Security Issues in IoT Software: Comparison
Please note this is a comparison between Version 1 by Costas Vassilakis and Version 2 by Sirius Huang.

Internet of Things (IoT) systems comprise multiple software systems that are deployed to provide users with the required functionalities. System architects create system blueprints and draw specifications for the software artefacts that are needed; subsequently, either custom-made software is developed according to these specifications and/or ready-made COTS/open source software may be identified and customized to realize the overall system goals. All deployed software however may entail vulnerabilities, either due to insecure coding practices or owing to misconfigurations and unexpected interactions. 

  • IoT systems
  • software vulnerabilities
  • risk management
  • technical debt
  • system design
  • system security

1. Introduction

The Internet of Things (IoT) concept involves devices with Internet connectivity, which can exchange data, information, and services, obtain data from their environment through sensors, and initiate changes to it through actuators. The building blocks for IoT systems exhibit considerable diversity, ranging from specialized industrial or enterprise products, such as production line robots [1][2][1,2], smart grid devices including smart meters [3], connected and autonomous cars [4][5][4,5], or consumer products including wrist bands and smart watches, smart air conditioners, and smart TVs. IoT systems are expected to proliferate over the next years: Statista projects that the number of connected IoT devices will double from 2023 to 2030 [6], while IHS Markit predicts that the number of connected IoT devices will exhibit an annual increase of 12%, escalating to 125 billion devices in 2030 [7].
A critical factor for the operation of existing IoT systems and the proliferation of new ones is security. Multiple studies e.g., refs. [8][9][10][11][8,9,10,11] have identified a number of key security areas, spanning across physical aspects, the network layer, the edge layer and the application layer. These include physical device protection, architectural concerns, authentication, encryption, trust, secure routing protocols, privacy concerns, and so forth. A major factor affecting the security of IoT systems, at virtually any layer, is the software. All deployed software (either custom-made to serve the requirements of the particular system, or ready-made “Commercial off-the-Shelf (COTS)”/open-source software that has potentially been customized) may entail vulnerabilities, which may be exploited by attackers. Characteristically, the study published in [12] reports that after security tests were conducted on thirteen routers and network attached storage (NAS) devices for small office/home office (SOHO) environments, a number of vulnerabilities was discovered in each of them, totalling 125 common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVEs). The study published in [12] also reports that manufacturers were notified about the vulnerabilities, however the number of responses collected was very limited, and very few of the vulnerabilities were actually addressed.
The increased number of vulnerabilities in IoT devices, coupled with the large number of these devices and their often unrestricted accessibility through the internet, has led to some world-scale security incidents affecting millions of devices, including Hajime [13], BASHLITE [14], and Log4Shell [15].
Software-rooted vulnerabilities occur either due to insecure coding practices or due to misconfigurations and unexpected interactions (e.g., race conditions). Moreover, deployed software artefacts may be poorly customized, and offer a broader set of functionalities than may be strictly necessary for the system at hand: for instance, if the OpenLiberty server [16] is deployed at some system, the Java Message Service 2.0 [17] feature may be left at an enabled state, although it is not needed in the particular installation. In such a case, the attack surface of the system increases (all APIs/endpoints of the Java Message Service 2.0 can be used by attackers), and any vulnerabilities present in the code realising the Java Message Service can be targeted for exploitation.
Addressing software-rooted vulnerabilities in an IoT system is thus a complex, multi-faceted issue, involving (a) the minimization of the vulnerabilities present in the active code, through the inclusion of only the necessary features, (b) the identification of the remaining vulnerabilities, and (c) the fixing of these vulnerabilities. However, fixing the vulnerabilities incurs a cost—in both time and human resources—and the time available or the budget allocated to this task may be limited, not permitting the tackling of all issues. In such cases, the effort of the developer team should be directed to fixing the errors that would minimize the overall residual risk, i.e., the risk owing to the vulnerabilities that will not be fixed, due to security budget constrains.

2. Software-Related Security Issues in IoT Software

According to OWASP [18][21], a large percentage of the vulnerabilities present in applications can be linked to insecure coding practices followed by software developers. Even though extensive research has been published on the analysis of IoT vulnerabilities, it is focused mainly on black-box methods such as penetration testing and fuzzing [191][202][213][224]. There is limited research available on the white-box testing of open-source software for IoT devices, which involves examining the source code to identify vulnerabilities. Source code reviews could be significantly beneficial for vulnerability research in the IoT field, as they often detect different vulnerabilities than those revealed through black-box techniques. Additionally, the detailed documentation of vulnerabilities in open-source software constitutes useful information for preventing similar coding mistakes from occurring in the future [23][22]. In Schiller et al. [24][23], the authors discuss the landscape of IoT security by first providing some background information on IoT in general, on the concept of security, IoT networking, and the available IoT architectures. Furthermore, they discuss challenges in achieving IoT security and propose a threat taxonomy. The authors composed the taxonomy by reviewing the available research and by integrating the threats and attack methods identified. The classification system used organizes the threats according to a three-level architecture model of the IoT, which includes the sensing, network, and application layers. In the threats against IoT classified under the application layer, we can find several that can be traced back to insecure coding practices, some on a higher level and some on a lower level: data modification, elevation of privilege, DoS, password change, password guessing, buffer overflow, memory corruption, code execution, SQL injection, XSS, and CSRF. In Calatayud et al. [25][24], the authors utilize the Raspberry Pi hardware platform as a base to test operating systems used in high-end IoT devices against a multitude of buffer overflow attack forms. The attacks were carried out using the RIPE tool [265] modified accordingly for the ARM architecture. The operating systems were tested with and without buffer overflow protections in place. The outcomes offer valuable information about common buffer overflow vulnerabilities found in IoT operating systems along with a persistent pattern of the preventive measures that are used to protect against this type of attack. The target operating systems are RPi OS, Xubuntu, Alpine Linux, Arch Linux ARM, and Chromium OS. RPi OS v10 was found vulnerable to 12 attacks with the vulnerable functions being memcpy and homebrew. Xubuntu v18.04 and Alpine Linux v3.14 were found to be vulnerable to 50 attacks with the vulnerable functions being memcpy, strcpy, sprint, and fscan. Arch Linux ARM v5.10 was vulnerable to 10 attacks with vulnerable functions being the same ones as with RPi OS. Lastly, in Chromium OS v5.4, 59 attacks were successful with the set of vulnerable functions being the same as with Xubuntu and Alpine Linux. In Al-Boghdady et al. [27][19], the authors investigate the security posture and the vulnerabilities present in the source code of four popular IoT operating systems through static analysis. They utilize three static analysis tools—Cppcheck, Flawfinder, and RATS—to analyze sixteen different versions of the four C/C++ IoT OSs with the research goals being the identification of vulnerabilities from the common weakness enumeration (CWE) scheme and to find out if the security errors and their density (errors per 1K source lines of code) increase or decrease over time. Furthermore, the last research question posed by the authors asks what the relationship between the vulnerabilities of the IoT OSs and their evolutionary properties is. The tool CodeScene is utilized to that end. The results showed that while the total number of security errors increases with each version, the error density decreases over time for all examined operating systems, with few exceptions. The most prevalent vulnerabilities in the OSs examined for Cppcheck were CWE-561 (dead code), CWE-398 (7PK—code quality), and CWE-563 (assignment to variable without use), while CWE-119 (improper restriction of operations within the bounds of a memory buffer), CWE-120 (buffer copy without checking size of input (”classic buffer overflow’)), and CWE-126 (buffer over-read) for Flawfinder. For RATS, it was CWE-119, CWE-120, and CWE-134 (use of externally-controlled format string). Mathas et al. [23][22] evaluate the vulnerabilities in IoT software used mainly in smart grid applications through static analysis of the source code. The authors have analyzed open-source software which could be used at any level of the software stack, including operating system level, application level, and library level, in order to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the relevant vulnerability landscape. The assessed software includes jSML, lib60870, libiec61850, JavaSMQ, Pymodbus, Modbus4j, Minnow server, Boa Webserver, thttpd, MicroWebSrv 2, and Busybox. The static application security testing (SAST) is performed by utilizing the SonarCloud (, accessed on 14 May 2023) and Codacy (, accessed on 14 May 2023) platforms. The results of the two platforms are manually reviewed to discern between true and false positives. The final results are categorized based on a customized vulnerability categorization scheme which was created by combining the OWASP Top 10 list and the MITRE common weakness enumeration (CWE) scheme. Based on the results received from the static analysis, the custom categorization scheme includes improper certificate validation, buffer overflow, weak cryptography, sensitive data exposure, race condition, and broken access Control. Furthermore, the frequency and the potential impact of the identified vulnerabilities is considered. The article provides a detailed examination of true and false positives which can assist both researchers and practitioners to better focus on the areas requiring review. The vulnerabilities results report 2 for the improper certificate validation category, 6 for buffer overflow, 23 for weak cryptography, 59 for sensitive data exposure, 8 for race condition, and 3 for broken access control. Additionally, the results show numerous false positives reported by the SAST tools utilized.

3. Assessing the Security of IoT Software

Static code analysis [28][20] is a part of the security development lifecycle [29][25] and is performed with the code review of static code, which can also be realized running static code analysis tools to detect possible security vulnerabilities by analyzing the code of the tested software. Static analysis can be used with both source and compiled code. Static analysis with a focus on security issues is usually referred to as static application security testing (SAST). SAST identifies problematic patterns by checking the code statically rather than inspecting it during runtime. Depending on the implementation, SAST can be simple or complex, and can detect patterns in the code, produce control graphs, or analyze data flow logic to identify user input that reaches sensitive code segments [30][26]. SAST has become an easy and efficient practice that has gained widespread acceptance in recent years. It is available in various forms, including IDE plugins, standalone applications, online services, and solutions integrated into continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines [31][27]. SAST tools are available in both open-source and commercial formats, offering different functionalities that cater to specific needs. Various techniques are employed by static analyzer tools, such as data flow analysis, control flow graphs (CFGs), taint analysis, and lexical analysis [32][28]. However, even with recent advancements in SAST, tools still have high false-positive rates, necessitating human intervention for results evaluation [30][26]. One basic limitation of SAST solutions is that they suffer from a high rate of false positives in their results [23][22]. SAST is an invaluable way of assessing the security of IoT but not the only one needed as it is meant to be complementary (but necessary) to the more traditional black-box techniques used. Black-box methods used for vulnerability detection in IoT systems include, among others, fuzzing, taint-analysis, symbolic execution, homology analysis, and penetration testing [33][34][35][36][37][29,30,31,32,33].  Kotenko et al. [38][34] propose an intelligent framework concept for the static analysis of IoT systems utilizing machine learning techniques. They systematize the fundamental components of static analysis and machine learning areas to form two models: the SA (static analysis) model and the ML (machine learning) application model for SA. SA is broken down into stages and ML into tasks. The models are represented as matrices with rows corresponding to the tasks and columns to the stages. The SA stages considered are data collection, data preparation, data processing, and result formation (the columns of the SA model matrix). For the assignment of each activity to the stages of SA, they utilize the following formalization: any given data is represented in terms of its content (C), which refers to the information it contains, and its form (F), which pertains to its appearance. Thus, data stored within the IoT system and modified during the SA process can be expressed as a tuple <F|C>. Based on this, a formalized description of each stage is defined. The ML tasks were chosen based on both the general theory and a large number of scientific papers and their reviews. The ML tasks considered are classification, anomaly detection, regression, clustering, and generalization (the rows of the SA model matrix). The tasks are described through formalized definitions as well. The resulting matrix contains in its cells a formalized record of stage actions based on the solution of one of the ML tasks. Non-ML statements will precede and succeed the ML ones, since apart from the intelligent component, each step comprises strictly defined rules (e.g., unpacking archives with files, ranking documents by their size, etc.). The matrix’s validity was confirmed through expert analysis. For the second part, an analysis of research papers relevant to analyzing IoT systems is conducted. Each study is categorized and assigned based on its attributes to one or more SA stages and one or more ML tasks. The second matrix has the same types of rows and columns, but the cells are the research papers that were categorized under the corresponding stage-task couple. The two models make it possible to create methodological solutions that are theoretically and practically sound in order to provide information security in the IoT systems domain. This, of course, necessitates the development of a suitable framework that can ensure the execution of all phases utilizing the wide range of ML methods available for big data and heterogeneous data. The novelty of this work resides in the fact that it takes into consideration the phases of data collection and preparation that precede the code analysis. Thus, this work differs from previous ones in that it covers the entirety of the SA process. Additionally, this review is the first to consider the full range of ML solutions, both theoretically and practically, for each stage of SA. Finally, not only is SA divided into stages, but it is also suggested to represent the actions of these stages in a formalized manner, which involves transforming the form and content of the data being studied in the IoT system. AnotTher work in [396] undertakes a more holistic approach to the assessment of vulnerabilities of IoT software synthesizing information from multiple sources; initially SAST techniques are used to identify security issues, and subsequently security issue-related information such as the type/classification of the coding antipattern/malpractice, are combined with information from vulnerability databases to estimate the impact of each security issue, based on similar occurrences of the same coding antipattern in the databases, and the expert assessment of the impact of these vulnerabilities. Then, these impact estimations are used to prioritize the fixing of the security issues, taking also into account the amount of time needed to mitigate each security issue (also referenced as  technical debt) and the person-power budget that can be allocated to the security issue remediation process. 


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