Precision Agroecology: Comparison
Please note this is a comparison between Version 6 by Amina Yu and Version 5 by Amina Yu.

Precision agroecology provides a unique opportunity to synthesize traditional knowledge and novel technology to transform food systems. Merging precision agriculture technology and agroecological principles offers a unique array of agricultural solutions driven by data collection, experimentation, and decision support tools. Precision agroecology can offer solutions to agriculture’s biggest challenges in achieving sustainability such as pollution, biodiversity loss, and climate change, as well as broader societal issues of rural depopulation and corporate consolidation of the agricultural sector.

  • precision agriculture
  • agroecology
  • sustainable agriculture
  • sustainability transition
  • agricultural biodiversity
  • sustainable food systems

1. Precision Agroecology Framework.

Tiers of Agroecological Transformation Precision Agriculture Component Agroecology Component
Tier one: reduce inputs Create optimized prescriptions for site-specific nitrogen fertilizer/manure/cover crop application Reduce environmentally damaging inputs and externalities
Tier two: substitute sustainable inputs Use variable rate technology to optimize cash crop, cover crop, and animal manure application rates Replace environmentally damaging input rates with renewable, sustainable, site-specific ones
Tier three: redesign agricultural systems to incorporate biodiversity Use yield maps and remote sensing to monitor beneficial ecosystem services from non-crop habitat Increase biodiversity to increase ecosystem resilience and ecosystem services
Tier four: reconnect producers and consumers Optimize values-based supply chains via production and transportation data Form alternative food networks that are based on direct relationships
Tier five: create a just and equitable global food system Utilize the data stream associated with PA to inform policy at all levels of agricultural and food systems Account for the environmental and societal relationships surrounding agriculture and food systems


2. Tier One: Reduce Inputs

The first agroecological tier calls for increasing efficiencies of applied agrochemical inputs used in modern conventional agriculture to maximize crop production. Elliot and Cole[1] recognized that tradeoffs between maximization of production and minimization of pollution were inevitable and called for the shift towards optimization of profits and sustainability in agricultural production. Gliessman’s[2] first step moves conventional modern agriculture away from inefficient practices such as uniform applications of fertilizer and pesticides towards site-specific approaches that optimize production and increase economic and environmental sustainability of agricultural communities.

Site-specific management is an application of PA that can increase efficiency and address the issues surrounding excess agrochemical input rates. Precision agriculture accomplishes this by reducing input rates in areas where the crop response does not result in increased net returns. A common input for which site-specific management is utilized is nitrogen fertilizer. Divesting resources from low profit potential areas into high profit potential areas has two major results: in most cases reduction of total nitrogen applied over a field and less expenditure by producers on fertilizer[3][4]. Site-specific nitrogen management varies greatly in the methods used to develop prescriptions and the scale at which management units are applied[3][4][5][6][7][8]. Site-specific fertilizer applications have been investigated in diverse crop systems throughout the US[9][10][11][12][13] and profit maximizing site-specific nitrogen management has been shown to increase net returns in the wheat belt from Oklahoma to Montana[9][14]. Reducing nitrogen fertilizer contributes to the sustainability of the natural resource base that agriculture relies on and improves farmer net returns by increasing the efficiency of fertilizer applications. This puts more money in the pockets of producers and thereby the broader rural community.

Site-specific management of inputs is best optimized through OFE applied to crop production, to intentionally understand crop responses to variable rate application management. Site-specific management and OFE both require harnessing the stream of data gathered on farms and from remotely sensed data sources to power analyses and augment decision making. The automatic collection of data from farm machines is becoming easier through cloud software such as “MyJohnDeere” and from satellite image repositories such as Google Earth Engine[15]. The spatiotemporal availability of remotely sensed data allows for enrichment of any on-farm dataset by, for example, providing information from remotely sensed weather estimates or topographical variables at the sub-field scale locations of harvest data points. Statistical and machine learning approaches can be used to characterize the response of the crop, in terms of production (yield) or quality (e.g., grain protein content), to variable nitrogen (N) fertilizer inputs and other environmental covariates. These models can then be used to simulate outcomes of various complex management approaches where farmers are provided with an array of management options that they can choose from, while ultimately leaving decision making in the hands of the farmer.

Current decision support systems have mainly been developed with models focused on profit maximization and have shown promise not only to increase farmer net returns but to minimize the amounts of chemical inputs within fields. Future work will be development of models optimized on maximizing profits and minimizing pollution, driven by OFE. Using our precision agroecological approach, site-specific optimization of competing goals can apply an agroecological lens to harness the power of PA and address issues of economic and environmental sustainability. Increasing chemical efficiency serves as the initial steppingstone for the transformation of industrial agriculture towards an agroecological framework but must not be an endpoint where agroecology is conformed to current agricultural practices[16]. Early conceptualization of agroecology envisioned the substitution of industrial synthetic inputs with information about ecological interactions. It now has the data availability to realize that substitution.

3. Tier Two: Substitute Sustainable Inputs

The second agroecological tier calls for substituting organic inputs, or knowledge, for industrial synthetic inputs. Organic agricultural systems have been attempting this at scale for decades at least, and PA can be an important tool in efficiently shifting towards more sustainable inputs[17]. As noted in tier one, synthetic nitrogen is one of the most ecologically damaging industrial agricultural inputs, alongside pesticides. Broadly, organic agriculture removes chemical inputs from the agroecological environment by substituting synthetic inputs with animal manure, cover crops, and local knowledge[18][19]. This practice of substitution produces healthier food and reduces nonpoint agricultural pollution[20]. Animal manure is rich in nitrogen but is unavailable in many locations in North America. Cover crops, which include nitrogen fixing plants such as peas and hairy vetch, provide nitrogen where animal manure access is limited. Additionally, these crops can reduce weed pressure through competition and varied termination methods[21]. Organic farmers, faced with diverse challenges, rely on local knowledge to apply inputs with greater precision and timing than conventional farmers. The emphasis on understanding local conditions is greater in organic systems as they do not rely on pesticide options to manage pest outbreaks or synthetic fertilizers to correct low soil fertility. This notion of farming with local knowledge is something all farmers do, but organic farmers in particular tend to be systems thinkers who seek out new information to aid whole-farm planning and decision making[22]. Thus, they are well suited to add precision agricultural data management to their tool kit.
The primary drawback of organic agriculture is reduced yield outputs due to nitrogen deficiencies and weed pressures. However, PA and OFE can help close this yield gap[23]. Organic farmers can use OFE to rapidly understand the patterns of spatial and temporal variation across their fields and thus manage them more efficiently. Seeding rates of cash crops and cover crops impact crop quality, yield, and competitive ability[24][25][26][27]. Subsequently, organic OFE methodology focuses on applying experimental randomized seeding rates across entire fields to find optimum site-specific seeding rates. This methodology is applied to both green manure nitrogen fixing cover crops, and cash crops like wheat or hemp, in order to minimize weed pressure, optimize yields, and maximize farmer net-return. Beyond the yield maps and other topographic variables mentioned in tier one, weed survey maps can also be incorporated into models to reveal best management practices. Early results from organic OFE research have revealed new spatially varied optimum seeding rates which outcompete farmer chosen uniformly applied whole field seeding rates. The farmer can choose to site-specifically optimize seeding rates to maximize profits and minimize nitrogen losses and the knowledge gained through OFE complements the farmer’s historic knowledge of a field. Through OFE, an organic farmer can speed the process of understanding their land and the impact organic inputs have on outcomes such as yield and weeds. Increased local knowledge helps an organic farmer manage their land without the use of synthetic inputs, thereby enabling PA tools to enable sustainable transition from ecologically damaging inputs to organic ones.

4. Tier Three: Incorporate Diversity

The third tier of agroecological transformation entails redesigning agri-food systems to incorporate more diversity in ecosystem structure and facilitate ecological function[28]. Simplified agricultural systems are criticized as “ecological sacrifice zones” that disrupt ecosystems[29]. In contrast, diverse agroecosystems that conserve natural ecosystem structure have more complex ecosystem function. As a consequence, they provide many more ecosystem services that benefit producers in agricultural landscapes. Beneficial ecosystem services associated with biodiversity include pollination, pest predation, and weed seed predation[30][31][32][33][34], though tradeoffs may include increased pest habitat, increased weed density, and yield reduction[35]. In theory, agroecological principles such as diverse crop rotations, high biomass cropping systems and soil fertility building are key to maximizing ecosystem services in agri-food systems[36]. Plant diversity plays an important role in ecosystems and agroecosystems alike by enhancing ecosystem structure and function. Associated ecosystem services of higher plant diversity include enhanced nutrient cycling, soil quality, and habitat for beneficial insects[31][37][38]. In turn, these ecosystem services may provide agronomic benefits such as lower input costs, higher nutritional content in crops, and maintained or increased crop yields[39][40][41]. However, ecosystem services are notoriously difficult to quantify and monitor in ecological systems, making them extremely difficult for producers to manage[40][42]. It was propose that site-specific, quantitative data from PA technology can be used as an on-farm conservation tool to optimize ecosystem services and manage tradeoffs in agricultural systems[43].
Precision conservation is facilitated by PA and can aid a transformation towards diverse agroecosystems[44][45]. Precision conservation accounts for spatial and temporal variability by using a suite of spatial variables to manage natural and agricultural systems[46]. In agricultural settings, precision conservation uses profit mapping technology to identify low-producing areas to create non-crop habitat in agricultural landscapes[30]. While most on-farm conservation efforts have focused on planned biodiversity, habitat management, and remnant habitats such as buffer zones and roadside margins, a broader category of ecological refugia can function as in-field precision conservation areas. Ecological refugia are uncropped patches in fields that serve as patch habitat to harbor biodiversity, beneficial insects and provide ecosystem services for producers[38][47][48]. Ecological refugia may be naturally occurring areas of terrain that are too difficult to cultivate or low-producing areas that are intentionally treated for restoration. In practice, ecological refugia can range from uncultivated riparian areas and rocky patches to intentionally planted patches of cover crops or pollinator strips.
Quantifying the economic and ecological effects of refugia is essential to producer adoption of this potential conservation practice in agricultural systems. Refugia must show an economic benefit in terms of crop production and ecological benefit in terms of biodiversity. Profit maps are an effective farm management tool that can be easily generated by PA technology. Annual profit maps can be used to monitor the effects of ecological refugia on crop production by quantifying crop yield and protein content as a function of distance from refugia. Producers may see the effects of beneficial ecosystem services via higher crop yields or nutrient content near the refugia compared to other locations in the field. Furthermore, precision conservation can save farmer’s time and money by taking low-yielding areas out of production. Ideally, this would increase their return on investment while increasing patch habitat and ecosystem services across the agricultural landscape[40]. At present, biodiversity surveys are typically required to quantify plant, insect and small mammal diversity surrounding the refugia, as remotely sensed data lacks the level of detail required for species-specific identification. However, recent developments in entomological lidar have made it possible to remotely monitor insect populations and activity using sensors to assess insect wingbeat frequency, color and wing to body ratio[49]. In addition, near-infrared spectroscopy can now accurately identify sagebrush up to the species (75–96%) and subspecies (99%) level, with vast implications for remotely monitoring vegetation at larger spatial and temporal scales[50].
Precision agroecology can merge PA data and agroecological principles to enhance the diversity of ecosystem structure and function in production systems. Agroecological concepts of biodiversity, ecosystem stability and ecosystem function can be monitored with precision technology and improved through agroecological management. Thus, PA’s burgeoning technology and field automated data collection can augment efforts to assess if ecological refugia support biodiversity, enhance ecosystem services, or increase food production and quality. In this way, precision agroecology will reduce barriers to adoption and provide the tools needed for producers to participate in agri-environment schemes that offer payments to incorporate biodiversity into farmscapes[51].

5. Tier Four: Reestablish Consumer–Producer Relationship

Gliessman’s[52] charge for tier four of food system transformation suggests reestablishing a more direct connection between those who grow our food and those who consume it. This goal is exemplified by growing demand for local food, both in terms of consumer interest and entrepreneurial activity. Local food sales were estimated at $4.8 billion in 2008 and $6.1 billion in 2012[53][54], with subsequent iterations of these reports likely to show continued growth. To answer the charge, producer–consumer relationships must be restored by strengthening local/regional food systems (LRFSs) and fostering “food citizenship” on a large scale.
In contrast to traditional agricultural supply chains, an LRFS is better described as a values-based supply chain that aims to enhance producer profitability by paying price premiums for the environmental and social values implicit in their products[55]. Therefore, values-based supply chains require a high level of transparency and information sharing at each stage of the supply chain[55]. In this regard, values-based supply chains foster a food system that compensates producers for food quality, rewards best management practices, and relies on open accessible data flows to relay information to consumers. Fortunately, PA technology generates ample data that is free and site-specific to producers, that could be made readily available for consumers. This data holds the potential to transform value-based supply chains by offering evidence of producer practices and food nutritive quality that consumers are willing to pay for when made explicit. For instance, consumers have been found to be both “quality-focused” and “price-sensitive” in their willingness to pay when provided with traceable codes relaying information on food safety and quality[56]. By scaling up transparent data flow and traceable food choices, evaluations of consumer purchasing behavior can illuminate consumer’s attitudes towards food nutrition and quality[57]. Accordingly, PA data flow can be scaled up to increase traceability, for example by using QR codes as labels to convey detailed information on production practices. Alternatively, data flow can be scaled down, for example many producers now use the Square app to interact with consumers face to face in small, local markets. In this sense, at scales both large and small, data-intensive labeling and software applications are reconnecting producers and consumers.
In contrast to conventional food systems, characterized by large-scale production, vertical integration and rigid controls of inputs and environmental variables, LRFSs are more embedded in the ecology and social structures of their location. The participating businesses and consumers more explicitly recognize human values and seek positive social and environmental benefits throughout the system. As a result, LRFSs restore a sense of food citizenship among consumers. A food citizen is a resident-participant in a food system who possesses subsequent rights, duties, and responsibilities therein[58]. To foster food citizenship, the information and values flowing through a food system and its embedded values-based supply chains must be accessible to all stakeholders from producer to consumer. One aspect of restoring food citizenship is restoring confidence in credence goods in terms of quality assurance for the consumer and profitability for the producer[59]. Because information in the food supply chain is imperfect, both producers and consumers take a risk on credence goods due to customer uncertainty surrounding appropriate price values and producer uncertainty concerning tradeoffs between certification costs and price premiums[60]. One approach to build trust is to rely on regulation via third-party certification that justifies the cost of both producer compliance and consumer buy-in[61]. This type of third-party regulation necessitates a food system with a values-based supply chain, reliable data flow, and an effective labeling scheme for credence goods.
While LRFSs are expanding and replicating organically, they can be fragile systems, and little is known about their behavior at the systems level. Through a precision agroecological lens, a theoretical framework for LRFSs can be developed. Evaluation can then lead to initial design, modification, or significant reorganization in order to promote replication and durability. Precision tools accounting for variables of the social and organizational realms in which LRFSs exist may include spatial and temporal system models. Precursor diagrammatic models of food systems can identify important aspects of structure and relationships throughout the system[62]. Parameterizing models with economic, production, environmental, and social data, and simulating LRFSs, can lead to identifying the variables that influence successes and failures. Such an approach would bring a level of data-driven precision to building and managing LRFSs. Diagrammatic models and outputs from computational models can also be used as outreach tools to educate all LRFS stakeholders on system components and the flow of goods, services and information throughout. As a result, precision agroecology has the potential to restore producer consumer relationships by strengthening LRFSs, reestablishing trust in credence goods and fostering a sense of food citizenship.


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