Multiscale Bone Damage: Comparison
Please note this is a comparison between Version 2 by Karina Chen and Version 1 by Federica Buccino.

The investigation of bone damage processes is a crucial point to understand the mechanisms of age-related bone fractures. In order to reduce their impact, early diagnosis is key. The intricate architecture of bone and the complexity of multiscale damage processes make fracture prediction an ambitious goal. 

  • age-related bone fractures
  • multiscale imaging
  • bone damage
  • computational models
  • experimental validation

1. Imaging Techniques for Multiscale Damage Assessment and Prediction

The use of imaging techniques enables researchers to understand bone damage at different hierarchical scales. It is particularly relevant in the comprehension of the implications of fracture processes in the deterioration of bone quality. This section presents an overview of the available imaging techniques (Figure 41) to visualize bone morphologies, to assess bone fractures and to predict the fracture risk from the macro-scale to the nano-scale. The macro-architecture is currently evaluated by means of common clinical images. At lower hierarchical levels, the identification of damage processes is more complex and requires higher-resolution techniques.
Figure 41. An overview of the main imaging techniques to assess bone damage at different scales. Macro- and meso-scale techniques are depicted in a darker color, while micro- and nano-scale imaging techniques are represented in a brighter color. VFA: Vertebral Fracture Assessment; QCT: Quantitative Computed Tomography; MRI: Magnetic Resonance Imaging; pQCT: peripheral Quantitative Computed Tomography; Micro-CT: Micro Computed Tomography; LSCM: Laser Scanning Confocal Microscopy; SEM: Scanning Electron Microscopy; SR imaging: Synchrotron Radiation imaging; AFM: Atomic Force Microscopy.
Different techniques are compared in terms of outcomes, in vitro or in vivo applications, resolution, two- or three-dimensional features and the main advantages and disadvantages.

1.1. Macro- and Meso-Scale Imaging

Table 1 shows the principal macro-scale techniques for the imaging of bone fractures and for fracture risk prediction.
Table 1. Overview of the main macro- and meso-scale imaging techniques.

1.2. Micro- and Nano-Scale Imaging

Table 2 shows the principal micro- and nano-scale techniques for the imaging of bone fractures and for fracture risk prediction.
Table 2. Overview of the main micro- and nano-scale imaging technique.


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