Topic Review
Climate Change and Russian Agriculture
Russian weather trends such as winter softening and increase in summer heat have a significant but opposite effect on yields. An interesting finding is a significant and mostly positive influence of global climatic variables, such as the CO2 concentration, El Niño and La Niña events on both harvests and yields. Although technological factors are the main drivers of growth in Russian agricultural performance over the past 20 years, we found a strong positive effect on yield and gross harvest only for mineral fertilizers. The influence of the other variables is mixed, which is mainly due to data quality and aggregation errors.
  • 5.5K
  • 24 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Rural Tourism Destination
Rural tourism is considered a high potential form of tourism, enhanced by the demand for more sustainable and nature-based solutions, and able to contribute to territory resilience. A rural area is not necessarily a tourist destination, but it might become one, if agricultural enterprises are willing to diversify their economic activities by investing in rural tourism, and local actors provide active support and co-participation.
  • 4.2K
  • 05 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Factors Affecting Success of Entrepreneurship in Agribusinesses
Entrepreneurship and innovation are the fuel of economic growth. Understanding the motivational factors that lead to the success of entrepreneurs in agribusiness can be useful in affecting the degree of successful investment that accelerates development and economic growth in the agriculture sector. Entrepreneurship experience, risk-taking behavior, interest rates, and initial capital have a significant impact on the probability of entrepreneurship success and entrepreneur’s profits. Policies that could improve the skills of entrepreneurs, provision of initial capital requirements, and financial market efficiency had an effective role in increasing entrepreneurship and innovation in the agribusiness sector. Entrepreneurs in the field of agriculture could consider these factors to have better choices while entering or continuing with their agribusinesses.
  • 2.8K
  • 30 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Plant-Based Meat Alternatives
Plant-based meat alternatives (PBMA) are highly processed products that aim to imitate the experience of eating meat by mimicking animal meat in its sensory characteristics such as taste, texture, or aesthetic appearance. 
  • 2.2K
  • 17 Dec 2021
Topic Review
U.S. Almond Exports and Retaliatory Trade Tariffs
U.S. almond exports have market concentration and strong market power in international markets. The efforts toward more sustainable production of almonds to solidify an already established market share in the world almond markets and against substitutes, such as pistachios, seem to be a sound strategy and focus of the U.S. almond agribusinesses and exporters. 
  • 2.2K
  • 28 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Sustainable Development Goals
Sürdürülebilir kalkınma hedefleri (SDG'ler), 2015'te kabul edilen 17 hedefi içeren, BM'nin herkes için daha iyi ve daha sürdürülebilir bir gelecek elde etme planının küresel bir kalkınma programıdır. Yoksulluk, eşitsizlik, iklim değişikliği dahil olmak üzere küresel nüfusun karşılaştığı zorlukları ele alırlar. , çevresel bozulma, barış ve adalet. Programlar genellikle sürdürülebilir ekonomik büyümeyi ve sürdürülebilir kalkınma için 2030 gündemini uygulamak için sürdürülebilirliğin güçlendirilmesi modlarını vurgular. Bu SDG'lerden SDGS 7, 8, 9, 11, 12 ve 17, doğrudan ve/veya dolaylı olarak sürdürülebilirlik ve döngüsellik fenomeniyle bağlantılıdır. Birleşmiş Milletler'in (BM) SKH'lerine imza atan ülkelerdeki hükümetler, ulusal politika ve programlar da dahil olmak üzere farklı eylemlerde bulunarak hedefe ulaşılmasında çok önemli bir rol oynamaktadır,
  • 2.1K
  • 03 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Olive Oil Production Wastes
The production of high-quality olive oils implies the generation of vast quantities of solid residues and/or wastewaters that may have a great impact on terrestrial and aquatic environments because of their high phytotoxicity. Depending on the techniques used for olive oil production, namely, on the type of horizontal centrifugation (two-phase or three-phase), the process most adopted to separate olive oil from olive paste obtained after malaxation, different by-products are obtained.
  • 1.9K
  • 28 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Open Space Design
Open space design, as an integral part of urban design, is the art of relationship.
  • 1.8K
  • 26 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Underwater Connectors
Underwater connectors are very essential and complex components of deep-sea engineering equipment and their design and manufacture have apparent multidisciplinary characteristics. Wet-mateable connectors (WMCs) represent the highest level of technology in this field, and only a very few countries in the world can produce WMCs. So, WMCs are likely to be a constraining factor to some maritime powers that might try to achieve breakthroughs in this field, constraining the innovation-driven development of deep-sea equipment.
  • 1.8K
  • 19 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Entrepreneurship and Agribusiness in Agro-Economy in Nigeria
Since most scholars have agreed that there is a positive relationship between the growth of agricultural (agribusiness) and entrepreneurship, this has given a clear understanding that achieving high entrepreneurship development is critical to the transformation agenda of Nigeria’s agro-economy. Nigeria’s current demography reveals that the youth population may continue to rise in the coming decades, with more teenagers coming into the youth age. The implication of this for the already stressed economy could be devastating if these human resources are not properly harnessed. Efforts to managing these energetic individuals without cutting edge employment and/or entrepreneurship policy structure will not yield a desirable economic outcome.
  • 1.7K
  • 27 May 2022
Topic Review
Contractual Systems in Oil/Gas Sector
Production activities in the oil and gas industry are capital intensive and associated with high technology, with these assets not always being available to oil-producing countries or national companies. Any form of interaction between the parties involved in natural resource extraction requires clear regulation regarding contractual relationships. This study attempts to analyze Indonesia’s production sharing contract system in order to assess its applicability to other conditions. The article covers the key aspects of contract theory, provides a classification of contractual systems in the oil and gas sector, and discusses the most common types of contractual agreements. It also considers the key principles of production sharing contracts (PSCs), analyzes the development of PSC practices in Indonesia over the past sixty years, and highlights PSC advantages and disadvantages.
  • 1.7K
  • 10 Sep 2021
Topic Review
COVID-19 Effect on Supply Chains
The COVID-19 pandemic has generated disruptions in supply chains, traveling, businesses, and a loss of human lives that is being accounted for at least five million diseased. When the pandemic started, uncertainties, the lockdown of countries, and stay-at-home orders generated that millions of people made runs to grocery stores to buy essential products, the most distinctive being hygiene tissue, antibacterial formulations, and hand sanitizers. Then workers in essential processes in the medical, food, and manufacturing industries had to restart work to keep supply chains running. That generated further repercussions due to the infection of workers in multiple facilities, which created more considerable uncertainties. Universities and schools were mandated to close, and work-from-home orders were enacted in most sectors. In this entry, a summary of the essential factors, current situation, and future perspective regarding the effect generated by COVID-19 on the disruptions of supply chains is presented. The strategic sectors summarized are food and produce, transportation, paper products, chemicals and pharmaceuticals, medical supplies, automobiles, minerals and technology companies. At two years since the WHO declaration, there are still shockwaves that show some unpredictability. Hence, companies and governments should look for strategical plans for preparing for this kind of event, making supply chains resilient or even immune to pandemics, natural disasters and trade wars.
  • 1.7K
  • 22 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Sustainability in the Beef Cattle Industry in Brazil
Brazil is one of the world’s biggest beef producers and its largest exporter. However, beef cattle ranching is a leading cause of deforestation and habitat conversion in the Brazilian Amazon, which challenges sustainable development.
  • 1.6K
  • 16 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Influence of Tourism Safety Perception on Destination Image
Tourism safety perception affect multiple dimensions of destination image to varying degrees. Tourists with a high safety perception evaluate and affectively experience destination attributes more positively with higher satisfaction and stronger willingness to revisit and recommend. Tourism safety perception affects the stereotype image of the destination to a certain extent. Tourists in general produce a broadly homogeneous stereotype image, but there are differences in diversity and emotions. Tourists with a high safety perception have a richer and more positive stereotype image. 
  • 1.6K
  • 28 Feb 2022
Topic Review
Impacts of COVID-19 on Fisheries and Aquaculture Sector
Fish is a major source of food and nutritional security for subsistence communities in developing countries, it also has linkages with the economic and supply-chain dimensions of these countries. It is revealed that COVID-19 has posed numerous challenges to fish supply chain actors, including a shortage of inputs, a lack of technical assistance, an inability to sell the product, a lack of transportation for the fish supply, export restrictions on fish and fisheries products, and a low fish price. These challenges lead to inadequate production, unanticipated stock retention, and a loss in returns. COVID-19 has also resulted in food insecurity for many small-scale fish growers. Fish farmers are becoming less motivated to raise fish and related products as a result of these cumulative consequences. Because of COVID-19’s different restriction measures, the demand and supply sides of the fish food chain have been disrupted, resulting in reduced livelihoods and economic vulnerability.
  • 1.4K
  • 09 Feb 2022
Topic Review
Climate-Smart Agriculture of Hungarian Agribusiness
Climate change and agriculture interact with each other in many ways and have a complex impact. The agriculture sector needs to be prepared to adapt to the expected effects of climate change, and emphasis must be placed on prevention to achieve emission reduction targets. The research explores the current situation in the agricultural sector, the risks of climate change, as well as the Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) solutions that appear at Hungarian agribusiness. Examining the climate innovation activities of farms shows a coherence of the practical application. The research is based on a questionnaire survey of Hungarian agribusiness and the country directorates of the National Chamber of Agriculture. The investigation confirmed that although farmers are susceptible to Agri-Innovation, they only partly exploit the potential of digitalization. For agriculture, the spread of agricultural digitalization and technology transfer is an excellent opportunity to increase agricultural production, maintain and improve its market position, and increase its digital maturity, which can also enhance the integration of climate innovation and sustainability aspects supporting the green economic development.
  • 1.3K
  • 24 Sep 2021
Topic Review
Innovative Strategies to Fuel Organic Food Business Growth
Whether consumers seek organic food for a healthy body or more as food for thought continues to be debated. Consumers do not need to be protected from the reality of organic food. The recommendation for marketers is to enhance the education of consumers and to pursue clear communication with them, as honesty may be the best policy here. Customers’ loyalty lies in trust, not in the brand. Availability, variety, and taste are the top three factors affecting consumers’ purchase decisions. Surprisingly, price or health consciousness is not the first concern for consumers.
  • 1.3K
  • 08 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Blockchain Applications in Agribusiness
Blockchain is a communication network where data is stored and shared in a distributed manner among all its nodes and links, eliminating any reliable authority centralized in different business models and where each node can assume coordination without a unified data center. Blockchain is a chain of blocks of information forming a distributed database where a group of people controls, records, and shares information used in various types of applications and is interconnected through platforms and hardware worldwide.
  • 1.3K
  • 27 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Blockchain-Based Wine Supply Chain for the Industry Advancement
Wine production counts more than 8000 years and it is still one of the most significant agri-food sectors worldwide considering the generated revenues in the countries' economies and employment level in the sector as well as the health aspects of wine consumption.
  • 1.3K
  • 01 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Diffusion of Solar PV Energy
Solar photovoltaic energy (solar PV) is considered a very attractive solution among renewable energy sources (RES), especially for households. According to the most recent IEA report on renewables, the growth of renewable power capacity at the world level has reached another record in 2021, driven by solar photovoltaic energy; solar PV alone has accounted for more than half of all renewable power expansion in 2021, followed by wind and hydropower.
  • 1.2K
  • 28 Apr 2022
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