Information Problem Solving Instruction: Comparison
Please note this is a comparison between Version 1 by Manoli Pifarré and Version 7 by Vicky Zhou.

IThe objective of the study is to find out how long-term embedded whole-task instruction can help students to develop more efficient information problem solving (IPS) is a complex cognitive process considered as an important 21st century skill in combination with critical thinking [15]skills that could lead to a better use of internet information for learning and solving digital tasks more effectively. To this end, we designed, implemented and evaluated a three-year instruction to promote students’ development of key IPS skills in real-life classroom settings. This research involved sixty-one secondary education students. Forty-two of them received the IPS instruction and their results were analysed longitudinally and subsequently compared to a control group which received the regular courses. The results showed that students who received the IPS instruction improved their performance significantly in tasks in which the use of IPS skills was needed and these students organised and presented the information found on the Internet critically and giving personal arguments. The findings also revealed that during the three-year project the scores of IPS task-performance were statistically higher in the instructed students than those obtained in control group students. Our study then provides an insight into how secondary students develop IPS skills throughout a long-term instructional support and shows a series of educational implications.

  • Information problem solving
  • Internet
  • long-term instruction
  • embedded instruction
  • whole-task approach
  • supporting tools
  • secondary education, longitudinal study
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