Fundamental/Longitudinal Life History Trade-Offs on Delay Discounting: Comparison
Please note this is a comparison between Version 2 by Lindsay Dong and Version 1 by Junsong Lu.

WDe synthesized life history theory and the antagonistic pleiotropy hypothesis to form an integrative framework for understanding delay dilay discounting (DD). We distinguished between fundamental and longitudinal life history trade-offs to explain individual and age differences of DD. Fundamental life history trade-offs are characterized by life history strategies (LHS), describing how individuals adjust reproductive timing according to childhood environments, while longitudinal life history trade-offs characterize how individuals make trade-offs between early- vs. late-life reproduction as a function of age. Fundamental and longitudinal life history trade-offs exhibit differential effects on delay discounting, owing to their different evolutionary impetuses. We concluded that DD was a product of two distinct life history trade-offs, reflecting both the trait-like quality and age-related development.  

  • delay discounting
  • intertemporal choice
  • age differences
  • life history theory
  • time perception

1. Introduction

Smaller but sooner rewards are normally preferred over larger but later rewards in intertemporal decisions requiring a trade-off between securing resources today and preparing for tomorrow. Preference in intertemporal decision-making is described using delay discounting, indicating to what extent delayed rewards are devalued [1].
Determinants of delay discounting are still under debate; relevant studies exploring psychological underpinnings of delay discounting can be divided into two broad classes: one stream emphasizes that temporal discounting is inherited and reflects individual tastes [6,7][2][3], while the other suggests that since the value of a reward is based on when (e.g., at what age) it is received, delay discounting is determined by maximizing utility of temporal outcomes [8,9,10][4][5][6]. Studies on individual differences demonstrated that delay discounting was largely accounted for by genotype (e.g., heritable) [11,12][7][8] and associated with various traits such as intelligence, personality, self-control, and time perspective [13,14,15[9][10][11][12],16], while the second class is represented by research on the age effect of delay discounting and has been paying much attention in the past three decades [17,18,19,20][13][14][15][16]. Although both individual and age differences in delay discounting have been extensively studied, current works are distributed across disciplines and were not integrated. Moreover, several fields, especially studies on age differences, demonstrated equivocal results, making few firm conclusions warranted.

2. Life History Theory and Individual Differences in Delay Discounting

All organisms meet the fundamental challenge to efficiently allocate limited energy and resources across different activities. Life history theory, a middle-level theory of evolutionary biology, distinguishes somatic effort that invests in survival-enhancing activities (e.g., maintenance and growth) from the reproductive effort that invests in reproduction and mating [24,25,26][17][18][19]. The trade-off between the two efforts results in an organism’s life history strategy (LHS), with fast life history strategists allocating more resources to reproductive efforts, preferring earlier timing of puberty and reproduction, while slow life history strategists mature at a slower rate, preferring late onset of reproduction. This fundamental life history trade-off mirrors intertemporal decision-making [23,27][20][21]: somatic effort is analogous to saving behavior and thus improves organisms’ reproductive success in the future, while reproductive effort is analogous to spending and thus aims to replicate one’s gene as soon as possible. Additionally, life history theory predicts that the major evolutionary impetus of LHS is an organism’s childhood environment [21,22][22][23]. Specifically, LHS is contingent on harshness (e.g., mortality rate), unpredictability, and resource scarcity of the childhood environment. In an environment of high levels of harshness and unpredictability, organisms benefit less from somatic effort; only maturing and reproducing at a relatively young age would they seize the opportunity to propagate their genes. Conversely, when the environment is stable and less harsh, natural selection favors a slower strategy because investing more in somatic effort under such conditions increases life expectancy and could fulfill their full reproductive potential. This perspective indicates that psychological processes are adapted to ecological cues encountered in early development and that LHS underpins the calibrating mechanism [28,29][24][25]. Given the environmental contingency of LHS, it is now becoming evident of the relationship between LHS and delay discounting. Individuals exposed to mortality cues in childhood implicitly infer that environmental harshness and unpredictability are high. They are therefore aware that they are unlikely to benefit from waiting for a larger but delayed reward. By contrast, if individuals grow up in stable environments and expect themselves to live longer, they become more future-oriented and more likely to choose a delayed reward. This argument has received support from experimental research [23,30][20][26], suggesting that childhood SES serves as an important predictor of “the personal taste” of time preference.

3. The Antagonistic Pleiotropy and Developmental Trajectory of Delay Discounting

Although life history theory describes the development of LHS, it mainly focuses on early childhood and is used to explain individual differences. It helps predict and explain between-subjects variance in delay discounting but is not explicit about its lifelong development. Taking a similar life history trade-off perspective, the antagonistic pleiotropy hypothesis of senescence [31][27] provides a theoretical basis for studying the age effect on delay discounting. It assumes that antagonistic genes exist in nature, and an individual’s chances of reproducing decrease with age. Pleiotropic genes are genes that have opposing effects on fitness (e.g., reproductive success) at different ages. The antagonistic pleiotropy hypothesis predicts that natural selection would favor pleiotropic genes that are beneficial in early life but deleterious later in life. Once these deleterious effects begin to accumulate, senescence takes root. Thus, senescence could be viewed as a trade-off between early and later life reproductive success. Regardless of mortality, the probability of surviving to age T + 1 is always lower than that of age T, so it is always optimal to sacrifice reproductive opportunities in later life for opportunities for early reproduction after reaching sexual maturity. In a realistic setting, the hypothesis implies accelerated senescence. The later a deleterious effect occurs, the less it affects overall reproductive success. Therefore, a pleiotropic gene with larger but later deleterious effects could be selected. Although no genes of the sort hypothesized by the theory were found in the 1960s, genetic evidence supporting antagonistic pleiotropy has been accumulating in recent years (for a review, see [32])[28]. From this perspective, when examining age differences in delay discounting, one should explore how a fitness-relevant reward is discounted in the context of accelerated senescence. Organisms that have experienced a significant decline in physiological function are unlikely to be benefited by waiting for a delayed reward. This predicted an increase in delay discounting at old ages. In contrast, in early life, before senescence begins, the benefits of pleiotropic genes gradually manifest with sexual maturation. If the organism survives as time goes by, a lower external mortality rate is more likely and suggests a decline in survival rate at a decreasing rate [9][5]. Because the reproductive probability is a function of fertility and survival probability, this means that more reproductive opportunities will be available in the future and that waiting for delayed rewards can maximize fitness. Where there is a sex difference, the antagonistic pleiotropy hypothesis predicts that selection operates weakly on females since their reproduction mostly occurs before menopause [33,34][29][30]. However, this does not imply that women will not experience an increase in delay discounting later in life. First, senescence continuously increases intrinsic mortality rates and makes delayed rewards less likely to be received. Second, with a relatively long post-menopausal life-span, women can invest in grandchildren to increase inclusive fitness [35][31]. This ability to invest must gradually decline with aging, and it is better to obtain resources earlier.

4. Delay Discounting as the Product of Fundamental and Longitudinal Life History Trade-Offs

Fundamental life history trade-offs, or life history strategies, predict how individuals respond to ecological cues (e.g., mortality rate) and thus explain individual differences in delay discounting. Individuals growing up in higher socioeconomic status (SES) environments generally have lower delay discounting and vice versa. Based on the antagonistic pleiotropy hypothesis, longitudinal life history trade-offs predict developmental trajectories of delay discounting. Individuals would show an increase in delay discounting as senescence progresses, regardless of their life history strategies. Early life, in contrast, should witness a decrease in delay discounting as sexual maturity approaches, as higher reproductive probability will be achieved in the future. Fundamental and longitudinal life history trade-offs are differential underpinnings of delay discounting for several aspects. First, fundamental trade-offs explain the between-subjects variance of delay discounting, while longitudinal trade-offs account for the within-subjects variance. Both mechanisms should be taken into consideration when comparing delay discounting across individuals and groups, as one of them could blur the effect of the other. Previously inconsistent results on the age effect of delay discounting [36,37,38][32][33][34] may therefore be due to the failure to control for LHS or childhood SES. Second, fundamental and longitudinal trade-offs differ in their evolutionary impetus. Fundamental trade-offs are contingent on childhood SES [21][22], while longitudinal trade-offs are driven by adult mortality rates [31][27]. Therefore, even if both adopt a trade-off perspective, their influences are independent. One might question the legitimacy of applying evolutionary theory in delay discounting research because inferences about delay discounting are all based on fitness-relevant rewards, and most studies use monetary rewards which did not exist during evolutionary history. Further, the extent to which the inferences of evolutionary theory are universal is still in question. The predictions above could be applied to delay discounting of monetary reward. People’s desire for money is a modern derivative of the desire for bioenergetic resources (e.g., food) because the need for fitness-relevant resources is found to be consistent with the thirst for money [39,40][35][36]. These predictions could be extended to different types of rewards. Overwhelming evidence indicated that cross-domain (e.g., food, money, health, and alcohol) discounting rates were strongly correlated [6,41,42,43][2][37][38][39]. If food and money are important for survival and mating, then related resources or resources with similar discounting rates would also be related to fitness.


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