Smart and Sustainable Cities (SSC): Comparison
Please note this is a comparison between Version 2 by Conner Chen and Version 1 by Vaia Moustaka.

The concept of SC, which was launched about 20 years ago, significantly influenced the city managers and paved the way for the transformation of cities to achieve their sustainability. More than 40 definitions and 30 conceptual models were proposed to clarify the term “smart city” that differ from each other due to the different perspectives and approaches developed for its modeling and design. Many SC definitions emphasize the use of ICT to effectively combine resources to make the city more interconnected, smart and viable, while some other sustainability oriented definitions focus on combining soft infrastructure (i.e., people, knowledge, communities, business processes, etc.) and the hard infrastructure (i.e., ICTs, buildings, city facilities, etc.) to provide a viable, efficient and sustainable city. In the latter case, the term SSC is often used instead of the term SC. Reference considers a smart (sustainable) city as an innovative city that exploits ICTs and other means, with the purpose of improving the quality of life, the efficiency of urban services and operation and competitiveness, while ensuring the needs of present and future generations regarding economic, social and environmental aspects. The improvement of the quality of life and the economy, the development of efficient urban infrastructure, ensuring social inclusion, sustainable management and conservation of natural resources and ensuring good governance are the main goals of SC. According to the conceptual model of, the SC ecosystem consists of six dimensions, which are: (i) smart economy, (ii) smart governance, (iii) smart environment, (iv) smart people, (v) smart mobility and (vi) smart living.

  • cityDNA
  • smart cities
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