Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in Relief of Visual Fatigue: Comparison
Please note this is a comparison between Version 1 by Hao Duan and Version 3 by Fanny Huang.

Studies have found that supplementation with the right foods or nutrients can be effective in enhancing the eyes' resistance to external and internal stimuli, thereby alleviating or avoiding visual fatigue. Among these, supplementation with polyunsaturated fatty acids has been found to be effective in protecting eye health and relieving visual fatigue.研究发现,补充适当的食物或营养素可以有效地增强眼睛对外部和内部刺激的抵抗力,从而缓解或避免视觉疲劳。其中,补充多不饱和脂肪酸已被发现可有效保护眼睛健康和缓解视觉疲劳。

  • visual fatigue
  • PUFAs
  • retina
  • ocular surface

1. Introduction简介

The eye is a very delicate and complex biological organ with precise and integrated light-sensitive and visual processing functions. At the same time, the eye is richly vascularised and has a wide distribution of nerves, leading to an increased demand for oxygen and the consequent production of metabolic products 眼睛是一个非常细腻复杂的生物器官,具有精确和集成的光敏和视觉处理功能。同时,眼睛血管化丰富,神经分布广泛,导致对氧气的需求增加,随之而来的代谢产物的产生[1], and a greater sensitivity to oxygen radical attack. In addition, other factors such as lighting, the nature of the work involved, time, distance and habits can further aggravate the eye and lead to various forms of discomfort and visual fatigue symptoms, such as blurred vision, that affect people's normal visual function ,以及对氧自由基攻击的敏感性更大。此外,其他因素,如照明、所涉及的工作性质、时间、距离和习惯,会进一步加重眼睛的负担,导致各种形式的不适和视觉疲劳症状,如视力模糊,影响人们的正常视觉功能[2]. Visual fatigue, also known as eye strain, is common in people who use electronic devices regularly or have incorrect eye habits 。视觉疲劳,也称为眼睛疲劳,在经常使用电子产品或有不正确的眼习惯的人群中很常见[3].

The main causes of visual fatigue are related to structural damage or reduced function of the outer corneal surface and the retina at the base of the eye 视觉疲劳的主要原因与眼外角膜表面和眼底视网膜的结构损伤或功能下降有关[242531]. The main mechanisms by which polyunsaturated fatty acids alleviate visual fatigue are detailed in Figure 。多不饱和脂肪酸缓解视觉疲劳的主要机制详见1.
Figure 1. The main mechanism of PUFAs in relieving asthenopia. 缓解眼疲劳的主要机制。AMD = age-related macular degeneration; =年龄相关性黄斑变性;MMP-9 = matrix metalloproteinase-9; 基质金属蛋白酶-9;NPD1 = neuroprotection D1; 神经保护 D1;IL-1β = interleukin-1β; 白细胞介素-1β;IL-6 = interleukin-6; TNF-α = tumor necrosis factor-α; AA = arachidonic acid; 白细胞介素-6;TNF-α=肿瘤坏死因子-α;AA = 花生四烯酸;NF-κB = nuclear factor kappa-B; 核因子 κ-B;ROS = reactive oxygen species; 活性氧;DHA = docosahexaenoic acid; 二十二碳六烯酸;EPA = eicosapentaenoic acid; LA = linoleic acid.二十碳五烯酸;LA = 亚油酸。

2. Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Improve Damaged Eye Surfaces and Act as Visual Fatigue Relievers多不饱和脂肪酸改善受损的眼表,作为视觉疲劳缓解剂

The corneal surface of the eye is rich in sensory nerves, an important refractive medium and key to maintaining ocular surface homeostasis 眼表角膜富含感觉神经,是重要的屈光介质,也是维持眼表稳态的关键[23]. However, the ocular surface is highly exposed to the outside world and environmental stimuli of bright light and oxygen often damage the structure and function of the cornea, resulting in reduced tear volume, increased corneal sensitivity 。然而,眼表高度暴露在外界,环境中的强光和氧气刺激往往会损害角膜的结构和功能,导致泪液量减少,角膜敏感性增加[2324,2585]和进一步干眼症,这可能导致一系列视觉疲劳症状的发作, and further dry eye, which can lead to a range of episodes of visual fatigue symptoms such as photophobia and blurred vision.ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and ω-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids are important components of cellular phospholipid membranes and are thought to be essential for maintaining cellular function 如畏光和视力模糊。ω-3多不饱和脂肪酸和ω-6多不饱和脂肪酸是细胞磷脂膜的重要组成部分,被认为对维持细胞功能至关重要[86]. It has been reported that intake of 。据报道,摄入ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids may affect the neural structure of the cornea and have an important role in corneal health 多不饱和脂肪酸可能会影响角膜的神经结构,对角膜健康有重要作用[87].Dietary supplementation with 。膳食补充ω-6多不饱和脂肪酸的LA and GLA of omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids has also been shown to promote ocular surface tear production and reduce dry eye after refractive keratectomy 和GLA也被证明可促进屈光性角膜切除术后眼表泪液的产生并减少干眼症[8889], thereby alleviating episodes of visual fatigue.Currently, most studies support that high levels of omega,从而缓解视觉疲劳的发作。目前,大多数研究支持高水平的ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are negatively associated with the development of dry eye, while high omega-6:omega-3 ratios are positively associated with the frequent occurrence of dry eye and ocular discomfort 多不饱和脂肪酸与干眼症的发生呈负相关,而高ω-6:ω-3比值与干眼症和眼部不适的频繁发生呈正相关[90]. Clinical studies have shown that omega。临床研究表明,ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids can reduce ocular surface inflammation in dry eye populations 多不饱和脂肪酸可减少干眼人群眼表炎症[9192], thereby effectively reducing visual fatigue. Meanwhile, a double,从而有效缓解视觉疲劳。同时,一项双盲临床试验发现,连续口服ω-blind clinical trial found that continuous oral administration of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (360 3多不饱和脂肪酸(360mg/d EPA + 240 mg/d DHA) for 30 d significantly reduced tear evaporation and increased ocular surface tear production in patients with dry eye, effectively relieving dry eye and eye discomfort )30 d可显著降低干眼症患者的泪液蒸发率并增加眼表泪液分泌,有效缓解干眼症和眼部不适[93]. In addition, oral administration of 。此外,口服ω-3 PUFAs significantly improved the reduction in tear osmolarity and TBUT scores in the dry eye population, suggesting that 显著改善了干眼人群泪液渗透压和TBUT评分的降低,表明ω-3 PUFAs improved the intrinsic stability of the tear film. The data show that matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) is a protein hydrolase that induces inflammatory cytokines and inflammatory responses in the ocular surface and plays an important role in dry eye and ocular surface diseases 提高了泪膜的内在稳定性。数据显示,基质金属蛋白酶-9(MMP-9)是一种蛋白水解酶,在眼表诱导炎性细胞因子和炎症反应,在干眼症和眼表疾病中起重要作用[94]. This trial also showed that oral administration of 。该试验还表明,口服ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids significantly reduced MMP-9 and Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI) scores. This supports the idea that 多不饱和脂肪酸可显着降低MMP-9和眼表疾病指数(OSDI)评分。这支持ω-3 PUFAs reduce hyperosmotic stress in the ocular surface epithelium, while directly reducing ocular surface inflammation 减少眼表上皮的高渗应激,同时直接减少眼表炎症[95], thereby effectively reducing visual fatigue and ocular discomfort. At the same time, a growing body of evidence confirms that combined supplementation with omega,从而有效减少视觉疲劳和眼部不适。同时,越来越多的证据证实,与单次补充ω-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids has a more significant effect on improving ocular surface health and relieving ocular surface dryness than single supplementation with omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. An animal study showed that combined supplementation with ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and ω-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (EPA+DHA and GLA) significantly improved elevated intraocular pressure (IOP) and further prevented IOP-induced retinal cell structure and glial cell activation in rats compared to single supplementation with polyunsaturated fatty acids (EPA and DHA or GLA) 3多不饱和脂肪酸相比,联合补充ω-6多不饱和脂肪酸和ω-3多不饱和脂肪酸对改善眼表健康和缓解眼表干燥有更显着的作用。一项动物研究表明,与单次补充多不饱和脂肪酸(EPA和DHA或GLA)相比,联合补充ω-3多不饱和脂肪酸和ω-6多不饱和脂肪酸(EPA+DHA和GLA)可显著改善大鼠眼内压升高(IOP),并进一步防止眼压升高诱导的视网膜细胞结构和神经胶质细胞活化[96]. In a double-blind, randomised and controlled trial, 在一项双盲、随机和对照试验中,138 patients with dry eye were given capsules of a supplement enriched with omega名干眼症患者被给予富含ω-3 PUFAs and omega和ω-6 PUFAs, vitamins and zinc, three times daily for three months. The results showed that supplementation enriched with omega、维生素和锌的补充剂胶囊,每天服用三次,持续三个月。结果显示,富含ω-3 PUFAs and omega和ω-6 PUFAs significantly reduced the expression of human leukocyte antigen-DR (的补充剂可显著降低干眼症人群中人白细胞抗原-DR(HLA-DR)的表达,HLA-DR), an inflammatory marker of the conjunctival epithelium, in the dry eye population, and that dry eye discomfort was improved 是结膜上皮的炎症标志物,干眼症不适有所改善[97].
In summary, oral administration of polyunsaturated fatty acids, particularly 综上所述,口服多不饱和脂肪酸,特别是ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids with DHA and EPA, may have the effect of improving tear film stability and tear volume, reducing the amount of MMP-9 expression on the ocular surface and decreasing the degree of inflammation, thus providing relief from visual fatigue. In addition, combined supplementation of omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids with omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids showed better ocular surface improvement compared to single supplementation of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, suggesting that rationed intake of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids with omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids is more beneficial in aiding eye health.多不饱和脂肪酸与DHA和EPA,可能具有改善泪膜稳定性和泪液体积的作用,减少MMP-9在眼表的表达量,降低炎症程度,从而起到缓解视觉疲劳的作用。此外,与单次补充ω-3多不饱和脂肪酸相比,ω-6多不饱和脂肪酸与ω-3多不饱和脂肪酸的联合补充显示出更好的眼表改善,这表明ω-3多不饱和脂肪酸与ω-6多不饱和脂肪酸的配给摄入量更有利于帮助眼睛健康。

3. PUFAs Improve Damaged Eye Fundus and Relieve Visual Fatigue改善受损的眼底,缓解视觉疲劳

Polyunsaturated fatty acids are one of the most important components in maintaining the homeostasis of the retina and promoting its healthy development 多不饱和脂肪酸是维持视网膜稳态以及促进其健康发育的重要组成部分之一[98]. The retina is rich in several polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as 。视网膜富含几种多不饱和脂肪酸,例如DHA and AA, the former of which is important for the survival of photoreceptor cells 和AA,前者对于维持感光细胞的存活很重要[19] and promotes the survival of rat retinal photoreceptors in vitro and under oxidative stress by activating the ,通过激活ERK/MAPK signalling pathway / MAPK信号通路促进大鼠视网膜光感受器在体外和氧化应激条件下的存活[99]. Alternatively, it selectively protects photoreceptors from oxidative stress by regulating the levels of 或者,它通过调节Bcl-2 family pro- and anti-apoptotic proteins 家族促凋亡蛋白和抗凋亡蛋白的水平,选择性地保护光感受器免受氧化应激[100]. In addition, 。此外,DHA can exert cytoprotective, anti-inflammatory and pro-survival repair signals on photoreceptors through the conversion of 1-lipoxygenase-1 to neuroprotective D15 (NPD1), which in turn further induces anti-apoptotic and inhibits pro-apoptotic proteins. In addition, a significant decrease in DHA and a significant increase in the 可以通过1-脂氧合酶-1转化为神经保护D15(NPD1),进而进一步诱导抗凋亡并抑制促凋亡蛋白,从而对光感受器发挥细胞保护、抗炎和促生存修复信号。此外,在视网膜受损小鼠的眼睛中可以观察到DHA的显着降低和ω-6/ω-3 ratio were observed in the eyes of retina-damaged mice 比率的显着增加[19]. This reflects the fundamental and important role of 。这反映了DHA in the retina. In contrast, AA metabolism of arachidonic acid (including prostaglandins, coagulants, leukotrienes and lipoxygenases) is associated with activation of inflammatory pathways and regulation of microglia 在视网膜中的基本和重要作用。相反,花生四烯酸(包括前列腺素、凝血剂、白三烯和脂氧合酶)的AA代谢与炎症途径的激活和小胶质细胞的调节有关[101,102,103].
Dietary supplementation routes for polyunsaturated fatty acids are particularly important as the body does not synthesize enough omega由于人体合成的ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids to sustain all the vital activities of the organism 多不饱和脂肪酸不足以维持生物体的所有重要活动,因此多不饱和脂肪酸的膳食补充途径尤为重要[104]. Dietary supplementation with omega。据报道,膳食补充ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids has been reported to be effective in preventing retinal damage, thereby furthering its effect on visual fatigue. Flaxseed oil rich in ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids has been reported to protect visual function by activating 多不饱和脂肪酸可有效预防视网膜损伤,从而进一步发挥其对视觉疲劳的作用。据报道,富含ω-3多不饱和脂肪酸的亚麻籽油通过激活Nrf2-HO-1 signalling and down-regulating 信号传导和下调NF-κB p65 expression to reduce visible light-induced oxidative stress and retinal inflammatory damage 表达来保护视觉功能,以减少可见光诱导的氧化应激和视网膜炎症损伤[105]. The clinical study further confirmed that in 。临床研究进一步证实,30 individuals with visual fatigue, after 101 d of supplementation with flaxseed oil softgels, the symptoms of visual fatigue were significantly reduced, and the persistence of visual acuity in both eyes was 70.3%, with an overall effective rate of 51%, a significant difference, confirming that dietary supplementation with 例视觉疲劳个体在补充亚麻籽油软胶囊101 d后,视觉疲劳症状明显减轻,双眼视力持续性为70.3%,总有效率为51%,差异显著,证实膳食补充ω-3 PUFAs can effectively relieve visual fatigue 可有效缓解视觉疲劳[106]. Fuminori et al. 等人[28] Continuous supplementation with omega连续补充富含ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids rich in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, specifically a combination preparation of fish oil (多不饱和脂肪酸的ω-3多不饱和脂肪酸,特别是鱼油(DHA 783 mg/d and EPA 162 mg/d), lingonberry extract (containing anthocyanins )、越橘提取物(含花青素59 mg/d) and lignan ()和木犀草素(17.5 mg/d), significantly improved symptoms in patients with visual fatigue for 4 consecutive weeks. Thus, there is a growing body of research supporting that increasing dietary levels of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids can promote human health. Research also confirms that dietary supplementation with omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids is important in preventing or reducing eye inflammation, for example, supplementation with fish oil rich in DHA and EPA has been shown to reduce retinal damage in premature infants, thereby repairing impaired vision function in infants )的组合制剂,连续4周显著改善视觉疲劳患者的症状。因此,越来越多的研究支持增加ω-3多不饱和脂肪酸的饮食水平可以促进人类健康。研究还证实,膳食中补充ω-3多不饱和脂肪酸对预防或减少眼部炎症很重要,例如,补充富含DHA和EPA的鱼油已被证明可以减少早产儿的视网膜损伤,从而修复婴儿视力功能受损[107]. In addition, the dietary supplementation route of fish oil is also effective in reducing the production of 。此外,鱼油的膳食补充途径也有效减少ROS and the release of pro-inflammatory factors, thereby effectively suppressing the levels of inflammatory factors in the retinal vascular endothelium 的产生,减少促炎因子的释放,从而有效抑制视网膜血管内皮中炎症因子的水平[21]. Clinical studies have also shown that 。临床研究还表明,口服3 months of oral o个月omega-3 (EPA and DHA) significantly inhibited the production of interleukin-1β (IL-1β), interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumour necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) in the blood of young and older women (EPA和DHA)可显著抑制年轻和老年女性血液中白细胞介素-1β(IL-1β)、白细胞介素-6(IL-6)和肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)的产生[21]. Expression of pro。促炎因子的表达,如白细胞介素-inflammatory factors, such as interleukin-1β (IL-1β), interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumour necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) 1β(IL-1β)、白细胞介素-6(IL-6)和肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)[108].。此外,在动物研究中观察到,在膳食中补充EPA In addition, a significant reduction in plasma production of IL-5β, IL-6 and TNF-α in C57BL/6 mice was observed in animal studies after 1-6 weeks of dietary supplementation with EPA + DHA or fish oil + DHA或鱼油1-6周后,C57BL/6小鼠血浆中IL-5β、IL-6和TNF-α的产生显着降低[109110].
In addition, ageing is accompanied by a decline in 此外,衰老伴随着RPE cell viability, leading to a reduction in their antioxidant and self-healing capacity, making the retinal macula more susceptible to adverse reactions, leading to AMD, which further exacerbates visual fatigue 细胞活力的下降,导致其抗氧化和自愈能力减弱,使视网膜黄斑更容易受到不良反应,导致AMD,从而进一步加剧视觉疲劳[24111]. Epidemiological, clinical and experimental studies have shown that supplementation with omega。流行病学、临床和实验研究表明,补充ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids is negatively associated with AMD and that an increase in omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids increases this risk 多不饱和脂肪酸与AMD呈负相关,而ω-6多不饱和脂肪酸的增加会增加这种风险[112]. Higher intakes of both 。较高水平的EPA and DHA can help prevent or delay the onset of AMD in the medium term 和DHA摄入量均有助于在中期预防或延缓AMD的发作[113].
Combined intake of omega据报道,ω-6 and omega-3 has been reported to significantly modulate the amount or ratio of PUFAs in the body, thereby reducing the extent of retinal damage 和ω-3联合摄入可显著调节体内PUFAs的数量或比例,从而降低视网膜损伤程度[114,115]. 。膳食补充Dietary supplementation with DHA and EPA can effectively regulate the ratio of AA, DHA and EPA in the body HA和EPA可有效调节体内AA、DHA和EPA的比例[116]. High levels of 。高水平的LA intake significantly reduce the risk of AMD; conversely, high levels of DHA intake are negatively associated with the risk of AMD 摄入量可以显着降低AMD的风险;相反,高水平的DHA摄入与AMD的风险呈负相关[117]. In addition, the 。此外,与单独补充EPA + DHA + GLA diet significantly reduced the activation of glial cells in rats with retinal damage compared to 或GLA相比,EPA + DHA or GLA supplementation alone, and was effective in protecting the structural integrity of the retina + GLA饮食显着降低了视网膜受损大鼠神经胶质细胞的活化,并且可有效保护视网膜的结构完整性[96]. These studies suggest that diets with different combinations of 。这些研究表明,与单一ω-3 and ω-6 PUFAs may be more helpful in improving damaged retinas than single ω-3PUFAs或ω-6 PUFAs or 补充剂相比,不同ω-3和ω-6 PUFAs supplementation, suggesting that regulation of 组合的饮食可能更有助于改善受损视网膜,这表明ω-3 PUFA levels and the ratio of s水平的调节和ω-6/ω-3 PUFAs are important in retinal protective function. A stable 的比率在视网膜保护功能中很重要。据报道,在动物和人类的饮食中,稳定的ω-6/ω-3 ratio in the range of 1:1-4:1 has been reported to be an appropriate balance ratio in animal and human diets and more beneficial to the health of the organism 比值在1:1-4:1范围内是适当的平衡比值,更有利于机体的健康[118]. However, the optimal range of 。然而,在眼睛研究中尚未明确报告ω-6/ω-3 ratios has not been clearly reported in ocular studies. / ω-3比值的最佳范围。
In conclusion, oral supplementation with 总之,口服补充ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, particularly DHA and EPA, is effective not only in reducing visual fatigue but also in improving dry eye 多不饱和脂肪酸,尤其是DHA和EPA,不仅能有效缓解视觉疲劳,还能改善干眼症[119] or other adverse reactions that occur in the eye 或眼睛出现的其他不良反应[120]. These studies also suggest again that dietary supplementation with omega。这些研究还再次表明,膳食补充ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids can have an impact on visual fatigue through a variety of pathways, including antioxidant and anti-inflammatory as well as anti-apoptotic, and that the ratio of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids to omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids intake is important for eye health and the degree of visual fatigue relief, but no studies appear to have been reported examining the optimal ratio of the two in terms of eye health. This may be a direction for future research. Table 1 summarises the mechanisms by which PUFAs improve the extent of ocular surface and fundus damage, and thus exert a visual fatigue-relieving effect.

Table 1. Mechanisms by which PUFAs reduce the extent of damage to the ocular surface and fundus, exerting their effects on the relief of visual fatigue.

ScholarVision Creations