Chronic Dexamethasone Treatment: Comparison
Please note this is a comparison between Version 2 by Rita Xu and Version 1 by MARTA MONZON.

Neuroinflammation has been correlated with the progress of neurodegeneration in many neuropathologies. Although glial cells have traditionally been considered to be protective, the concept of them as neurotoxic cells has recently emerged. Thus, a major unsolved question is the exact role of astroglia and microglia in neurodegenerative disorders. On the other hand, it is well known that glucocorticoids are the first choice to regulate inflammation and, consequently, neuroglial inflammatory activity. The objective of this study was to determine how chronic dexamethasone treatment influences the host immune response and to characterize the beneficial or detrimental role of glial cells. To date, this has not been examined using a natural neurodegenerative model of scrapie. With this aim, immunohistochemical expression of glial markers, prion protein accumulation, histopathological lesions and clinical evolution were compared with those in a control group. Although impact of dexamethasone administration on neuropathological lesions was not demonstrated and treatment did not seem to be clinically relevant to disease progress when clinical signs had already begun, the evident extension of survival in one case was hopeful. T

he findings presented in this study support a potential failure of astrocytes and a stimulation of phagocytosis of PrPsc deposits by microglia.

Thus, it is evidenced here how the complex interaction between glial populations failed to compensate for brain damage in natural conditions, emphasizing the need for using natural models. Additionally, the data showed that modulation of neuroinflammation by anti-inflammatory drugs might become a research focus as a potential therapeutic target for prion diseases, similar to that considered previously for other neurodegenerative disorders classified as prion-like diseases.

  • dexamethasone
  • neuroinflammation
  • astrocytes
  • microglia
  • prion diseases
  • neurodegeneration
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