Intelligent Source Code Completion Assistants: Comparison
Please note this is a comparison between Version 2 by Lindsay Dong and Version 1 by Tilen Hliš.

As artificial intelligence advances, source code completion assistants are becoming more advanced and powerful. Existing traditional assistants are no longer up to all the developers’ challenges. Traditional assistants usually present proposals in alphabetically sorted lists, which does not make a developer’s tasks any easier (i.e., they still have to search and filter an appropriate proposal manually). As a possible solution to the presented issue, intelligent assistants that can classify suggestions according to relevance in particular contexts have emerged. Artificial intelligence methods have proven to be successful in solving such problems. Advanced intelligent assistants not only take into account the context of a particular source code but also, more importantly, examine other available projects in detail to extract possible patterns related to particular source code intentions. This is how intelligent assistants try to provide developers with relevant suggestions. 

  • intelligent assistants
  • source code completion
  • source code

1. Introduction

With the ever-faster development of artificial intelligence, attempts are being made to introduce this technology into various professional fields. For example, the application of artificial intelligence methods has already shown results during requirements generation and processing, project planning, and intelligent software design, as well as the areas of architecture, development, testing, and analysis, among others. In the software engineering domain, there are two main possibilities for artificial intelligence applications: (a) a natural language interpreter and (b) a tool to improve a developer’s productivity by predicting and completing a source code automatically.
In order to survive in the highly competitive software development market, developers must deliver good products quickly. Many approaches and tools help developers reduce development time while improving the quality of the final product simultaneously. Among these approaches are assistants for completing a source code, which, with the inclusion of artificial intelligence methods, are on the rise again. They help developers by improving their productivity, from reducing typing errors and common defects to suggesting entire source code segments. Even traditional code completion assistants are rich in functionality. They typically display relevant documentation in pop-up windows, provide a preview of accessible methods and object attributes, provide variable and method name completion, and enable the generation of template-based source code sections (e.g., try-catch blocks, for-each loops, etc.). However, traditional assistants cannot generate “smart” suggestions. When generating source code suggestions, they usually rely on the information about the type of the current variable and the variables that the user has already defined in the program [1]. Although they consider the already-written program, they cannot understand the developer’s intentions and suggest all syntactically appropriate methods or variables [1,2][1][2].
Due to the presented limitations, intelligent source code completion assistants, which expand the scope of functionality with the help of artificial intelligence methods, are a promising alternative. Depending on the context, they can predict the developers’ intent and, thus, find the most suitable methods, even adapting them to the target situation and placing them at the top of the suggestions list. They can also generate more relevant sections of source code by considering the context of the program and developers’ intent (e.g., suppose that a developer creates a variable with a name that implies the use of dates. In that case, the intelligent assistant will automatically suggest and prepare a relevant section of source code that assigns a new object of the type “Date” to the variable) [3]. Although intelligent assistants are on the rise [4], only some are available to the general public in a limited range; others offer a limited set of functionalities [5]. Many intelligent assistants promise to speed up development and reduce the number of typos and defects in the source code with more relevant suggestions. Likewise, their providers claim that they cannot only complete the current sentence but also generate entire sections of relevant source code automatically. This raises the question of whether helpers are already at the stage where they benefit developers by reducing the number of defects and shortening the time of writing code.

2. Intelligent Source Code Completion Assistants

2.1. Intelligent vs. Traditional Source Code Completion Assistants

Traditional source code completion assistants usually list all the attributes or methods that are available at a certain point of the source code, usually after “.” is pressed. The developer can then select an appropriate method from an alphabetically ordered list. The process is often slower than writing the method’s name manually [2,21][2][6]. As a result, the authors identified a need for more intelligent assistants that would not arrange suggestions on an alphabetical basis but rather in a relevance-based order. Artificial intelligence methods have been employed to supplement the source code, proving to be very promising in source code modelling [1,7][1][7]. The main functionalities of traditional assistants that were reported in primary studies are summarised in Table 1.
Table 1.
The main functionalities of traditional source code completion assistants.
Functionalities Sources
Completing the current word [22,23,24,25][8][9][10][11]
Predicting the most likely next unit of source code (showing a list of suggestions) [11,21,22,24,26,27,28][6][8][10][12][13][14][15]
Display of all possible candidates and documentation [29,30,31][16][17][18]
Source code completion based on templates (for/while loop, iterator) [23,30][9][17]

Unlike traditional source code completion assistants, intelligent assistants consider the context from both the current program and various other projects to recognise common patterns. By discerning these patterns, they can gauge the developer’s intent. This determination often hinges on variable names or method sequences, leading to contextually relevant suggestions. Instead of offering all possible suggestions like traditional assistants, intelligent ones provide those aligned with recognised patterns, streamlining the developer’s task. While the current state-of-the-art does not alleviate developers entirely, it can automate the writing of frequently used and proven code sections. This automation lets developers concentrate on more complex, creative challenges [26][13]. The effectiveness of this approach is contingent on vast datasets that the intelligent assistant learns from. Without the plethora of open-source projects on repositories like GitHub, AI-based code completion would not be feasible. Table 2 outlines the functionalities that intelligent assistants offer beyond the traditional ones.

Table 2.
The main functionalities of intelligent source code completion assistants.
Functionalities Sources
Completing the current word (names of methods, variables, attributes, …) [21,22,30][6][8][17]
Generating context-sensitive program continuation suggestions [2,3,4,][39,][422,][826,][1328,][1532,][1933,]34,20][21]35][2[[22][23]
Displaying information about the methods and attributes of the current object (explore API) [2,21,24][2][6][10]
Generating new variable or method name suggestions [1]
Generating natural language based on source code continuation suggestions (considers method and variable names and comments) [7]
The primary function of intelligent assistants is their ability to determine which elements come after the current one based on the existing source code [25][11]. The intelligent assistants try to relieve developers from thinking about the names of methods, variables, and other source code elements without requiring developers to write a single letter. When developers are under constant pressure to deliver high-quality source code in the shortest possible time, using tools that allow the generation of program continuation suggestions is essential. The tools can save a lot of work [34][22], speed up development [7], and, as a result, increase the productivity of developers [29,30][16][17]. Assistants based on artificial intelligence differ from traditional ones in that, when they generate suggestions for program continuation, they use the information available not only at the time of compilation but also from common patterns found in various freely accessible repositories [21][6]. Thus, in addition to the already defined source code elements, they can propose those not yet present in the local context (eng. zero-day source code tokens) [1,22][1][8]. An essential feature of intelligent assistants is that they generate suggestions and rank them by relevance. The best suggestion should always appear at the top of the list so that developers only need to check the first few entries instead of searching through the entire list. Through machine learning methods, intelligent assistants can generate longer and more complex suggestions, ranging from simple words to complete sections of source code. The following standard functionality suggests a suitable API and shows an API usage example (including parameters) adapted to the current context. Developers do not write all parts of the program source code themselves but find a library that meets their requirements and then use it. Since so many libraries exist, deciding which one to use is often quite challenging. Here, again, intelligent assistants can help developers make their work easier by suggesting which library to use at a given location [23][9] by considering the already written program [28][15]. The intelligent assistants also show an example of the proposed API, which allows developers to instantly assess whether the API is suitable for them and learn how to use it [7,23,28][7][9][15]. Intelligent assistants maximise the relevance of the displayed use case and adapt it to the needs of the current context with the help of artificial intelligence [28][15]. Some intelligent assistants can use objects from the local context as parameters when generating the API use case. Assistants based on artificial intelligence enhance traditional ones by not only suggesting the existing variables and methods defined in the program but also by offering advanced naming suggestions. Specifically, they can predict meaningful names for variables or methods based on the context, even proposing entirely new names that are not present in the local context [1,22][1][8]. This prediction considers the names of existing variables, methods, and even comments within the program [7]. Similar to traditional assistants, intelligent ones allow developers to explore APIs by displaying a list of all available methods and attributes. However, these results are typically ranked by relevance rather than in alphabetical order [32][20]. With the help of these data, they can determine the developer’s intention and generate a proposal that is as relevant as possible to the developer. In practice, the assistant will gather enough data based on the comment and method name to write the method body. As a rule, it will not be able to do this in all cases. However, it will make the developer’s work significantly easier by generating suggestions based on natural language, even if only occasionally.

2.2. Leading Intelligent Source Code Completion Assistant Comparison

GitHub Copilot has garnered significant attention recently. Developed by GitHub in collaboration with OpenAI, this assistant offers program continuation suggestions based on the context from comments and source code. It utilises the Codex language model, an evolution of the GPT-3 model by OpenAI. Codex translates natural language into source code, learning from open repositories on GitHub [5]. Tabnine (previously Codota) employs OpenAI’s GPT-2 transformer. Its primary function is to predict and suggest the subsequent unit of source code, typically the next word or line [6][24]. Kite, similar to Tabnine, is built on OpenAI’s GPT-2 model. It suggests the next word or line of source code using local context and open-source samples. In addition to code completion, Kite displays documentation for nearby objects. To use Kite, users must install an additional application alongside the development environment plugin [39][25]. IntelliCode, rooted in Microsoft’s IntelliSense, is designed for Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code. Trained on a GPT-2 transformer, it learned from numerous public GitHub repositories. IntelliCode suggests the next program word, considering local context, repository metadata, and official documentation. IntelliCode Compose, an enhancement, emphasises completing entire code lines using the GPT-C model, a GPT-2 variant. It is still under development and exclusive to Microsoft developers [37][26]. Three other intelligent assistants identified in the primary studies include CACHECA, which was designed for Eclipse and based on a modified n-gram model, focusing on the current file [40][27]. Pythia is under development, leveraging the GPT-2 model trained on select high-quality open-source projects [21][6]. Lastly, the open-source Galois assistant, which is environment-independent and built on GPT-2, can suggest multiple words but not full lines of code [41][28]. Recently, the landscape of intelligent code completion has been profoundly transformed by the advent of more sophisticated AI models. Prominently, GPT-3 and GPT-4, developed by OpenAI [42][29], have emerged as game-changers. These models have significantly advanced the capabilities of intelligent assistants in understanding and generating code, offering a more context-aware, nuanced approach than their predecessors [43][30]. GitHub Copilot, initially leveraging OpenAI’s Codex model based on GPT-3, has now been updated to GPT-4 with its new version, Copilot X, introducing features like Copilot Chat [5]. This enables a ChatGPT-like experience, allowing developers to discuss specific code segments for better understanding or modification, even via voice input. Another notable tool is Codeium [44][31], which provides AI-generated autocomplete in over 20 programming languages and integrates directly with various IDEs. It accelerates development by offering rapid multiline code suggestions and reducing the time spent on searching APIs and documentation [44][31]. The emergence of such tools is not just limited to IDE plugins but extends to various platforms, including those specifically designed for developers. The development of these tools is progressing so rapidly that new and innovative solutions are being introduced in short periods, continually enhancing the programming landscape.

2.3. Issues and Main Challenges in Intelligent Source Code Completion

While intelligent source code completion tools have significantly enhanced software development, several open issues and challenges remain to be addressed. This section explores these challenges and their implications for the effectiveness of these tools. In the field of intelligent source code completion, several challenges persist that impact the effectiveness of these advanced tools. A key area is the alignment of automated testing methodologies with the suggestions made by intelligent code completion tools. The accuracy and relevance of these suggestions are paramount, as they can significantly influence the efficiency and effectiveness of automated testing processes [45][32]. Furthermore, the formal verification and validation of code generated by AI assistants present unique challenges. Ensuring the reliability and correctness of this code is critical, particularly in high-stakes applications where the consequences of errors are significant [20][33]. Additionally, a major limitation of current AI methodologies is their ability to fully understand and predict developer intent. This limitation can compromise the quality and applicability of the code completion suggestions, underscoring the need for ongoing research to enhance the interpretative capabilities of AI in software development environments [46][34]. These challenges highlight the need for continued research and development in the field of intelligent source code completion. Addressing these issues will not only improve the current tools but also pave the way for more advanced and reliable AI-driven development environments.


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