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Topic Review
Smart Clothing
Smart clothing can be defined as the intelligent system that senses and reacts to the changes and stimuli of the environment and the wearer’s conditions, such as electrical, thermal and magnetic ones. Smart clothing has various functions (e.g., protection, temperature regulation, monitoring, entertainment, expression of personality, etc.) and embodies many features (e.g., efficient, intelligent, computable, etc.), combining cutting-edge technologies in related fields such as electronic information, sensors and materials. Smart clothing has emerged to meet consumers’ personalized needs in healthcare, work, entertainment, etc., and has rapidly become a hotspot in the clothing industry and research field. However, as smart clothing gets popular, sustainability issues are becoming increasingly prominent during its development and circulation.
19 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks
The underwater wireless sensor network (UWSN) is a network used to perform monitoring of tasks over a specific region; it is equipped with smart sensors and vehicles that are adapted to communicate cooperatively through wireless connections [1]. The surface sink retrieves the data from sensor nodes. The sink node has a transceiver that can control acoustic signals received from underwater nodes. The transceiver also can transmit and receive long-range radio frequency signals for communication with the onshore station. The collected data are used locally or connected to another network for a particular purpose [2].
26 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
Hyperspectral imaging is an incorporation of the modern imaging system and traditional spectroscopy technology. Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) hyperspectral imaging techniques have recently emerged as a valuable tool in agricultural remote sensing, with tremendous promise for many application such as weed detection and species separation
21 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED)
Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED) has 3 meanings : The first is “education for understanding AI,” which aims to develop the ability to understand and handle AI. The second is “education using AI,” which applies AI to effective teaching and learning in each subject. The third is “AI expert training,” which cultivates experts who develop AI and teachers who teach AI.
27 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Advanced Agriculture Technology
The agricultural industry is getting more data-centric and requires precise, more advanced data and technologies than before, despite being familiar with agricultural processes. The agriculture industry is being advanced in generating database by various information and advanced communication technologies, such as the Internet of Things (IoT).
25 May 2021
Topic Review
Smart Water Grids
Smart water grids are urban water infrastructure enhanced through a variety of interconnected devices with the ability to collect and share data with both other devices and data centres. Typically this is done through the use of Internet of Things technology. Some of these devices also have the capacity to make decisions, in a centralised and/or decentralised manner, and to perform physical actions on the water infrastructure that lead to optimal operation and control. Smart water grids can, therefore, be understood as an instance of cyber-physical systems. In the case of water distribution management, in addition to classical objectives such as pressure, quality and leakage control; smart water grids also seek energy efficiency and explore water reuse systems.
26 Feb 2021
Topic Review
Machine Learning Techniques in Cybersecurity
Machine learning is of rising importance in cybersecurity. The primary objective of applying machine learning in cybersecurity is to make the process of malware detection more actionable, scalable and effective than traditional approaches, which require human intervention. The cybersecurity domain involves machine learning challenges that require efficient methodical and theoretical handling. Several machine learning and statistical methods, such as deep learning, support vector machines and Bayesian classification, among others, have proven effective in mitigating cyber-attacks. The detection of hidden trends and insights from network data and building of a corresponding data-driven machine learning model to prevent these attacks is vital to design intelligent security systems.
01 Aug 2022
Topic Review
UAV-based IoT
The Internet of Things (IoT), which consists of a large number of small low-cost devices, has become a leading solution for smart cities, smart agriculture, smart buildings, smart grids, e-healthcare, etc. Integrating unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) with IoT can result in an airborne UAV-based IoT (UIoT) system and facilitate various value-added services from sky to ground. In addition to wireless sensors, various kinds of IoT devices are connected in UIoT, making the network more heterogeneous. In a UIoT system, for achieving high throughput in an energy-efficient manner, it is crucial to design an efficient medium access control (MAC) protocol because the MAC layer is responsible for coordinating access among the IoT devices in the shared wireless medium. Thus, various MAC protocols with different objectives have been reported for UIoT.
07 Dec 2020
Topic Review
Major Applications of Smart Agriculture
With the rise of new technologies, such as the Internet of Things, raising the productivity of agricultural and farming activities is critical to improving yields and cost-effectiveness. IoT, in particular, can improve the efficiency of agriculture and farming processes by eliminating human intervention through automation. The fast rise of Internet of Things (IoT)-based tools has changed nearly all life sectors, including business, agriculture, surveillance, etc. These radical developments are upending traditional agricultural practices and presenting new options in the face of various obstacles.
24 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Peer Reviewed
The Metaverse is the post-reality universe, a perpetual and persistent multiuser environment merging physical reality with digital virtuality. It is based on the convergence of technologies that enable multisensory interactions with virtual environments, digital objects and people such as virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). Hence, the Metaverse is an interconnected web of social, networked immersive environments in persistent multiuser platforms. It enables seamless embodied user communication in real-time and dynamic interactions with digital artifacts. Its first iteration was a web of virtual worlds where avatars were able to teleport among them. The contemporary iteration of the Metaverse features social, immersive VR platforms compatible with massive multiplayer online video games, open game worlds and AR collaborative spaces.
13 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Rehabilitation Robots
Rehabilitation is the process of treating post-stroke consequences. Impaired limbs are considered the common outcomes of stroke, which require a professional therapist to rehabilitate the impaired limbs and restore fully or partially its function. Due to the shortage in the number of therapists and other considerations, researchers have been working on developing robots that have the ability to perform the rehabilitation process. During the last two decades, different robots were invented to help in rehabilitation procedures. This paper explains the types of rehabilitation treatments and robot classifications. In addition, a few examples of well-known rehabilitation robots will be explained in terms of their efficiency and controlling mechanisms
03 Nov 2020
Topic Review
Artificial Neural Networks
Artificial Intelligence (AI) researches and builds intelligent software and machines, provides a particular solution to a particular defined complex problem. To carry out these tasks, it uses models and algorithms such as genetic algorithms, particle swarm optimization, artificial neural networks (ANNs), and hybrid models (two or more of the above). ANNs are flexible to accommodate non-linear and non-physical data; however, they require large multidimensional data set to reduce the risk of extrapolation. ANNs are widely used in different branches of science for their learning ability and adaptability to various settings.
12 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Six-Gear Roadmap towards Smart Factory
The fourth industrial revolution is the transformation of manufacturing into smart manufacturing. Advanced industrial digital technologies that make the trend Industry 4.0 are considered as the transforming force that will enable this transformation. However, these technologies need to be connected, integrated and used effectively to create value and to provide insights for data driven manufacturing. Smart manufacturing is a journey and requires a roadmap to guide manufacturing organizations for its adoption. The proposed roadmap is a simple holistic management strategy for an Industry 4.0 implementation journey. It serves as a strategic practical tool for rapid adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies. It bridges the gap between the advanced technologies and their application in manufacturing industry, especially for SMEs.
06 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Stock Market Prediction
Stock Market Prediction (SMP) is an example of time-series forecasting that promptly examines previous data and estimates future data values. Financial market prediction has been a matter of worry for analysts in different disciplines, including economics, mathematics, material science, and computer science. Driving profits from the trading of stocks is an important factor for the prediction of the stock market.
09 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Deep Learning Based Speech Synthesis
Speech synthesis, also known as text-to-speech (TTS), has attracted increasingly more attention. Recent advances on speech synthesis are overwhelmingly contributed by deep learning or even end-to-end techniques which have been utilized to enhance a wide range of application scenarios such as intelligent speech interaction, chatbot or conversational artificial intelligence (AI). For speech synthesis, deep learning based techniques can leverage a large scale of <text, speech> pairs to learn effective feature representations to bridge the gap between text and speech, thus better characterizing the properties of events.
08 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Routing Protocol for Low Power and Lossy Network
The IETF Routing Over Low power and Lossy network (ROLL) working group defined IPv6 Routing Protocol for Low Power and Lossy Network (RPL) to facilitate efficient routing in IPv6 over Low-Power Wireless Personal Area Networks (6LoWPAN). Limited resources of 6LoWPAN nodes make it challenging to secure the environment, leaving it vulnerable to threats and security attacks. Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) approaches have shown promise as effective and efficient mechanisms for detecting anomalous behaviors in RPL-based 6LoWPAN.
19 May 2022
Topic Review
Spiking Neural Networks
Spiking neural networks (SNNs) are artificial neural network models that more closely mimic natural neural networks. In addition to neuronal and synaptic state, SNNs also incorporate the concept of time into their operating model. The idea is that neurons in the SNN do not fire at each propagation cycle (as it happens with typical multi-layer perceptron networks), but rather fire only when a membrane potential – an intrinsic quality of the neuron related to its membrane electrical charge – reaches a specific value. When a neuron fires, it generates a signal which travels to other neurons which, in turn, increase or decrease their potentials in accordance with this signal (ref).
13 Oct 2021
Topic Review
Scunthorpe Problem
The Scunthorpe problem is the unintentional blocking of websites, e-mails, forum posts or search results by a spam filter or search engine because their text contains a string (or substring) of letters that appear to have an obscene or otherwise unacceptable meaning. Names, abbreviations, and technical terms are most often cited as being affected by the issue. The problem arises since computers can easily identify strings of text within a document, but interpreting words of this kind requires considerable ability to interpret a wide range of contexts, possibly across many cultures, which is an extremely difficult task. As a result, broad blocking rules may result in false positives affecting innocent phrases.
14 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Building Domain-Specific Search Engines
With advances in machine learning, knowledge discovery systems have become very complicated to set up, requiring extensive tuning and programming effort. Democratizing such technology so that non-technical domain experts can avail themselves of these advances in an interactive and personalized way is an important problem. myDIG is a highly modular, open source pipeline-construction system that is specifically geared towards investigative users (e.g., law enforcement) with no programming abilities. The myDIG system allows users both to build a knowledge graph of entities, relationships, and attributes for illicit domains from a raw HTML corpus and also to set up a personalized search interface for analyzing the structured knowledge. Both qualitative and quantitative data from five case studies involving investigative experts from illicit domains, such as securities fraud and illegal firearms sales, have been used to illustrate the potential of myDIG.
10 Feb 2021
Topic Review
Android Malware Detection Using ML
This systematic review discussed ML-based Android malware detection techniques. It critically evaluated 106 carefully selected articles and highlighted their strengths and weaknesses as well as potential improvements. The ML-based methods for detecting source code vulnerabilities were also discussed, because it might be more difficult to add security after the app is deployed. Therefore, this paper aimed to enable researchers to acquire in-depth knowledge in the field and to identify potential future research and development directions.
19 Aug 2021
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