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Topic Review
Wearable Devices for Stroke Prediction
Stroke ranks as one of the top first leading causes of death and disability worldwide, particularly for the most populous countries in Asia, Europe, and North America. The emerging wearable devices intended to monitor the physiological parameters, and the growth of machine learning applied to predict diseases, are promising solutions to prevent stroke and eventually predict stroke risk.
30 Sep 2021
Topic Review
ICT Healthcare Solutions
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) solutions facilitate the monitoring and management of older people’s health to improve quality of life and physical activity with a decline in caregivers’ burden.
22 Mar 2021
Topic Review
Nonparametric Limits of Agreement
The assessment of agreement in method comparison and observer variability analysis of quantitative measurements is usually done by the Bland-Altman Limits of Agreement, where the paired differences are implicitly assumed to follow a normal distribution. Whenever this assumption does not hold, the 2.5% and 97.5% percentiles are obtained by quantile estimation. In the literature, empirical quantiles have been used for this purpose. In this simulation study, we applied both sample, subsampling, and kernel quantile estimators as well as other methods for quantile estimation to sample sizes between 30 and 150 and different distributions of the paired differences. The performance of 15 estimators in generating prediction intervals was measured by their respective coverage probability for one newly generated observation. Our results indicated that sample quantile estimators based on one or two order statistics outperformed all the other estimators and can be used for deriving nonparametric Limits of Agreement. For sample sizes exceeding 80 observations, more advanced quantile estimators, such as the Harrell-Davis and estimators of Sfakianakis-Verginis type, which use all the observed differences, performed likewise well, but may be considered intuitively more appealing than simple sample quantile estimators that are based on only two observations per quantile.
27 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Detection and Diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19
Latest weeks the humanity is faced with the spread of a new coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2 that causes a respiratory illness with high mortality rates, COVID-19. Since there is no approved treatment or vaccination against that specific coronavirus the reduce in virus spread is essential. That is based in the use of appropriate tools, enabling the accurate and early detection. Molecular biology and immunological techniques are widely used in order to predict the COVID-19 cases in a very short period of time. These are commonly based either in identification of the SARS-CoV-2’s genetic material or in detection of antibodies that have been produced by the immune system against the virus. Many of the above mentioned tests have been validated and approved by local authorities. However, there are much more companies that provide detection tests, without basic validation processes, contributing in non-precise data. The present review aim to analyze the most common platforms that are used in COVID-19 detection, analyzing their advantages and weaknesses. Therefore, each physician will be equipped with appropriate information required for each test.
29 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Education of Midwives in Portugal and Spain
In Europe, midwives education, in accordance with the principles of the Bologna Declaration, are based on the pillars defined by Directive 2005/36/CE and by the Munich Declaration. In Portugal, the candidate applies on their own initiative to one of the Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) that provide such training. At the end of the education, students will achieve the master title. In Spain, the candidate sits for a state exam, which is announced annually by each autonomous community, for admission to the specialization.
24 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Compensatory Carry-Over Action Model (CCAM)
The Compensatory Carry-Over Action Model (CCAM) is innovative as most behavioral theories only model single activity. The CCAM, however, models different single activities—such as physical activity and nutrition —and how they change as a result of one another. Such lifestyle activities are assumed to be formed by higher-level goals, which can drive activity volitionally or unconsciously, and are rather unspecific. They become specific because of activities that are subjectively seen as leading to this goal. Each activity must be intended, pursued, and controlled. Specific resources ensure that individuals have the chance to translate their intentions into activity and that they resist distractors. Compensation and transfer (also called carry-over) operate between the different activities. If people devote all of their energy to one domain and believe that no resources remain for the other activity, compensation can help to attain goals. It is also possible that an individual successfully performs one activity, and existing or developing resources may be transferred to another activity.
16 Dec 2020
Topic Review
Drone Brood
Drone brood homogenate (known as apilarnil or less apistimul) is a bee product obtained by the collection of drone (male honeybees) larvae from drone cells of honey comb, from 3 to 11 days after hatching. Apilarnil, which may be defined as the male equivalent of royal jelly, is obtained from drone brood and then freeze-dried. Etymologically, the term originates from “api” for bee, “lar” for larvae, and “nil” as a shortened form of its discoverer’s name - Romanian apitherapist Nicholae Iliesiu.
17 Dec 2020
Topic Review
Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids
Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) have more than one double bond between carbon atoms. Omega(ω) indicates the location of the first carbon double bond, counting from the" end "of the molecule (from the methyl group). Therefore, ω-3 fatty acids have a first double bond on the third last carbon. Those from the ω -6 family at the sixth carbon from the bottom. A of the ω -9 family at the ninth carbon atom from the terminal methyl group to the first C = C bond. The designations n – 3, n – 6, n – 9 are also used. The human body is unable to introduce the double bond further than at the ninth carbon.PUFAs can be synthesized in mammals and supplied with the diet, with the exception of α-linolenic (ALA) and linoleic (LA) acids, which must be systematically supplied with food. Therefore, they are referred to as Essential Unsaturated Fatty Acids or Exogenous Unsaturated Fatty Acids. LA and ALA acids are transformed into a family of unsaturated ω-3 and ω-6 acids as a result of elongation and desaturation processes. The following acids are obtained from ALA: stearidine (18: 4, ω – 3), eicosatetraenoic (20: 4, ω – 3), eicosapentaenoic (20: 5, ω – 3) and docosahexaenoic (22: 6, ω – 3). On the other hand, the family of ω-6 acids (LA) is formed, starting from gamma-linolenic acid (18: 3, ω-6), through dihomo-gamma-linolenic acid (18: 3, ω-6), arachidonic acid (20: 4 ω – 6) and docosatetraenoic (22: 4 ω – 6), to docosapentaenoic acid (22: 5, ω – 6).In everyday diets, it is advisable to include sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which include vegetable oils (linseed oil, avocado, olive and rapeseed oil), fatty sea fish (herring, salmon, mackerel, halibut) and nuts. In the case of oils, attention should be paid whether they have too much ω-6 in relation to ω-3, because then the harmful pro-aggregating and pro-inflammatory effect may outweigh the anti-aggregation and anti-inflammatory effect.
15 Jan 2021
Topic Review
Non-alcoholic Fraction of Beer
The present review focuses on the effects of non-alcoholic components of beer on abdominal fat, osteoporosis and body hydration in women, conditions selected for their relevance to health and aging. Although beer drinking is commonly believed to cause abdominal fat deposition, the available literature indicates this outcome is inconsistent in women. Additionally, the non-alcoholic beer fraction might improve bone health in postmenopausal women, and the effects of beer on body hydration, although still unconfirmed seem promising. Most of the health benefits of beer are due to its bioactive compounds, mainly polyphenols, which are the most studied. As alcohol-free beer also contains these compounds, it may well offer a healthy alternative to beer consumers.
01 Nov 2020
Topic Review
Whey Proteins
Whey proteins have implications in different fields related to human life quality. The aim of this overview was to present the basic chemistry of β-lactoglobulin, α-lactalbumin, and lactotransferrin - main proteins of bovine whey.
27 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Augmented Reality
Research shows the beneficial effects of applying Augmented Reality technology to improve different abilities in children and adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder: cognitive and emotional processes, social communication, theory of mind, attention, and functional and motor outcomes.
02 Sep 2020
Topic Review
Nursing Interventions for Smoking Cessation
The purpose of this entry is to synthesize the factors that are associated with smoking cessation intervention among nurses. We conducted a systematic search of the literature published from database inception through to 22 April 2020, in five electronic databases including Pubmed, CINAHL Plus, Scopus, Web of science, and ProQuest.
25 Mar 2021
Topic Review
Applications of electrolyzed water
As the situation of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus type 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is still de-teriorating, there has been a huge increase in the demand and use of disinfectants. Electrolyzed water (EW), as a novel broad-spectrum disinfectant and cleaner, has been widely used for several years.
26 Jan 2021
Topic Review
Human Power Production and Energy-harvesting
The maximal mechanical power produced by man, especially by large groups of people practicing sport or intense physical activity, has been proposed to be used for charge small electronic device or to partially sustain the power requirement of a gym. This practice can help to reduce carbon emissions.
28 Sep 2021
Topic Review
Pharmacy Internal Controls
Due to the emergence of COVID-19 and government mitigation strategies, the US economy has seen significant macro- and microeconomic effects. COVID-19 has changed the pharmacy working environment, which could theoretically increase rates of employee drug diversion. Therefore, better inventory management could reduce the misuse of pharmaceutical drugs from fraudulent and drug diversion activities. The author explored secondary findings to create a multidisciplinary conceptual analysis of the reasons why internal controls executed with greater diligence may be needed to avoid damaging financial, legal, and health outcomes.
05 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Saliva Sensor
The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention considers saliva contact the lead transmission mean of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which causes the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Saliva droplets or aerosols expelled by sneezing, coughing, breathing, and talking may carry this virus. People in close distance may be exposed directly to these droplets or indirectly when touching the droplets that fall on surrounding surfaces and ending up contracting COVID-19 after touching the mucosa tissue of their faces. It is of great interest to quickly and effectively detect the presence of SARS-CoV-2 in an environment, but the existing methods only work in laboratory settings, to the best of our knowledge. However, it may be possible to detect the presence of saliva in the environment and proceed with prevention measures. However, detecting saliva itself has not been documented in the literature. On the other hand, many sensors that detect different organic components in saliva to monitor a person’s health and diagnose different diseases, ranging from diabetes to dental health, have been proposed and they may be used to detect the presence of saliva.
20 Jan 2021
Topic Review
Belching is defined as “an audible escape of air from the esophagus or the stomach into the pharynx”.
26 Nov 2020
Topic Review
Pulse Wave Velocity
Pulse wave velocity (PWV) is a simple, reproducible and non-invasive technique to assess arterial stiffness. It estimates the velocity of arterial wave propagation to travel a known distance between two anatomic sites within the arterial system [1]. PWV has been established as an independent predictor of cardiovascular mortality and is consequently used for diagnosis and prognosis in patients at risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease [2]; however, PWV's significance relies on the fact that arterial stiffness, specially of muscular arteries can be modified by interventions that improve endothelial function such as exercise training, which makes PWV an important tool for cardiovascular risk management [3].
24 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Variables Impact Healthcare Outcome Measures and Data Management
The rapid growth of technology, digitalization of health records, and unprecedented data management of healthcare information enable healthcare providers and researchers to assist in healthcare quality improvement and community health outcomes. Data management and potential variables affect the performance of healthcare measures. Data analytics enables healthcare providers and researchers to evaluate, monitor performance, and track healthcare quality across the continuum of patient care. The data type is an attribute of data that tells the aggregator or interpreter how the programmer intends to use the data.
05 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Ayurveda and Epigenetics
Ayurveda is a comprehensive, natural health care system that originated in the ancient Vedic times of India. Epigenetics refers to the external modification of DNA that turns genes on and off, affecting gene expression. This occurs without changes in the basic structure of the DNA. This gene expression can have transgenerational effects. The major factors that cause epigenetic changes are lifestyle and behavior, diet and digestion, stress, and environmental factors. Ayurveda addresses these factors, thereby affecting the Deha (body) Prakriti (psychophysiological constitution), which corresponds to the phenotype, and indirectly the Janma (birth) Prakriti, which corresponds to the genotype. Thus, it is proposed that epigenetics is an important mechanism of Ayurveda.
21 Dec 2020
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