Coxiella burnetii Infection in Cats: Comparison
Please note this is a comparison between Version 1 by Valentina Virginia Ebani and Version 2 by Camila Xu.

Coxiella burnetii is the etiologic agent of the zoonosis called Q fever. The disease was first described in Australia in 1935 by Edward Holbrook Derrick who investigated a disease in a group of abattoir workers in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. The “Q” comes from “query” fever, as named by Derrick.

  • Coxiella burnetii
  • Q fever
  • cat
  • zoonosis
  • epidemiology

1. Introduction

Coxiella burnetii is the etiologic agent of the zoonosis called Q fever. The disease was first described in Australia in 1935 by Edward Holbrook Derrick who investigated a disease in a group of abattoir workers in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. The “Q” comes from “query” fever, as named by Derrick [1].
Q fever affects various domestic and wild mammals, which act as reservoirs for the infection and pose a severe public health threat. The pathogen was detected in birds, reptiles, and arthropods as well. Farm ruminants are considered the main reservoirs which often act as the major contributors to the transmission of the pathogen to humans [2]. The main transmission routes, for humans and animals, of C. burnetii are the inhalation of aerosols or dust containing the microorganisms, and the ingestion of contaminated food [2].
Cats are known to be susceptible to C. burnetii as well, even though their role in the epidemiology of this infection has not been fully elucidated [3].
Cats are popular pets globally, and in many countries, there are more domesticated felines than domesticated dogs [4]. The risk of transmission of zoonotic pathogens from cats to humans is high. Cats are responsible for a large number of animal bites, which often become infected. Zoonotic pathogens can also be transmitted through contact with infected cats’ saliva or other excretions, contaminated vehicles such as food, water, and fomites, as well as shared vectors or environmental exposures [5]. Even though domestic cats can be potential sources of numerous infectious disease agents, many of these diseases can be controlled through routine veterinary care, proper vaccination regimens, and parasite treatment. However, free-roaming cats often lack the necessary preventive care to control these diseases, posing a potential health threat to other domestic animals, wildlife, and humans [6].

2. Etiology

Coxiella burnetii is a Gram-negative bacterium belonging to the family Coxiellaceae, order Legionellales. It is a pleomorphic rod, of small dimensions (0.2–0.4 μm wide, 0.4–1.0 μm long), occurring as two different forms: a large-cell variant (LCV) and a small-cell variant (SCV). The LCV is the larger, less electron-dense and metabolically active intracellular form of the pathogen; a sporogenic differentiation of the LCV produces the SCV that is a resistant spore-like form. SCV is released when the cells lyse and can survive for long periods in the environment [7]. SCV can survive for several weeks to months lying idle in the soil, capable of surviving standard disinfectants and resisting heating or drying. For example, it can survive 7–10 days on wool at room temperature, 1 month on fresh meat in cold storage, 120 days in dust, and more than 40 months in skimmed milk [8]. Moreover, it resists elevated temperatures, desiccation, osmotic shock, ultraviolet light, and chemical disinfectant [9]. Coxiella burnetii lives and multiplies in monocytes, macrophages, and trophoblasts of the host [10]; as the microorganism multiplies, it destroys the host cell and moves on to live in other cells [8]. Coxiella burnetii has antigenic variations related to mutational variations in the lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Phase I, corresponding to smooth LPS, is highly infectious and naturally present in infected animals. Phase II, showing a truncated LPS and without some protein cell surface determinants, corresponds to rough LPS; it is not very infectious and is obtained only in laboratories after serial passages in embryonated egg or cell cultures [11][12][11,12]. Antibodies to phase I antigens of C. burnetii generally require longer to appear and indicate continued exposure to the bacteria. Therefore, increased antibodies in a serum sample to phase II antigens indicate acute cases, while a rise in phase I reflects a chronic infection of Q fever [8].

3. Epidemiology

Coxiella burnetii can infect various domestic and wild animal species, including mammals, birds, and reptiles. However, the primary reservoirs of the pathogen are considered to be cattle, sheep, and goats. In these animals, coxiellae primarily cause reproductive disorders, leading to significant economic losses. Infected animals shed coxiellae through aborted fetuses, placentas, lochiations, urine, feces, and milk [13]. It is also known that dogs and cats are susceptible to C. burnetii infection. Pet animals, especially those in close contact with their owners, have been suspected of acting as reservoirs of C. burnetii during urban Q fever outbreaks [13].

3.1. Q Fever Human Cases Related to Infected Cats

Q fever cases in humans associated with direct or indirect contact with C. burnetii-infected cats have been reported since the 1980s. Kosatsky, in 1984 [14], well described a case of Q fever in a family living in Nova Scotia (Canada). The family members and their friends developed a febrile respiratory disease also characterized by bradycardia and palatal petechiae. Complement fixation tests detected antibodies against C. burnetii phase II antigen in the serum of the patients. Investigations showed that the patients had entered the home where the family cat, subsequently found to have antibody to the pathogen, had given birth to kittens and nursed them in a basket kept inside the entryway [14]. Some years later, Marrie et al. [15][16][15,16] suspected a strong association between human Q fever and exposure to stillborn kittens and parturient cats, on the basis that numerous cases of infection occurred in people living in Nova Scotia. An interesting case of human Q fever outbreak was observed in 1985 in Baddeck, a village in northeastern Nova Scotia. Fourteen residents lived or worked in four buildings located side by side in the center of the village. Most of them were exposed to a cat that gave birth to stillborn kittens and had bloody vaginal discharge for three weeks prior to delivery. The female cat, which resulted serologically positive to C. burnetii phase I and II antigens, lived in one of the four buildings, but frequently visited the other three ones [16]. A Q fever outbreak occurred in Halifax, Nova Scotia, when a group of poker players developed pneumonia within a few days; Q fever was diagnosed and epidemiological investigations discovered that the infection originated from a female cat who lived in the house where the players met regularly [17]. Marrie and collaborators, in 1989 [18], described a Q fever case affecting 16 of 32 employees at a truck repair plant in Truro, Nova Scotia. None of the affected men have had direct or indirect contact with cattle, sheep, or goats, but one of the workers had a cat who gave birth to kittens two weeks prior to the first case of Q fever. The cat owner fed the kittens every day before coming to work as the cat would not let the kittens suckle. Serological diagnosis on cat’s serum found antibodies to C. burnetii phases I and II antigens. Q fever was also developed by the cat owner’s wife and son, whereas none of the family members of the other employees with Q fever were affected. It is interesting to note that among the sixteen infected men, only one had direct contact with the queen cat; therefore, it seems plausible that the infection in the other employees was due to exposure to contaminated clothing of the cat owner [18]. After all, clothing contaminated by C. burnetii bacteria has been considered a source of infection in previously observed human cases of Q fever [19][20][21][19,20,21]. The relation between C. burnetii-infected cats and human cases of Q fever were also demonstrated by outbreaks in other countries. In Eastern Maine (USA), members of a family were exposed to a parturient cat during a reunion; after two weeks, they developed clinical signs referable to Q fever. The serological diagnosis confirmed C. burnetii infection in the affected people and the family cat [22]. A Q fever outbreak occurred among the staff members of a small animal veterinary hospital in Sidney (Australia). Nine veterinary personnel were confirmed to have cases of Q fever on the basis of positive results obtained by serological and/or PCR tests. Of the nine veterinary personnel, eight had worked on the day a caesarean section was performed on a queen, while the ninth person handled the equipment used during the caesarean section the following morning [23]. Similarly, Malo and collaborators, in 2018 [24], described a human outbreak of Q fever in southeast Queensland (Australia): two individuals working in a veterinary clinic and four workers of an animal refuge developed diseases after exposure to a parturient queen cat and her litter that were euthanized the same day as the birthing event. Laboratory diagnosis, through serological and molecular methods, confirmed C. burnetii infection in the patients.

3.2. Epidemiological Surveys in Cats

The role of cats in the epidemiology of Q fever has been studied through serological investigations for several years; successively, when molecular methods became available, studies have been carried out, also searching for C. burnetii DNA in feline samples. In all case, the prevalence values found in the different surveys were difficulty comparable, because they were related to several factors such as geographical area, feline population, environmental conditions, tests, and antigens employed in the diagnosis. In 1970s, Randhawa and coworkers [25] found that 19.8% of pound cats from southern California (USA) had antibodies to C. burnetii phase I antigen, testing the animal sera with the capillary agglutination test. Willeberg et al. [26] detected 9% of stray cats, from a different area of California, with antibodies to C. burnetii phase II antigen using the microagglutination test. More recently, Cairns et al. [27] carried out a study to determine the prevalence of C. burnetii DNA in uterine and vaginal tissues from healthy, client-owned and shelter cats of north-central Colorado (USA) using PCR; a 0% prevalence was found in shelter cats, while 8.5% (4/47) pet cats resulted infected. In Nova Scotia, 216 cats were tested for C. burnetii infection by indirect immunofluorescence assay; 24.1% of the animals had antibodies to phase II antigen and 6% to phase I antigen. Interestingly, none of the 447 dogs from the same geographic area tested during the same investigation had antibodies to the pathogen [28]. Successively, cats from two different provinces in Canada were analyzed, and seroprevalences of 7.2% (6/97) and 19.4% (20/104) were observed, confirming the circulation of C. burnetii in cat populations in this country [29]. In addition, a total of 184 cats were recently tested in Quebec (Canada): 59 from ruminant farms, 73 pets, and 52 feral cats. All pets and feral cats were negative to C. burnetii with ELISA and qPCR, while among farm cats, 2/59 (3.4%) were ELISA positive, 3/59 (5.1%) were ELISA doubtful, and 1/59 (1.7%) (rectal swab) was qPCR-positive. Farm cat positivity was associated with a positive C. burnetii status on the ruminant farm where the tested cats lived [30]. Data about C. burnetii exposure in cats in Asia come from a survey by Morita et al. [31] who found a 16% (16/100) seroprevalence among domestic cats in Japan. A more recent research showed the circulation of C. burnetii among cats in Japan and Korea, with different scenarios between stray cats and pets; seroprevalences of 0% and 8.6% (10/116) were detected in stray and pet cats, respectively, in Korea, whereas a higher seroprevalence was detected in stray cats (15/36; 41.7%) relative to pet cats (44/310; 14.2%) in Japan. The higher prevalence detected in stray cats suggested the consumption of wild birds and rodents, more frequent in stray animals, as a relevant risk of infection [32]. Similar results, which corroborated this hypothesis, were found in Iran where a seroprevalence of 22.35% (19/85) and 11.53% (9/78) were detected in stray and pet cats, respectively [33]. Moreover, a study was carried out in stray cats from three providences (Ankara, Niğde, and Kayseri) in Central Anatolia, Turkey. A total of 143 sera were examined for the presence of IgG against C. burnetii phase II antigen by an indirect fluorescent antibody test, and seven (4.9%) cats resulted positive, even though different seroprevalences were observed in relation to the provinces where the tested animals lived [34]. Coxiella burnetii seems to circulate in feline populations in other Asian areas, too. A low seroprevalence (0.51%) was recently found in cats from Thailand; indirect immunofluorescence tests detected antibodies to C. burnetii phase I and II antigens in 2 cats of the 390 tested, all residing in communities far from cattle farms [35]. The first information about the exposure of cats to C. burnetii in the African continent has been reported by Matthewman et al. [36], who detected 2% (1/52) of seropositive cats in South Africa and 13% (15/119) in Zimbabwe in a survey performed testing sera by indirect immunofluorescence with phase I antigen. More recently, Abdel-Moein and Zaher [37] submitted 40 cats to molecular analyses and detected C. burnetii DNA in the birth fluid of 3 (7.5%) animals. Serological investigations have been carried out in Europe as well. A 61.5% seroprevalence was detected in the United Kingdom when a survey evaluated the circulation of C. burnetii among foxes, rodents, and cats; rodents were supposed as an important source of infection for cats, as well as for foxes, but the lower prevalence found in rodents (17.3%) suggested that felines can acquire coxiellae also from other sources [38]. Candela and collaborators [39] investigated the exposure of free-living European wildcats (Felis sylvestris sylvestris) to C. burnetii in central Spain; they found a 33.3% seroprevalence and the results, although related to a very small number of tested animals (three positive/nine tested), suggested that wildcats should be considered a part of the epidemiological cycle of C. burnetii, in the same way as stray and pet cats [39]. In the period 2005–2007, sera from 291 free-roaming cats living in southern Spain were analyzed, and 108 (37%) had antibodies to C. burnetii phase I and II; adult cats were more likely to be seropositive than young individuals, and seropositivity was correlated with urban areas, human population size, and peri-urban areas with shrubs, but not correlated with agricultural landscapes [40]. An observational descriptive study was conducted in Portugal at two time points nine years apart, 2012 (29 cats) and 2021 (47 cats). Sera obtained from dogs and cats (total 294 sera) were tested for C. burnetii antibodies using a commercial ELISA adapted for multi-species detection; whereas a 17.2% prevalence was found among cats in 2012, when a higher percentage of animals from rural areas were analyzed, no positive cats were detected in 2021 [41]. Moreover, a molecular survey on reproductive tissues and/or endometrial swabs from 107 cats detected no positive cats [41]. Conversely, a molecular study carried out in Italy found C. burnetii DNA in blood samples of 29.4% (25/85) stray cats [42]. Exposure to C. burnetii is also possible in cats living in limited environments such as catteries; Shapiro et al. [43], in Australia, detected different seroprevalences in relation to investigated animals: 9.3% (35/376) in cattery-confined breeding cats, 1% (2/198) in pets, whereas no feral (0/50) and shelter cats (0/88) had specific antibodies [43]. These findings induced to suppose that in a given confined environment, cats have a common source of infections, and maybe the pathogen can be transmitted from a cat to another one. An overall 13.1% (19/145) seroprevalence was found in cats from New South Wales (Australia), with values that varied significantly between communities and the highest prevalence in communities within 150 km of a 2015 human Q fever outbreak [44]. However, when the same blood samples were submitted for molecular analyses, no C. burnetii--positive cats were detected [44]. Prevalence values obtained in the serological surveys carried out to evaluate the circulation of C. burnetii in feline populations worldwide are summarized in Table 1.
Table 1. Prevalences for Coxiella burnetii detected in different surveys, in relation to geographic area, feline population, tests, and antigens.
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