Smart Cities and Public Transport Vehicles: Comparison
Please note this is a comparison between Version 2 by Catherine Yang and Version 1 by Maciej Kruszyna.

A “smart city” contains not only new tools but also vehicles or infrastructure. A new type of vehicle could use both the existing tram routes and newly constructed sections with no tracks. It is assumed that new vehicles would drive with trams on the same, shared tracks.

  • AT vehicle
  • tram
  • trolleybus
  • electric bus
  • innovation

1. Introduction

Public transport in cities and agglomerations is based on various means of transport, the forms and roles of which in the system change over time [1,2,3,4,5][1][2][3][4][5]. Numerous innovations of “traditional” means of transport (tram, trolleybus, and bus) are being introduced, including hybrid vehicles with various forms of traction, propulsion, or infrastructure. The dimensions of such vehicles are diversified with a preference for long vehicles for the main routes in the transport network.
Electric buses became very popular as part of the “electromobility” campaign [6,7,8,9,10][6][7][8][9][10]. The use of gas [11] or biofuels [12] in the form of low-emission drives has developed, too. Numerous studies concern autonomous vehicles [13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20]. All of the above innovations lead to the development of new vehicles (possibly engines), but the industry is good at efficient implementations. One of the reasons for the rapid introduction of the above innovations is the lack of the need to implement specific transport infrastructure (e.g., new roads). Thus, other innovative means of transport that require deeper interference with the infrastructure create greater challenges in their implementation and temporarily remain in the sphere of proposals [21,22][21][22]. On the other hand, means of transport known and used for decades are still being improved including “bigger ones” like BRT [23] or light rail [24] and “smaller ones” like shared bikes [25] or scooters [26]. Anyway, the role of shared vehicles is growing up [27].

2. New Vehicles in the Smart City

The “smart city” is understood firstly as a technology-progressive structure that manages more effectively different elements of urban activities using new tools and technologies. Still, this idea has more connections with other disciplines and aspects of our lives [33,34][28][29]. Especially in aspects of transport and mobility, a “smart development” contains not only new tools to collect and manage the data but also vehicles, infrastructure, traffic management, etc. [35][30]. Human factors including perception and the comprehension of tools and decisions from a “smart city” perspective should also be considered: for example, a good idea like a “15-min city” should be understood and accepted [36][31]. Allam wrote in [37][32] about the problem between smart and safe cities (anti-privacy issue). The smarter infrastructure could be achieved using digitalization [38][33]. The role of travel in a virtual form of smart cities (Metaverse) was also highlighted [39][34]. The connections between smart city ideas and the methods, tools, and applications of this have been studied for years. Allan and Newman reported in [33][28] hundreds of publications dedicated to smart city problematics between 2004 and 2015. Different problems from broad disciplines are cited, for example, in [34][29]. In this paper, the problem of constructing smart cities from the aspect of infrastructure and human understanding was considered (inter alia). There are some similarities and also differences in the introduction and development of aspects of smart cities. Iqbal shows a survey of enabling technologies for smart communities—“Super Smart Society” = Society 5.0 in Japan [40][35]. A cross-reading approach to smart cities (a European perspective of Chinese findings) was presented in [41][36]. An interesting case study of the implementation of new ideas in smart city programs for a small and isolated country (Mauritius) is presented in [42][37]. The worthwhile findings came from the publication of Rehm et al. [43][38] where local innovations are important for developing the smart city idea. Tools and methods used by the introduction of smart city ideas contain elements of congestion reduction [44][39] which helps improve the environment and mobility. The 15-Minute City (FMC) idea shows the importance of rapid and effective public transport systems (and corridors) to allow accessibility in greater areas and for greater populations [35,36][30][31]. But the concept of short trips is not always possible, especially in a specific destination (for example university, hospital, opera). Less conventional solutions, like shared mobility composed of public transport means, are important in rural areas, too [45][40]. The conventional method to plan public transport (network and service) allows one to make an offer according to modeled demand, but the alternative way creates an offer on a higher level to induce a wish to travel using public transport means [46][41]. It is important to increase passenger satisfaction. In such a context, the new transport solutions could invite people to leave their cars and use alternate forms.

3. Similar Innovations in Public Transport Vehicles

A new road–rail vehicle, which was created after reviewing the latest solutions and trends. One of them is the use of long buses that are four-axle, three-section, and bi-articulated. In 2013, the “Mettis” system based on semi-electric buses (with a hybrid engine) was launched in Metz (France). The length of the vehicle is 23.8 m, manufacturer: Van Hool, Belgium. One of the first long buses was Volvo’s “Phileas” vehicles (first in Eindhoven in the Netherlands, then in South Korea, Turkey, and Israel). Many leading bus manufacturers offer similarly large units (Mercedes, Scania, etc.). Fully electric vehicles are another trend in the production of buses. For example, the articulated Volvo 7900 Electric is available in two lengths: 18 and 18.7 m. In the first case, it can accommodate 150 passengers (Figure 1). It is powered by two 200 kW electric motors produced by Volvo. Batteries with a capacity of almost 400 kWh were installed in it. Depending on the customer’s needs, the Swedish manufacturer may enable charging both via fast charging stations on the route (OppCharge) and via stationary chargers [47][42].
Figure 1. Electric bus Volvo [47].
Electric bus Volvo [42].
There are unconventional versions of trams (“rubber-tired tram”). A rubber-tired tram (also known as a tire tram) is a means of transport in which the vehicle is driven on a fixed rail in the road surface and draws electricity from overhead electrical wires (via a pantograph or trolleybus poles) [48][43]. Rubber tires are used to support the vehicle, and a single rail and metal wheels are used to guide the vehicle (also at switches). They are popular, especially in France, where they are called “tramway sur pneus” (one is the Translohr system developed by Lohr Industrie of France and currently owned by the Alstom Transport consortium with Fonds Stratégique d’Investissement as “newTL”; second is GLT = Guided Light Transit branded by Bombardier). In the case of Translohr, the rail is gripped by a pair of metal guide wheels positioned at 45° to the road and 90° to each other. In the GLT system, a single double-flange wheel placed between rubber tires follows the guide rail. Power is usually supplied by overhead lines, and batteries or internal combustion engines are used in places where there are no overhead lines. The Translohr system is an autonomous vehicle, while the Bombardier system allows for independent driving. Therefore, Bombardier vehicles are considered buses. Translohr vehicles, however, operate like standard trams. The GLT system can be steered along a virtual track by the driver using a conventional steering wheel. The unconventional versions of trams are used in the neighborhood of Paris and Clermont-Ferrand (France), Medellín (Colombia), Tianjin and Shanghai (China), Venice-Mestre and Padua (Italy). Figure 2 shows the current status of tram routes in the Paris area. The map shows the year of opening a given section and the number of the line. The sections marked with a dashed line are under construction or are planned. The lines T5 and T6 function as described above. Figure 3 shows the T6 rubber-wheeled (Translohr) tram in Chatillon.
Figure 2.
Actual tram network in Paris and vicinity (inner ring).
Figure 3. The rubber-wheeled tram (Translohr) in Chatillon (France) [49].
The rubber-wheeled tram (Translohr) in Chatillon (France) [44].
There is a question about providing power when resigning from the traction network (this is especially justified in the central, historic parts of cities). In Bordeaux, the tram in the city center does not use the overhead network. It is powered by the “ground” system (activated when the tram passes). This is an Alstom solution called APS. The same is true for Nice, Orléans, Reims, and Tours (France). On the other hand, in Zaragoza (Spain), part of the tram route without the overhead contact line is powered by batteries. Castello (Spain) has the only trolleybus traction in this country (produced by Solaris). In the downtown section, it does not use the traction network (similar to the trams in Zaragoza). Trolleybuses can also be included in the group of “long vehicles”. For example, Limoges (France) uses 18.7 m long trolleybuses of Swiss production (Hess) called Swiss Trolley 4. Even longer trolleybuses called Light Tram are popular in Switzerland (Geneva, Lucerne, Zurich, St. Gallen).


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