QUIC Protocol: Comparison
Please note this is a comparison between Version 2 by Camila Xu and Version 1 by Sultan Almuhammadi.

The QUIC protocol developed in 2012 by Google is an alternative protocol that improves the performance of web-based applications. It makes use of UDP, which allows the connection to enhance the performance of many online applications by replacing the TCP three-way handshake with a single UDP round-trip.

  • QUIC traffic
  • traffic classification
  • machine learning
  • ensemble learning

1. Introduction

Network traffic classification plays an essential role in any network administration system. It can be used in different areas, such as quality of services (QoS), intrusion detection, and malware detection. Generally, different protocols are used for network transportation, such as TLS/TCP or UDP protocols. However, with the rapid growth of Internet users around the globe, some of these protocols may suffer from some limitations, such as latency in TLS/TCP [1]. Therefore, alternative protocols were proposed in the literature to overcome this limitation [2].
The QUIC protocol developed in 2012 by Google [3] is an alternative protocol that improves the performance of web-based applications. It makes use of UDP, which allows the connection to enhance the performance of many online applications by replacing the TCP three-way handshake with a single UDP round-trip [4]. Moreover, the level of security protection in QUIC is the same as the one provided by TLS 1.3. It is worth mentioning that QUIC creates new challenges for information security practitioners in managing and administering communication network functionalities that are very crucial for intrusion detection, anomaly detection, malware detection, QoS provisioning, pricing, etc. [5].
Nowadays, the QUIC protocol is widely used on the Internet [3]. The traffic classification for such a protocol is important since the amount of traffic going through it is increasing. 

2. QUIC Protocol

Network traffic can be classified based on protocols (e.g., QUIC or TCP), traffic types (e.g., voice, video, or text), applications (e.g., YouTube, Facebook, or Twitter), etc. [11][6]. However, due to the encrypted traffic nature of QUIC, many of the proven network traffic analysis tools such as Wireshark lose visibility or functionality. Moreover, this encryption in QUIC makes classical traffic classification methods that use port numbers and payloads as features ineffective for real-world applications. As outlined in [3], the web traffic is currently increasing towards QUIC. Based on the above discussion, it is important to study QUIC traffic classification using ML techniques that produce learned models using available data accurately predict unseen cases. There are many techniques, among which ensemble techniques are more robust and efficient as they make the decision based on the combination of multiple single models. As will be discussed in the related works, all the previous works found in the literature tend to utilize deep learning, except [4]. However, their work was specified for intrusion detection only, rather than traffic classification. Google’s QUIC protocol is becoming popular as a potential alternative to encrypted services that use TCP, TLS, and HTTP/2 [3]. Recent global internet statistics show that QUIC accounts for more than 30% in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East [6][7]. The QUIC traffic was not limited to google services only, but other public social media apps, such as Instagram or Facebook, are using QUIC as well [6][7]. This information indicates the significance of QUIC around the globe and raises the need for security analysis for such a widespread protocol. The main objective of introducing such a protocol was to upgrade the performance of previous protocols and enhance the customers’ experience [3]. Additionally, QUIC was built to address other protocol problems such as handshake delay, Head-of-line blocking delay, and implementation entrenchment [3]. Experimental results showed how QUIC can minimize the latency on different types of traffic whether they were handshakes or media [3]. The QUIC protocol is a UDP-based encrypted protocol where it replaces the three-way handshakes with a one-way round trip. The connection establishment in QUIC starts with the client initiating a connection to the server. If the client connects for the first time to the server, then one round trip time (1-RTT) is established, otherwise, if the user tries to acquire access to a server with an already existing connection within a certain time period, then 0-RTT is established [4]. The 1-RTT and 0-RTT can be summarized as follows [4]: 1-RTT: First, the user (client) sends a blank hello message with a random connection ID that is used to encrypt the message. Then, the server replies with a rejection message, which includes the source address token (STK) and the server certificate (SCFG). In the next step, on receiving the rejection message, the user checks the certificate and replies back with another hello message that contains a nonce and the user’s Diffie–Hellman key values. Finally, the encrypted connection is initiated, and the timeout period is specified for closing the connection. 0-RTT: The 0-RTT starts when a client establishes a connection with a server that has a previous connection with it and during the specified period of the idle_timeout. The connection initiates from the user side by sending a hello message containing all the required information. (i.e., STK, SCFG, new connection ID, and the client’s Diffie–Hellman values). Next, the sent message is verified on the server side. If the verification is successful, then the encrypted connection will be established. Otherwise, the server will reject the connection, and 1-RTT is required again. Figure 1, which is adapted from [4], illustrates both connection steps.
Figure 1. QUIC connection: In 1-RTT, the user sends an empty hello message and waits for the server’s rejection message. Then, the user sends the actual hello message to establish the connection. In 0-RTT, the client establishes the connection by sending the actual hello directly, without the empty hello message.
QUIC traffic is currently widely used in most Google services, supported by most web browsers, and is on the way to IETF standardization [12][8]. According to [3], around 7% of Internet traffic is QUIC. Other advantages of QUIC traffic include its performance, security, and stream multiplexing [3]. On the other hand, QUIC may suffer from some limitations. For instance, it was found that the CPU utilization in QUIC was around 3.5 higher than in TLS/TCP [3]. This could be due to the structure of QUIC and some operations that are involved in the protocol, such as the cryptographic process, transferring UDP packets, and keeping track of the internal states of QUIC [3].


  1. Kumar, P.; Dezfouli, B. Implementation and analysis of QUIC FOR MQTT. Comput. Netw. 2019, 150, 28–45.
  2. Erman, J.; Gopalakrishnan, V.; Jana, R.; Ramakrishnan, K.K. Towards a spdy’ier mobile web? IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 2015, 23, 2010–2023.
  3. Langley, A.; Riddoch, A.; Wilk, A.; Vicente, A.; Krasic, C.; Zhang, D.; Yang, F.; Kouranov, F.; Swett, I.; Iyengar, J.; et al. The quic transport protocol: Design and internet-scale deployment. In Proceedings of the Conference of the ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 21–25 August 2017; pp. 183–196.
  4. Al-Bakhat, L.; Almuhammadi, S. Intrusion detection on Quic Traffic: A machine learning approach. In Proceedings of the 2022 7th International Conference on Data Science and Machine Learning Applications (CDMA), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 1–3 March 2022.
  5. Rezaei, S.; Liu, X. How to achieve high classification accuracy with just a few labels: A semi-supervised approach using sampled packets. arXiv 2020, arXiv:1812.09761v2.
  6. Rezaei, S.; Liu, X. Deep learning for encrypted traffic classification: An overview. IEEE Commun. Mag. 2019, 57, 76–81.
  7. Sandvine. Global Internet Phenomena Report. 2022. Available online: https://www.sandvine.com/global-internet-phenomena-report-2022 (accessed on 20 February 2023).
  8. Iyengar, J.; Thomson, M. QUIC: A UDP-Based Multiplexed and Secure Transport. In RFC 9000. 2021. Available online: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/rfc9000/ (accessed on 20 February 2023).
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