Requirements of Edge Machine Learning: Comparison
Please note this is a comparison between Version 2 by Catherine Yang and Version 1 by Wenbin Li.

The union of Edge Computing (EC) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) has brought forward the Edge AI concept to provide intelligent solutions close to the end-user environment, for privacy preservation, low latency to real-time performance, and resource optimization. 

  • edge artificial intelligence
  • edge machine learning
  • distributed learning

1. Introduction

In the context of machine learning, be it supervised learning, unsupervised learning, or a reinforcement learning, an ML task could be either a training or an inference. As in every technology, it is critical to understand the underlying requirements that ensure proper expectations. By definition, the edge infrastructure is generally resource-constrained in terms of the following: computation power, i.e., processor and memory; storage capacity, i.e., auxiliary storage; and communication capability, i.e., network bandwidth. ML models, on the other hand, are commonly known to be hardware-demanding, with computationally expensive and memory-intensive features. Consequently, the union of EC and ML exhibits both constraints from edge environment and ML models. When designing edge-powered ML solutions, requirements from both the hosting environment and the ML solution itself need to be considered and fulfilled for suitable, effective, and efficient results.
The Edge ML requirements are structured in three categories: (i) ML requirements, (ii) EC requirements, and (iii) overall requirements, which are composite indicators from ML and EC for Edge ML performance. The three categories of requirements are summarized in Figure 1.
Figure 1.
Edge ML Requirements.

2. ML Requirements

The researchers foresee five main requirements an ML system should consider: (i) Low Task Latency, (ii) High Performance, (iii) Generalization and Adaptation, (iv) Labelled Data Independence, and (v) Enhanced Privacy and Security.
  • Low Task Latency: Task latency refers to the end-to-end processing time for one ML task, in seconds (s), and is determined by both ML models and the supporting computation infrastructure. Low task latency is important to achieve fast or real-time ML capabilities, especially for time-critical use-cases such as autonomous driving. WThe researchers use the term task latency instead of latency to differentiate this concept from communication latency, which describes the time for sending a request and receiving an answer.
  • High Performance: The performance of an ML task is represented by its results and measured by general performance metrics such as top-n accuracy, and f1-score in percentage points (pp), as well as use-case-dependent benchmarks such as General Language Understanding Evaluation (GLUE) benchmark for NLP [27][1] or Behavior Suite for reinforcement learning [28][2].
  • Generalization and Adaptation: The models are expected to learn the generalized representation of data instead of the task labels, so as to be easily generalized to a domain instead of specific tasks. This brings the models’ capability to solve new and unseen tasks and realize a general ML directly or with a brief adaptation process. Furthermore, facing the disparity between learning and prediction environments, ML models can be quickly adapted to specific environments to solve the environmental specific problems.
  • Enhanced Privacy and Security: The data acquired from edge carry much private information, such as personal identity, health status, and messages, preventing these data from being shared in a large extent. In the meantime, frequent data transmission over a network threatens data security as well. The enhanced privacy and security requires the corresponding solution to process data locally and minimize the shared information.
  • Labelled Data Independence: The widely applied supervised learning in modern machine learning paradigms requires large amounts of data to train models and generalize knowledge for later inference. However, in practical scenarios, the weresearchers cannot assume that all data in the edge are correctly labeled. The independence of labelled data indicates the capability of an Edge ML solution to solve one ML task without labelled data or with few labelled data.

3. EC Requirements

Three main edge environmental requirements of EC impact the overall Edge ML technology: (i) Computational Efficiency, (ii) Optimized Bandwidth, and (iii) Offline Capability, summarized below.
  • Computational Efficiency: Refers to the efficient usage of computational resources to complete an ML task. This includes both processing resources measured by the number of arithmetic operations (OPs), and the required memory measured in MB.
  • Optimized Bandwidth: Refers to the optimization of the amount of data transferred over network per task, measured by MB/Task. Frequent and large data exchanges over a network can raise communication and task latency. An optimized bandwidth usage expects Edge ML solutions to balance the data transfer over the network and local data processing.
  • Offline Capability: The edge connectivity of edge devices is often weak and/or unstable, requiring operations to be performed on the edge directly. The offline capability refers to the ability to solve an ML task when network connections are lost or without a network connection.

4. Overall Requirements

The global requirements are composite indicators from ML and environmental requirements for Edge ML performance. WThe researchers specify four overall requirements in this category: (i) Availability, (ii) Reliability, (iii) Energy Efficiency, and (iv) Cost Optimization.
  • Availability: Refers to the percentage of time (in percentage points (pp)) that an Edge ML solution is operational and available for processing tasks without failure. For edge ML applications, availability is paramount because these applications often operate in real-time or near-real-time environments, and downtime can result in severe operational and productivity loss.
  • Reliability: Refers to the ability of a system or component to perform its required functions under stated conditions for a specified period of time. Reliability can be measured using various metrics such as Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) and Failure Rate.
  • Energy Efficiency: Energy efficiency refers to the number of ML tasks obtained per power unit, in Task/J. The energy efficiency is determined by both the computation and communication design of Edge ML solutions and their supporting hardware.
  • Cost optimization: Similar to energy consumption, edge devices are generally low-cost compared to cloud servers. The cost here refers to the total cost of realizing one ML task in an edge environment. This is again determined by both the Edge ML software implementation and its supporting infrastructure usage.
It should be noted that, depending on the nature of Edge ML applications, one Edge ML solution does not necessarily fulfill all the requirements above. The exact requirements for each specific Edge ML application vary according to each requirement’s critical level to an application. For example, for autonomous driving, the task latency requirement is much more critical than the power consumption and cost optimization requirements.


  1. Wang, A.; Singh, A.; Michael, J.; Hill, F.; Levy, O.; Bowman, S.R. GLUE: A Multi-Task Benchmark and Analysis Platform for Natural Language Understanding. In EMNLP 2018—2018 EMNLP Workshop BlackboxNLP: Analyzing and Interpreting Neural Networks for NLP, Proceedings of the 1st Workshop, Brussels, Belgium, 1 November 2018; Association for Computational Linguistics: Toronto, ON, Canada, 2018; pp. 353–355.
  2. Osband, I.; Doron, Y.; Hessel, M.; Aslanides, J.; Sezener, E.; Saraiva, A.; McKinney, K.; Lattimore, T.; Szepesvari, C.; Singh, S.; et al. Behaviour Suite for Reinforcement Learning. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Learning Representations, ICLR 2020, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 26–30 April 2020.
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