Negative Environmental Impact of Consumerization of Information Technology: Comparison
Please note this is a comparison between Version 2 by Peter Tang and Version 1 by Darshana Sedera.

The internet plays a pivotal role in Industry 4.0, where it provides the underlying infrastructure to support the substantial growth of digital platforms and systems to deliver a wealth of benefits. However, with the unprecedented growth of internet-based applications in recent history, the internet itself is harming the environment. The most effective strategy to reduce internet usage is to incorporate extrinsic strategies and allow individuals to pay a premium for green internet services.

  • Internet Use
  • Self-Determination Theory
  • Sustainability

1. Introduction

The advancement of technology during the Fourth Industrial Revolution has led to a significant digital transformation within various industries [1]. This transformation is attributed to the convergence of the internet and new technologies, which has facilitated a shift in the approach to industrial production. According to a report by the Boston Consulting Group, the growth of Industry 4.0 is being driven by several foundational technological innovations [2]. These include the ability for sensors, machines, workpieces, and information technology systems to communicate with one another, and encompass the digital innovation suite consisting of new technologies such as industrial Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), big data and analytics, additive manufacturing (3D printing) and cloud-based software platforms [3]. These technologies serve as the digital link between machines and individuals in various business processes [4].
The growing trend of consumerization of information technology (IT), brought about by the Fourth Industrial Revolution, has resulted in an increase in the usage of technology products and services in personal and professional settings. The increasing popularity of IoT devices is a testament to this trend. McKinsey and Company [5], citing Gartner Group show that the number of businesses utilizing IoT devices is projected to rise to 43 billion by 2023, representing a 3% increase from 2018. Furthermore, as reported by Forbes, it is estimated that approximately 152,000 IoT devices connect to the internet every minute, as individuals embrace the advancements of Industry 4.0 through the consumerization of IT.
The rise in the adoption of these technologies is accompanied by a corresponding increase in data consumption. By 2025, it is estimated that 73.1 zettabytes (ZB) of data will be generated, which represents a 422% increase from the 2019 output of 17.3 ZB [6]. These developments demonstrate the profound impact that consumerization of IT is having on technology usage and data production.
While the proliferation of technology devices and the exponential growth of data production brought about by the consumerization of IT offer numerous benefits to businesses, including improved process efficiency, enhanced decision-making capabilities, and increased profits [7[7][8],8], they also have negative environmental impacts [9]. As industrial production becomes increasingly digitized, connecting its IT and operational technology with data-generating sensors and transferring this data to the “Edge” or the “Cloud”, it requires a significant amount of electrical energy. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), businesses already account for 42.5% of global electricity consumption in 2014 [10], and the increase in energy demand from industrial consumers will further strain energy networks. This increase in energy consumption leads to a corresponding rise in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. The total internet usage in 2019, with an average of six hours of usage per day [11] has been estimated to be equivalent to 1.2 billion years. It is projected that by 2030, the internet will be responsible for 23% of total CO2 emissions [12]. These developments highlight the need for responsible and sustainable approaches to the adoption and usage of technology in the age of consumerization of IT.
The advancements in technology have led to increased efficiencies; however, the exponential growth in internet usage as a result of Industry 4.0 is predicted to surpass such advancements [13]. To mitigate the adverse environmental impact of the widespread utilization of the internet, it is crucial to regulate its usage at an individual level. The significance of this investigation into the impact of internet usage on the environment is driven by two crucial factors: (i) the central role that the internet plays in daily life, making it challenging for individuals to regulate their own usage and (ii) the current pricing structure that offers nearly unlimited access at a capped rate, which fails to incentivize moderation in usage. This restudy earch aims to examine the interplay between motivation and willingness to pay a premium for green internet and their influence on the internet usage behavior of individuals.
Past studies have looked at important technical and non-technical steps [14] at the global, country, organization, and individual levels [15] to minimize environmental harm after identifying potential ecological harm. The majority of the previous research has been focused on the organizational level [16]. However, Loock et al. [17] state that studies at the individual level are also important because individual behaviors on a wide scale also have a considerable impact on the quality of the environment. Although individual-level technical steps such as human–computer-interaction designs [18,19][18][19] and gamification techniques [20] have been investigated, non-technical self-regulated and non-self-regulated interventions in reducing internet pollution have been not studied [21].

2. Industry 4.0 and Environmental Damage

The Fourth Industrial Revolution, characterized by the rapid transformation of technology, businesses, and societal patterns and processes in the 21st century, is the result of heightened interconnectivity and smart automation [22]. In 2015, Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, popularized the notion of Industry 4.0. He argues that the changes being observed are not simply limited to increased efficiency but represent a significant transition in the nature of industrial capitalism [23]. The ongoing digitization of traditional industrial and manufacturing processes, as well as the integration of sophisticated smart technology, machine-to-machine communication, and the Internet of Things are leading to fundamental shifts in the global production and distribution network [24]. The Fourth Industrial Revolution has resulted in significant advancements in technology and its integration into various industries and societal processes. The rise of the IoT and machine-to-machine (M2M) connections has enabled the consumerization of information technology and has contributed to the growth of the digital economy [25]. Moreover, this becomes more affordable as the prices drop [5,26][5][26]. Predictions indicate that M2M connections will account for half of all global connected devices and connections by 2023, with 14.7 billion M2M connections expected by that time [27]. While the internet plays a crucial role in the success of Industry 4.0, its usage also has a significant negative impact on the environment. The environmental consequences of adopting new technology and behaviors are frequently understood too late, usually when it is difficult to reverse the acquired technologies and behavioral patterns [28,29][28][29]. A similar predicament arises if society continues to speed its transition to an unregulated and ecologically unchecked digital world, where the worldwide COVID-19 epidemic hastens the path facilitated by the Fourth Industrial Revolution [28]. The digital behavior patterns that keep developing have negative environmental impacts. Such impacts need to be revealed and treated, to make a successful transition to a low-carbon and green economy. Studies have demonstrated that the development and deployment of internet infrastructure can result in negative impacts on the environment. The three primary ways in which this occurs are through the emission of CO2, wastage of water and land [28]. The power demands of data centers are driven by the need for electricity for both data processing and cooling, further exacerbating the environmental consequences [30]. However, even with the implementation of more energy-efficient technologies, research indicates that the demand for data centers is increasing rapidly, outpacing efforts to minimize their ecological impact. A study by Masanet et al. [31] found that between 2010 and 2018, global installed storage capacity increased 26-fold, and global data center internet protocol traffic increased 11.5-fold. The authors suggest that proactive policy initiatives will be necessary to improve energy efficiency. In addition, the rapid increase in internet usage can offset any technological advancements aimed at mitigating the environmental impact of internet infrastructure [13]. As such, strategies aimed at managing individual internet usage are becoming increasingly important.

3. Changing Human Behavior through Motivation and Pricing

There are three possible pathways for changing an individual’s attitude towards environmental damage [32]: (1) directly experiencing the phenomenon—e.g., observing a polythene bag blocking a drainage line; (2) persuasive communications to evoke motivations on environmental damage through awareness programs or social marketing; and (3) induced behaviors—for, e.g., offering financial or other incentives to change one’s behavior [32]. Since internet-led environmental pollution is not as immediately evident as the example of the polythene bag blocking a drainage line, only pathways (2) and (3) are viable options to evoke a favorable behavioral change. Therein, using the tenants of the self-determination theory (SDT) and the fundamentals of pricing, a conceptual model (see Figure 1) is developed to derive the relevant hypotheses. Figure 1 denotes the abstract conceptual model, while Figure 2 denotes the elaborated model representing the study constructs aligning with the SDT. Please refer to Section 2.3Section 4 for explanations related to Figure 2.
Figure 1.
Conceptual Model.
Figure 2.
The extended model of motivation, willingness to pay a premium and internet use.

3.1. Motivation to Engage in Pro-Environmental Behavior

Motivation is widely recognized as a powerful tool for shaping human behavior, particularly in the context of green information technology (IT). While previous research has mainly focused on motivation to engage in green IT behavior in an organizational setting, the motivation to engage in green IT behaviors at the individual level has received less attention [33,34,35][33][34][35]. Despite some studies exploring this topic, most of them have focused on the adoption of transformative green IT services [36,37,38][36][37][38]. Studies have shown that both intrinsic and extrinsic motivations play significant roles in driving individuals to engage in green IT behavior. However, research has consistently found that intrinsic motivation, which is measured through the pleasure and satisfaction individuals derive from engaging in green IT behavior, is a more significant driver of behavior [36,37,39][36][37][39]. According to the self-determination theory, the highest level of motivation is achieved when an individual experiences pleasure and satisfaction in performing a behavior and feels autonomous, competent, and connected to others. Additionally, while green IT behaviors may also stem from extrinsic motivation [17[17][40][41],40,41], autonomous or intrinsic forms of motivation are believed to play a more prominent role at the individual level [36]. According to the green IT literature, the majority of studies focus on the organization level, where they investigate different types of motivation that affect an organization and its employees in contributing towards reducing damage to the environment [33,34,42][33][34][42]. On the individual level, there are green IT/IS studies that address one’s motivation as a viable option for reducing the damage to the environment [36]. However, as per the referred literature, how motivation can be used to reduce environmental damage is not discussed either at the organizational level or at the individual level. While previous research has explored various aspects of green IT behavior, such as the adoption of smart meters and the purchase of eco-friendly IT products [36[36][37],37], the intention to engage in green IT behavior by managing one’s internet usage has received little attention. As such, this restudyearch focuses on filling this gap, by investigating the role green intrinsic and extrinsic motivations play in reducing individual internet usage.

3.2. Willingness to Pay for Green Internet

The concept of willingness to pay (WTP) for green products and services has received growing attention in recent years as a means of promoting environmentally sustainable behavior. WTP refers to the amount of money an individual is willing to spend on a product or service that is considered environmentally friendly [43]. In the current context, this refers to one’s willingness to pay for environmentally friendly internet data packages. Numerous studies have investigated WTP for green products and services, with a focus on the factors that influence an individual’s WTP, such as their environmental attitudes, knowledge, and personal values [44,45][44][45]. Research has found that individuals who are highly concerned about the environment are more likely to be willing to pay a premium for green internet services, compared to those who are less concerned [46]. Additionally, individuals who have a higher level of environmental knowledge are more likely to be willing to pay for green internet services, as they understand the environmental benefits of such services [45]. Personal values also play an important role in determining WTP, with individuals who prioritize environmental conservation being more likely to be willing to pay for green internet services [44]. Several studies have also investigated the relationship between WTP and the perceived environmental performance of green products and services. Research has found that individuals are more likely to be willing to pay for green products and services if they perceive the services to have a high level of environmental performance [47]. Additionally, the perceived social and economic benefits of green internet services have been found to positively influence WTP [43]. Past studies in different contexts have investigated consumers’ willingness to pay for green products. Among them, paying a premium to offset carbon in air transportation has attracted much recent attention [48]. The studies show both positive and nonsignificant effects [48]. Apart from that, researchers have investigated the willingness to pay for green packaging [49]. While studies in other contexts have investigated willingness to pay for green products and services, none of the studies referred to in the context of the internet have investigated it. Findings of such a study can be used to inform the development of more sustainable internet infrastructures and to promote the uptake of green internet services by consumers, reducing the negative environmental effects of Industry 4.0. As such, further research is needed to more fully understand the relationship between WTP and green internet services and to inform the development of more sustainable internet infrastructures. Further to that, it is also important to consider moderators that affect motivation and WTP. In the context of pro-environmental behavior, there exists a divide among studies concerning the influence of demographic factors such as age, gender and income. While some research suggests that these factors have little impact on individual pro-environmental conduct [50], other studies present diverging findings [51]. In addition, investigations have also highlighted the significance of an individual’s level of internet usage and the type of internet package utilized (i.e., capped or uncapped data) in determining internet usage patterns [52]. For the current restudy, weearch, the researchers control the effect of demographics on the identified relationships.

4. Self-Determination Theory

Past studies on motivation to adopt green IT behaviors are mainly based on the technology acceptance model (TAM) and self-determination (SDT) theories. TAM claims that an individual’s attitude towards use, which influences behavioral intention, is determined by the salient beliefs of perceived utility and ease of use. The model emphasizes the contrast between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation, with extrinsic motivation defined in terms of its perceived usefulness and intrinsic motivation defined as fun or playfulness [40]. The motivations discussed in TAM focus on quantity. As such, highly motivated individuals are higher achievers and are more successful than less-motivated ones [53]. On the other hand, SDT discusses the organismic perspective of motivation. It assumes that that people are active organisms with evolved tendencies towards growth, mastery of environmental challenges, and incorporation of new experiences into a coherent sense of self. SDT has a continuum of motivation, where extrinsic motivation is categorized into four further regulations: integration, identified, introjected and external, based on the internalization of the motivation. As such, SDT allows an in-depth examination of human behavioral change using three types of motivations: intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation and amotivation. In relation to the intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, one’s behavior can be changed by employing strategies such as providing feedback, motivational interviewing, informational videos, application-based interventions, and feeding behavior information, which have been identified as some fruitful strategies for motivating individuals [54,55,56,57,58,59][54][55][56][57][58][59]. Such interventions have been used in other contexts as well. An anti-smoking study conducted by Ha and Choi [60] showed that a program based on the degenerative facts related to smoking, such as health-related issues, improved the psychological needs of individuals to reduce smoking, leading to intrinsic motivation. Moreover, anti-smoking apps have been identified as improving intrinsic motivation by presenting intrinsic goal content (health-related information) and extrinsic motivations by presenting extrinsic goal content (money-related information) [61]. In the environmental conservation context, studies have found that educational programs [62], online game-based interventions [63] and social media posts [64] can increase intrinsic motivation.


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