Present Emergency Crisis Disorder™ (PECD™): History

Present Emergency Crisis Disorder™ (PECD™ pronounced pecked) is a term and concept coined and developed by Behaviorist, Greshun De Bouse, during the global coronavirus crisis to describe presenting  psychological and physiological situational human stress response to and amid national or global crisis which interferes with socialization, and disrupts daily societal functionality normalcy.  A key distinguishable identifier of PECD™ is its symptom recognizability within the crisis, rather than post-crisis.  As its name suggests, PECD™ is a disorder occurring at present, within a present emergency crisis, and is often a prelude to PTSD.  Pre-existing conditions may heighten the severity of PECD symptoms.  Though the proposed remedy for PECS™ is removal from or of the national or global crisis situation, therevare techniques that make the disorder managable.  Still, post-crisis situation, individuals often have PECDresidue symptoms that must be addressed.

Symptoms of PECD™ include:

°anxiety-induced stress eating

°fear-induced hoarding



°increased alcohol consumption

°increased agitation

°cyclical sleep pattern disruption

° hopelessness


°appetite loss

°excessive worry about future

°fear-incited irrational over-compliance with proposed crisis solutions-even if contradictory to core belief system




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  • Greshun De Bouse
  • #pecd317
  • Present Emergency Crisis Disorder

