Renewable Energy Source Installations in EU Countries: Comparison
Please note this is a comparison between Version 2 by Radoslaw Wolniak and Version 1 by Bożena Gajdzik.

A significant link exists between a strong degree of societal development and the integration of renewable energy sources. In less prosperous EU nations, economic growth plays a pivotal role in renewable energy development. Barriers of an administrative nature exert a notable influence on renewable energy development, especially in less affluent EU countries, while grid-related obstacles are prevalent in Southern–Central Europe. In nations where the proportion of renewable energy sources in electricity consumption is substantial, an excess of capacity in the renewable energy market significantly affects its growth.

  • renewable energy sources (RESs)
  • decarbonization
  • sustainable development

1. Introduction

The goals of the energy policies of many countries around the world (highly developed countries) are to guarantee the reliability of fuel and energy supply, increase the competitiveness of the economy, increase energy efficiency, and minimize the negative environmental impact of the energy sector. One way to achieve these goals is to increase the exploitation of renewable energy sources (RESs). The consideration of energy and intensity consumption is pivotal in the journey toward decarbonization, as these factors directly influence the volume of greenhouse gas emissions discharged into the atmosphere [1]. In a modern world focused on environmental protection, renewable energy sources (RESs) are an alternative to the traditional energy carriers—fossil fuels [2]. Renewable energy is derived from natural processes in nature, which allows its resources to be replenished in repeated cycles, taking into account resource conditions. The strategic goal of global and European energy policy is to increase the use of RE (renewable energy) resources. Renewable energy includes energy from the direct use of solar radiation, wind, geothermal resources, water resources, solid biomass, biogas, and liquid biofuels. Faster deployment of renewable energy is one of the key solutions needed for decarbonization and climate change mitigation [3].
If Europe is to be climate neutral, electricity generation should be fully decarbonized by 2050, and more than 80% of the EU’s electricity must come from renewable sources (these are the plans) [4,5]. In December 2018, the revised Renewable Energy Directive 2018/2001/EU came into force [6]. The ambitious targets set for 2030 (a binding renewable energy target of at least 32% at the EU level) require the spread of renewable energy technologies and faster market penetration. To effectively manage the sporadic characteristics of renewable energy sources, industries must innovate by creating new technologies, constructing new transmission infrastructure, and allocating resources to storage solutions [7,8,9,10]. In addition to further technological development, which is made possible by, among other things, reducing costs and improving performance targets in line with the European Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET Plan) [11], it is necessary to address a number of non-technological issues (behavior and awareness) that continue to stand in the way of the large-scale dissemination of RES technology [12,13].
The development of the RES sector is being pursued with the support of governments, with not only financial incentives but also the creation of an appropriate legal framework to encourage the development of the sector in EU countries. Each EU country has set its own targets for the share of RESs in total energy production, ranging from 10% in the case of Malta to 49% in Sweden. The share of renewable energy in the gross final energy consumption in the EU settled at a level of 21.8% in 2021 compared with 9.6% in 2004, and the share of renewable energy in electricity consumption was 37.5% in 2021 compared with 15.9% in 2004 [14]. The path of EU countries to RES growth in total energy sources is not easy. European countries are overcoming many barriers to achieve their RES growth targets [11]. The process of transitioning from fossil fuels to RES—which necessarily includes phases of technical-scale deployment of the new technology, such as research, prototyping, demonstration facilities, and commercialization—requires a significant lead time and is a difficult process [12]. A detailed analysis of the costs of planned investments is needed, and there are situations in which the lack of reflection of the costs of production, transmission, and use of energy is compounded by subsidies for the extraction and consumption of fossil fuels, which are applied in various forms (albeit reduced).
In doing so, it is necessary to adequately prepare the public for the adoption of new solutions through extensive education. In the EU, there are countries that are doing a great job of building infrastructure for RES, such as Sweden, as well as countries where RES investments are still insufficient, such as Poland (the country has been oriented toward centralized, large, and expensive fossil fuel-use projects) [14].
The long-standing tradition of using coal as the main energy fuel, the energy subsidies used in the past, and the low prices of traditional energy carriers have made the introduction of renewable energy much more difficult [15]. A barrier that is difficult to overcome is the high capital expenditure [16]. Taking into account the economic aspect (a prerequisite for achieving a significant share of renewables in the energy balance and in electricity), it must be taken into account that the higher price of energy produced from renewable sources (compared with classical sources), when used locally, can be at least partially reduced by the cost of unnecessary transmission (transfer) [17]. Nevertheless, in a number of cases, the cost of reserving energy supplies from the electricity and/or gas system must be taken into account [18]. There are a number of barriers limiting the development of power generation using renewable energy sources. They are a set of factors of psychological, social, institutional, legal, and economic nature [19,20].

2. The Current Trends in Green Energy Concepts

The prevailing global trend focuses on generating green energy, which entails utilizing renewable energy sources (RESs). This trend holds immense significance due to the urgent need to combat climate warming caused by greenhouse gas emissions. The primary avenue for achieving a substantial reduction in greenhouse gas emissions is the worldwide commitment to the “net zero by 2050” strategy, as established by the Paris Agreement on climate protection [4]. In alignment with the Paris Agreement, the European Union has bolstered its climate and energy policies, marking a significant shift in direction as part of the European Green Deal [1]. This strategic plan, grounded in a comprehensive impact assessment, has led the European Commission to propose even more stringent 2030 targets, aiming for at least a 55% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions compared with 1990 levels, as outlined in the draft European climate law (Fit 55). The European Union has consistently pursued the objectives of the “Clean Energy for All Europeans” package (CEP) [2,3]. In December 2019, nearly all EU leaders expressed their commitment to implementing net zero strategies by 2050. The Paris Agreements have introduced a new dimension to climate policy, with the primary goal of limiting the global temperature increase to 2 °C above pre-industrial levels, as stated in Article 1.1(a), rather than solely focusing on reducing carbon dioxide emissions [4]. In accordance with these policies and various EU documents, nations are making substantial investments in renewable energy resources. Numerous programs and initiatives have been established within the EU, including information campaigns and subsidies to support new investments, such as programs that promote the installation of photovoltaic panels, solar panels, and heat pumps [1,2,3,4,5,6,11,12,15,16,17,18,19,20,21]. European policy has also spurred many countries to introduce regulations aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting the development of renewable energy sources [12,13]. The possibility of providing support for RES investment and development stems from the European Union’s energy policy, as defined in, among other things, Directive 2009/28/EC. Through the Horizon 2020 program, the European Union is implementing measures to find and support new and innovative solutions that will help Europe successfully achieve these goals—from drawing light and heat from the sun to geothermal energy from deep within the Earth and all other natural energy sources. Horizon 2020 has several important projects underway aimed specifically at eliminating market barriers and accelerating the deployment of renewable energy technologies. These include financial instruments, such as auctions, which are becoming a pillar of efforts to support renewable energy policies; the AURES (European #H2020 research project on Auctions for Renewable Energy Support) and AURES II projects have identified and evaluated the auction options in use and determined their impact on energy policy mechanisms and markets under different conditions (, accessed on 15 September 2023) [15]. At the regional level, the CoolHeating project [16] has supported the deployment of small modular heating and cooling grids in Southeast Europe using an improved business strategy and innovative financing schemes. The importance of prosumers, or energy users who both produce and consume electricity, is being addressed by the PV-Prosumers4Grid initiative [17]. The BestRES project [18] analyzed the possibility of aggregating various distributed renewable energy sources. In order for “bioenergy villages” to be created, bioenergy concepts must be in the investment stage. Thanks to the BioVill project [19], villages in Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia, Northern Macedonia, and Romania have reached a point in their development at which they can cooperate with long-established markets in Austria and Germany. WinWind project partners [20] have developed a number of good practices drawn from their own countries to increase public acceptance of wind energy in targeted regions. Biomass is also a valuable source of renewable energy. The SECURECHAIN project [22] has contributed to the optimal management of the wood biomass supply chain in Europe. The SEEMLA (abbreviation from sustainable exploitation of biomass for bioenergy from marginal lands) project (, accessed on 15 September 2023) [22] aimed to obtain high energy yields from inferior land, while the subject of the uP_running initiative [22] is bioenergy obtained from tree pruning residues. According to an analysis of the existing literature [9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22] it is evident that researchers are showing a growing interest in exploring the challenges associated with renewable energy source (RES) development. Furthermore, there is a noticeable emergence of studies that assess the influence of these barriers on the implementation of RESs [22]. This trend is clearly reflected in the scientific databases Web of Science and Scopus, as illustrated in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Number of publications about RES barriers in the databases WoS and Scopus between 2004 and 2022 (“Barriers of renewables”).
Despite the increase in literature interest in this research topic, the authors found a research gap in the topic undertaken. It was found that there is a lack of studies that take into account the analysis of all determinants and barriers affecting the implementation and thus development of RESs. There are studies creating indicators or indexes to measure the impact of barriers on RES implementation [22]. The literature has mostly either listed what the barriers to RES development are [23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33] or evaluated them only for a single country [24,25] or a non-EU country [27,30,31,33]. However, in the area of socioeconomic factors, the literature has analyzed either the economic factors resulting from market imperfections [23] or trade relationships [29] with overdated data [23,24,25,26,28] or omitted the level of social development of countries [22]. There is a lack of analyses that take into account the impact of the market (overcapacity) and socioeconomic factors (socioeconomic development of the countries) or barriers (in a negative impact situation). There is a lack of holistic analyses that additionally attempt to analyze the occurrence of similar relationships for groups of countries or regions in all analyzed areas of RES development. 

3. Barriers to Development of RESs

In the literature, various authors have pointed to several categories of barriers (Table 1). The main barriers associated with the development of renewable energy include limited opportunities for entrepreneurs to finance investments, legal support regulations, administrative and procedural difficulties, and with the operation of transmission networks.
Table 1. Barriers to RES development according to the literature review.
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