Electron Transfer and Proton Loss of Conventional Carotenoids: Comparison
Please note this is a comparison between Version 3 by Dean Liu and Version 2 by Lowell D. Kispert.

Carotenoids are a large and diverse group of compounds that have been shown to have a wide range of potential health benefits. While some carotenoids have been extensively studied, numerous others have not received as much attention. In numerous studies, using EPR (electron paramagnetic resonance) techniques in correlation with DFT (density functional theory) calculations, wresearchers have characterized about 20 conventional carotenoids - their electron transfer from the carotenoid molecule to form the radical cation, and further proton loss from the radical cation to form neutral radicals (radicals with no charge). Several conventional carotenoids are briefly discussed here.

  • xanthophylls
  • electron transfer
  • radical cation
  • carotenoid neutral radicals

1. Introduction

Carotenoids are a class of more than 1200 naturally occurring pigments synthesized by plants, algae and photosynthetic bacteria [1]. Carotenoids are important for human health because they act as antioxidants, helping to protect cells from damage caused by reactive oxygen species (ROS). They have been associated with a reduced risk of chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes [2], cancer [3[3][4],4], heart disease or age-related macular degeneration [5]. Another important role is their provitamin A activity or the capability of some dietary carotenoids to form vitamin A by the action of dioxygenase enzymes [6]. For example, the dioxygenase enzyme β-Carotene 15-15′-oxygenase (BCO1) catalyzes the oxidative cleavage of dietary β-Carotene to retinal (vitamin A aldehyde) [7], which can be further reduced to retinol (vitamin A) or oxidized to retinoic acid (the biologically active form of vitamin A). Carotenoids such as β-carotene and α-carotene β-cryptoxanthin are considered provitamin A carotenoids, but any carotenoid with at least one unchanged β-ionone ring in its structure can have provitamin A activity. In addition to their health benefits, carotenoids in plants are also involved in photosynthesis. They are no longer considered just accessory pigments [8]; they have essential roles in photosynthesis [9], helping to capture light energy and transfer it to chlorophyll molecules and also protecting plants from damage caused by excess light and other environmental stresses [10]. Similarly, in the human body, carotenoids photoprotect against damage by intense light and harmful free radicals, and also maintain the structural and functional integrity of biological membranes. The mechanisms through which carotenoids may exert their health effects are complex, and further studies, including clinical studies, are needed to provide a comprehensive understanding. Carotenoids are indispensable for life. The world of carotenoids is endless. Their number and resourcefulness are immense, and only a tiny fraction of the 1200 carotenoids has been studied to date. Their complexity lies not only in their number, but in their different yet alike structures (given by the different functional groups and similar polyene chains) and their interactions with a multitude of different environments.

2. Studies of Electron and Proton Loss of Conventional Carotenoids by DFT and EPR

Carotenoids are prone to oxidation. WResearchers have studied the oxidation of carotenoids adsorbed on solid artificial matrices, such as silica alumina or imbedded in the pores of molecular sieves MCM-41, where their radical cation is formed by electron transfer from the carotenoid molecule to the solid matrix [11] [11]. Some of the most well-known carotenoids that wresearchers studied using EPR methods in combination with DFT include lycopene, β-carotene, zeaxanthin, canthaxanthin, lutein, astaxanthin and cis-bixin (Figure 1). With normal EPR at the X-band frequency (9 GHz), the carotenoid radical cation exhibits a single unresolved peak with giso = 2.0027, characteristic of organic π-radicals. In the year 1999, the EPR signal previously not resolved at the X-band frequency was resolved at a higher frequency (330 GHz) [12][11]. At higher frequencies, from 327 to 670 GHz, the unresolved line resolves into two peaks as a result of the g-anisotropy of g = 2.0023 and g|| = 2.0032, characteristic of a cylindrically symmetrical π-radical cation. Determining the g-tensors from high-field spectra is important for learning about molecular structure from its principal values. The difference gxx − gyy decreases with increasing chain length. When gxx − gyy approaches zero, the g-tensor becomes cylindrically symmetrical with gxx = gyy = g and gzz = g||. This applies for the all-trans carotenoid radical cations and allows differentiation between carotenoid radical cations with cylindrical symmetry and other C-H organic radicals of different symmetry. The lack of temperature dependence of the EPR line widths over the range of 5–80 K at 327 GHz also suggests a rapid rotation of methyl groups even at 5 K, which averages out the proton couplings from three oriented β-protons. This results in isotropic β-proton couplings from rotating methyl groups [12][11].
Figure 1. The structures of selected natural carotenoids.
Even though the number of hyperfine couplings is greatly reduced when considering this rapid rotation of the methyl groups, carotenoid radicals still contain a large number of anisotropic α-protons which give rise to numerous anisotropic coupling constants. These couplings cannot be determined by normal EPR. Instead, ENDOR techniques can be used to determine the hyperfine couplings of carotenoids adsorbed on silica alumina or in MCM-41. Continuous wave and pulsed ENDOR showed that for irradiated carotenoids on solid matrices, not only radical cations were formed, but also neutral radicals formed by the deprotonation of the radical cation, which is a weak acid. These neutral radicals formed by proton loss from the radical cations contain lots of similar hyperfine couplings to those of the radical cation, but ENDOR techniques helped to distinguish the two different radical species [11][12]. It is important to note that the presence of all radicals is enhanced by the irradiation of samples and the presence of metals, such as in metal-substituted MCM-41. The deprotonation of the radical cations to form neutral radicals determined by ENDOR on solid surfaces, which was also proven electrochemically in solution, needs to be considered in vivo where the radical cation is formed and is known to have a role in photoprotection mechanisms. WResearchers have also hypothesized that neutral radicals could have a role in an additional quenching mechanism to that of the radical cation [13]. DFT calculations were used starting in the early 2000s to determine the hyperfine coupling constants of radical cations and neutral radicals and to simulate spectra which matched the experimental ENDOR spectra and confirmed the identity of the radicals. DFT was also used to predict the most favorable positions for proton loss from the radical cation and establish the relative stability of the neutral radicals formed from the radical cation, as described next. Table 1 indicates the most favorable positions of proton loss from the radical cation for carotenoids listed in Figure 1. Lycopene is a symmetric linear carotenoid that has ten methyl groups in four distinct positions: C1(1′), C5(5′), C9(9′) and C13(13′) (see Figure 1). The primed positions of this molecule are equivalent by symmetry to the unprimed positions. There is a smooth relationship between the relative energy ΔE(n) of a neutral radical formed by proton loss from the radical cation, and the conjugation or delocalization length, N, over which the unpaired spin density is distributed. The longer the conjugation length, the most stable the radical is. DFT has shown that the most stable neutral radicals for lycopene are formed by proton loss at the C4 or C4′ methylene positions, which extend conjugation. It is thus expected that proton loss occurs more favorably from the C4(4′) positions [14]. For β-carotene, which has two symmetric cyclohexene rings at the ends of the molecule, proton loss occurs also at the C4 methylene position, and symmetrically at C4′, rather than the methyl groups attached at C5(5′), C9(9′) and C13(13′) [15]. Zeaxanthin has the same structure as β-carotene with two additional hydroxyl groups on positions C3 and C3′, respectively. The two hydroxyl groups have no effect on the position of proton loss from a radical cation, so the most favorable neutral radicals form by proton loss at the C4(4′) methylene positions [16]. However, when the C4(4′) methylene positions contain carbonyl groups, for example in the case of canthaxanthin, proton loss occurs from the methyl groups attached at positions C5(5′). Lutein, an isomer of zeaxanthin which differs from it by one shifted double bond at C4′-C5′ (instead of C5′-C6′ in zeaxanthin), makes proton loss more favorable at the C6′ position instead of the C4′ position [15]. When both hydroxyl and carbonyl groups are present, such as in astaxanthin, it is possible for proton loss to occur at the C3 and C3′ positions [17]. Bixin is a C25 carotenoid, with only nine conjugated double bonds and thus a shorter-length carotenoid compared to the C40 structure of the others presented here. It is an asymmetric carotenoid with -COOH at one end and -COOCH3 at the opposite end. Its IUPAC name is 6-methyl hydrogen (9′Z)-6,6’-diapocarotene-6,6′-dioate [1]. According to [18], bixin was the first cis-carotenoid to be isolated from natural sources and trans-bixin is a more stable isomer that the cis form. DFT calculations by Hernandez-Marin et al. [19] also show that, in most cases (with the exception of 13-cis auroxanthin), out of 11 carotenoids studied, the trans isomers are more stable than their corresponding 9- and 13-cis isomers, while the 15-cis isomers are the least stable isomers. However, upon oxidation of the neutral molecule to form the radical cation, ourthe DFT calculations [20] show that the radical cation of cis-bixin becomes more stable than the trans radical cation of bixin. Furthermore, proton loss from cis-bixin occurs from the methyl group the C9′ position of the cis-bixin radical cation, on the side with the acetate group [20]. Proton loss from the radical cations of carotenoids has enabled uresearchers to predict the most acidic protons which are usually at the ends of the carotenoid to extend the conjugation length [14]. WResearchers have hypothesized that zeaxanthin and lutein radical cations’ ability to deprotonate in light harvesting complex II (LHC II) and form neutral radicals could be linked to their quenching activity [21].
Table 1. The most favorable proton loss positions for selected carotenoids in our  studies.
Carotenoid The Most Favorable Proton Loss from the Radical Cation Reference
Lycopene C4(4′) [14]
β-carotene C4(4′) [15]
Zeaxanthin C4(4′) [15,16][15][16]
Canthaxanthin C5(5′) [15]
Lutein C6′ [15]
Astaxanthin C3(C3′) [17]
cis-Bixin C9′ [20]


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