TPPP-like Proteins in Myzozoa: Comparison
Please note this is a comparison between Version 3 by Camila Xu and Version 2 by Ferenc Orosz.

TPPP-like proteins contain one or more p25alpha domains. They obtained their name after tubulin polymerization promoting protein (TPPP1), the first identified member of this protein family. Originally, it was named p25alpha protein, which became the eponym of the domain. Myzozoans are a monophyletic clade, and a sister clade to the Ciliata, within Alveolata.

  • apicortin
  • TPPP
  • Myzozoa
  • chrompodellids
  • dinoflagellates

1. Introduction

TPPP-like proteins contain one or more p25alpha domains [1]. They obtained their name after tubulin polymerization promoting protein (TPPP1), the first identified member of this protein family [2,3][2][3]. Originally, it was named p25alpha protein, which became the eponym of the domain [4]. P25alpha (Pfam05517; IPR008907) is not a structural domain but is derived from a sequence alignment ( (accessed on 5 March 2023)). The p25alpha domain is exclusive to eukaryotes and there is a strong correlation between its presence and the presence of the eukaryotic flagellum/cilium [5,6][5][6]. TPPP-like proteins occur in different types, such as long-, short- and truncated (the C-terminal third is completely missing) TPPPs, depending on the length of the p25alpha domain (about 160, 140, and 120 amino acids, respectively) (Figure 1). The main difference between long- and short-type TPPPs is that the C-terminal end of short-type TPPPs is incomplete; long-type TPPPs but not short-type ones contain a very conservative sequence of 31–32 amino acids, the most typical part of which is the GXGXGXXGR ‘Rossmann-like’ motif (Figure 1). Some TPPP-like proteins also possess another domain/region such as EF-hand (CDD:428504) or doublecortin (DCX; Pfam 03607, IPR003533) in addition to the p25alpha [1]. The latter one is named apicortin, which unifies partial p25alpha and DCX domains [7] (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Schematic structure of some TPPP-like proteins. Highly conservative sequence motives are denoted with black boxes (GxGxGxxGR), vertical-striped boxes (L(V)xxxF(Y)xxF), and diagonal-striped boxes (GGP). The dashed line represents a disordered region unique to some apicortins.
The first TPPP-like protein, TPPP/p25 or TPPP1, was identified in mammalian brain [2,3,4][2][3][4] and its physiological significance is connected to the nervous system [8,9][8][9] as well as having a role in neurodegenerative disorders, as Parkinson’s disease and multiple system atrophy [10,11,12][10][11][12]. Obviously, the role of TPPP-like proteins will be different in eukaryotic microbes without a nervous system. However, their interaction with tubulin and the microtubular system is a conserved property [13,14,15][13][14][15]
The various members of the TPPP-like protein family are characteristic for the phylogenomic supergroups [1]. For example, animals contain only long-type TPPPs, except for the placozoan Trichoplax adhaerens, which contains apicortin instead [7]. Truncated- and fungal-type TPPPs occur only in Endopterygota (Holometabola) [16] and in fungi [6], respectively. In this researticlech, the occurrence, and the possible role of TPPP-like proteins in Myzozoa, which include apicomplexans and related taxa, chrompodellids (chromerids plus colpodellids), dinoflagellates, and perkinsids, is reviewed.

2. TPPP-like Proteins in Myzozoa

2.1. Apicortin

Apicortins unite two conserved domains, a DCX motif and a partial p25alpha sequence, that are separately found in other proteins, in doublecortins and TPPPs, respectively [7] (Figure 1). The DCX domain is named after the brain-specific X-linked gene doublecortin [28][17]. Both the p25alpha and the DCX domains play an important role in the stabilization of microtubules [2,3,28,29][2][3][17][18]; thus, a similar role was suggested for apicortin [7]. Apicortin was originally thought to occur only in apicomplexans and in the placozoan animal T. adhaerens [7]. Later, it was found that its occurrence is broader than thought earlier: it is present in chromerids (Chromera velia and Vitrella brassicaformis) [30][19] and in flagellated fungi [6,31,32][6][20][21]. The presence of apicortin in chromerids was not surprising, given the phylogenetic proximity and the structural similarity of chromerids and apicomplexans.  BLASTP analyses [22] were performed on myzozoan protein and nucleotide sequences available at the NCBI webpage. Since apicortins contain two different domains, various domain databases were also checked for proteins with both the DCX and the partial p25alpha domains that BLAST may not have been able to detect. The results of the search, i.e., the new apicortins not known before, are listed in Table 1. They were found in all myzozoan phyla, in Apicomplexa, chrompodellids, dinoflagellates, and Perkinsozoa. The newly re-interpreted [36,37][23][24] squirmids [38][25] (Digyalum oweni [39][26]) also possess it (the list of apicortins identified earlier is published in the references [6,7,31][6][7][20]).
Table 1.
Newly identified apicortins.

2.3. Multidomain Proteins Containing Short p25alpha Domains

As expected, the BLAST search found no truncated-, long-, or fungal-type TPPP-like proteins in myzozoan species. These TPPP-like proteins are specific for Endopterygota, Opisthokonta, and fungi, respectively. However, several multidomain proteins have been identified that contain two short-type p25alpha domains in addition to others (Table 3).
Table 3.
Newly identified multidomain proteins containing short p25alpha domains.


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ScholarVision Creations