José Juan escobar-Chávez: Comparison
Please note this is a comparison between Version 1 by Jose Juan Escobar Chavez and Version 3 by Catherine Yang.
  • Transdermal delivery
  • microneedles
  • iontophoresis
  • sonophoresis
  • transdermal patches
  • pharmaceutical forms
  • skin delivery

1. Introduction

Dr. Escobar-Chávez is a professor at the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy; Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). He joined the faculty in 1998. Doctor DegrHee in Chemical Sciences from the National Autonomous University of Mexico; Bachelor's Degree in Pharmaceutical Chemist Biologist in the area of ​​Pharmacy. He has carried out 2 has completed two postdoctoral research stays with a duration of one year in each of them, one abroad, at the University of Valencia, Spain, in the Department of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology and th and the other nationally at the Metropolitan Autonomous University-Xochimilco in the Department of Biological Systemsin Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana. He also completedmade a doctoral stay at the University of Geneva, Switzerland, at the “Centre Interuniversitaire de Recherche et d'Enseignement, Pharmapetides”. In the teach

Hing field, he has directed 50 bachelor's level theses for the degrees of Pharmaceutical Chemist, Biologist, and the Bachelor's Degree in Pharmacy. He has directed 7 theses at the master's level and 3 for Doctorates in Health Sciencesresearch interests are in the andTopical and Transdermal delivery 3 Postdoctoral degrees. He has given lectures at national and foreign institutions. He has presented more than 50 research papers at national and international conferences (Switzerland, Spain, USA, Canada). He is a reviewer for international refereed journals in the area of ​​Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Technology and Dermatologyf drugs and include the use of the andtape stripping technique, a member of the editorial board of the Current Cosmetic Science Journal. It was recognized with First place in the CANIFARMA (National Chamber ouse of PharmaceuticalTEWL, Industry inchemical enhancers Mexico) prize in the 2014 and 2016 editions and Third place in the 2017 edition and Second place in the 2022 edition in the Technological innovation category. He has been the first-place advisor of the CFM-UNAM Foundation for Technological Innovation award in the 2017 editions and second and third place in the 2018 edition and second place in the 2019 edition and third place in the master's physical enhancers as thesis category in the 2020 editionmicroneedles, iontophoresis, sonophoresis and electroporation. In 2014Mucosal and ocular delivery systems he was awarded the Young Inventors annd Innovatorsnanotechnology in transdermal drug delivery award, State of Mexico in the Pharmaceutical category as advisor of the winning work. He also received recognition as Advisor to the winners of the Gustavo Baz Prada medal for the best Social Service in the pharmacy career for 3 consecutive years (2014-2016). Member of the University Linkage and Transfer Committee (CVUT) by the FES Cuautitlán and is currently a technical advisor to the FESC in the area of ​​Engineering and Technology.

2. Publications

e others major research interests. He is the author of 172 book chapters in English covering topics on the tape stripping technique to evaluate the penetration of active ingredients through the skin, the use of chemical and physical penetration promoters (microneedles, iontophoresis, sonophoresis, electroporation, etc.) to make the passage of drugs through the skin more efficient, transdermal drug nanocarrying systems, etc., among others. He is E. He is editor of 3 books in international publishers. He has 395 publications in high-impact international peer-reviewed JCR indindexed journals in the area of ​​Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology. He is currently a Professor of the Titular Career "B" Full Time PRIDE "D" and Level 1 in the National System of Researchers, he is also part of the list of tutors for the Master's Program in Chemical Sciences and the Science Program. of Animal Production and Health of the UNAM, of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Health Sciences of the UAM-Xochimilco and of Biological Sciences of the IPN. Currently, his academic work is focused , and he has 7 patents. He won the area of ​​Pharmaceutical Technology, specifically on the use of chemical and physical promoting agents (iontophoresis, sonophoresis, electroporation, microneedles and nanocarriers) of penetration in order to make the passage of active ingredients more efficient. for pharmaceutical or cosmetic use through the skin and/or mucous membranes formulated in gels, emulgels, polymeric microneedles biodegradable through the skin loaded with drugs or patches for transdermal use for the treatment of diseases such as smoking and obesity, dyslipidemias, hypertension, diabetes, etc., and also in pathologies in animals. The generation of nanoparticle systems administered transdermally, the generation of subdermal implants to release drugs and the generation of systems for oral and nasal mucosa and the development and characterization of contact lenses for ophthalmic drug release are other lines of research2014,2016,2017 and 2022 CANIFARMA prize awarded by the National Chamber of Pharmaceutical Industry in Mexico.

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