OvSer the years, there has been a significant increase in the adoption of game-based interventions for behaviour change associatedious games (SG) are defined as “interactive computer applications, with many fields such as health, education, and psychology. This is due to the sior without a significance of the players’ intrinsic motivation that is naturally generated to play games and the substantial impact they can have on players. Many review papers measure the effectiveness of the use of gaming on changing behaviours; however, these studies neglect the game features involved in the game design process, which have an impact of stimulating behaviour change. Therefore, this paper aimed to identify game design mechanics and features that are reported to commonly influence behaviour change during and/or after the interventionst hardware component, that have challenging goals, are fun to play and engaging, incorporate some scoring mechanism, and supply the user with skills, knowledge or attitudes useful in reality".
1. Introduction
In the last four decades, games have been designed purposely for behavioural change
[1,2][1][2]. This is due to their popularity in providing leisure activity and entertainment to players
[3]. Researchers exploited the appeal of playing games to influence players’ behaviours after witnessing significant behaviour changes while playing
[3,4,5][3][4][5]. Since then, specific games have been particularly created and developed to help transform and change certain behaviours in different fields such as health, psychology, education, marketing, and tourism, etc.
[6,7][6][7]. New terms have emerged to define these types of games such as: serious gaming, gamification, persuasive games, etc. Designing a persuasive game for serious purposes requires a thorough understanding of the relevant behaviour change theories that can feed into the design process
[5]. Games that have been employed to make an impact on players’ behaviours are often aided by well-known behavioural change theories and the engaging characteristics of game design elements and mechanics.
This manuscript therefore aimed to review and synthesise existing studies on these types of games and their effectiveness/efficacy, the behavioural change theories that are frequently adopted, and the game elements and mechanics utilised to structure these games. This will provide insights into the most frequently applied game elements in these games. This review specifically focused on computer and video games and gamified systems that apply game elements.