Lava Tubes' Radar Observation on Moon and Mars: Comparison
Please note this is a comparison between Version 1 by Xiaohang Qiu and Version 2 by Camila Xu.

Lava tubes are tunnel–like structures within lava flows and can vary in diameter, length, and shape. Due to the Moon and Mars both having low–gravity environments, the lava tubes on these celestial bodies can have volumes that are 1–3 orders of magnitude larger than those found on Earth.

  • planetary radar
  • lava tubes
  • the Moon
  • Mars
  • subsurface structure

1. Introduction

In recent years, the Moon and Mars have been popular celestial bodies for human deep space exploration. Over a hundred exploration missions have been conducted for the Moon and Mars [1][2][3][1,2,3]. In general, the exploration modes for the Moon and Mars can be divided into orbiter missions and in situ lander or rover missions. Significant scientific achievements have been made in the study of the shallow subsurface structure, material composition, terrain, and landforms of the Moon and Mars through these exploration modes [1][4][5][6][7][1,4,5,6,7].
Studying the internal structure of these lava tubes and their distribution in the shallow subsurface of celestial bodies has always been challenging. However, with the development of modern radar technology in the past 30 years, ground penetrating radar (GPR) have gradually become the most effective technology for investigating the subsurface structures of celestial bodies. This has been successfully applied in exploring the shallow subsurface of the Moon and Mars. For example, the Chang’e–3 and Chang’e–4 missions to the Moon carried Moon–based GPR, and the Mars exploration missions, Tianwen–1 and Perseverance, carried RoSPR and RIMFAX radar [7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][7,10,11,12,13,14,15,16]. The GPR emits electromagnetic pulse signals from its transmitting antenna. These signals encounter different geological layers beneath the surfaces of celestial bodies and produce reflected echoes due to differences in dielectric constants. The echoes are received by the receiving antenna, providing information on various geological layers and underground structures [1][9][15][1,11,17]. By analyzing the electromagnetic characteristics of the radar echoes and underground structure information, it is hoped that we can locate the position of the lava tubes beneath the surfaces of the Moon and Mars, as well as obtain their physical morphology and size [16][18]. For example, based on Lunar Radar Sounder (LRS) data, Kaku et al. [17][19] provided the first evidence of intact buried lava tubes beneath the surface in the Marius Hills region of the Moon. Ding et al. [7] first reported the existence of a buried underground cavity structure with a height of approximately 3.1 m beneath the Chang’e–3 landing area using the Moon–based GPR onboard the Chang’e–3 rover. Due to the frequent volcanic activity and impact events that both the Moon and Mars experienced in their history [18][19][20][20,21,22], a large number of unobserved lava tubes and cavities are expected to exist beneath the surfaces of these celestial bodies [7][21][22][7,8,23]. These subsurface spaces can provide important references for selecting future lunar and Martian base sites [23][24][24,25]. Lava tubes can provide natural shelters or serve as essential spaces for human–built habitats on these planets [25][26]. Inside these tubes, artificial habitats can be constructed, creating conditions for achieving self–sufficiency in essential resources such as oxygen, water, and food for humans on these planets in the future [26][27].

2. Mechanisms of Lava Tube Formation on the Moon and Mars

Lava tubes are special underground cavities formed during volcanic eruptions from flowing lava. The formation process of lava tubes involves the eruption of magma deep within the celestial bodies. Lava tubes form when a lava flow advances across the ground, the top and sides freeze, and the molten interior drains out [27][28]. Due to the extremely high temperature inside the lava flow and cooler temperatures in the surrounding environment, the outer layer of the lava cools and solidifies. Under the insulating effect of the hard outer shell, the inner lava remains hot and continues to flow. As time passes, the solidified walls of lava slowly thicken. At the same time, the top of the tube becomes stable, thus creating a tubular passage underground. The lava flow stops when the eruption ends, and the lava inside the tube flows out, ultimately forming a lava tube [21][22][28][8,23,29]. Figure 1 illustrates a lava tube formed during the Tolbachik volcanic eruption.
Figure 1. (a) The entrance of a lava tube formed during the Tolbachik volcanic eruption between 2012 and 2013, located in the Kamchatka Peninsula (eastern Russia) [29][30]. (b) The interior of the lava tube, with the ceiling covered by stalactites [29][30].
Lava tubes can become buried beneath the surface due to several natural long–term geophysical processes. One of the reasons is volcanic activity. As new eruptions arise, the resultant lava flows can accumulate and eventually submerge pre–existing formations. Another contributing factor is tectonic activity, including seismic vibrations and earth crustal displacement, capable of inducing displacement on the earth’s surface and concealing surface structures. The effects of meteorite impacts, specifically sputtering, may also induce lava tube burial. Given an adequate timescale, lava tubes can become buried and preserved beneath layers of sediment and rock. Two solidification mechanisms are typically present in lava tubes on the Moon and Mars: the inflation and roofing of a channel [21][28][30][8,29,31]. The inflation mechanism of lava tubes usually occurs in slow–moving lava flows, often as pahoehoe lava. Pahoehoe lava flows are characterized by their slow speed and relatively low viscosity, resulting in a rope–like appearance [31][32]. During the process of inflation, the pahoehoe lava flow expands and forces the crust to break [32][33]. The pieces of crust form the support of the lava tube and eventually create a hollow tube [21][28][8,29]. In this mechanism, the outer shell of the lava tube’s surface essentially cools and solidifies in situ [28][29]. Lava tubes originating by roofing arise through several formation mechanisms. Crust formation along channel edges via cooling can result in solidification, which subsequently progresses downstream in a V–shape [21][28][33][8,29,34]. This creates a “zippering” effect over the channel. Another mechanism is in channels with stable flow, the surface develops a scum or crust that thickens either through the periodic overflow of lava or cooling on the underside of the layer [28][33][29,34]. This thickening results in the structure becoming stable. A similar mechanism whereby a roof is constructed from previously solidified crustal plates that have broken loose and been carried downstream also occurs. These plates fuse to the channel sides and to each other, forming the roof of the channel. Finally, more turbulent lava flows can result in the formation of lava tubes through splashing, spattering, and lava overflow, which create levees along the edges of the channel. These levees eventually congregate in an arch over the channel and fuse together to form the lava tube roof [21][28][33][8,29,34]. Despite the similarities in the lava tube formation mechanism between the Moon, Mars, and Earth, significant differences could exist in the volume and length of lava tubes due to factors such as the low–gravity environment of these planetary bodies. The surface gravity environment of a planet can influence the maximum theoretical size of lava tubes. Given the surface gravity of Mars, which is approximately one–third of Earth’s gravity, and the Moon, which is even less at approximately one–sixth of Earth’s gravity, the formation of large–scale lava tubes is facilitated to a greater extent compared to Earth. On Earth, the diameter of lava tubes usually ranges from several meters to several tens of meters. On Mars, it could extend to several hundreds of meters, and on the Moon, the diameter of lava tubes could reach up to several kilometers. Overall, the volume of lava tubes on Mars may be about ten times that on Earth, while on the Moon, it is even larger, up to over a thousand times that on Earth [16][21][34][8,18,35].

3. The Principle of GPR to Detect Lava Tubes

Because lava tubes on the Moon and Mars are usually buried beneath the surface, the penetrating feature of radar makes it an excellent tool for observing subsurface lava tubes. GPR is a device mainly employed on Earth, which utilizes electromagnetic waves to determine the distribution of subsurface materials [35][36][36,37]. Radar is a geophysical method. Its principle of operation is as follows: the radar transmitter generates a carrier–free microsecond pulse, which is then radiated or coupled to the planetary surface through the transmitting antenna. When the signal propagates in the subsurface medium, if it encounters non–uniform media or different interfaces, it will generate signals reflected and scattered by electromagnetic waves. After the receiving antenna of the radar receives the reflected and scattered signals, corresponding detection data are obtained through processes such as amplification and the sampling of the receiver. By analyzing, processing, and imaging the detection data, the distribution characteristics of subsurface structures, such as the position, shape, and depth parameters of subsurface materials, can be obtained [7][36][7,37].

3.1. Orbiting Radar Sounders

Orbiting radar are carried by spacecraft and launched into orbit by a rocket to observe and survey the planetary surface while orbiting around the target planet. This type of radar has high resolution, large coverage area, and a high signal–to–noise ratio, which can quickly obtain shallow subsurface radar images of the target planet [1]. However, this technology is expensive in terms of cost. In 1972, the Apollo Lunar Sounder Experiment (ALSE) was carried out on the Apollo 17 mission to the Moon to detect electromagnetic discontinuities beneath the lunar surface, revealing underground geological structures [37][38]. The preliminary experimental results show that the radar successfully detected the features of the lunar surface and subsurface structures, such as rifts, faults, and volcanic flows [37][38][38,39], providing valuable experience and technology for the application of radar systems in planetary resource surveys in the future. In 2007, the Japanese Selenological and Engineering Explorer (SELENE) carried the LRS, which can penetrate deeper into the subsurface compared to ALSE and reach depths of several kilometers [39][40]. In addition, LRS uses frequency modulation technology to improve distance resolution and distinguish the strength difference between the surface echo and subsurface echo. LRS is the second attempt to use radar sounders to explore the subsurface of the Moon after ALSE. The basic parameters of these two radar sounders are shown in Table 1, and the conceptual diagram can be seen in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Schematic diagrams of spacecraft detection on the Moon, which carry orbiting radar sounders. (a) ALSE onboard the Apollo 17 mission detecting the lunar surface (Credit: NASA/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY). (b) Lunar Radar Sounder onboard SELENE mission [40][41].
Table 1. Basic parameters of ALSE and LRS [1][37][39].
Basic parameters of ALSE and LRS [1,38,40].
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