After transcription, precursor mRNA copes with splicing and post-transcriptional modification to generate mature mRNA and finally translation into protein. Alternative splicing generate multiple functional (Na
v1.5a, Na
v1.5d, Na
v1.5e, and Na
v1.5c) and non-functional (Na
v1.5b, Na
v1.5f, and truncated) Na
v1.5 variants
[57]. Na
v1.5a isoform is characterized by the deletion of exon 18. This isoform is only present in small rodents and, compared with full-length Na
v1.5, leads to altered electrophysiological kinetics properties. There is no evidence of Na
v1.5a expression in human cardiac cells
[57][58]. Another alternative spliced variant of
SCN5A generates Na
v1.5c isoform, which has been identified as the most abundant isoform in humans. Na
v1.5c is characterized by a 5′-trinucleotide deletion in exon 18, concretely a CAG—Glu (Q) in 1077 position, affected by the splicing machinery and generating a Na
v1.5 variant that contains 2015 polypeptides instead of 2016. It has been identified that the electrophysiological properties of Na
v1.5 and Na
v1.5c are indistinguishable
[58][59]. Na
v1.5d is another Na
v1.5 variant, where 120 bp fragment is deleted from exon 17. This Na
v1.5d isoform is present in the fetal and adult human heart and has altered channel kinetics due to a reduction of open channel probability
[58][60][61]. Finally, the last functional Na
v1.5 variant is Na
v1.5e and is generated by alternative splicing on exon 6. It can be found Na
v1.5e with 5′-exon 6 in neonatal (exon 6a) or 3′-exon 6 (exon 6b) in any adult mammalian heart
[4][62]. Na
v1.5e contains a K211 residue, instead of D211 residue in Na
v1.5, being responsible for slower kinetics of the channel
[63]. Na
vd1.5b is a non-functional Na
v1.5 variant and is generated by the deletion of exon 17 and exon 18. Heterologous expression reveals that exon 17 encodes an essential Na
v1.5 region that confers functionality to the channel
[61][64]. This splice variant is present in mouse hearts, but there is no evidence of this variant in other mammals’ hearts
[61]. On the other hand, deletion of exon 24 of Na
v1.5 generates Na
v1.5f variant; this isoform is highly detected in rat heart and human brain but not in the human heart
[65][66]. Electrophysiological experiments evidenced that Na
v1.5f is a non-functional variant
[58]. Finally, it has been identified three C-terminal truncated spliced variants, E28B, E28C, and E28D, that generate reduced protein levels and no functional Na
+ currents in the normal fetal and adult human heart
[67]. In another layer of complexity, in a very recent study, it has been evidenced that minor introns modulate gene families at a post-transcriptional level. Concretely, U6actac, which is a minor spliceosome component, modulates Na
v1.5 and Ca
v1.2 protein levels through the removal of minor introns in
Scn5a and
Cacna1c, regulating electrophysiological properties of cardiomyocytes
3. Non-Genomic Regulation of the Cardiac Sodium Channel
Being an ion channel, Na
v1.5 is first synthesized as a primary protein chain that is subsequently folded in order to acquire the pore-forming three-dimensional conformation
[57]. This tertiary structure is then assembled with its beta subunits, most likely (β1), and trafficked through the Golgi apparatus to be targeted to the corresponding cell membrane compartments
[69]. Along this whole process, Na
v1.5 went through distinct non-genomic regulatory modifications and quality control steps conferring its unique conformational and functional identity as a voltage-gated sodium channel
[57][70]. These steps are ensured by a growing set of regulatory proteins that have been demonstrated to covalently or non-covalently interact with Na
[71]. In addition to the interacting proteins, Na
v1.5 function has been demonstrated to be influenced by wider intracellular (oxidative stress, metabolic stress, electrolyte homeostasis, etc.) and extracellular (pH, temperature, hormones, etc.) factors.
3.1. Regulation of Na
1.5 Biosynthesis and Post-Translational Modifications
3.1.1. Regulation of Nav1.5 Translation and ER Retention
The translation of Na
v1.5 starts in the cytosol and then pursue into the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Anchoring the ribosome with the elongating Na
v1.5 polypeptide chain to the ER occurs when a signal peptide is recognized by the signal recognition particle (SRP) that targets the active ribosome to the rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane. Unlike cytosolic proteins, which have their signal peptide generally within the amino terminal, ion channels contain numerous signal sequences that are not restricted to the amino terminal
[72]. Although the signal sequences of some ion channels such as Kv1.3 and CFTR have been already mapped to the second transmembrane spanning domain, almost 200 amino acids downstream from the NH
2 terminal
[72], that of Na
v1.5 are not yet identified. Once anchored, the ribosome translocates the elongating polypeptide chain into the ER lumen
[73]. As a transmembrane protein, the nascent Na
v1.5 is soon pushed to the ER membrane, where it is anchored and retained
[73]. The ER retention is thought to occur when specific ER retention motifs embedded in the elongating Na
v1.5 polypeptide (most likely in the DI-DII linker of the sodium channel
[74]) binds a cytosolic signal recognition particle (endoplasmic reticulum recognition particle, ERRP), that then directs the Na
v1.5-ERRP complex to receptors within the ER membrane
[75][76][77]. The complex Na
v1.5-ERRP is then trapped within the ER, ensuring that the newly formed channel does not leave the ER membrane before finishing the folding and assembly steps
[72]. At this level, several regulatory proteins and residues are reported to bind to this complex and facilitate the folding and maturation of the nascent protein
[57][72][75][76][77][78][79][80] (
Figure 2).
Figure 2. Biosynthesis and degradation pathways of Nav1.5. Only one of the possible scenarios where Nav1.5 assembles with one or more β-subunits early at the ER is depicted here. Furthermore, one possible scenario where ERAD-dependent degradation exclusively affects α subunit rather than α-β assembly is shown here since no information is currently available about the detailed process. ERRP—endoplasmic reticulum retention protein; β—beta subunit; PKA—protein kinase A; MOG1—RAN guanine nucleotide release factor; COPII—coat protein complex II; ERAD—ER-associated degradation; Cx43—connexin 43; PKP2—plakophilin 2; DSG—desmoglein; DSC—desmocollin; EB1—end-binding 1; Cav3—caveolin 3; PTMs—post-translational modifications.
The correct folding of the newly synthesized Na
v1.5 channels is commonly thought to be a condition for their forward trafficking to the cell membrane and their proper gating function. This notion has been tested by the exploration of Na
v1.5 trafficking-deficient mutants such as R282H, A124D, and V1378M that, due to folding defects, they failed to exit the ER and thus to reach the cell membrane
[81][82]. Although the importance of this step in the life cycle of any ion channel, very scarce information is currently available about the mechanism of Na
v1.5 folding and its regulation. Nonetheless, it is currently established that one of the prerequisites for proper Na
v1.5 folding is core-glycosylation. In addition, molecular chaperone proteins such as protein disulfide isomerases (PDI), ER oxidoreductases (ERO), 70 kDa heat shock proteins (Hsp70), 90 kDa heat shock proteins (Hsp90), as well as calnexin and calreticulin, have been demonstrated to regulate the folding of the nascent proteins and the ER-associated degradation of the misfolded proteins
Some antiarrhythmic drugs such as mexiletine, quinidine, and flecainide proved their efficiency rescuing the trafficking of some misfolded Na
v1.5 variants, thus playing the role of pharmacological chaperones
[82][90]. In addition, curcumin, a major constituent of turmeric known to block the ER calcium pump, has also been reported as effective in rescuing the
INa current of L325R misfolded Na
v1.5 channels
[26]. Low temperature has also been demonstrated to trigger the rescue of misfolded Na
v1.5 mutants
[90], probably through slowing the folding process, which prevents protein misfolding and aggregation
3.1.2. Co-Translational and Post-Translational Regulation of Nav1.5
N-Linked Glycosylation of Nascent Na
One of the earliest modifications that the Na
v1.5 undergoes co-translationally once inserted into the ER is the N-glycosylation
[69][83]. This quality control step has been first evidenced in the rat heart by Cohen and Levitt, who have found that glycosylation increases Na
v1.5 mass by only 5%, compared to 25–30% increases observed in other voltage-gated sodium channel isoforms
[92]. Glycosylation initiates in the ER and terminates in the Golgi
[83][93]. In the ER, glycosylation initiates when glycan (Glc3Man9GlcNAc2) is dissociated from a lipid derivative by oligosaccharyl transferase (OST) and bind to the amide nitrogen of asparagine (N) localized in the extracellular side of the nascent Na
v1.5 protein
[70][94]. Although no validated “map” of the N-glycosylation sites has been published yet for Na
v1.5, 13 potential external N-glycosylation sites have been identified in human Na
[95], and at least 14 putative N-linked glycosylation sites have been reported in the rat cardiac sodium channel
[92]. The N-glycosylation of the newly formed cardiac sodium channel has been reported to be a prerequisite for proper Na
v1.5 folding and subsequent surface expression as well as an assembly with its β subunits
[69][83][96]. According to Arakel et al., Na
v1.5 maturation strongly depends on the presence of the auxiliary β1 that binds to the pore-forming α subunit and promotes its glycosylation and its trafficking to the cell membrane
In this context, N-glycosylated Na
v1.5 is thought to undergo subsequent serial de-glucosylation steps and extreme quality controls involving the ER-resident chaperones, which will ensure that only correctly folded and fully glycosylated channels can be trafficked
[83][93][98]. Interestingly, Mercier et al. found that early N-glycosylated Na
v1.5 channels generated in the ER could reach the cell membrane through an unconventional trafficking pathway bypassing the Golgi stacks while functional channels are trafficked through the conventional pathway that is Golgi-dependent
[83]. In addition, ER-resident chaperones such as Calnexin and Calreticulin have been reported to play a crucial role in controlling ion channels folding and efficient export to the Golgi
[99][100][101]. However, there is no evidence of physical interaction of Calnexin and Na
v1.5 despite their proven co-localization in the ER
[102][103]. While properly folded Na
v1.5 are trafficked forward to the cis-Golgi where they will be fully maturated, misfolded Na
v1.5 are retained in the ER to be later degraded, most likely through the activation of the unfolded protein response (UPR) pathway and/or ER-associated degradation (ERAD) pathway that is linked to the cytoplasmic ubiquitin-proteasome pathway
Phosphorylation and Dephosphorylation of Na
In addition to N-linked glycosylation, Na
v1.5 undergoes phosphorylation as a post-translational modification
[107]. Thirty years ago, Shubert et al. brought the first evidence of Na
v1.5 phosphorylation by protein kinase A (PKA) through the activation of the β-adrenergic system by isoproterenol, which led to an increased level of cAMP, which in turn reduced Na
+ current (
[108]. These findings were further confirmed by a subsequent study by Frohnwieser and his co-worker, who showed that combined cytosolic injection of cAMP and a PKA activator increased
INa suggesting a modulatory effect of PKA on human Na
[109]. The same study demonstrated that this modulatory effect of PKA is conferred by the DI–DII intracellular linker of Na
v1.5. In this regard, it has been reported that the rat Na
v1.5 protein sequence harbors two distinct sites for PKA phosphorylation that were mapped to serine positions S526 (525 in human) and S529 (528 in human)
[70][110][111][112]. These sites are localized in the cytosolic loop interconnecting DI and DII of Na
v1.5, where the three putative RXR-type (R479KR481, R533RR535, and R659QR661) ER retention motifs have been localized too
[74][107][113]. Zhou et al. have previously demonstrated that PKA activation promotes trafficking of channels to the plasma membrane
[113]. In the same context, Scott et al. have shown that a PKA-PKC mediated phosphorylation of NMDA receptor masks its ER retention motifs leading thus to its release from the ER and exportation to the cell membrane
[114]. Taken together, these findings suggest a similar mechanism where the phosphorylation of Na
v1.5 at S525 and S528 by PKA leads to changes in the Na
v1.5 conformation that masks the ER retention signals and eases the trafficking of the channel to the cell membrane
[112][115]. This is consistent with the idea that proper folding of Na
v1.5 unmasks its ER retention motifs and facilitates its forward trafficking to the Golgi apparatus
In an antagonistic way to PKA, Na
v1.5 is downregulated by protein kinase C (PKC)-mediated phosphorylation which leads to a reduced channel density at the cell surface and
INa decay
[116]. Although ten different PKC isoforms have been identified in human ventricular myocytes and in different animal species
[117], isoform-specific activation/inhibition studies suggested εPKC isoform as the key player in the PKC-mediated regulation of Na
v1.5 and
INa [118][119]. Nonetheless, PKCδ-mediated Na
INa downregulation either directly through phosphorylation at S1503 or indirectly through elevated mitoROS production has been reported
[120]. In addition, a minor role of αPKC reducing
INa through angiotensin II has also been described
[121]. As a direct mechanism, the PKC (particularly εPKC) effect on Na
v1.5 and
INa has been partially attributed to the phosphorylation of a conserved serine S1503 of the DIII-DIV cytosolic linker of Na
[122][123]. However, intracellular metabolic changes have been described as a mediator of PKC activation and PKC-mediated phosphorylation of Na
[120]. In this regard, high intracellular levels of NADH have been described as triggers of PKC, thus leading to overproduction of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (mitoROS) and
INa decay
[124][125][126]. This effect has been demonstrated to be mediated by glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase 1 (GPD1L)
[127] and could be reversed by NAD
+-mediated PKA activation
[124][128][129][130]. Interestingly, Fouda et al. have demonstrated that PKA and PKC phosphorylation pathways could be activated by Cannabidiol and Estradiol and that this activation could rescue the high glucose-induced changes in Na
v1.5 properties
Importantly, not far from the PKA phosphorylation sites in Na
v1.5 DI–DII linker, there is a Ca
2+/Calmodulin-dependent Protein Kinase II (CaMKII) phosphorylation site as well, which was mapped to S516
[133]. This CaMKII phosphorylation site is not the only one in Na
v1.5 since Ashpole et al. have identified four extra potential sites; all of them are localized in DI–DII linker, suggesting linker I as a hotspot for Na
v1.5 phosphorylation
[133]. However, a recent study by Herren et al. identified 23 sites along Na
v1.5 intracellular regions that could be phosphorylated by CaMKII in human Na
[134]. More recently, Burel et al. identified two further CaMKII phosphorylation sites localized in the C-terminal region of Na
[135]. Several studies have shown that Na
v1.5 is regulated by CaMKII and that activation of this kinase increases the so-called pathogenic late cardiac sodium current
INaL [136]. Interestingly, El Refaey et al. demonstrated that
INaL could also be regulated by B56α, the key regulatory subunit of the PP (protein phosphatase) 2A holoenzyme
[137]. This phosphatase is targeted by ankyrin-G to the Na
v1.5-CaMKII -βIV spectrin axis at the ID where it is thought to dephosphorylate Na
v1.5 at S571 in the DI-DII linker via B56α balancing, thus the CaMKII-dependent phosphorylation of the cardiac sodium channel. According to a study by Deschênes et al., inhibition of CaMKII slowed Na
v1.5 channel current decay, produced a depolarizing shift in fast inactivation, and slowed entry into inactivated states
v1.5 is also phosphorylated by Tyrosine kinases. In this regard, phosphorylation of Na
v1.5 by the Src family Tyrosine kinase Fyn has been first reported by Ahern and co-workers, who have demonstrated that this kinase acts by increasing the rates of recovery from fast-inactivated states, thus impairing the steady-state inactivation of Na
[139]. Fyn kinase acts most likely on Tyr1495 of Na
v1.5 not far from the Ile-Phe-Met (IFM) motif of DIII–DIV linker that is known to modulate the rapid inactivation process of the channel
[5]. In the heart, Fyn tyrosine kinases are reported to co-localize with Na
v1.5 channels at adherens junctions, where they modulate electrical coupling and propagation of action potential
[140][141]. Iqbal et al. found that the major Na
v1.5 splice variants Q1077 and delQ1077 are differentially phosphorylated by Fyn kinase, which results in coordinated steady-state rapid inactivation kinetics for smooth electrical activity of the heart
[142]. The same researchers suggested a multistep mechanism by which Fyn kinases bind and modulate Na
v1.5. This mechanism starts by the association of Fyn kinase to proline-rich regions in the DI–DII linker and C-terminal region of Na
v1.5, which activates the phosphorylation of neighboring tyrosine residues in the N-terminal region (Y68, Y87, and Y112), DIII–DIV linker (Y1494, Y1495), and C-terminal region (Y1811, Y1889)
[139][142][143]. Particularly, Y1494 and Y1495 of the DIII–IV linker have been demonstrated to play an essential role in the anchoring of Ca2
+/Calmodulin to the Na
v1.5 inactivation gate, and thus Fyn-mediated phosphorylation of the two Tyrosine residues has been suggested to reduce or abolish calmodulin binding and to impair the interaction of the side chain with the inactivation gate receptor
Arginine Methylation
Beltran-Alvarez and co-workers evidenced for the first time that Na
v1.5 is post-translationally modified by arginine methylation at three residues (R513, R526, and R680) within the Na
v1.5 DI–DII linker
[146]. This modification is catalyzed by arginine methyltransferases (PRMT) PRMT-3 and PMRT-5 and leads to an increased expression of Na
v1.5 in cell surface
[147]. Studying the PTMs of Na
v1.5 in end-stage heart failure patients, the same team demonstrated that methylation of R526 is the major quality control step of any Na
v1.5 arginine or lysine residue
N-Terminal and Lysine Acetylation
Another PTM during the Na
v1.5 life cycle is the acetylation process. Two types of acetylation have been reported so far: reversible and irreversible. The first type is mediated by histone acetyltransferases (HATs) which exert N-terminal acetylation of a Na
v1.5 lysine residue leading to enhanced trafficking of Na
v1.5 and therefore to an increased
INa current
[149], whereas the second type of acetylation is mediated by N-terminal acetyltransferases (NATs), where a Na
v1.5 alanine residue is acetylated and has been reported as a Na
v1.5 degradation signal
[147]. Interestingly, native Na
v1.5 channels purified from end-stage heart failure patients were reported to lack the initiation of methionine and be acetylated at the resulting initial alanine residue
[148]. Recently, Vikram et al. showed that Na
v1.5 undergoes reversible lysine acetylation. For instance, sirtuin 1 deacetylase (Sirt1), an NAD
+-dependent lysine deacetylase, has been demonstrated to regulate Na
v1.5 channels by deacetylating lysine residue 1479 (K1479) in the DIII–DIV linker, which promotes Na
v1.5 cell surface expression and increases
INa [150]. Interestingly, the murine model of cardiac Sirt1 deficiency presents fatal cardiac conduction defects as a result of K1479 hyperacetylation, which decreases Na
v1.5 cell surface expression and reduces
INa. These arrhythmogenic substrates are similar to those characterizing human Na
v1.5 loss-of-function cardiac arrhythmias suggesting that Na
v1.5 Sirt1-mediated deacetylation is crucial for the proper function of the cardiac sodium channel. It is noteworthy that the authors of this study raised an interesting point regarding the role of the functional interaction and interplay between different PTMs fine-tune regulating the Na
v1.5 channel expression and function. In this regard, it has been suggested that Na
v1.5 is regulated by Sirt1-mediated interaction between lysine acetylation and the ubiquitination in one hand and NAD
+ dependent interplay between PKC-mediated phosphorylation and Sirt1-mediated deacetylation in another hand
Although more than 25 years have passed since the discovery of SUMOylation, a post-translational modification conjugating a small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) molecule to a lysine residue in the substrate protein
[151], very scarce information are currently available about the regulation of Na
v1.5 by SUMOylation. For instance, only one study, that of Plant et al., has reported that one of the mechanisms underlying
INaL elevation in response to acute cardiac hypoxia is the quick SUMOylation of Na
v1.5 channels at the cell surface
[152]. Particularly, SUMOylation of K442 residue has been reported to contribute to the pathological increasing of I
NaL and action potential prolongation through activation of Na
v1.5 channels when they should normally be inactivated.
S-nitrosylation, a PTM consisting of the covalent binding of a nitrogen monoxide (NO) moiety to the thiol side chain of cysteine in the target protein, has recently gained progressive attention as a crucial quality control step that is required for the proper function of a given protein
[153]. In the cardiomyocytes, NO is produced by neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS)
[154]. nNOS mediated S-nitrosylation of Na
v1.5 has been demonstrated to maintain
INaL [155]. Interestingly, nNOS has been shown to interact with Na
v1.5 via its regulating protein α1-syntrophin, which acts as a scaffolding protein bringing together Na
v1.5 with nNOS and plasma membrane Ca-ATPase (PMCA4b) (an inhibitor of nNOS activity)
[156]. Therefore, LQTS-associated α1-syntrophin mutation has been demonstrated to break the SNTA1- PMCA4b association neutralizing, thus the nNOS inhibition and increasing Na
v1.5 S-nitrosylation, which in turn increase
INaL currents
[156]. A similar effect has been observed with a decreased caveolin 3(Cav3) expression, which has been shown to enhance S-nitrosylation of Na
v1.5 through increasing the nNOS activity, which increased
INaL in cardiomyocytes
[157]. However, a very recent study by Wang and co-workers suggested an indirect mechanism by which S-nitrosylation modulates the cardiac sodium channel expression and function. For instance, NO has been demonstrated to down-regulate
SCN5A expression and Na
v1.5 function through S-nitrosylation of regulatory transcription factor FOXO1
Lipoxidation refers to the establishment of covalent adducts between reactive products of lipid peroxidation and macromolecules such as proteins, phospholipids, and DNA
[159]. Recently, lipoxidation gained interest as a post-translational modification of the cardiac sodium channel that gives further evidence on the regulation of Na
v1.5 by oxidative stress
[160]. Nonetheless, little information is currently available about the mechanism of Na
v1.5 regulation by lipoxidation. In this respect, in vitro data by Nakajima and co-worker provided the first evidence that Na
v1.5 is post-translationally modified by lipoxidation during oxidant injury and that sodium channel dysfunction evoked by lipid peroxidation could be prevented by scavenging Isoketals (IsoKs), which are the most reactive products of lipoxidation
Methionine Oxidation
A previous study by Quiñonez et al. demonstrated that skeletal Na
v1.4 fast inactivation could be impaired by oxidizing at least two methionine residues in the channel
[162]. These findings have been supported in cardiac Na
v1.5 as well, where oxidative modification of the methionine within the IFM motif has been shown to lead to a drastic loss of Na
v1.5 inactivation
[163]. Interestingly, Na
v1.5 channels and
INa currents have been reported to be indirectly modulated by CaMKII, the activation of which depends on the oxidation of its own methionine residues
Palmitoylation (also called S-acylation) is the PTM of protein cysteines with saturated fatty acids that modify protein hydrophobicity and thereby influence their function
[165]. Palmitoylation has been reported to regulate ion channel’s function, most likely through controlling their trafficking and cell membrane expression
[69][166]. An early study by Schmidt et al. showed that Na
v1.5 is subject to palmitoylation
[69]. However, palmitoylation has been demonstrated to slightly influence cell surface expression of Na
v1.5 and rather significantly impact channel availability by regulating the voltage dependence of steady-state inactivation in both HEK293 cells and cardiomyocytes
[167]. Additionally, cysteine residues predicted to be palmitoylated in Na
v1.5 are mapped to the DII–DIII linker of the channel by prediction algorithms
3.1.3. Regulation of the ER-to-Golgi Trafficking
Well folded and assembled proteins are supposed to cross the ER-Golgi space in vesicle budding guided by cytoskeletal proteins
[168]. Studying the subcellular distribution of the cardiac sodium channel Na
v1.5 in HEK293 Cells and canine cardiac myocytes, Zimmer et al. noticed an accumulation of the intracellular channels within the ER and a lower channel density in the Golgi apparatus. Thereby, they proposed that ER plays the role of an intracellular reservoir where sodium channels are transiently stored
[169]. As discussed previously, stimulation of PKA likely results in the activation of the ER-to-Golgi trafficking, which in turn leads to a rapid increase of the channel density in the cell membrane
[74]. However, the whole mechanisms underlying the ER exit of Na
v1.5 to the Golgi is not yet fully deciphered, and current advances in this topic show that not only the PKA-mediated phosphorylation of the Na
v1.5 ER retention sites is what facilitates its ER-Golgi exportation. That is, several proteins and enzymes have been reported to bind to Na
v1.5 once retained to the ER and enhance its release. In this context, Wu et al. have identified the Ran-guanine nucleotide release factor (RANGRF or MOG1) as a cofactor of Na
v1.5, which by binding to its intracellular loop DII–DIII facilitates its cell surface expression
[170]. Using the DII–DIII linker of Na
v1.5, in yeast two-hybrid analyses, the team demonstrated that MOG1 is crucial for the optimal expression of Na
v1.5 and promotes its ER export and intracellular trafficking to the plasma membrane
[170]. These findings are consistent with Chakrabarti et al. study, which showed that silencing of MOG1 expression by small interfering RNAs caused retention of Na
v1.5 in the ER, reduced Na
v1.5 plasma membrane expression, and disrupted the Na
v1.5 targeting to the cell surface, in particular, to the caveolin-enriched microdomains (caveolae)
[171]. A subsequent mutational study performed by Yu et al. further revealed that mutations in the amino acids E83, D148, R150, and S151 of MOG1 disrupt its interaction with Na
v1.5 and significantly reduce the cardiac sodium channel trafficking to the cell surface, suggesting that these amino acids are important for the MOG1-Na
v1.5 binding and interaction
[172]. The same team found that MOG1-mediated trafficking and function of Na
v1.5 requires the interaction of MOG1 with two small GTPases SAR1A and SAR1B and that the knockdown of both enzymes abolishes the function of MOG1
[173]. Furthermore, it has been demonstrated that activation of SAR1 leads to the recruitment and internalization of Na
v1.5 cargo into the coated transition vesicle COPII-coated vesicles that will ensure its ER-to-Golgi trafficking
[173]. The Na
v1.5 ER export is also controlled by Dynamitin as demonstrated by Chatin et al., who have proved, using a yeast two-hybrid system, that Dynamitin (C-terminal domain), interacted with the Na
v1.5 DI–DII linker between amino acids 417 and 444 and that this interaction is crucial for the Na
v1.5 cell-surface density probably through controlling the ER-to-Golgi trafficking
3.1.4. Regulation of Nav1.5 Maturation and Golgi Export
Once in the Golgi, N-glycosylated Na
v1.5 undergoes additional mannose trimming and terminal glycosylation where acetyl-glucosamine, oligosaccharides, and finally sialic acid residues are sequentially added as the protein crosses the distinct Golgi cisternae. It has been demonstrated that glycosylation regulates voltage-gated sodium channels (including Na
v1.5) gating, inactivation, and recovery process during cardiac AP by interfering with the electric field near the gating sensors
[175][176][177][178][179]. Hence, it has been suggested that extracellular sialic acid residues, which are negatively charged at physiological pH, modulate the sensitivity of the Na
v1.5 voltage sensor domains to the transmembrane electrical potential fluctuation
[180]. Particularly, sialic acid residues localized to DI S5-S6 have been demonstrated to regulate the sialic acid-dependent gating of Na
Mature Na
v1.5 (fully glycosylated) are exported from the Golgi apparatus, which acts as a major secretory sorting hub that targets newly synthesized proteins to their final subcellular destinations
[181]. Although the current knowledge on the exact mechanisms regulating the Na
v1.5 export from the Golgi and trafficking to the cell membrane is still limited, a recent study by Ponce-Balbuena and co-workers reported that Na
v1.5 Golgi export is driven by a trafficking signal localized in its terminal COOH region. This signal corresponds to a binding site of the adaptor protein complex 1 (AP1) mapped to Na
v1.5’s Y1810 residue. AP1-marked Na
v1.5 will be then incorporated into clathrin-coated vesicles that will migrate to the cell membrane where the channel will be anchored
[182]. The same team showed that the Na
v1.5 cross the Golgi-cell membrane space by a common anterograde trafficking pathway as Kir2.1. These findings support previous studies demonstrating that both ion channels form a channelosome that shares common trafficking, targeting, anchoring, recycling, and degradation pathways
3.1.5. Regulation of the Nav1.5 Targeting to the Cell Membrane
Over the last few years, it became widely accepted that not all the Na
v1.5 proteins synthesized in one cardiomyocyte undergo the same regulatory steps till reaching their final localization in the cell membrane
[185]. After years of debate and controversial studies about the subcellular distribution of the cardiac sodium channel, the new cellular imaging techniques excluded the idea of an exclusive expression of Na
v1.5 at the ID
[141][186] and gave way to a more conceivable model that suggests a multi-pool aggregation of Na
v1.5 along with the cellular membrane compartments including the LM and the T-tubules
[187][188][189]. Being in one membrane domain or the other put the Na
v1.5 in distinct microenvironments composed of different interacting proteins that regulate its gating function and biophysical properties. Above all these interacting proteins, beta subunits are without doubt the ones that most gained interest in this field over the last few decades as their presence and function are dependent on the presence of the pore-forming α-subunit (
Figure 2 and
Figure 3).
Figure 3. (A) Schematic representation of the Nav1.5 secondary structure, (B) the intracellular view of the channel, and (C) the tertiary structure along with the interacting proteins. Only proteins with known binding sites in Nav1.5 are represented here. Mechanism of Nav1.5 regulation by the mitochondrial reactive oxygen species ROS is represented as well.
Regulation of Na
1.5 by β-Subunits
The β subunit family consists of four different proteins β1–4 encoded by four genes,
SCN1B–SCN4B, respectively, with β1 alternatively spliced into two isoforms, β1A and β1B
[190]. The β-subunits, most likely β1-subunits, assemble with Na
v1.5 at the endoplasmic reticulum and influence its maturation and trafficking to the plasma membrane
[97][191]. Alpha-beta subunits assembly is either covalent (β2 or β4) or non-covalent (β1 or β3)
[192]. Particularly, β 4-Na
v1.5 covalent association is ensured by an extracellular cysteine–cysteine single disulfide bond
[193][194], while β2 does not form a disulfide linkage at this position with Na
v1.5 as recently specified
[5], whereas β1 and β3 non-covalently interact with Na
v1.5 through the channels DIV and DIII voltage gating domain respectively
Despite the structural similarities between β2/β4 on one hand and β1/β3 on the other hand, their expression differs from one cellular sub-domain to another. Inside the cardiomyocyte, β3 are expressed at the T-tubules and β4 at the ID, while β1 and β2 are found at both locations
[186][196][197]. Zimmer et al. have suggested that, unlike β2, β1 associates to Na
v1.5 early at the ER, and both α and β1 subunits are trafficked together to their final destination at the cell membrane
[198]. Subsequent studies revealed that β1-subunits enhance the α-subunits dimerization and promote the dominant-negative effect of trafficking defective mutants
[199]. β2 has been reported to promote surface localization of Na
[200]. Importantly, β3 subunits have been demonstrated to bind to Na
v1.5 in multiple sites and promote the formation of α subunit oligomers, including trimers
[201]. However, β4 has been reported as a modulator of Na
v1.5 kinetic and gating properties by increasing
INa [202]. Taken together, these findings are consistent with the idea that the distinct sodium channel β subunits provide support for the pore-forming subunit, facilitate the trafficking of the mature channel to the different membrane domains, and modulate the gating function of Na
v1.5 by increasing the
INa [203][204][205][206][207].
The Na
1.5 and the Intercalated Disc Interactome
As suggested by the Delmar research team, several evidence point to the fact that the ID is not a hub of proteins playing independent functions within the cardiomyocyte, but rather a network of molecules interacting together in order to fulfill a specific function (AP propagation, cell-to-cell coupling, cardiac excitability, etc.) that cannot be accomplished if this “interactome” is impaired
[208]. As a component of the ID proteins, Na
v1.5 has been demonstrated to be in the heart of this interactome by physically and functionally associating to several proteins belonging to this macromolecular complex.
In this context, it is currently well known that Na
v1.5 targeted to the ID are “tagged” with synapse-associated protein 97 (SAP97), a scaffolding MAGUK ((membrane-associated guanylate kinase) protein that is abundantly expressed in human and rat ventricular myocardium
[209]. SAP97 has been introduced as the determinant of the Na
v1.5 ID pool as it plays an important role in targeting Na
v1.5 along with Kir2.1 to this cell membrane domain
[209][210]. Both channels were structurally evidenced to co-assemble to SAP97 by their C-terminal domains
[209][211]. For Na
v1.5, it is assumed that the last three amino-acids (serine–isoleucine–valine or SIV motif) of the C-terminal region form a PDZ (postsynaptic density protein (PSD95), Drosophila disc large tumor suppressor (Dlg1), and zonula occludens-1 protein (zo-1) domain binding motif) that interacts with the syntrophin–dystrophin complex at the cardiomyocyte LM and PDZ domains of SAP97 at the ID
[189]. In the absence of the PDZ-domain-binding motif of Na
v1.5 or SAP97, Na
v1.5 expression at the cell surface decreased, thus leading to a reduction in the cardiac
INa in vitro
[212]. However, a subsequent study by the same team demonstrated that in vivo ablation of SAP97 did not change Na
v1.5 localization and function, but it did decrease the cardiac potassium currents
[213]. The authors of these studies justified this discrepancy by the fact that SAP97 silencing in vitro is induced in adult cardiomyocytes while in vivo, it is a constitutive ablation present early in development, which may impact protein expression and interactions.
In addition, the Na
v1.5-SAP97-Kir2.1 complex has been demonstrated to reach the ID through the microtubule highway
[103][209][210][214]. Although the exact mechanism by which Na
v1.5 is targeted to the ID is not yet fully discovered, part of it is already elucidated. A few years ago, Agullo-Pascual et al. proved for the first time that the microtubule plus-end tracking protein “end-binding 1” (EB1) is captured to the IDs by connexin 43 (cx43), which facilitates the cargo delivery, including Na
[215]. These findings are consistent with Marchal and co-workers’ recent study in which they have further proved that EB1 modulates Na
v1.5 trafficking to the IDs and that loss of EB1 function leads to reduced
INa and conduction slowing
[216]. Moreover, EB1 has been previously demonstrated to bind directly to CLASP2 (cytoplasmic linker associated protein 2) and form a complex at the microtubule plus-end, promoting thus microtubule polymerization and stabilization
[217]. Interestingly, inhibiting the GSK3β (glycogen synthase kinase 3β)-mediated phosphorylation of CLASP2 enhanced the EB1–CLASP2 interaction, which in turn led to an increased Na
v1.5 delivery at the ID of cardiomyocytes and an increased
INa [216]. Furthermore, Rhett et al. have shown that in addition to its known localization at the gap junction where it interacts with zonula occludens-1 (ZO-1)
[218][219], Cx43 also co-localizes with ZO-1 in the zone surrounding the gap junction, conventionally termed as perinexus and that Cx43 but not ZO-1 interact with Na
v1.5 at this zone in physiological conditions
[220]. In vivo and in vitro assays show that Na
v1.5 expression and function are reduced as a result of Cx43 expression/function decrease, thus giving more evidence that Cx43 is required for a proper Na
v1.5 function at the ID
Importantly, Na
v1.5 and Cx43 interaction at the perinexus is thought to be mediated by scaffolding proteins SAP97 and Ankyrin G (AnkG) as their interaction has been reported
[212][222]. In the cardiovascular system, ankyrins are critical components of ion channels and transporter signaling complexes, and their dysfunction has been linked with abnormal ion channel and transporter membrane organization and fatal human arrhythmias
[223]. Although both ankyrin-B (AnkB, encoded by
ANK2) and ankyrin-G (
ANK3) have been found to be expressed in the myocardium, only ankyrin-G has been shown to interact with Na
[224]. Specifically, AnkG is necessary for normal expression of Na
v1.5 and acts as a coordinating signaling center, functionally coupling Na
v1.5 gating with upstream kinase and phosphatase enzymes and downstream cytoskeletal proteins
[80][225]. AnkG is primarily expressed at the ID membrane and T tubules, where it co-localizes with Na
[112]. In vitro, it has been demonstrated that AnkG binds to Na
v1.5 and that AnkG downregulation impaired the subcellular localization of Na
v1.5 and reduced the
INa current amplitude
[226][227]. In vivo, Makara and his collaborators have demonstrated that AnkG plays an indispensable role in directing Na
v1.5 and its regulatory protein CaMKII to the ID
[225][228]. Mutational studies have further confirmed that disrupting the binding of AnkG to Na
v1.5 impairs AnkG dependent targeting of the Na
+ channel to the ID leading thus to a reduction in
INa density and cardiac arrhythmias
[224][225][229]. A recent study performed by Yang et al. has demonstrated that AnkG, but not AnkB, are expressed at the IDs and that masking Na
v1.5 binding sites in AnkG using competitive peptides caused a decrease in sodium channel current (
INa) and targeting defects of the Na
+ channels to the ID, but not to LM
[184]. However, a more recent study by Cavus and collaborators specified that only canonical AnkG isoforms have this regulatory effect on Na
v1.5 and that noncanonical (giant) AnkG isoforms mediated electrical dysfunction is independent of Na
Furthermore, AnkG is thought to mediate the interaction between Cx43 and PKP2, thus connecting desmosomal proteins with the molecular complex that captures the microtubule plus-end at the ID, thus allowing for delivery of Na
[215][227][231]. This is consistent with the fact that loss of desmosomal integrity impacts cardiac conduction and leads to cardiac arrhythmias
[231][232][233]. Accordingly, loss of Plakophilin-2 (PKP2), a crucial component of the cardiac desmosome, has been demonstrated to decrease
INa in cardiac myocytes
[234]. Similarly, loss of PKP2 expression in HL1 cells and in induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes (iPSC-CMs) from a patient with PKP2 deficiency reduced
INa amplitude
[232][235]. Likewise, Rizzo et al. have demonstrated that desmoglein-2 (Dsg2), another desmosome protein, physically interacts with Na
v1.5 at the ID of mouse cardiomyocytes in vivo
[236]. They showed that mice models over-expressing a desmoglein-2 mutation present a wider intercellular space at the level of the ID, longer ventricular activation time, lower conduction velocity, lower upstroke velocity, and lower
INa amplitude compared to wild type. Although no evidence of direct interaction between Desmoplakin (DSP) and Na
v1.5 has been reported, RNAi-based Desmoplakin silencing in vitro resulted in a reduction in Na
v1.5 expression at the ID of cardiomyocytes, an abnormal sub-cellular distribution of Cx43 and Na
INa decay, and slowed conduction velocity suggesting that DSP regulates Na
Similarly, AnkG is established as an adaptor protein that organizes, transports, and anchors Na
v1.5 to the actin/spectrin cytoskeleton
[238][239][240]. In fact, the AnkyrinG-Na
v1.5 complex is believed to connect with the actin/α-spectrin cytoskeleton through CaMKII-β
IV-spectrin interaction where the latter acts as a CaMKII-anchoring protein and thereby orchestrating the whole macromolecular complex; however, no evidence of direct interaction between Na
v1.5 and β
IV-spectrin has been found yet
[226]. On the other hand, β
IV-spectrin is assumed to control the CaMKII-dependent regulation of Na
v1.5 at the ID, and loss of β
IV-spectrin/CaMKII interaction precludes CaMKII-dependent phosphorylation of Na
v1.5 at Serine 571 in the DI–DII linker and abolishes the stress-induced activation of the pathogenic
INa,L [241][242].
Remme’s team
[243] has recently demonstrated that ID Na
v1.5 physically interacts with coxsackie and adenovirus receptor (CAR), a single-pass transmembrane cell adhesion molecule (CAM)
[244]. Furthermore, they have demonstrated that CAR haploinsufficiency decreased
INa amplitude at the ID, which in turn reduced sodium channel availability at this cell membrane compartment. Na
v1.5–CAR interaction is only beginning to be understood, and thus, mechanisms underlying this interaction are still to be studied.
Over the last decades, several controversial studies emerged regarding the sodium channel α-α-subunits interaction and dimerization. However, Clatot and co-workers settled this controversy by demonstrating for the first time that trafficking-defective Na
v1.5 exerts a dominant-negative effect on non-defective ones through α-α-subunits physical interaction at their N-terminal regions, precluding thus their cell surface expression
[245]. Building on these findings, the team further evidenced that cardiac sodium channel α-subunits assemble as dimers with coupled gating and that this dimerization is mediated through an interaction site found within the DI-II linker of Na
v1.5, between amino acids 493 and 517
[246]. Curiously, earlier studies have shown that 14-3-3 protein, a member of highly conserved cytosolic acidic proteins, physically interacts with the DI-II linker of Na
v1.5 (between amino acid 417 and 467) at the ID and that this interaction facilitates the dimerization of cardiac sodium channels
[247]. Strikingly, Clatot et al. identified a second 14-3-3 protein-Na
v1.5 interaction site between amino acid 517–555 and demonstrated that co-operative gating behavior but not dimerization of α-subunits is dependent on 14-3-3-Na
v1.5 interaction
1.5 and the Lateral Membrane’s Interactome
Dystrophin is known to indirectly mediate Na
v1.5 expression at the LM through binding to Syntrophin adapter protein which physically associates to the PDZ domain-binding motif at the C-terminal region of Na
[3][212][248][249][250]. Interestingly, Matamoros et al. demonstrated that α1-syntrophin also interacts with the N-terminal region of Na
v1.5 through an “internal” PDZ-like binding domain localized at this region which acts as “chaperone-like” domain that increases Na
v1.5 density at the LM and
INa [251]. The same mechanism has been validated for Kir2.1 and Kir2.2 that were demonstrated to reciprocally interact with Na
v1.5 channels and modulate each other’s trafficking and expression
Interestingly, Na
v1.5 has been demonstrated to interact with CASK (calcium/calmodulin-dependent serine kinase), a member of the MAGUK protein family
[253]. In several ways, CASK is considered an unconventional Na
v1.5 regulator since it is the only MAGUK protein that is lateral membrane-specific and also the only Na
v1.5 interacting protein that exerts a repressive effect on the functional expression of Na
v1.5, most likely by preventing its early trafficking to the LM. In this regard, CASK has been demonstrated to decrease
INa when the former is over-expressed and to increase
INa when CASK is inhibited in vivo and in vitro
In addition, Na
v1.5 has been evidenced to interact with members of the Z-line scaffolding protein complex, such as α-actinin-2 and telethonin. While α-actinin-2 is currently known to physically interact with Na
v1.5 through the channel DIII–DIV linker
[254], the telethonin interaction site on Na
v1.5 has not yet been identified
[71]. α-actinin-2 is thought to positively regulate Na
v1.5 by increasing its cell surface expression, most likely through promoting its anchoring to the contact zones between T-tubules and Z-lines and connecting the channel to the actin cytoskeleton network
[254]. However, scarce information is available regarding the mechanism of Na
v1.5 regulation by telethonin, although physical interaction between TCAP and Na
v1.5 was evidenced by co-immunoprecipitation methods and mutations in the telethonin coding gene (
TCAP) has been found to alter the channel-gating properties of Na
v1.5 in patients with abnormal gut motility and Brugada syndrome
Moreover, the role of fibroblast growth factor homologous factors (FHFs), a subset of the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) family
[257], has been well elucidated modulating the neuron voltage-gated sodium channels
[258]. However, their role in controlling cardiac sodium channel function is still poorly understood and subject to debate. In this respect, fibroblast growth factor homologous factor 1B (FHF1B), also known as FGF12B, has been reported to regulate the biophysical properties and kinetics of Na
v1.5 through its physical interaction (amino acids 1773–1832) with the Na
v1.5 C terminal region
[259]. Both in vitro data show that FHF1B interacts with Na
v1.5, and this interaction results in hyperpolarizing shift in steady-state inactivation of this channel
[259]. However, the opposite effect has also been reported where a depolarizing shift in the V1/2 of steady-state inactivation has been attributed to the FHF1B-Na
v1.5 interaction
[260]. Furthermore, FGF13 (FHF2), which is the major FHFs in adult mouse hearts, has been identified as a Na
v1.5 interacting protein
[260]. In the cardiomyocyte, FHF2 co-localizes with distinct Na
v1.5 pools, i.e., the LM and ID suggesting an important role for FHF2 modulating Na
v1.5 cell surface expression and function
[261]. Like FGF12B, FGF13 physically binds to Na
v1.5 through the channel’s C terminus region. In vivo, FGF13 knockdown altered Na
v1.5 function resulting in a decreased
INa current density, reduced Na
v1.5 channel availability, slowed Na
v1.5, and reduced
INa current recovery from inactivation
[260]. This effect of FGF13 is isoform-specific
[262]. FHFs have also been implicated in voltage-gated sodium channel trafficking control. In this context, FGF14 has been reported as a modulator of Na
v1.5 current densities in neurons and in the heart by impairing their biophysical properties or by controlling channel trafficking and cell surface expression in vitro
Furthermore, calmodulin (CaM), a ubiquitous Ca2
+-sensing protein, has been reported to interact with Na
v1.5 N- and C-terminal regions
[264][265][266][267] and the DIII–IV linker
[144][265]. This interaction has been demonstrated to enhance slow inactivation and modulate Na
v1.5 gating
[266], while disruption of CaM binding to Na
v1.5 decreases channel activity and enhances the propensity for persistent Na
+ current, all resulting from a switch in the Na
V inactivation mechanism
[267]. Na
v1.5–CaM interaction has been further studied in a mutational context related to cardiac sodium channelopathies (See
Section 4).
Finally, dipeptidyl peptidase-like protein-10 (DPP10), previously reported as a modulator of K
v4.3-current kinetics
[268], has recently emerged as a new regulator of Na
[269]. In vivo, DPP10 has been reported to modulate Na
v1.5 current kinetics as well by altering voltage dependence of Na
+ current and upstroke velocity of the action potential
The Caveolar Na
Cardiac sodium channels have also been localized to cardiomyocyte caveolae, which are specialized subsarcolemmal membrane compartments enriched in lipids and play a crucial role in vesicular trafficking and protein targeting to the cell surface
[270][271]. Caveolar Na
v1.5 is exposed to a very rich macromolecular complex encompassing fatty acids, ion channels (pacemaker channels, potassium channels, calcium channels, etc.), and signaling complexes (G-protein-coupled receptors, protein kinases, etc.). This microenvironment has been reported to regulate Na
v1.5 function and membrane expression in a multilayers fashion
The first layer is related to the biochemical properties of caveolae itself as a specialized lipid raft rich in fatty acids. In this regard, previous reports demonstrated that Na
v1.5 is blocked by polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), suggesting that interaction of Na
v1.5 with the caveolar lipids that also include PUFAs might have the same effect
[272][273]. Nonetheless, the mechanism by which caveolar lipid rafts regulate Na
v1.5 is not yet fully understood.
The second layer of caveolar Na
v1.5 regulation is mediated by caveolins which are the major proteins of caveolae
[271]. This mechanism was first reported by the Shibata group, which demonstrated that in addition to the indirect β-adrenergic regulation of Na
v1.5, which is PKA-dependent, stimulation of the β-adrenergic pathway in the presence of a PKA inhibitor, activates G-protein (Gsα) cascade, which in turn leads to a rapid increase of
INa [270]. A subsequent study by the same group suggested that caveolar Na
v1.5 channels are stored at caveolae invaginations and that PKA-independent Gsα-dependant stimulation of the β-adrenergic pathway leads to the opening of caveolae, the exposition of Na
v1.5 channels to the extracellular environment, which in turn increase
INa [274]. This mechanism has been completely neutralized by anti-caveolin 3 antibodies dialyzed into the myocytes suggesting that caveolar Na
v1.5 function is dependent on the Gsα-Caveolin 3 (Cav3) interaction
[274]. Although Na
v1.5 has been confirmed to interact with caveolin 3 in rodent and human cardiomyocytes
[270][275], it is not yet clear if this interaction is direct or indirect. Several reports suggested that Cav3 modulates Na
v1.5 function indirectly through inhibiting the nNOS, which is a part of the Na
v1.5-SNTA1-PMCA4b macromolecular complex
3.1.6. Regulation of Nav1.5 Degradation
Maintaining the balance between protein synthesis and degradation is crucial for the fine-tune regulation of Na
v1.5 levels
[277]. In fact, it is currently well established that internalization and degradation of Na
v1.5 are regulated either by ubiquitination, covalent attachment of ubiquitin moieties
[278], or autophagy
[279]. The first mechanism is mediated by the interaction of C-terminus PY motifs of Na
v1.5 with the fourth tryptophan-rich domain (WW) of E3 ubiquitin ligase NEDD4-2, which leads to the labeling of Na
v1.5 by ubiquitin residues that will be later recognized by the degradation machine
[70][280][281]. Interestingly, yeast two-hybrid data demonstrated that the interaction between Na
v1.5/αβ-Cristallin from one hand and αβ-Cristallin/Nedd4-2 from another hand reduced internalization of cell surface Na
v1.5 and ubiquitination of Na
[282]. Similarly, serum and glucocorticoid inducible kinase (SGK) has been reported to regulate Na
v1.5 degradation by phosphorylating and inhibiting Nedd4-2
[283], whereas UBC9, a SUMO-conjugating enzyme, has been shown to promote Na
v1.5 ubiquitination
[284]. A very recent study by Liu et al. demonstrated that Na
v1.5 ubiquitination would be downregulated by the association of FAT10, a small ubiquitin-like modifier, to the C-terminal lysine residues of Na
v1.5, thus decreasing the binding of Na
v1.5 to the Nedd4-2 and preventing its degradation
Nedd4-2 has been reported as a direct target of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) in epithelial cells
[286]. However, a recent report by Liu X et al. attributed a Nedd4-2 independent Na
v1.5 degradation mechanism to AMPK
[279]. AMPK, through phosphorylating Na
v1.5 T101 residue, facilitates the association of the channel to the autophagic adapter protein and microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3 (LC3) and exposes the complex to the autophagic degradation machinery
3.1.7. Effect of Gonadal Hormones on Nav1.5 Expression and Function
The male predominance of some sodium channelopathies such as Brugada syndrome has been extensively studied over the last few years, thus questioning a possible link between sex hormones and Na
[287][288]. However, comparing the expression levels of Na
v1.5 between normal male and female human hearts showed no difference
[289]. In addition, concentration-related block of Na
v1.5 by estradiol showed that estradiol could not reduce the current of Na
[290], although a slight reduction in
INa currents has been observed at a high concentration of estradiol in vitro
[291]. Yang et al. have recently studied the expression levels and function of Na
v1.5 in HEK293 cells co-expressing
SCN5A (wild-type or BrS mutants R878C and R104W) and sex hormone receptors. They whereby showed that sex hormones have no effects on the expression level of
SCN5A (either WT or mutant) and
INa currents
[292]. Similarly, gonadal hormones testosterone and estrogen showed no effect on fast
INa in a canine model
[293]. However, a recent study by Hu et al. demonstrated that estrogen through its rapid signal receptor GPER ameliorated the damaging effects of stress in human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes (hiPSC-CMs) model mimicking β-adrenergic overstimulation
3.1.8. Effect of Temperature and pH on Nav1.5 Expression and Function
Febrile states and acidosis are two environmental factors that have been extensively studied as non-genomic modulators of Na
v1.5 function in health and disease. It is currently well known that Na
v1.5 kinetic is temperature and pH-sensitive
[295]. In this context, mild hypothermia has been described as an antiarrhythmic factor that maintains myocardial conduction during prolonged ischemia by sustaining Na
v1.5 and Cx43 function
[296], whereas hyperthermia has been described as a proarrhythmic factor, especially in combination with
SCN5A mutations as is the case in Brugada syndrome
[297][298][299][300]. Two mechanisms have been suggested so far for the temperature-dependent regulation of Na
v1.5. The first one is a direct mechanism by which temperature accelerates the inactivation of only the wild-type Na
v1.5 channels in heterozygous patients, which results in the misbalance between depolarization and repolarization currents and thus may lead to fever-induced arrhythmias
[26][301]. The second mechanism is indirect by which temperature modulates the function of Na
v1.5 interacting proteins, which in turn modulate Na
v1.5 function as is the case of FGF13
Similarly, fluctuation of the extracellular pH has been demonstrated to influence the Na
v1.5 function. For instance, acidic extracellular pH has been shown to modify wild-type Na
v1.5 kinetics by destabilizing both the fast inactivated and the slow inactivated states of Na
[303]. In addition, it has been reported that extracellular protons disrupt charge immobilization which leads to the destabilization of the Na
v1.5 fast-inactivation through direct interaction with outer ring carboxylates of the Na
v1.5 DIII or DIV
[304]. Particularly, His-880 and Cys-373 were identified as the key mediator of Na
v1.5 sensitivity to pH fluctuation, where Cys-373 is responsible for isoform-specific proton modulation of use-dependent inactivation of Na