Ontologies in Knowledge Organization: Comparison
Please note this is a comparison between Version 4 by Luís Oliveira Machado and Version 3 by Catherine Yang.

Two perspectives on ontologies coexist in knowledge organization systems spectrum. On the one hand, we have ontologies viewed as an evolution in terms of complexity of traditional conceptual systems such as thesaurus, on the other, a system that organizes ontological rather than epistemological knowledge. The focus of ontological analysis is the item to model and not the intentions that motivate the construction of ontology. 

  • ontologies
  • knowledge organization
  • KOS
  • ontological knowledge
  • ontology
  • Knowledge organization systems
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  45. Luís Machado; Renato Souza; Maria Simões; Semantic Web or Web of Data? A Diachronic Study (1999 to 2017) of the Publications of Tim Berners‐Lee and the World Wide Web Consortium. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 2019, 70, 701–714, 10.1002/asi.24111.
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