Swedish Cities in an International Comparison of Urban Transport: History Edit
Subjects: Others

Urban transport is critical in shaping the form and function of cities, particularly the level of automobile dependence and sustainability. This short paper compares the Stockholm, Malmö, Göteborg, Linköping and Helsingborg urban regions in southern Sweden to those in the USA, Australia, Canada and two large wealthy Asian cities (Singapore and Hong Kong). It finds that while density is critical in determining mobility patterns and particularly how much public transport, walking and cycling are used, Swedish cities maintain healthy levels of all these more sustainable modes and only moderate levels of car use, while having less than half the density of other European cities. Swedish settlement patterns and urban transport policies mean they also enjoy globally the lowest level of transport emissions and transport deaths per capita and similar levels of energy use in private passenger transport as other European cities, and a fraction of that used in lower density North American and Australian cities. Swedish urban public transport systems are generally well provided for and form an integral part of the way their cities function, considering their lower densities. Their use of walking and cycling is high, though not as high as in other European cities and together with public transport cater for nearly 50% of total daily trip making, compared to auto-dependent regions with between about 75% and 85% car trips. A summary depiction of the strengths and weaknesses of Swedish cities in urban transport and some key policy directions to improve them are provided.