Nanoscale Materials for Instrumental Analysis of Mycotoxins: Comparison
Please note this is a comparison between Version 1 by Mingfei Pan and Version 3 by Camila Xu.

With the continuous development of nanotechnology and materials science, a variety of nanoscale materials have been developed for purifying complex food matrices or providing response signals for accurate and rapid detection of various mycotoxins in foods. Mycotoxins are highly toxic, widely contaminated, and difficult to remove. They can enter and enrich the food chain through foodstuffs and animal-derived products such as meat, milk, and eggs and ultimately penetrate into organisms, causing reproductive abnormalities, immunosuppression, cancer, and other serious diseases, which pose a serious threat to human health.随着纳米技术和材料科学的不断发展,已经开发出各种纳米级材料,用于复杂食品基质的纯化或提供响应信号,以实现食品中各种霉菌毒素的准确快速检测。霉菌毒素具有剧毒、广泛污染且难以清除。它们可以通过食品和肉、奶、蛋等动物源性产品进入和丰富食物链,最终渗透到生物体内,引起生殖异常、免疫抑制、癌症等严重疾病,对人体健康构成严重威胁。

  • mycotoxins
  • nanoscale materials
  • accurate and rapid detection
  • food

1. Introduction简介

To date, food safety remains one of the major issues of widespread concern worldwide. The presence of toxic and hazardous substances in food is an important aspect that contributes to food safety problems [1][2]. Foods such as grains, oils, and fats are prone to contamination by fungi such as Aspergillus, Penicillium, and Fusarium at various stages, including production, processing, storage, and transportation [3][4][5]. Under conditions of high temperature and humidity, these microorganisms can produce and accumulate mycotoxins and secondary metabolites that serve as typical food contaminants. Mycotoxins are highly toxic, widely contaminated, and difficult to remove [6][7][8]. They can enter and enrich the food chain through foodstuffs and animal-derived products such as meat, milk, and eggs and ultimately penetrate into organisms, causing reproductive abnormalities, immunosuppression, cancer, and other serious diseases, which pose a serious threat to human health [9][10]. In addition, most fungi are capable of producing multiple toxins simultaneously, making the co-contamination of food with multiple toxins highly common. The cumulative or synergistic effects of these toxins can lead to more significant toxic effects than single toxins [11][12], further highlighting the importance of controlling and monitoring mycotoxins in food. Consequently, the 迄今为止,食品安全仍然是全世界广泛关注的主要问题之一。食品中有毒和有害物质的存在是导致食品安全问题的一个重要方面[1,2]。谷物、油和脂肪等食物在生产、加工、储存和运输等各个阶段容易受到霉菌、青霉菌和镰刀菌等真菌的污染[3,4,5]。在高温高湿条件下,这些微生物会产生和积累霉菌毒素和次生代谢物,作为典型的食品污染物。霉菌毒素剧毒,污染广泛,难以清除[6,7,8]。它们可以通过食品和肉、奶、蛋等动物源性产品进入和丰富食物链,最终渗透到生物体内,引起生殖异常、免疫抑制、癌症等严重疾病,对人体健康构成严重威胁[9,10]。此外,大多数真菌能够同时产生多种毒素,这使得食物与多种毒素的混合污染非常普遍。与单一毒素相比,这些毒素的累积或协同作用可导致更显著的毒性作用[11,12],这进一步凸显了控制和监测食品中霉菌毒素的重要性。因此,世界卫生组织(World Health Organization (WHO), the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), and the Codex Alimentaria Commission (Codex Alimentaria) have jointly established limits and detection requirements for biotoxins, including mycotoxins [13][14] (Table O)、欧洲食品安全局(EFSA)、联合国粮食及农业组织(FAO)和食品法典委员会(食品法典委员会)共同制定了生物毒素(包括霉菌毒素)的限值和检测要求[13,14](1). It is essential to strengthen the research on specific, sensitive, rapid, and reliable strategies for mycotoxins detection in food to safeguard human health effectively [15][16].加强对食品中霉菌毒素检测的特异性、灵敏、快速、可靠的策略研究,以有效保障人体健康[15,16]。
Table 1. Maximum permissible limits for mycotoxins in foods of different countries or organizations.
The United States美国 Total amount of 食物中AFB in food: <20 μg/kg; DON: <1000pg/kg, ZEN: <100 pg/kg的总量:<20微克/千克;唐:<1000皮克/公斤,禅宗:<100皮克/公斤;

Milk and dairy products: AFM牛奶和乳制品:原子力显微镜1 0.5 μg/kg.0.5微克/千克。
European Union欧盟 农产品:Agricultural products: Total amount of AFs: <4 μg/kg, F总量:<4微克/千克,AFB1: <2 μg/kg, OTA: <3 μg/kg, DON:微克/公斤, OTA: <3 微克/公斤, 唐: <1000 μg/kg, ZEN: <50 μg/kg微克/公斤, 禅宗: <50 微克/公斤;

Infant foods: Total amount of 婴儿食品:AFB: <2 μg/kg, 总量:<2微克/千克,AFB1 <0.1 μg/kg, AFM微克/千克,原子力显微镜1: <0.025 μg/kg, OTA:微克/千克, OTA: <0.5 μg/kg, DON:微克/千克, 唐: <150 μg/kg, ZEN: <20 μg/kg微克/千克, 禅宗: <20 微克/千克
China中国 Corn, peanuts, and their products: AFB玉米、花生及其制品:空军基地1: < 20 μg/kg, OTA: <5 μg/kg, DON: <1000 μg/kg, ZEN < 60 μg/kg20微克/千克,OTA:<5微克/千克,唐:<1000微克/千克,禅<60微克/千克;

Other grains, beans, and fermented foods: AFB其他谷物、豆类和发酵食品:空军基地1: <5 μg/kg微克/千克;

Infant foods: AFB婴儿食品:空军基地1: 5 μg/kg, AFM微克/千克, 原子力显微镜1: < 0.5μg/kg微克/千克;

Fresh milk and dairy products: AFM鲜奶和乳制品:原子力显微镜1: < 0.5μg/kg微克/千克;

Rice and vegetable oils (except corn oil and peanut oil): AFB大米和植物油(玉米油和花生油除外):空军基地1: <10 μg/kg微克/千克.
Japan日本 Peanuts and their products: AFB花生及其制品:空军基地1: <10 μg/kg微克/千克;

Wheat: DON: 小麦:唐:<1100 μg/kg微克/千克;

Apple juice: Patulin: 苹果汁:棒曲霉素:<50 μg/kg.微克/公斤。

2. Nanoscale Materials for Instrumental Analysis of Mycotoxins用于霉菌毒素仪器分析的纳米级材料

Currently, instrumental analysis techniques based on chromatographic separation, mass spectrometry, or spectroscopy remain the primary strategies for accurately detecting mycotoxins in food, widely accepted as standardized methods by international organizations [17][18][19]. Large-scale analytical instruments, typically equipped with sensitive detectors and data analysis modules, can successfully detect trace levels of toxin targets with advantages of accuracy, reproducibility, and reliability [20][21]. However, various mycotoxins may coexist at extremely low concentrations in food, and considering the complexity of food matrices, it is necessary to purify the food matrix during the detection process while achieving the enrichment of low-concentration mycotoxins to meet the requirements of instrument analysis [22]. In response to this challenge, novel purification materials with nanoscale features or exceptional structural characteristics have been continuously developed and used in combination with various large-scale analytical instruments, such as chromatography and mass spectrometry, achieving accurate and sensitive detection of mycotoxins in complex food matrices [23][24][25]. Table


illustrates the application of various nanoscale materials in solid-phase extraction (SPE) and solid-phase microextraction (SPME) processes for the detection of mycotoxins in food.

Table 2. Application of various nanoscale materials in SPE and SPME processes for the detection of mycotoxin in food.
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