One of the remarkable changes in microtubule dynamics at mitotic entry is the increase in catastrophe frequency
[36][59][61][52,75,77]. This reduction in microtubule lifetime affects microtubule length
[59][75], and, based on in silico models, can also modulate the time of chromosome capture
[63][79]. Thus, scaling of catastrophe frequency with cell size could represent an efficient way of controlling both size and assembly duration of the mitotic spindle. In agreement with this view, an increase in microtubule catastrophe frequency between
Xenopus extracts prepared from stage three (four cells) and stage eight (blastula, ~4000 cells) embryos
[21][9] was hypothesized to account for spindle length scaling in cleaving
Xenopus embryos. The molecular mechanism proposed to control catastrophe involves a surface-area-sensing mechanism. The increase in the surface area-to-volume ratio, as cell size decreases during successive cleavages, would lead to progressive cortical sequestration of the transport factor Importin-α, through its ability to be anchored to plasma membranes. Cytosolic Importin-α can sequester and inhibit the microtubule-depolymerizing kinesin and catastrophe-inducing factor kif2a. Therefore, its progressive cortical sequestration, as cells get smaller, would in turn allow the release of kif2a into the cytosol and thus the progressive increase in the catastrophe rate
[21][64][9,80]. This potential mechanism for spindle length scaling does not, however, seem to be conserved among vertebrates, and, in particular, not in zebrafish embryos or in encapsulated
Xenopus egg extracts, where the microtubule lifetime does not vary significantly across cleavage
[19][8]. Furthermore, alternative explanations should be considered when analyzing this result. First, caution is required when comparing extracts made from such distant stage embryos. In very large cells, mitotic spindles reach an upper-limit above which spindle length remains almost constant (
Figure 2). This is the case for
X. laevis mitotic spindle length, which is uncoupled from blastomere size during the first four embryonic divisions
[65][10]. Then, below a given cell diameter of around 140 µm, a feature that seems astonishingly conserved across evolution
[66][3], mitotic spindle length starts scaling linearly with cell size. This feature of spindle length scaling gave rise to the definition of two distinct regimes: the large-cell regime in which mitotic spindle length reaches a plateau and is uncoupled form cell size, and the small-cell regime of linear spindle length scaling
[66][67][3,81]. Stage three and stage eight
Xenopus embryos correspond respectively to the large- and small-cell regimes. Thus, whether the change in catastrophe frequency observed between these two stage extracts underlines mitotic spindle length scaling, or rather represents a feature of the transition point between the large- and the small-cell regimes (
Figure 2), remains to be determined. Second, astral and spindle microtubule dynamic properties are distinct and vary independently across embryo cleavage
[22][37][7,53]. In
C. elegans embryos, astral, but not spindle, microtubule catastrophe frequency increases as cells get smaller
[22][7]. The increase in catastrophe frequency between stage three and stage eight
Xenopus egg extracts was not measured in spindles per se, but in microtubule asters nucleated from purified human centrosomes introduced in these extracts. Therefore, and potentially in line with the
C. elegans in vivo measurements, this experimental context could highlight the behavior of astral, rather than spindle, microtubules. In this later scenario, the variation of catastrophe frequency measured in stage three and stage eight
Xenopus embryo extracts is unlikely to affect spindle length. Indeed, a combination of experimental in vivo data in
C. elegans and of an in silico model provided evidence that mitotic spindle length scaling is independent of astral microtubule dynamics
[22][31][7,47]. Finally, an in silico model of spindle assembly
[22][7] predicted that spindle length scaling can be recapitulated by progressively increasing catastrophe frequency, but this was accompanied by a proportional lengthening of the duration of spindle assembly as cells get smaller (
[22][7] and our unpublished data). This result is inconsistent with the observation that mitosis duration is constant across cleavage in different species embryos. Therefore, the potential link between catastrophe frequency, mitotic spindle length scaling and assembly duration in cleaving embryos requires further investigation to specifically address its role in embryos of various size, and in both the large- and small-cell regimes.