Topic Review
GeoAI in Integrated Hydrological and Fluvial Systems Modeling
Geospatial artificial intelligence (GeoAI) allows the harnessing of big and high-dimensional data to better understand the hydrological processes in a particular system. Specifically, GeoAI provides new data analytic tools to the entire data processing cycle, such as sensor data fusion, hydrological modeling, data assimilation, multi-objective scenario optimization, smart decision support, evaluation of climate change impact, construction of early warning systems, and geo-visualization. 
  • 1.3K
  • 22 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Bioretention Systems Optimization and Design Characterization Model
Urban stormwater has become a persistent concern on a global scale due to its adverse environmental implications. It is the prime vector of aquatic contaminants worldwide that causes pollutants when water bodies drain. Bioretention systems are increasingly used to alleviate setbacks associated with stormwater run-off in urban locales. It has played a substantial role in the implementation of low impact development (LID), a concept that addresses urban stormwater problems caused by land changes and development. The use of LID technologies is an innovative approach.
  • 557
  • 30 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Modelling of Nature-Based Solutions on Surface Water Quality
Global climate change and growing urbanization pose a threat to both natural and urban ecosystems. In these, one of the most impacted elements is water, which is responsible for a large variety of ecosystem services and benefits to society. Mathematical models can be used to simulate the implementation of Nature-Based Solutions (NBSs), thus helping to quantify their impacts on these issues in a practical and efficient manner.
  • 512
  • 28 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Arsenic Exposure via Contaminated Water and Food Sources
Arsenic poisoning constitutes a major threat to humans, causing various health problems. The presence of arsenic in ecosystems can originate from several natural or anthropogenic activities. Arsenic can be then gradually accumulated in different food sources, such as vegetables, rice and other crops, but also in seafood, etc., and in water sources (mainly in groundwater, but also to a lesser extent in surface water), potentially used as drinking-water supplies, provoking their contamination and therefore potential health problems to the consumers. 
  • 592
  • 24 Jun 2022
Topic Review
On-Site Carwash Wastewater Treatment
The main pollutants in car wash wastewater are detergents, dirt, oil, and grease. Untreated wastewater released into rainwater sewer systems or other water bodies may pollute the water and generate excessive bubble foams, which negatively affects urban appearance. Car washes are divided into mechanical car washes and manual or self-service car washes. In general, car washes have a small operation and scale, occupy limited land, and cannot afford wastewater treatment costs. Therefore, most car washes are not equipped with wastewater treatment facilities. Consequently, the discharge of wastewater from car washes negatively affects the water quality in the surrounding environment and results in wasteful use of water resources. 
  • 1.9K
  • 22 Jun 2022
Topic Review
The Ecosystem Services of Temperate Wetlands
Wetlands constitute important habitats that provide several ecosystem services (ES). Wetlands have been termed the kidneys of the world for their water purification services and contain 20–25% of total soil organic carbon. Wetlands are among the ecosystems with the most valuable ES, with regulating services being the most important for inland wetlands. 
  • 623
  • 18 May 2022
Topic Review
Water Quality Monitoring
Monitoring water quality is an essential tool for the control of pollutants and pathogens that can cause damage to the environment and human health. However, water quality analysis is usually performed in laboratory environments, often with the use of high-cost equipment and qualified professionals. With the progress of nanotechnology and the advance in engineering materials, several studies have shown, in recent years, the development of technologies aimed at monitoring water quality, with the ability to reduce the costs of analysis and accelerate the achievement of results for management and decision-making.
  • 3.4K
  • 13 May 2022
Topic Review
Weihe River Basin (WRB) Introduction and Governance Process
A river basin is a complete “nature–society–economy” complex system composed of natural factors such as water resources, land, and plants and human factors such as population, society, and economy. The social-ecological system (SES) framework has been put forward, which provides a new direction for the solution of complex problems in river basins. Through the use of common human language, the SES framework enables researchers to more deeply analyze the interaction between variables in the complex social ecosystem so as to form a systematic knowledge accumulation of research results in different fields.
  • 702
  • 07 May 2022
Topic Review
Water Resources Research in the Souss-Massa Basin, Morocco
Most recent studies confirm a decreasing trend in water resources availability in the northern African region; the high competition between the sectors that use this vital resource, and the changing climate are considered as the main factors behind this situation. Under such very dynamic interactions between the natural resources, climate and the socioeconomic sectors, scientists from different perspectives have a challenging task to provide up-to-date and reliable insights to guide potential sustainable management strategies. Through the case of the Souss-Massa, the present research provides state of the art scientific research on water resources. The maps of publications analyzed showed that researchers working in the area focus more on the study of the quality, chemical processing and the impacts of climate change on the availability of water resources. The results showed that Souss-Massa is a region where an important amount of research on climate and water has been carried out. Hence, to keep up with the rapid evolution of land use and other anthropogenic actions in the basin there remain several gaps in knowledge and constraints to address.
  • 778
  • 07 May 2022
Topic Review
Groundwater Flow System
The Independence Basin is located in a semi-arid region of Mexico, delimited predominantly by volcanic mountains. Around 30 m3/s of water are extracted from regional aquifers mainly for agro-export activities, causing declines in the water table of up to 10 m/a, increased temperature and dissolved elements that are harmful to health and the environment.
  • 669
  • 05 May 2022
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