Soil Protection in Floodplains: Comparison
Please note this is a comparison between Version 2 by Vivi Li and Version 1 by Mariam El Hourani.

Soils in floodplains and riparian zones provide important ecosystem functions and services. These ecosystems belong to the most threatened ecosystems worldwide. Therefore, the management of floodplains has changed from river control to the restoration of rivers and floodplains. However, restoration activities can also negatively impact soils in these areas. Thus, a detailed knowledge of the soils is needed to prevent detrimental soil changes. The aim of this review is therefore to assess the kind and extent of soil information used in research on floodplains and riparian zones.

Soils in floodplains and riparian zones provide important ecosystem functions and services. These ecosystems belong to the most threatened ecosystems worldwide. Therefore, the management of floodplains has changed from river control to the restoration of rivers and floodplains. However, restoration activities can also negatively impact soils in these areas. Thus, a detailed knowledge of the soils is needed to prevent detrimental soil changes. The aim of this study is therefore to assess the kind and extent of soil information used in research on floodplains and riparian zones.

  • soil protection
  • restoration
  • floodplain
  • soil bioengineering
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