European Wild Carnivores and Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria: Comparison
Please note this is a comparison between Version 2 by Camila Xu and Version 1 by Andreia Garces.

Antibiotic resistance is a global concern that affects not only human health but also the health of wildlife and the environment. Wildlife can serve as reservoirs for antibiotic-resistant bacteria, and antibiotics in veterinary medicine and agriculture can contribute to the development of resistance in these populations.

  • mammals
  • wild
  • carnivores
  • bacteria
  • antibiotics
  • contamination
  • resistance

1. Introduction

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is considered one of the leading public health problems of the 21st century [1]. Although AMR has always existed, the overuse and misuse of antibiotics have increased antibiotic-resistant strains [2]. In recent decades, selective pressure has been generated by the use of antibiotics in medicine, veterinary, and agricultural practices, which has been responsible for a significant increase in antibiotic resistance [3].
“One Health” is a concept wherein human, animal, and environmental health are interconnected [4]. One of the greatest problems with “One Health” is antimicrobial resistance. This problem affects these three groups simultaneously. Humans and domestic and wild animals can be hosts and spreaders of AMR bacteria. Moreover, bacteria are continuously exchanged between the different environmental niches [5,6][5][6].
Although most wildlife prefer to live far from humans, some species have adapted and can live in contact with domestic animals or humans in urban environments. Therefore, they can be recognized as potential indicators of AMR dissemination [7]. Wild animals usually do not receive antibiotics or veterinary care, except in cases of interventions in endangered animals, admissions to wildlife rehabilitation centers, or treatments during disease outbreaks [8]. Studies have shown that AMR in most wildlife is associated with environmental exposure to anthropogenic AMR contamination [8]. Air, water, land, and food are some of the sources of AMR [9]. Bodies of water, such as rivers, lakes, or seas, can be contaminated with industrial discharges, agricultural discharges (fecal sludge from farms), domestic sewage, discharges from hospitals (human and veterinary), and wastewater treatment plants, among others [8,10,11][8][10][11]. Fertilizers used in agriculture can be a source of AMR [8]. In addition to environmental pressures, there are intrinsic mechanisms in bacteria that may contribute to the development of antimicrobial resistance, such as bacterial permeability, efflux pumps, target receptor modification, or horizontal gene transfer between bacteria via mobile genetic elements (e.g., plasmids, transposons, integrons) [3,12][3][12]. The presence of AMR in wildlife is also associated with other factors, such as habitat use, foraging behavior, and species’ habitats [3,8][3][8]. Habitat destruction, the loss of biodiversity, climate change, the accumulation of toxic pollutants, and the invasion of exotic species and pathogens have also contributed to the spread of AMR [13].
Contact between anthropogenic source areas and wild animals has increased due to human expansion. Some animals—for example, foxes and hedgehogs—have adapted and now live and thrive in urban areas [1,14][1][14]. Animals in these areas can feed on human domestic waste [15]. These contacts can potentially contribute to the emergence of new pathogens and AMR in wildlife, which can promote higher mortality rates. When animals survive, they can become bacterial reservoirs and spread throughout the environment again [13,16][13][16]. A study performed in Botswana showed that the prevalence of AMR Escherichia coli was highest in carnivores (62.5%) and animals using urban habitats (25.6%) when compared to herbivores (9.1%) and animals using protected/rural habitats (9.0%) [8].
Despite the abundance of literature on AMR in the medical and veterinary fields, available studies focus mainly on some bacterial species, such as Escherichia coli or Salmonella spp., and some species of wild animals, mainly birds and mammals [6,7,8][6][7][8]. Carnivores are a very diverse group of species in Europe, with some populations living in remote areas and others in urban areas in close contact with humans [10,15][10][15].

2. European Wild Carnivorous

Carnivora is an order of mammals that eats meat, by predation or necrophagy. They have specialized teeth for their meat-based diet, with fang-like canines, which they use to kill their prey and cut the meat into pieces [17,18][17][18]. Some animals in this order can also consume vegetation, insects (omnivores), and meat [17]. Carnivores can be found in diverse habitats, including cold polar regions, desert regions, forests, open seas, and urban areas [19]. The order Carnivora includes 16 families and 9 terrestrial families: Canidae, Felidae, Ursidae, Procyonidae, Mustelidae, Herpestidae, Viverridae, and Hyaenidae. In Europe, there are approximately 63 species of carnivorous mammals, both terrestrial and marine. Some of these species are threatened according to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, such as the Iberian lynx (endangered) or the Balkan lynx (critically endangered) [17]. These include larger predators, such as wolves, bears, and lynxes, and smaller carnivores like foxes, weasels, and mustelids. Historically, throughout the continent, these species have all experienced a dramatic decline in their populations and distributions due to anthropogenic factors (hunting, habitat destruction, pollution) [18,20,21][18][20][21]. Table 1 presents some information regarding the distribution, conservation status, and diet of some of the carnivorous species included in this research, to understand better the source of the acquisition of AMR strains of bacteria.
Table 1. Species, family, distribution, diet, habitat, behavior, and conservation status (LC—Least Concern, V—Vulnerable, NT—Near Threat) of wild carnivore species from Europe.


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