively trained in the process of continuous learning and teaching [17].
E-learning provides several opportunities such as financial benefits mostly in cases where there is lesser or limited provision of the required basic amenities. The need to address the task is being set up, thereby allowing the utilization of a cyber café in achieving the target, hence generating income and financial assistance [18].
The effectiveness of e-learning is solely dependent on the aggregation of more relevant and important technologies that play vital roles in making sure that the use of e-learning is easy and simple to understand [19].
An enabling environment plays a vital role in the acceptance, implementation and actualization of e-learning in the educational sector in order to drive and achieve the success that it has to offer [20]. The use of technologies such as multimedia, with the most important being informational tools, makes it possible to achieve flexibility in the understanding and usage of e-learning facilities in schools and institutions of higher learning, which is beneficial to both administrators and students [21][22][21,22]. Administrators of the Nigerian educational system have identified e-learning as being advantageous to both students and administrators, hence advocating for good quality and relevant gadgets to further enhance learning benefits for students [23]. The implementation of e-learning in the Nigerian educational system, compared with other developed nations, has suffered major setbacks with respect to meeting standards and acquiring needed materials and manpower, and the provision of basic amenities, such as light, gadgets, ICT, etc., could not be met [24].
The educational sector in Nigeria is faced with several challenges amid the novel COVID-19 pandemic, which has ravaged the educational sector as well as other financial institutions [25].

2. Concept of School Management

The optimal administration and incorporation of the best trends in educational sectors provide a good chance of a higher performance in schools, including either universities or secondary schools, where they are implemented [26][27]. The introduction of e-learning to a premier university in Nigeria, which has its roots in the college of Ibadan, has led to greater interest, which has caused locals to seek extramural work and several other studies at Oxford University [27][28]. The smooth running of education and e-learning in the Nigerian educational sector is hampered by several limitations and setbacks, including the curriculum, which is not adequately prepared, the lack of adequate electricity, the unprofessionalism of the staff and other factors [28][29][29,30]. Ref. [30][31], in his view, asserted that education needs resources and proper mobilization by the parents and guardians of the students in order to meet demands and what is expected of schools regarding academic success. It is a process of mobilizing school resources toward the achievement of desirable educational goals. School administration is a process of activation that requires expertise and training in educational principles and practices in order to ensure proper management to achieve results in education [11].

3. Concept of E-Learning

E-learning, also known as “electronic learning”, is associated with the use of internet resources and other such tools to gain knowledge, with the maximum utilization of multimedia, technologies and ICT in making sure that the desired aim is achieved [9]. It is a system that helps in the effective passing and receiving of information from one source to another, i.e., from teachers to students [9][31][9,32]. According to [18], e-learning is an educational method for which popularity is on the rise in all aspects and endeavors of life, and as such, it has gained a high level of recognition and acceptability in the 21st century. In most formal school systems, however, e-learning is faced with many expectations, such as conforming to educational curriculum. E-learning entails the process of creating an enabling environment for the students or their employers to be effectively trained in the process of continuing to teach [17]. Facilitators and instructors of e-learning make learning more interesting and create more benefits; therefore, further exposure is seen in the learning process [32][33]. Ref. [2] acknowledged that, following many advances that have been observed, the rapid change in technological progress and the most recent globalization trend in the quest for higher educational performance, as well as the elimination of boundaries among students, have led to the adoption of new methods and perspectives in educational practice, such as e-learning. According to the Federal Republic of Nigeria [33][34], formal education in Nigeria is controlled by a series of policies.

4. Benefits of E-learning in the Educational Sector

One of the benefits of e-learning is the fact that e-learning saves 50% of time and 40–60% of costs when used well [34][35]. It also provides the following:
  • Location flexibility: E-learning provides learners with flexibility, and the same is also provided for teachers. This makes learning easier for both parties notwithstanding the location.
  • Good access to instructors: Learners can acquire a better understanding of the concepts being taught, as the materials that are provided can be re-accessed along with knowledge from instructors.
  • Reliable learning skills: Certain circumstances have been observed by researchers to be of great benefit to learners using online learning, compared with the classroom learning process. Improvements in reliable learning skills are seen online, compared with normal face-to-face learning that is adopted in most countries’ educational systems [34][35].
With the inception of e-learning, there are no barriers, as online learning provides a global perspective because it connects users beyond the boundaries of their location.

5. E-Learning in Nigerian Universities

Universities or higher institutions are seen as well-organized educational settings above the secondary level of learning, which offer degrees, diplomas or other relevant certificates that are widely recognized and accepted [27][28]. Higher institutions provide humans with opportunities to run the economy, which hence provides the economy with greater transformation in the society in which it is practiced [30][31]. [35][36] posited that e-learning has, in recent times, brought about a change in the relationship between teachers and students with respect to learning, which has transformed the learning process from the traditional education system. The benefits of implementing e-learning in the country are necessitated by the government through the Federal Ministry of Education to initiate policies that enable growth and stability but that are yet to be fully implemented for optimal performance [36][37]. Despite the educational benefits of e-learning, there is also a financial benefit, but this is always taken for granted by both students and administrators [18]. Continual advancements in information technology have provided the educational sector with the necessity to advance their teaching, learning and research methods, since these proactive measures are needed to effectively perform the duties assigned to them for optimization and for running smoothly [9][37][9,38].

6. Administrators of E-Learning in Nigerian Universities

Different principal officers play key roles in the administration and implementation of policies in organizations where they serve and hold principal offices. The effects are widely felt in the educational aspect, where administrators seek the most suitable methods of improving the educational performance of their students, mostly in higher institutions of learning [15]. The administrators of universities in Nigeria have roles to play in ensuring that e-learning and other relevant teaching strategies are for the benefit of the students [38][39]. AFRIHUB, which is responsible for providing ICTC in most Nigerian universities, agrees with Mr. Chukwuemerie Nnamdi that over (18) tertiary institutions in Nigeria utilize the help and assistance from them to unleash the “power of ICTs in almost all Nigeria and other African countries for the development of human capacity building and also to enhance economic empowerment, not only in the educational sectors” [39][40]. These tertiary institutions where programs are currently in operation are the Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, also known as Umudike; the Federal University of Technology Owerri (FUTO); Nnamdi Azikiwe University; the Awka University of Nigeria Nsukka:- and Enugu Campuses (UNN, UNEC); the University of Abuja; the University of Benin; Minna (FUTA); the Federal College of Education, Technical, Omoku; and the University of Calabar, amongst others in the country. With these establishments, plans are also in preparation to start ICT operations in more tertiary institutions in the country under a public–private partnership (PPP) [39][40]. The administrators of different universities in the country have started putting things in place to help standardize the internet and e-learning programs, which are seen to be of great importance to the academic environment and to the economy of the nation as a whole. According to [12] in their study of the role of educational administrators in the implementation e-learning programs, carried out a study focused on the challenges faced by education administrators in e-learning implementation and on ways to remedy them. The study was implemented using mixed research methods (pragmatism research philosophy) for data collection, and analysis was conducted by [40][41], with primary administrators and school heads (principals used in the study) using well-structured questionnaires and with random data collection techniques. The findings of the research show that most of the school heads are degree holders and inspectors with a Master’s degree in educational administration, but none of them had a relevant degree equivalent in the ICTC spheres to help them be more effective in teaching and e-learning implementation [26][27]. The study concluded that no optimal progress can be achieved in e-learning in schools without well-trained ICTC personnel being brought into the educational sector of Zimbabwe, despite the government’s efforts to avert the problems faced.
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