1. Introduction
Obesity may be considered a chronic disease and is a global problem
[1]. Obesity is primarily driven by high caloric diets (Western or cafeteria diet) and sedentary lifestyles
[2]. The Western diet and sedentary lifestyles have contributed to the aging baby-boom generation of our global society of obesity and Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Additionally, the post-World War II baby boom generation is aging, a trend that is expected to continue over the next two to three decades (2020 to 2050). Importantly, we may be currently living in one of the oldest-living global populations with T2DM and late-onset Alzheimer’s disease (LOAD) each being age-related diseases
In addition to diet and physical activity, genetic predisposition plays an important role in weight gain and obesity
[4]. The genetically induced hyperphagia and obesity in
db/db mice,
ob/ob mice, BTBR.Cg-Lepob/WiscJ
ob/ob (BTBR
ob/ob) mice and Zucker obese
fa/fa rats are associated with the development of insulin resistance, Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), and altered leptin signaling. In the human population, genetic variation contributes to the polygenic and multifactorial etiologies associated with obesity, metabolic syndrome (MetS), insulin resistance, and T2DM
[3,4][3][4]. These, in turn, contribute to multiple end-organ aberrant remodeling and end-organ disease complications such as diabetic vasculopathy (macro-microvessel disease), neuropathy, retinopathy, nephropathy, cardiomyopathy, diabetic cognopathy, and late-onset Alzheimer’s disease (LOAD). In this review, the role of the adipocyte-derived hormone (adipokine) leptin in multiple end-organ diabetic-opathies and especially in aberrant ultrastructure remodeling of the brain will be emphasized. Early on, even prior to the clinical diagnosis of T2DM, there may be variable degrees of obesity, insulin and leptin resistance and impaired glucose tolerance. Therefore, one can model MetS or T2DM as a clinical spectrum disease that in combination with disease duration, aging, and other variables evolves over time
Two position statements by the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE) include important views on prediabetes or impaired glucose tolerance and overt T2DM as “dysglycemia-based chronic disease” and obesity or adiposity-based chronic disease. These statements include a more broad-based view of each of these two chronic diseases that are now considered of global importance regarding their pathophysiology and progression, such that they are often referred to as a common chronic disease of “diabesity”
Preclinical rodent models have played an important role in studying the effects of impaired leptin signaling. Therefore, it is important to place in perspective a historical timeline of preclinical models used in research and development to study the effects of leptin in obesity and T2DM ()
[9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19]. Preclinical research and discovery take a considerable amount of time and patience as noted in the progression of discovery in the following timeline ().
Figure 1. Timeline for discovery and development of key mouse models in obesity and Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) research. The dashed timeline illustrates important discoveries and models from 1949 to date. References are inserted below the dates of each model. The central importance of leptin is emphasized. FFA = free fatty acids; VAT = visceral adipose tissue; WAT = white adipose tissue.
Occasionally, a marked development or discovery is made which changes the way we think. Some discoveries may even result in a paradigm shift in how we view a certain clinical disease state, such as that of leptin by Friedman and colleagues
[13,14,15,20][13][14][15][20]. illustrates the historical timeline regarding animal models of obesity and T2DM, including the discovery of leptin. These models are central to understanding the role leptin plays in ultrastructural remodeling of the brain’s neurovascular unit, the capillary bed of the brain, which forms the blood-brain barrier (BBB), and the choroid plexus which forms the blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier (BCSFB).
ob/ob model described by Hudkins et al. is a recent model, mostly used to study diabetic nephropathy
[19]. Briefly, the BTBR.Cg-Lepob/WiscJ
ob/ob mouse (BTBR
ob/ob) is characterized by early insulin resistance with elevated insulin levels, pancreatic islet hypertrophy, and the development of hyperglycemia by six-weeks of age. Crossing the BTBR strain with the
ob/ob mutation results in the BTBR
ob/ob model, characterized by diabetes with glucose levels in the range of 350 to 400 mg/dl. Unlike the
ob/ob model, hyperglycemia in the BTBR
ob/ob mouse is sustained and by 20-weeks of age, both sexes show similar levels of glucotoxicity. The BTBR
ob/ob model, highly preferred for study of diabetic nephropathy, is largely unexplored regarding brain remodeling
2. Leptin
Leptin (derived from the Greek
leptos meaning “thin”) is an adipokine-polypeptide hormone with a molecular mass of 16kD consisting of 167 amino acids encoded by the obesity (ob) gene. It is primarily synthesized and secreted by the subcutaneous white adipose tissue (WAT) and the organ centric omental-visceral adipose tissue (VAT), which includes the perivascular adipose tissue (PVAT) or tunica adiposa adipocytes
[13,14,15,21,22][13][14][15][21][22]. Interestingly, subcutaneous WAT produces more leptin than VAT and is now considered an endocrine tissue in addition to its earlier known role as a storage depot for excess energy intake
[13,14,15,21,22][13][14][15][21][22]. Leptin expression is regulated by a variety of hormones, including insulin, glucocorticoids (corticosterone in rodents and cortisol in humans) and even leptin itself
[21,22][21][22]. Circulating leptin levels are known to be in proportion to body adipose mass and thought to serve as an adiposity signal of total body energy stores to the brain hypothalamic nuclei
[23,24][23][24]. Leptin is proposed to act as an afferent signal in the negative feedback loop to the hypothalamus that inhibits food-intake, controls energy homeostasis and thermogenesis, and regulates adipose tissue mass. Importantly, leptin is capable of autocrine (self), paracrine (adjacent) and endocrine signaling to distant tissues including the brain
The concept of leptin resistance (LR) is important to the understanding of obesity in humans as well as in the diet-induced obesity (DIO) Western and
db/db models. Indeed, hyperleptinemia is thought to result from LR resulting from deficient cellular signaling by leptin
Gruzdeva et al. have suggested that various mechanisms may underlie LR in the brain and include a number of possible molecular and functional alterations, which may be characterized by structural changes to the leptin molecule, its transport across brain barriers, and leptin-receptor dysfunction/impaired signaling
[28]. Deficient leptin cellular signaling, whether because of deficient leptin secretion, faulty leptin transport at the BBB and BCSFB interfaces, genetic abnormalities of leptin receptors, or post-leptin receptor signaling defects, results in loss of leptin’s neuroprotective effects and results in changes in brain function and remodeling
The receptor for leptin (LepR or OB-R) is a Type I cytokine receptor protein encoded by the rather ubiquitous LEPR gene and is present in adipose tissue, brain, cardiovascular tissue, liver, kidney, skeletal muscle, and other tissues
[30,31][30][31]. Splicing variants give rise to several forms of the leptin receptor, but it is the long isoform (LepRb) that participates in intracellular signaling. LepRb is highly expressed in the hypothalamus, where energy homeostasis and neuroendocrine function is regulated
[31,32][31][32]. The short isoform of LepR has been proposed to mediate the transport of leptin across the blood-brain barrier, but currently there is evidence both for and against this proposal
The leptin receptor is widely distributed and leptin has multiple pleiotropic effects
[14,15,16,17,25,26,27][14][15][16][17][25][26][27]. As examples, leptin is important in the embryologic development of the brain and modulates glucose homeostasis, neuroendocrine axes, the autonomic nervous system, memory, and neural plasticity
[35]. Leptin is capable of modulating multiple non-satiety processes, which include thermogenesis, reproduction, angiogenesis, osteogenesis, hematopoiesis, immune functions, cardio-cerebrovascular functions at the level of the myocardial capillaries and brain capillary endothelial NVUs, and renal glomeruli
[19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36]. As discussed later in
Section 4.1.2, these functions may importantly extend to regulation of the brain endothelial cell(s) (BEC) glycocalyx.
3. Central Nervous System (CNS) Roles of Leptin in Diet induced Obesity (DIO), db/db and BTBR ob/ob: Genetic Preclinical Models
Over the past few years, we have studied the effects of leptin on brain ultrastructural remodeling
[3,37,38,39,40,41,42,43][3][37][38][39][40][41][42][43]. This work is reviewed in the following sections. In obese rodent models (including the DIO-Western,
db/db, and BTBR
ob/ob), the effects of leptin signaling in the brain and peripheral tissues has been studied. Herein, we also include the streptozotocin (STZ) induced diabetes model (STZ-induced DM) in which animals have little adipose tissue, insulin, or leptin. It is important to note that to date, the only published work in this field on the BTBR
ob/ob model is a poster presentation at the 2019 ADA poster presentations
[44]; however, in this review, we will illustrate some ultrastructural remodeling changes, noting that the BTBR
ob/ob mouse has an increased permeability (i.e., leakiness of the BBB) in most regions of the brain (A,B and )
[44]. compares three obesity models with dysglycemia (DIO,
db/db, BTBR
ob/ob) to their non-diabetic controls and to the STZ-induced model of T1DM.
Figure 2. Brain ultrastructural remodeling in obesity models studied to date with insulin and leptin levels for comparison. Panel A depicts the importance of obesity, insulin resistance-deficient leptin cellular signaling in regards to the development of age-related diseases such as late onset Alzheimer’s disease (LOAD) and neurodegeneration (left-hand side blue coloration). Boxes 1, 3, and 4 (right-hand side) all share deficient cellular leptin signaling. Box 2 depicts the streptozotocin induced insulinopenic diabetes mellitus (DM). Panel B illustrates the increased (upward arrows) and decreased (downward arrows) of insulin and leptin in each model discussed in Panel A. AC = astrocyte; AJ = adherens junction; AKT = protein kinase B; EC = endothelial cell; IFG = impaired fasting glucose; IGT = impaired glucose tolerance; i.p. = intraperitoneal; IRS−1 = insulin receptor substrate−1; LAN = lanthanum nitrate; NVU = neurovascular unit; PI3Kinase = phosphoinositide 3-kinase; T2DM = Type 2 diabetes mellitus; SQ = subcutaneous fat; TJ = tight junction; VAT = visceral adipose tissue; WAT = white adipose tissue.
Figure 3. Venn diagram illustrates the shared importance of leptin in diet-induced obesity (DIO), Western, db/db and BTBR ob/ob models. Deficient cellular leptin signaling is common in all three models, but through different mechanisms. All models are obese and there is dysglycemia in the diet induced obesity (DIO) model, overt T2DM in the db/db, and elevated blood glucose levels in the BTBR ob/ob. IGT = impaired glucose tolerance; IR = insulin resistance; LR = leptin resistance; T2DM = Type 2 diabetes mellitus.