MSTN (rs3791783) and Deadlift Performance: History
Subjects: Sport Sciences

The following are preliminary results from continued statistical correlations on the gene MSTN (rs3791783) in Caucasian male weightlifters (n=55) with an average age of 34. 19  subjects have the AA variant, 24 the AG variant and 12 with the GG variant. These variants are put against a 3 repetition max (3RM) on the conventional deadlift and are compared with the subjects body weight. 

Preliminary results 

Subjects with the AA variant in (rs3791783) have a higher body weight and a higher 3RM deadlift in comparison to subjects with the AG and GG variants.  This is of continued study


  • myostatin
  • deadlift
  • strength

Below is the current data table: 

rs3791783 variant  Max Deadlift KG (3 reps) Weight KG
AA 190 98
AA 230 101
AA 220 94
AA 190 92
AA 180 97
AA 185 90
AA 230 92
AA 245 93
AA 190 91
AA 180 90
AA 230 94
AA 210 93
AA 220 95
AA 210 88
AA 195 80
AA 185 91
AA 190 99
AA 205 105
AA 230 110
AG 190 92
AG 200 89
AG 180 93
AG 185 88
AG 190 86
AG 190 84
AG 200 92
AG 160 93
AG 180 91
AG 190 88
AG 195 90
AG 200 94
AG 185 93
AG 180 96
AG 190 95
AG 200 93
AG 180 94
AG 185 97
AG 190 95
AG 180 94
AG 185 89
AG 195 88
AG 180 89
AG 175 88
GG 185 86
GG 190 85
GG 180 80
GG 165 85
GG 170 93
GG 180 95
GG 190 81
GG 190 85
GG 180 87
GG 160 81
GG 175 80
GG 190 84

The average 3RM deadlift of the AA subjects is: 206.05kg at an average body weight of 94.3kg 

The average 3RM deadlift of the AG subjects is: 186.8kg at an average body weight of 91.2kg

The average 3RM deadlift of the GG subjects is: 179.5kg at an average body weight of 85.1kg 

Further and continued results are needed for firm conclusions and correlations with other studies on rs3791783 are required for reliability  to use this as a marker of performance.